
"Chu River!"

Chuhe was just thinking about it, when suddenly a voice came into Chuhe's ears, which interrupted his beautiful thoughts instantly.

He immediately looked forward dissatisfied.

I only saw an extra sun above the clouds in front of me!

Oh, not the sun, but the bald head of the Son.

He was wearing a cassock, with a faint Buddha light emerging from the back of his head, it looked as if the bald head had turned into a light bulb.

With his palms folded solemnly, he looks like a compassionate Bodhisattva.

"Chuhe, you...what are you doing!?"

It's just that Shengzi hadn't finished pretending this comparison, when he was startled by the flower of Wuyu who bumped into him, and quickly dodged aside.

Chuhe ignored him at all.


Do you dare to pretend in front of me?

"Hey! Stop!" Shengzi was furious, and could no longer maintain that image of a master.

Chuhe said impatiently, "You didn't die in the hands of that monster? It seems that you are really resistant to beating."

When Shengzi heard this, he thought of the scene of being hanged and beaten by Chuhe as a sandbag, and felt a sweetness in his throat, and he almost vomited blood.

"So that you know! Our Buddhism and Taoism are in the battle between demons, and we have lost very little! Only a few people were brutally murdered because they were besieged by demons, and the rest of them lived well."

Chuhe was surprised now, "Just you trash? Can you also resist those monsters? Are you stupid by being beaten?"

Two veins suddenly appeared on Shengzi's bald head, "I don't need you to worry about how we survived!"

After he finished speaking, he shot a divine light directly at Chuhe, and in the divine light was a piece of letter paper.

"This is something that our two sects of Buddhism and Taoism have jointly negotiated to hand over to you. I suggest you take a closer look... Hey! What are you doing!?"

All I saw was that the letterhead hit the petals of the No Desire Flower as it was flying towards the Chu River, and was bounced back, almost falling into the air.

"Why didn't you answer the letter!?"

"Do I need to pick it up?" Chuhe sneered and continued to fly forward.

Chuhe doesn't care what tricks they have to do.

But it's just a bunch of bugs.

"You! Damn it!" Shengzi finally couldn't bear it any longer. He came directly to the front of the flower of no desire on which Chuhe was riding, and roared at Chuhe, "Do you really think that we have two schools of Buddhism and Taoism?" I can't help you!? Let me tell you, this time is to give you a chance!"

As he said, he shot the letter to Chuhe again, "You should check the contents of the letter..."

Chuhe just ignored it and let the letter fly down.

"Chuhe! Let me tell you! The more arrogant you are now, the more painful you will be in the future. Your good days are numbered!"

Chuhe is really impatient.

Could it be that this guy was really fooled by himself, and he dared to treat himself like this?

"Hmph!" Shengzi sneered, and threw the letter to Chuhe, "This is your last chance. Everything we want to say is in this letter."

As he said, he threw it towards Chu River casually.

The letter fluttered into the air.

And he, with a flick of his sleeves, turned and left in a cool manner.


A playful smile appeared on the corner of Chuhe's mouth.

"Come and leave as you want? Are you here to play tricks on me?"

"Hey! What are you doing!? You...don't come here!" Seeing Chuhe walking towards him in the air, Shengzi suddenly felt a sense of fear in his heart.

I thought of the fear of being dominated before.

Chapter 174 Really Misunderstanding

"Hey hey hey! The two countries are at war, don't behead them!"

Shengzi is really anxious now. Seeing Chuhe walking in step by step, his heart is sinking continuously.

He just wanted to pretend, which was the inertia caused by his living habits over the years.

After all, he is the Holy Son!

Since I was a child, I have always been pretending to be like the wind.

"You...what are you going to do!? Let me tell you! If you hurt me, you...you will regret it!"

The Holy Son suddenly became ruthless, "When the time comes, not only will you die without a place to bury you, but your master's remnant soul will also disappear in smoke!"


Chuhe was taken aback.

Master's remnant soul?

At this point, there are so many things in this world that Chuhe doesn't care.

Because he was not from this world.

The only connection with this world is Master Baixing, who gave Chuhe a sense of belonging to this world.

He is also the only person in this world who can make Chuhe furious.

"What did you say?"

Chuhe said to Shengzi in a cold voice, "Master's remnant soul? Where is it? Why don't I know?"

Seeing Chuhe stop, Shengzi gradually gained confidence in his heart, "Are you afraid? I want you to apologize to me now, otherwise, the remnant soul of your master will be wiped away by us!"

"Besides, before your master's remnant soul disappears, we have to tell him everything you have done during this period of time, and let him know that you unsealed the monster he sealed with his life. The people of Limin who came to protect him are treated like nothing by his disciples!"

"I really don't know, what kind of expression will Master Baixing have after knowing these things?"

"Hehe, of course, it's just a remnant soul, maybe it has lost the ability to think long ago, it's just a dementia."

Shengzi's words and deeds became more and more mean, every word was like a knife, directly poking at Chuhe's heart.

For Chuhe, master is her pain point!

"You, are you done?"

Chu He was expressionless, but his heart was filled with killing intent.

"I didn't finish." Shengzi saw Chuhe like this, but he didn't make a move yet. He knew that he must be controlled by himself, so he became even more unscrupulous. "Now, I want you to apologize. Do you hear me? Kneel down and apologize!"

The face of the Holy Son gradually became ferocious, "I am the Holy Son of Leiyinshan Buddhism! You humiliated me like this, do you know how serious your mistake is? The hatred in my heart!"

"Now, kneel!"

The Holy Son pointed to the void in front of the Chu River.

But Chuhe laughed.

The smile is very bright, the smile is very sunny.

But this bright smile revealed a deep chill in the eyes of the Holy Son.

"What are you laughing at? Isn't it funny? Are you happy to hear that your master's remnant soul is now in our hands?"

The Holy Son already had some regrets in his heart, shouldn't he speak so seriously?

But now the words have been spoken, and he knows that what Chuhe cares about most is the master, as long as he uses this, he will definitely be able to threaten him!

"Forget it." Shengzi looked at Chuhe's smile and felt a little guilty, "You don't need to kneel down, you just need to apologize to me properly, I will act as if nothing happened, how can I ?”

Chuhe just grinned and took a step forward without saying a word.

And the Son's heart skipped a beat.

Does it not work to threaten him with Chuhe's master?

He was already on the edge of the Chu River, and he was still swimming slowly and fast to one side.

"Give me a good look at the letterhead I gave you! Don't chase after me, otherwise, your master's remnant soul will definitely be tortured!"

As he spoke, he even directly used the Buddhist escapism technique, the Buddha's Light Escape!

This is Leiyinshan's strongest escape technique!

The Son of God cast it directly, obviously pretending to be forced enough, and now he wants to slip away.

"Apologize to me after you come to the place mentioned in the letter, but at that time, it's not something you can solve by kowtow!"

The voice of the Holy Son came from the void, but the figure of the Holy Son could no longer be seen.

There is only one piece of Buddha light.

The Buddha's light escape, blending one's own divine form into the Buddha's light, a thousand miles away in an instant!

But it also consumes a lot of energy.

The Son is confident of this.

The next moment, his divine form was revealed, he took a deep breath, and looked around.

Although Buddha Light Escape is powerful and extremely fast, it is only an escape technique that is only used when escaping for one's life. Once it is deployed, one cannot choose a direction.

Instead, he let the Buddha's light radiate and immediately flew in one direction, which made it even more difficult for the trackers to determine the location of the person using the Buddha's light.

Make it impossible to continue the pursuit.

Even I don't know where I'm going to fly, how do you know?

There was a smile on the corner of Shengzi's mouth, and he had already thought about how to brag about his heroic posture in front of Chuhe, making Chuhe kneel down and beg for mercy when facing people of both Buddhism and Taoism when he returned to that place.

But the next moment.

His smile froze directly on his face.

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