Moreover, these monsters were influenced by the tiger soul knife held by Chuhe, and all of them aroused the greatest fierce instinct deep in his heart.

Even the few leading monsters with high strength are no exception.

Originally, these monsters were all concentrated in one place to fight, but gradually spread, some monsters came to the sky to catch and fight, and some were under the water, some were underground, and some were above the ground.

The true colors were revealed one after another, and in the end, most of the ordinary people below died in the aftermath, and there were not many monsters to target them at all.

In the direction of Leiyin Mountain, a few figures shot out!

The person in the front is the handsome young man from the pupil clan, his purple eyes look extraordinarily alluring.

Their current speed is very fast, which is a strange movement method, if other monks see it, they will definitely be shocked.

This is a first-class movement method, which is usually used in battle, and consumes a lot of spiritual energy, but these people actually use this movement method to hurry?

One of them suddenly said, "There's such a monstrous aura ahead, I think it must be that big demon Shi Luohua!"

The handsome young man with purple pupils in front said calmly, "Shlova? She doesn't have that much ability yet."

"The demonic aura in front is soaring, and there is a domineering and indomitable fierceness in it, that is not Shi Luohua's aura..."

The handsome man said and sniffed lightly, "And I also feel that Shi Luohua's breath is very weak, as if... has fallen."

As he spoke, he opened his eyes suddenly, and everything in front of his eyes was also pulled towards him quickly.

Not only did he keep looking forward, he saw the scene of monsters fighting like a purgatory on earth, but he also smelled the bloody smell at the tip of his nose.

The handsome young man was taken aback for a moment, and immediately got out of that state.

His body paused, and the purple light in his eyes became more intense.

This is the natal supernatural power of their pupil clan!

"Young master, what did you see?"

The person next to him immediately asked.

But that handsome young man pursed his lips tightly, and even his body trembled a little.

Chapter 171 Peerless Demon?

The handsome boy didn't come back to his senses for a while.

After a long time, he whispered, "What a powerful monster!"

"The group of monsters in front were all infected by a group of terrifying monsters, and fell into a state of extreme frenzy!"

The handsome young man said with lingering fear, "That is definitely the terrifying monster aura that only a monster at the level of a great sage can exude!"

The few people around were startled and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"What!? A sage-level monster!?"

"How is it possible! With the current world, how could it be possible to breed monsters at the level of the Great Sage!?"

"Besides, the great changes in the world have not yet fully occurred. Even if there are monsters of the Great Sage level here, they will be limited by the incomplete rules, unable to exert their full strength, and can only exert the strength of the peak demon emperor!"

"Young master, are you sure you read correctly?"

That handsome young man turned cold, "Are you questioning me?"

Several people around were shocked, "Don't dare!"

"Hmph! My pupil technique has witnessed all of this with my own eyes. Could it be that my pupil technique can deceive people?"

Their pupil family, the most powerful is this pupil technique.

There are all kinds of incredible changes, otherwise, their race would not be called the pupil clan.

"My lord, that's not what we mean, it's just... just a monster at the level of the Great Sage, it's a bit too shocking, it's completely different from what our clan elders predicted."

That handsome young man was also pensive, "Go ahead and have a look."

After finishing speaking, he shot straight ahead, and several people followed behind.

After a while, they came to the sky above the square that had long been turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

As soon as he came here, several delirious monsters who only knew about killing rushed forward.


The handsome young man snorted coldly, and shot out a few tiny flying swords with a flick of his fingers, all those monsters were pierced through and died instantly!

And the rest of the monsters continued to rush forward without fear of death!

"Sure enough, the minds of these monsters have been affected! And there are some monsters like Tian Yao among them!"

"What kind of powerful existence can affect so many monster armies at the same time!?"

Everyone was shocked.

They also faintly felt the stern breath that made people palpitate.

It was the breath left by the Tiger Soul Knife!

Without saying a word, the handsome young man landed directly on the high platform where the Flower of Desire had transformed into before after killing a few monsters.

The flower of no desire has long been refined by Chuhe, and now there is only a faint breath of tiger soul knife left here.

No monsters around dared to approach, and this became the only place on the square that was not stained with blood.

And here, a small number of people are hiding here tremblingly.

The aftermath of the Tiger Soul Knife has a huge impact on those monsters, but it has little impact on these ordinary people who don't know what spiritual power is.

"Save us! Senior, please help us!"

When the people below saw a few people with lowered spirits suddenly coming, they all saw a glimmer of hope again.

"Here! Senior, we are here!"

The people below waved frantically, trying to get the attention of the people above.

The handsome man looked at the people below, and exchanged glances with those around him.

Go down and have a look.

Seeing those people above finally come down, these people were very excited, but what they said was not very pleasant.

"Why did you come here!? We are almost dead, you are here!"

"Are you afraid of those monsters just now, so you came so late on purpose?"

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and save us!"

The handsome young man had a strange expression on his face, and he sneered.

This is the people of this era?

Has the human race declined to this point?

"Quick! Hurry up and save us! Hurry up! Don't stand still!"

It's a pity that they found the wrong partner. These people are pupils, so they are not used to them!

"call out!"

A flash of sword light directly killed nearly half of the surviving people.

Those who spoke just now are all breathless now, and their heads are all separated!

All of a sudden, these people were silent!

Did something go wrong?

One shot kills half of the people!

This is more vicious than those monsters!

Who are these people! ?

Could it be a monster pretending to be an adult?

At this time, they also discovered that the pupils of these people turned out to be purple in color.

Is it really not human?

These people treat their compatriots of the same race one by one, but once they face a foreign race, they immediately soften.

"Don't! Don't kill us!"

"Please! Let us do whatever we want, we can be your followers, please, don't kill us!"

The contempt in the handsome young man's eyes grew stronger, and he whispered, "I ask, you answer, if you answer well, you can live, if you answer badly, you will die!"

Everyone was Yiling, but no one was talking, for fear that he would not be able to hear the next question because he spoke suddenly.

"Let me ask you, did any powerful monsters appear here just now?"

"Yes! Shi Luohua!"

call out!

A sword light flew over, and the man's body was separated directly.

"What kind of powerful monster is Shi Luohua?"

Everyone swallowed dryly.

"If you don't answer, you will die." The handsome young man glanced around lightly, "Continue talking."

Another person said with the determination to die, "Chi Meng! That big male monster! He is very powerful, he..."

Before he finished speaking, another sword light flew by, and the man's body was also separated.

"Chi Meng? A character like a shrimp can be considered powerful? Chih!"

The people below were dumbfounded. Out of so many monsters just now, these two were the most powerful. If it wasn't them, who else would it be?

Could it be the Chu River?

Although these people are called Chuhe monsters, they all know that Chuhe is a human race.

"Huh? Why don't you talk anymore?"

The flying sword flew around everyone, taking away a life from time to time.

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