They all thought that what Chuhe said was just a spectator, and they were all deceitful. Anyone who is a person will have desires, and seeing what Chuhe has done, they can naturally think that Chuhe is for the world. !

However, Chuhe slapped him in the face again.

But the Holy Son wanted to say something more, but he only felt a sharp pain in his limbs.

But it was the tiny flying sword of spiritual power in Chuhe's hand, which directly penetrated his limbs!

And a very special technique was used to make it almost impossible to heal.

The Holy Son screamed strangely and lay down on the flower of desirelessness.

"You... what did you do to me!? I... I can't feel my hands and feet anymore, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Chuhe kicked him away.

"I won't kill you, but I don't care how you die."

Chuhe has no doubt that if he is a little weaker, the holy son will definitely kill him without mercy.

And it must be killed after torturing himself in every possible way.

For this kind of person, he has nothing to be pitiful about.

The Holy Son fell from a high altitude, but he would not be able to use his mana for a while. If he fell directly, he would definitely die!

Fortunately, after falling to a certain height, the Holy Son finally used the golden bell cover.

When he fell to the ground, a big hole was formed on the ground, and almost all his bones were broken.

The person is not dead, but the monsters around have also sensed this movement, and they are walking towards this direction one after another...

Above the sky, Chuhe stood on the flower of desirelessness, thinking carefully.

It was originally planned to send these people from the Five Immortals Sect back first.

But now it seems that he really doesn't want to delay too long.

It's about my master, and it's also the master's remnant soul!

This is extremely important to Chuhe.

"Hey, after this matter is over, I will send you back to the Five Immortals Sect." Chu He shook his head helplessly.

But the girls of the Five Immortals Sect were cheering. They had long been convinced by Chuhe, and it was their wish to stay by Chuhe's side.

"Okay, let's go now... By the way, who knows where the Heartbroken Stone Forest is in the northwest?"


"Why did you hear that the Holy Son has been away for so long and hasn't come back yet?"

In the heartbroken stone forest in the northwest, in the yard in front of a dilapidated Taoist temple, a group of people gathered, waiting anxiously.

Fakong, the abbot of Leiyin Temple, said indifferently, "The Holy Son has the strength, and also has Buddha Light Dun, and the two armies do not fight each other, so he will not have any problems."

On the other side, there are members of the Taoist sect headed by Lingmingtang.

Ranchenzi and Qixing sat cross-legged, and they both opened their eyes slightly.

Sitting below them were Jiang Xinlian, Shen Lingshi and other members of the Taoist sect.

These Buddhist and Taoist people, after being rescued by the pupil clan from the tide of monsters, came directly to this side, and almost all of them are there now.

Only a few people died in the hands of the monster accidentally.

Now there are demons everywhere, if you are not careful, you may be killed by them at any time.

Even if they are both masters of Buddhism and Taoism together, they accidentally fell into the way of demons.

This world is getting worse and worse, and they have already seen it.

That's why they want Chuhe to say that all these monsters are sealed, and they hate Chuhe even more.

If it weren't for Chuhe, everything would not be what it is now!

In fact, at the very beginning, what they thought in their hearts was completely different from what they have now.

At the very beginning, they even thought about letting the monster continue to wreak havoc for a while. Anyway, as practitioners, they were not so afraid of the monster.

Instead, ordinary people can use their fear of demons to better absorb human resources and beliefs.

This is called raising tigers to cause trouble. Only the existence of demons can make ordinary people understand who can take their lives and make the whole world a back garden for cultivators like them.

But things quickly got out of hand.

They didn't expect that so many demons would appear at the same time!

Moreover, there are those powerful peerless monsters who can make their hearts jump with just a look!

So much so that now, they are beginning to threaten their safety, and even those powerful demons let ordinary people not kill them, and hunt them specifically for cultivators.

So, they felt fear, and they were afraid from the bottom of their hearts.

When they were rushing this way, they were even chased by a group of monsters.

In the end, I don't know why, when approaching the Heartbroken Stone Forest, those monsters suddenly receded like a tide.

They lamented their fate and didn't think much about it, mainly because they didn't notice anything unusual about this place.

"Someone is coming." Ran Chenzi, who had been squinting his eyes half-closed, suddenly said, looking to the side.

And everyone else has also noticed the fluctuation of spiritual power in the sky.

The next moment, a bald head suddenly appeared!

Who else could it be if Lei Yinshan heard about the Holy Son.

It's just strange that all the injuries on his body have fully recovered, and everything seems to be normal.

The people below didn't know what happened to Wen Jian before, and they all stood up to welcome Wen Jian.

And Wen saw a flash of light in his eyes, and smiled slowly.

"I see, how is the matter going?"

Wen Jian chuckled, "Everything is going well, now we are waiting for Chuhe to throw himself into the trap!"

Chapter 177 Solutions

"Did Chuhe say anything at that time?"

Fakong asked suddenly.

Everyone else also came together, not wanting to miss the chance to know what Chuhe said.

Although they are gathered here now, nominally to force Chuhe to submit, but in fact, they have no idea what will happen.

Shengzi saw so many people looking at him, a smile appeared on his face, "Hehe, after Chuhe heard that there was his master's remnant soul here, he was very frightened and frightened, he begged me not to hurt Master's remnant soul!"

"Although Chuhe has been possessed by demons, he is already regarded as a shameful person, but for the master, it is his only obsession. As long as we can grasp his weakness, then even if Chuhe doesn't want to, we will let us handle it. "

After he finished speaking, he looked at Qixing.

Qixing was the one who came up with this method, but at this moment, they only knew that they wanted to use the remnant soul left by Master Baixing in this place to threaten Chuhe.

However, no matter how they think about it, they feel that it is a bit unreliable. After all, the person to deal with is Chuhe.

At the beginning, Chuhe could sit back and watch the demons slaughtering human beings. Could it be that now he will really submit obediently because of the remnant soul of his master?

Although Sheng Zi said so, everyone was relieved, but the feeling of uneasiness still made them restless.

"If it is true according to what the Holy Son said, then it seems that we don't have to spend a lot of time setting up traps." Someone said, "Directly use his master's remnant soul to threaten him and let him seal the big formation again." , In this way, the world will love peace!"

"I'm afraid that Chuhe will desperately resist... What should we do then?" Jiang Xinlian sighed, "Even if we add up together, we may not be his opponent. In my opinion... Let's be honest, let's fight with him Bow your head and admit your mistake, and sincerely apologize, I don't think Chuhe is an unreasonable person, as long as we admit our mistake, maybe this matter will turn around."

Jiang Xinlian also came here with these people, but as early as in Leiyin Mountain, she had already started to regret it, and began to think carefully about everything.

When she jumped out of her Taoist identity and looked at this matter again, she found that everything had changed.

Originally, she thought she was a righteous Taoist sect, but she didn't expect that the role she played in it would be dishonorable.


Ranchenzi suddenly snorted coldly, "Could it be possible that you have begun to understand that devil? Don't you know how many innocent people died at his hands? Don't you know that he made our Daoism go away?" face!"

"Apologizing to him? I, Ranchenzi, will die today, and die here without a whole body! I will never bow to Chuhe!"

Everyone was also filled with righteous indignation, "Even if you let us die, you won't apologize to that devil, because we didn't do anything wrong at all!"

Facing this scene, Jiang Xinlian didn't know what to say, so she could only sigh helplessly.

"Huh! Let me advise you, everyone is in the same boat now, and the attitude towards the devil like Chuhe has always been firm and resolute. We just want to get rid of him and hurry up! If you dare to give birth to two hearts, don't blame us for being rude." !"

Jiang Xinlian remained silent.

Hearing the flickering expression of the Holy Son, he continued to ask Qi Xingdao, "I don't know what your plan is, Qi Xing? Is it really just a simple threat with Master Chuhe's remnant soul?"

Qixing was taken aback, and looked at Wen Jian with narrowed eyes, "I...have I explained it to you in detail before? Why? Have you forgotten?"

Wen Jian didn't look flustered at all, but his eyes flickered, and he smiled, "Of course I know, but comrades here may not be very clear, right? I just want you to say it, so that everyone Just rest assured."

Qixing looked around and saw the expectant eyes of many people, so he said in a low voice, "Actually, I just want to tell you that since the Chu River is coming now, I will put all my plans on the table." Let me tell you, I didn’t say it before, just because I was afraid that someone would leak the news.”

After Qixing finished speaking, he also took a look at Jiang Xinlian's position.

Jiang Xinlian didn't explain, she just pursed her lips, and finally said, "I can still tell the difference between right and wrong, don't worry, I will never say anything."

Qixing said this.

"Do you still remember what the people of the Tong clan said?" Qixing continued without waiting for them to speak, "The people of the Tong clan said that the reason why those demons are mobilizing now is not to encircle and suppress the strong people of the human race." , just want to get through the so-called spiritual node, and Leiyin Mountain happens to be on the spiritual node."

Abbot Fakong nodded upon hearing the words, "That's right, my Leiyin Mountain Zhonglingyunxiuwu Huatianbao is indeed a treasure land, and the spiritual power is strong, and it has never been cut off for thousands of years. According to the records of our Leiyin Mountain, when The reason why the Patriarch chose this place to establish a sect is because he took a fancy to this location."

Qixing looked at Ran Chenzi, and continued talking after seeing Ran Chenzi nodding.

"And as far as I know, those so-called famous sects, such as your Leiyin Mountain, my Lingming Hall, and Tianshi's Mansion, are actually located on the nodes of the spirit veins. That is to say, this time the demon It was your Leiyin Mountain who attacked, and the next time, it is very likely that another sect located above the spiritual node will attack."

Everyone was taken aback. The people present were basically people of both Buddhism and Taoism. Their sects also occupy famous mountains and rivers. Who knows if the person sitting under their sect is a spiritual node?

If it was true, wouldn't it mean that at some point, the monster would come to the door?

"This... how can this be done?"

"We must let Chuhe seal these monsters! Otherwise, even if we want to hide from the world and avoid this catastrophe, the monsters will find us at home!"

Before, they wanted Chuhe to seal the monsters, probably for the sake of face and profit.

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