But now that they say such words again, it is a matter of life and death!

Seeing these people's expressions, Qixing also nodded, "That's right, the current monster rampage is already related to our life and death, and it must be resolved!"

"Then how to solve it? Tell me quickly!"

Someone urged.

Qixing pointed at the ground unhurriedly, "Do you know that this place is also a spiritual node?"

Everyone was taken aback, "So what? Is it related to the following plan?"

Qixing smiled and nodded, "As long as we use this spiritual vein node to arrange a large formation, then...hehe."

Chapter 178 Destroyed

"How to do?"

When everyone heard Qixing say this, they all saw hope for a while, "What kind of formation do you need to arrange?"

"Sheng Ling formation!"

These four words spit out from Qixing's mouth.

"Sheng Ling Formation? What kind of formation is this? Why have you never heard of it?"

"Could it be the legend..." Abbot Fakong over there opened his eyes.

"That's right, it's my Lingming Hall's mountain guard array!"

Qixing said proudly, "The so-called Shengling Formation is actually a confinement formation. This kind of formation uses the principle that everything must be reversed to directly detonate the spiritual veins below. When the time comes, thousands of spirits will explode. out..."

"Wait a minute, if the spiritual power pours out, wouldn't that be a good thing for Chuhe?"

"A good thing? How can there be such a good thing!"

Ranchenzi took the words and explained, "This Shengling formation is the formation that my ancestors of the Lingmingtang understood when they watched a monster perform its natal supernatural powers in ancient times!"

"Watching the big formation realized by the demonic beast displaying its natal supernatural power? What's the name of the demonic beast?"

"Phantom Light Luoli Beast!" Ran Chenzi continued, "The body of this monster is in the shape of a flower, named the Flower of Wuyu, as long as it enters the range of this flower, it will be killed by Wuyu. Under the influence of the Flower of Desire, cut off all spiritual energy, even if you have an all-around cultivation, you will become an ordinary person and be slaughtered by others!"

"The patriarch of my Lingming Hall is also a genius of heaven. After seeing all this at that time, he immediately realized something. After returning home, he began to retreat and study, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't completely isolate the spiritual energy."

"In the end, the patriarch of my family found a new way. Instead of forcing the complete isolation of spiritual energy, he used the principle that extremes must reverse to continuously accumulate spiritual energy, and finally let the spiritual energy explode. After the spiritual energy exploded, the vacuum formed would wipe all Take away all the spiritual energy, and finally form a spiritual vacuum!"

"This is the principle of the Great Spirit Formation."

The reason why they want to say this is firstly to bring them confidence, and secondly, even if they are told this, it is absolutely impossible for them to imitate.

Because some of the details were not mentioned, if it is a blind imitation, the only way to be killed in the end is to be blown up.

"Spiritual power erupts...then in the end, isn't there going to be an explosion?" Shengzi asked in a low voice.

"Yes, there will indeed be an explosion. At that time, the Demon Suppressing Temple will be turned into fly ash and wiped out in the spiritual storm."

"There's a pile of dilapidated houses in the district. If it's broken, it's broken. There's nothing to feel bad about. It's on the side of the Chu River..."

"Hehe, if you use the Shengling formation, do you still care about Chuhe's face? Although he is powerful, he will only be a prisoner at that time." Qixing said lightly, "I forgot to tell you, this When the spiritual energy erupts, it will form a strong spiritual storm, and it will take away all the spiritual energy from the person in the center of the explosion!"

"That is to say, as long as the Shengling Formation is properly arranged, you only need to let Chuhe come to the center of the formation, and you can directly capture it!"

Everyone was shocked.

The Lingming Hall is indeed worthy of being a famous sect among the Daoist sects, and there is such a powerful formation!

All of a sudden, they felt a little more respect for everyone in Lingming Hall.

"However, if you don't know the formation, you still need your help." Ran Chenzi continued, "Would you like to lend a helping hand?"

Everyone said loudly, "Senior Ranchenzi, you and I are all members of the Taoist sect, so just make arrangements for anything."

Everyone in the Buddhist sect also hurriedly said, "Buddhism and Taoism are the same. Now that we are all in the same boat, we naturally have to help each other. If there is any need, just arrange it."

"Okay!" Ran Chenzi nodded and said, "To set up this Shengling formation, some buildings here need to be demolished first, and then according to my arrangement, you can arrange different formations in different directions."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, but Jiang Xinlian frowned and said, "Are you going to demolish the buildings here again? Do you remember that at the beginning... it was because of the demolition of the Zhenyao Temple that angered Chuhe, and finally developed into This is where it is now."

"I think, as long as we talk about it properly, or even admit our mistakes to Chuhe, with his temper, he may not necessarily kill us all..."

"What!? You mean to admit your mistake to Chuhe!? Impossible! We have to mention it again at this time! Otherwise, we will suspect that you are a traitor!"

"Compared with thousands of common people, what is our dignity?"

"You don't need to have your dignity, but if we cultivators lose our dignity, then why do we cultivate Taoism and seek immortals!?" Someone immediately scolded Jiang Xinlian.

A very proud look.

Jiang Xinlian pursed her lips, but finally shook her head helplessly.

Another human said, "It's just demolition of his demon-suppressing temple. It's just a pile of dead things. So what if we dismantle it? Because of this incident, he doesn't care about the survival of the world, and even messes with monsters and demons." Here we are!"

"It's obvious that he himself is stingy, so how can he blame us?" Shen Lingshi stood up and punched the demon-suppressing temple next to him.

The statue standing in the Demon Town Temple was instantly shattered!

That statue is the ancestor of the Chu River lineage!

He is also the master of Master Hundred Stars!

"That's right, Chuhe Xiaoer is obviously a small-minded person who disregards the life and death of the world for his own selfish desires, so why should we care about them?"

Ranchenzi nodded slightly, "In that case, let's do it, clean up everything around, leaving only this main hall, which is where Chuhe died!"

Everyone nodded when they heard the words, and scattered towards the surroundings.

The place where master Chuhe lived before is still the same as before.

But one after another of violent spiritual energy roared past, directly knocking down all these buildings!

"What is this?" There was a weak formation on a house, no matter what it was, it was all demolished! "

The man went straight over with a sword, and the house was instantly torn apart.

Inside turned out to be some scattered clothes, which had never been damaged for hundreds of years because of the formation.

There are also some other daily necessities.

In this room, all the things related to Chuhe are stored, and the clothes are all once worn!

At the beginning, Master Baixing didn't know that the matter would be so serious, and he sealed these things, obviously thinking that he would come back one day.

But in the end, he directly suppressed the seal with his own life.

But now, the last things he left in this world are being destroyed in the violent aura of everyone...

Chapter 179

These people are practitioners, isn't it easy to demolish a few houses that are only covered by a thin layer of formations?

In an instant, there were only a few bare buildings left in the seemingly magnificent Demon Suppressing Temple in the Heartbroken Stone Forest in the northwest.

"Hehe, I thought there would be some amazing formations on these buildings, but this is what it turned out to be? It seems that this demon-suppressing temple is nothing more than that. It's ridiculous to create a demon-suppressing temple in a mysterious way."

When these people destroyed these rooms, they only felt that the formations on these seemingly mysterious buildings were useless.

It feels like it's superficial, but what they didn't realize is that all the formations on all these buildings are connected with the most central demon-suppressing view.

The formations on other buildings seem to be extremely weak, but the formations on this Demon-Suppressing Temple are extremely strong, as if all the buildings are to provide energy for the formations on the Demon-Suppressing Temple.

After the last Taoist temple that got in the way was removed, the entire Demon Suppressing Temple suddenly trembled.

Everyone stopped their work one after another and gathered in front of Zhenyao Temple.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"Did Chuhe call?"

"Chuhe is calling!? Why don't you run quickly!"

"What are you running for? We're holding Chuhe's handle now. Even after Chuhe comes, it depends on our face!"

These people are now terrified, especially after they have seen the terrifying strength of Chuhe.

On the surface, of course he said he wasn't afraid, but he panicked one by one in his heart. What kind of Shengling formation could really subdue Chuhe?

They all want to put a question mark in their hearts.

"no need to worry."

Qixing stood up and said, "I just experimented with the power of the formation above this demon temple."

He nodded to the crowd, "After all, this is Demon Suppressing Temple. It is the place where Master Baixing used to live. Master Baixing is very good at sealing formations. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to seal demons alone. As the place where he used to practice, and even left his remnant soul here, it must be extremely important to him."

"Sure enough, there is a formation in it."

As he spoke, he directly pushed open the door of the most central building in the Temple of Demons.

All I saw inside the gate was a Taoist with angry eyes like a King Kong!

This Taoist's beard and hair are all white, and they are flying in all directions. He points to the ground with one hand and the sky with the other. There are thunders flickering in the sky, and there is a churning magic cloud on the ground. In the magic cloud, there seems to be a terrifying The thing is looming, as if it wants to break through the magic cloud and come out, but the divine power of the person constrained by this statue has to be admired.

"This statue...is so imposing!"

"This should be the eye of the formation, right?"

"It's so fancy, what's the use? We're all so close, and even the west house is about to be demolished, isn't it nothing? Didn't you see that this formation was activated and killed us all? "

Qixing glanced at the man with a sneer, and said lightly, "This formation is not a defensive formation, nor an offensive formation, but a sealing formation. A remnant soul of Master Baixing."

He pointed at the statue, waved his hand casually, and a burst of spiritual power flashed, only to see the thunder cloud above the statue flickering, knocking the thunder down a few times, and hitting the statue's chest.

A translucent thing that looked like a dead bead slowly appeared for a moment, and then disappeared.

Seeing this, the Buddhist holy son of Leiyin Mountain shrank his eyes immediately, fixed on the place where the bead disappeared, and silently spit out a few indistinct words from his mouth.

"What did you say?"

Great Monk Fakong saw the strange appearance of the Son, so he asked about it.

The Holy Son lowered his head and shook slightly, "It's nothing, I'm feeling emotional, this remnant soul has not dissipated even after hundreds of years, it really deserves to be Master Baixing."

"Hehe, what can Master Baixing do? Didn't he hand over a human traitor who mixed with demons!" Someone said disdainfully, and directly spat at the statue.

Qixing continued, "You have seen it, it is the remnant soul of Master Baixing, and I can feel the fluctuation of Master Baixing on it."

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