There weren't many people here, but this time, dozens of lives were lost!

These pupils are human lives that are worthless, and they are more ferocious than monsters!

It's just that the method of killing is more civilized, but the essence of cruelty has not changed at all.

Fortunately, some people still regard them as saviors.

"I don't know! We don't know! The two most powerful monsters just now were Chi Meng and Shi Luohua, but Chi Meng was punched to death by a little girl beside Chuhe, and Shi Luohua was also stabbed to death by Chuhe." , apart from the two of them... there are no other powerful monsters at all, we really don't know!"

"Oh? You said, Shi Luohua was killed by Chuhe? Wasn't he killed by other monsters?"

"That's right! All of them were killed by Chuhe, and no other monsters did it!"

Chapter 172 Little monk tried his best

"Young master, it seems that this Chuhe is far beyond our imagination. In one day, he directly killed the abyssal blood demon and the demon emperor Shi Luohua."

"At first, I thought that after killing the Abyss Gorefiend, he would have no energy to spare, but now it seems that we still underestimated Chuhe..."

"Hehe." The handsome young man sneered, "So what if he underestimated it? No matter how powerful Chu He is, he is only a human being, and he is limited by the current rules of the world. No matter how powerful he is, he can still be strong." Where to go?"

He continued nonchalantly, "What I'm really worried about right now is that there's almost a mahatma-level monstrosity left here, which makes people tremble just by feeling it, and if left alone, it will inevitably lead to What impact will it have on our future plans?"

The few people around were deeply convinced, "That's true, but... if this is really the aura left by the Great Sage of the Monster Race, then it may be difficult to find it only with us... and even if we find it Now, if it offends the Great Sage, we're afraid it will be bad luck."

The faces of several people sank. It was originally in their plan, but there was no such thing.

But now, something happened far beyond their expectations.

"Young master, the most urgent thing is to find Chuhe..." Someone said, "There is something we need in him..."

The handsome young man shook his head with a sneer, "Chuhe? Although he killed the Abyss Gorefiend and the Demon Emperor Shi Luohua consecutively, in my eyes, he is nothing more than a bug, nothing to care about."

"Although his strength is somewhat beyond my imagination, it's just that. At most, he can be regarded as a bigger bug. Apart from disgusting us, it won't cause any harm to us."

Although everyone felt that what he said was a little arrogant, they knew that he had the capital of arrogance.

Although they were not sure that Chuhe was just a bug, after all, Chuhe was not so weak that he could be crushed to death with one hand.

But they didn't have the slightest doubt that if Chuhe was found, he would be subdued by them.

"Now, let's look for the aura that is suspected to be the Great Sage of the Monster Race. Let's split up and find some clues about the Great Saint of the Monster Race!"

A gleam of light flashed in the handsome boy's purple pupils, "This is definitely a threat to our pupil clan, find the big one early, and get rid of it in the first place!"

"Yes! Young Master!"

As everyone said, they scattered away!

And the only remaining people below were relieved to see these weirdos leave.

"What! It only bullies the weak!"

Some people saw that those members of the pupil clan had disappeared, and began to curse angrily, "Murder if you disagree with each other, it is nothing more than demons and ghosts!"

"They all have purple eyes, they are ugly, and they will die in the hands of monsters sooner or later!"

Everyone was cursing, only the next moment.

Suddenly a sword light appeared in the sky!

laugh! ! !

It was a huge sword shadow, these people had no time to react, they were directly cut by the sword shadow, each of them was cut into two sections!

Everyone, kill them all!

Those pupil race people are not good things at all, at least for the human race.

And just after these people were all killed by the pupil clan, a figure galloped towards Leiyin Mountain.

He is the holy son of Leiyin Mountain!

Seeing the corpses scattered all over the field, the Holy Son hurriedly recited a Buddha's name.

"Amitabha, I didn't expect that the devil of Chuhe would be so frenzied. The monster and the human race would kill together! It's a shame for the human race!"

He looked around, searching for Chuhe's figure.

But they didn't see a living person's shadow, not even a few monsters.

After some searching, a live victim was finally found.

" are the holy son of Leiyin Mountain! You are not dead!?"

The man hid in the pile of corpses and escaped. After seeing Shengzi, he immediately thought of the image of Shengzi who was beaten by Chuhe on the live broadcast.

"Amitabha, I am indeed not dead, I have something to ask you..."

"You didn't die after being beaten up like that by that devil of Chuhe? Your life is really great!"

On Shengzi's smooth head, there are blue veins looming, "That's the blessing of the Buddha."

"What happened after that? You must regret it? At the beginning, Chuhe told you that he could take you away as long as he jumped on the demon-slaying platform, but none of you listened. In the end, those demons rushed down directly. I heard a lot of desperate pleading voices."

The man said with a sigh, "Chuhe gave us a chance just now, but we didn't listen either... So, I can understand your mood."

"Let me ask you, which direction did the Chu River go?"

"You must have come to ask for forgiveness from Chuhe after the catastrophe, right? I advise you to save yourself, Chuhe, he has completely fallen into the devil's way, and even let the monsters slaughter us, he doesn't care at all!"

"Although we are wrong, but he is too much, don't you have any sympathy?"

Looking at the person chattering in front of him, Shengzi suddenly began to understand why Chuhe made that choice.

"Stop talking, I'll ask you again, Chuhe, which direction did you go?"

The man was taken aback, and pointed in a direction, "Going over there."

The Holy Son immediately got up and flew towards that side.

"Hey! Why did you leave!? Didn't you take me away? Didn't you see that I'm injured now, with blood all over my body! Aren't you Buddhists merciful!?"

The voice of the Holy Son floated from afar, "I'm in an emergency right now, and I can't save you. You should keep this magic weapon to protect yourself."

What flew over was a Buddhist bead, which exuded a real fragrance.

The man quickly grabbed it, showing an excited expression, "I will definitely burn incense and pay homage to the Buddha in the future, and I will be a devout Buddhist from now on!"

It's just that before he finished speaking, he heard a roar from around him.

Those demons who had left originally appeared strangely again, all of them were greedy in their eyes, staring at the beads in his hand.

The man turned pale with fright, and hurriedly wanted to run away, but the monster rushed up and bit his head off.

And that bead was looted by a group of monsters.

Hearing the screams from behind, the Holy Son didn't feel any waves in his heart.

The Buddhist beads are indeed magic weapons, if used properly, they can indeed protect themselves.

But at the same time, the spiritual energy fluctuations emitted by the Buddha beads are also extremely tempting for monsters.

"Amitabha, I have tried my best, and I will save you."

He said with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and galloped forward at high speed!

Chapter 173 Letter

Chuhe and the others stayed on the huge flower of desirelessness.

The current Flower of Desire is more like a lotus flower, but the petals are as bright red as if soaked in blood.

It looks extremely coquettish.

This is Shi Luohua's body, the flower of desirelessness blooming in the demon world.

It is an extremely rare monster, and it is not easy to transform itself. With various adventures, Shi Luohua finally rose in the demon world, and Peanut became one of the demon kings.

But now, there is only one body left, which was refined by Chuhe, and all her spirit has been wiped away, and her soul has dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

"I'll send you back to the Five Immortals Sect first."

Chuhe said to the people of the Five Immortals Sect, "This world has changed..."

Looking at the endless sky, he couldn't help sighing in his heart, "I can feel that the spiritual energy hidden between the sky and the earth is recovering rapidly, and it may not be long before the scene of ancient times will reappear."

"Before that, you must acquire enough ability, and then you can acquire enough self-protection ability in this coming chaotic world, and even change your fate against the sky and become a powerful party!"

"We swear to follow the Lord to the death!"

All the members of the Five Immortals Church bowed down to Chuhe, all with firm eyes!

They have been indoctrinated since childhood that they live to serve the Lord Cangwu, and even if they don't talk about it, after the previous things, they have all been subdued by Chuhe.

Even more willing to assist Chuhe.

"Hehe." Chuhe chuckled, showing strong confidence, "Why do you follow me to the death? There is nothing in this world that can make me fall into the state of life and death..."

Of course, I said this to reassure the people of the Five Immortals Sect. After all, the world is becoming more and more weird, and there will inevitably be some situations that cannot be dealt with.

"My lord, are you... do you want us? We... are all your wives!"

"Hey, don't talk nonsense." Chuhe smiled bitterly, "It's just in name, you must not be tied to death by this, you should pursue your own happiness..."

Chuhe didn't think he was a gentleman, and he couldn't help being excited when he thought of having so many beautiful wives, but after getting along with him for a while, he has changed his mind.

"Is it just in name?" Someone blushed and whispered, "Actually, if the Lord wants us to be your de facto's not impossible..."

"Even if we all serve you together, there is nothing wrong with it, as long as you ask, we... are yours at any time..."

Seeing these charming girls with excellent figures, she shyly said this to herself.

When Chuhe thought of that scene, he couldn't help but blush.

"This...isn't it good?"

"What's wrong? We are your wives, you can do whatever you want us to do!"

"Anything is fine?"

Something that couldn't be written suddenly flashed in Chuhe's head.

All the girls nodded Jiao Didi, "Anything is fine."

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