What... what's going on?

Why is the Chu River still in sight?

And it's not just Chuhe, there are people from the Five Immortals Sect behind Chuhe, Ahqing, Xiaohei, and Yinyue...

And these four weeks are all where I was just now!

If there was only Chuhe in front of him, although he was shocked, there would not be such a big disturbance. After all, Chuhe is so powerful that it is possible even if he can catch up with Buddha Guangdun.

But those people behind Chuhe have no reason to keep up with them!

And the surrounding scenery is still so familiar.

There is only one possibility.

His Buddha Light Escape has failed!

It turned out...it didn't work! ?

The Holy Son was extremely horrified, and continued to use the Buddha Light Escape without giving up.

This time he could see clearly that a big pink flower that seemed to be transparent appeared around him. No matter how mysterious his Buddha Light Escape was, he still couldn't break through the pink petals.

"what is this!?"

He couldn't help but scream out loud.

The original plan was to threaten Chuhe, and then escape with Buddha's light, otherwise, he would not have dared to say such serious things to Chuhe just now.

It is because he has confidence in his Buddha Light Escape.

but now.

Buddha Light Escape unexpectedly failed...


He swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and looked at Chuhe, who was walking towards him step by step, with some horror.

"Then what... a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding! I don't need your apology... I... ah!"

Before he could finish his sentence, a beam of sword light directly pierced his shoulder blades.

Chuhe appeared in front of him with a cold face.

Chapter 175 Demon Suppressing View?

"Stop! Don't! Don't!"

The Holy Son only felt a sharp pain in this part of the shoulder blade, and he wanted to use spiritual power to heal this wound first.

But a horrifying discovery.

He couldn't use his spiritual power at all.

Pink flowers... Unable to use spiritual power... Forbidden magic...

A series of keywords directly appeared in Shengzi's mind, and he blurted out almost subconsciously, "The flower of desireless!"

Chuhe looked at Shengzi in surprise, but he didn't expect this guy to know the flower of no desire.

"This... this flower of desirelessness is the body of Shi Luo, the king of the monster race. How did you get it!?"

"It's hard to tell you... No! It's impossible! Shi Luohua, the emperor of the demon clan, is invincible in the realm of death in the state of possessing the flower of desirelessness. How can you!"

Although the Holy Son was very unwilling to believe this fact, but now that the flower of desirelessness was in front of him, he couldn't resist at all.

He had to admit that Shi Luohua, who made the strong human race in the whole world helpless, was killed by Chuhe! ?

Not only that, but also took Shi Luohua's body away, and used the flower of desirelessness refiner to make something that looks like a blood lotus that Chuhe and the others are stepping on.

That said, it looked familiar at the beginning, but how could he have thought at that time that Chuhe was so powerful that even the demon emperor Shi Luohua could be killed directly?

It's simply appalling, incredible!

"No, I don't want your apology now. In fact...in fact, it was all a misunderstanding just now. I came here on orders to anger you. This is a task entrusted to me by both Buddhism and Taoism. In my heart, I most admire a strong man like you!"

"It was only due to the situation that I said that to you just now, but in fact, those are not my real thoughts!"

Shengzi was really scared. Looking at the expressionless Chuhe, he really felt the threat of death.

"Don't kill me, please, I will tell you anything you want to know, and I am even willing to let me join your side. After all, what I admire most is the strong, and you are the one between heaven and earth. , a top-notch powerhouse!"

A sneer finally appeared on Chuhe's expressionless face.

"So you pretended to be like that to me just now?"

"That's right! I'm just pretending!" The Holy Son flattered with a smile, "Please, don't..."

"Then your acting skills are really good." As Chu He said, another sword light flashed across, directly cutting off the two tendons of the Holy Son's knees!

The Holy Son is now in the flower of desirelessness, unable to mobilize his spiritual power at all, and can only be slaughtered like an ordinary person, so he thumped and knelt on the ground without any resistance.

"Let me ask you, why didn't you die at the hands of the monster in Leiyin Mountain?"

There are indeed many questions in Chuhe's mind, and this is just the first one.

Shengzi resisted the pain in his leg and begged Chuhe for mercy, "It's...it's the Tong clan! It's the seniors of the Tong clan who saved us!"

"The pupil clan?"

Chuhe was taken aback, and there was no record about the Tong clan in the inheritance given by the master.

The bead that the master left him at the beginning not only included the master's lifelong cultivation, but also some of the master's insights and knowledge.

But there is no such word as pupil family in it.

"That's right! It's the pupil clan. It's the first time I've seen those people, and it's also the first time I've heard of them. They wear sackcloth and have purple pupils. They are very powerful. Even I can only be defeated by them." Instant kill!"

Don't look at the bald-headed Shengzi who is kneeling in front of Chuhe and crying for his father and mother, he seems very weak, but in fact, he is definitely a top expert.

And those people from the pupil clan were able to instantly kill him at will?

Moreover, he could save them all from the tide of monsters.

It is indeed some ability.

Why didn't such a powerful group of people leave a single word in the world?

"About the pupil clan, what else do you know?"

Shengzi was stunned, "This... I really don't know, I don't know anything about the pupil clan..."

"Let me ask you, what did you say about my master's remnant soul just now?" Chu He continued to ask, "Answer honestly, don't let me down."

Hearing this, the Holy Son felt a chill in his heart, and hurriedly said, "That is... in the Heartbroken Stone Forest in the northwest, there is a Taoist temple, which was left by your master, and in that Taoist temple, there is you. Master's remnant soul..."


Chuhe was taken aback, "Why haven't I heard that my master still has a Taoist temple in that place?"

Shengzi seemed to be afraid that Chuhe would not believe it, so he quickly took out another copy of the letter from his pocket, "This letter is clearly written on it, you can read it yourself."

Chuhe waved, and the letter flew towards Chuhe.

When I opened it, I saw only a piece of paper and a few photos.

Take a look at what is written on the paper.

The general idea is to ask Chuhe to go to Heartbroken Stone Forest in the northwest to discuss the matter of sealing demons.

And there are many threats in the words.

"...This is a major matter of life and death in the world. You broke the seal and released the demons without authorization. You have violated your master's long-cherished wish. Now we choose to consult with you in the place where your master once practiced. I hope you can get lost Return!"

"If you don't come by that time, I think your master will be very disappointed, and the remnants of your master's soul left in this Taoist temple will surely go away in shame!"

"Come here quickly, apologize to the people of the world here, and then go to seal the monster, wait until the monster is completely sealed, and then discuss how to judge your crime..."

There was a strong disdain and an arrogant tone in the words, and the tone of Chuhe's determination was disgusting.

Chuhe directly burned the letter, and then opened the photos.

After seeing these photos, Chuhe's eyes suddenly froze!

I only saw several dilapidated Taoist temples on the photos, which seemed to have been in disrepair for a long time, and no one lived there long ago.

These are not the key points, the key point is the three words written on the plaque above.

Town Demon View!

It's not the Demon Suppressing Temple, but the Demon Suppressing Temple!

However, based on Chuhe's understanding of the master, it can be seen at a glance that this is from the master's handwriting!

Moreover, the layout of this Taoist temple is also very similar to the previous Demon Suppressing Temple, it is exactly the same.

The familiar layout and familiar decorations almost made Chuhe think that this is the Demon Town!

Chapter 176 Self-injection?

Regardless of whether the remnant soul of the master they said really still exists.

The fact that Eggy is the place where the master once lived is enough reason for Chuhe to go!

Chuhe looked deeply at the photo above, then put it in his arms, and looked down at Shengzi.

The Son only felt a chill in his body.

"You, is there anything else you want to say?"

The Holy Son was stunned, why did these words seem to be asking a dying person what last words?

"I... I don't want to die, and I can't die either! I... Please don't kill me, I can be your inner ghost, and I can help you disintegrate the Buddhist and Taoist alliance from the inside!"

"And my identity is the holy son, the holy son of Buddhism, and my status is supreme. As long as you and I unite, with your help, I will soon be able to ascend to the position of the leader of Buddhism. At that time, the world will be you Both of us!"

The more the Holy Son spoke, the more excited he became, "Chuhe, Master Chu! Isn't your wish to unify the world? As long as you join hands with me, we can achieve it soon!"

"Unify the world? Chuhe sneered, why should I rule the world? I have said long ago that I am just a spectator. I have no interest in who this world belongs to."

"What, you!"

The Holy Son was horrified.

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