"In this case, why not take down the remnant soul directly, so as to threaten Chuhe then?"

"Remove?" Qixing shook his head, "This remnant soul has been preserved for hundreds of years, all relying on this formation. If it is taken out forcibly, what if the remnant soul disappears as soon as it is taken out?"

"Without the remnant soul, what will be used to threaten Chuhe then?"

"This..." The man was taken aback for a moment, and stopped talking.

Qixing continued, "Just arrange the formation according to my instructions. I have already arranged a formation around this remnant soul that only I can activate. As long as Chuhe is disobedient, I will detonate it directly."

"At that time, the explosion will affect the Shengling Formation, and Master Chuhe's remnant soul will immediately turn into smoke and dust, and Chuhe will also be trapped in the Shengling Formation!"

Qi Xing laughed out loud as he spoke, as if he had seen that scene, "Hehe, it's just that it is possible to detonate the Shengling formation or not. After all, detonating the Shengling formation is also dangerous, as long as Chuhe can be obedient Just do it."

"Everyone knows that Chuhe betrayed human beings because his master's grave was pushed away, and his brand of respecting his master has been branded, and everyone in the world knows." Qixing said, and took out a mobile phone, "Hehe, when the time comes, I will Someone will be arranged to broadcast live directly.”

"When we threatened him with his master's remnant soul, if he dared to resist, it would be telling the world that he is just a hypocritical devil. The so-called respecting the master is all pretending!"

Qixing continued viciously, "So, he has to submit!"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Shen Lingshi stretched out his thumb directly, "High! It's really high!"

Qixing glanced at him and threw the phone to him directly, "Then you come to live broadcast."


"What? Don't want to?"

"No, no, yes, absolutely yes!"

Everyone discussed again, and they all felt that the plan was foolproof, and they waited until it was dark before they dispersed.

The camp of Leiyin Mountain is not with those of these Taoists, but on the other side, separated by a forest.

The abbot sat in the open space and meditated.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared.

The abbot frowned and opened his eyes.

"I see, it's so late, what are you doing here?"

Under the moonlight, the smile of the Holy Son became more and more strange.

"Nothing to do, just something I want to ask for advice..."

"Huh?" Abbot Fakong suddenly opened his eyes.

This breath... smelling the breath of the Holy Son is not right!

Chapter 180 Run away

It can be said that Abbot Fakong grew up watching Shengzi, and he is very familiar with his breath.

He is a monk and has no descendants. It can be said that his feelings for Wenjian are like treating a non-existent son, and he regards Wenjian as one of his most important people.

Now, seeing a slight change in the breath on his body has already alerted Fakong.

But Abbot Fakong didn't notice the danger. Instead, he asked, "Did you encounter any danger when you were looking for Chuhe? It caused some abnormalities in your body?"

Fakong said nervously, "Why did I notice a trace of demonic energy on your body?"

Hearing the flash of light in Shengzi's eyes, he returned to normal, and his face turned bitter again in a blink of an eye, "Master, I came here to look for you now just to talk about this matter, I... The air is infected."

He said bitterly, "At that time I went to look for Chuhe, but that Chuhe actually mixed with a bunch of demons. After he saw me, he ordered many demons to come and besiege me. I escaped desperately, and followed Chuhe said a bit about his purpose..."

"You are so stupid!" Fa Kong said distressedly, "Your mission was given to you by Ranchenzi, if you are in danger, you can come back directly, why do you have to fight to the death to complete the mission given to you by the Taoist sect? "

"If their Taoist sect really thinks that both Buddhism and Taoism are one family, then why did they take such a dangerous task to you? Why didn't they let someone in their Taoist sect inform you?"

"It's not because my sect in Leiyin Mountain has been destroyed, and now it's like a rootless duckweed, deliberately insulting us!" Abbot Fakong said, with resentment in his heart, and his mouth was very unforgiving.

"Hmph! But they shouldn't think that they have already eaten us to death. Although our sect in Leiyin Mountain has been destroyed, all Buddhist sects in the world support us!"

There was a strange light in the file's eyes, and he continued, "Master, I... now I'm getting into my body with demonic energy. I can't say it in front of the Daomen during the day, but now, I really can't bear it."

As he spoke, his eyes were slightly red, and some gray-brown gas was leaking from his body. It smelled disgusting, and he knew it was something very evil at first glance.

Fakong's expression froze, "Come quickly, I'll heal your wounds."

"Although there are not too many killing methods in our Buddhist school. After all, our Buddhist school pays attention to compassion, but there are many auxiliary methods in our Buddhist school to expel demonic and evil spirits."

He asked Shengzi Wenjian to sit down cross-legged, "You first run the Three Lives Wonderful Law, and then I will help you expel the devilish energy."

With that said, Fakong sat cross-legged directly across from Wenjian.

"The Wonderful Method of Three Lives?" Wen Jian's eyes dodged, "I... just run it."

As he said that, he heard that the Holy Son started to practice the exercises, but Fakong frowned, "What are you doing? I asked you to perform the Three Lives Wonderful Techniques. What kind of exercises are you performing? Could it be that the magic energy has already Are the meridians in your body also affected?"

Fakong realized that something was wrong.

The Three Lives Wonderful Method is the basic method that everyone in Leiyinshan must practice. Many of Leiyinshan's exercises are based on the Three Lives Wonderful Method.

But now, Wen Jian acted as if he didn't know the magic of the Three Lives, how could this be possible?

But when Abbot Fakong was thinking about what happened to Wenjian, he saw that Wenjian suddenly vomited blood, as if he had been seriously injured.


A mouthful of blood was sprayed directly on Abbot Fakong's body, and upon hearing the sound of the Holy Son's whole body, he sank down immediately.

And Fakong had some doubts in his heart at first, but they disappeared after hearing the mouthful of blood from the Holy Son, and now there is only nervousness in his heart.

"Smell!? What's wrong with you? Is it important? Hold your breath and concentrate, I'll save you right away!"

Abbot Fakong said that he was about to help the son of Wenjian, but at the moment he lifted the head of the son of Wenjian, Fakong's heart sank suddenly.

Because the person in front of him didn't smell it at all!

I only saw him who was still smelling God, but now he has some beards on his face!

And the eyes have also turned into triangular eyes like poisonous snakes, which look extremely evil.

The most important thing is that the current smell looks so devilish!

It feels like a big monster, and I can't look directly at it at all!


Fakong was horrified, and wanted to subconsciously distance himself, but found that his hands seemed to be stuck to Wen Jian's body, and he couldn't move at all, and his body was like being filled with lead, and he couldn't move either.

I wanted to open my mouth to speak, but I only found that I could only utter the word you, and then it was like cement was poured into the mouth, and I couldn't make a little sound.


It was the blood sprayed on him just now that made a difference!

All I saw was that the blood sprayed on Fakong's body shone with a strange purple light in the night light, and condensed into a large formation, which looked extremely strange.

Until this moment, Fakong finally knew that the person in front of him was not heard or seen at all.

"Like a demon but not a demon, like a human but not a human, you are... from the Mo family!"

After all, Fakong was worthy of being the abbot of Leiyin Mountain, and after all, he spat out a few words from his mouth with all his strength.

The stranger who was wearing a monk's robe on the opposite side, but he had completely lost sight of the Holy Son, said, "Unexpectedly, the Mo family is still famous in the world?"

His voice was old, and it sounded like something had corroded his vocal cords.

At the same time, his body twisted for a while, and he directly changed into the appearance of smelling and seeing.

Because behind them, a figure suddenly appeared.

"Senior brother? Hear it? What happened? Why do I feel a wave of demon energy?"

"Uncle!" Wen Jian said in shock, "Master, he is obsessed! Come and help!"

"What!? Obsessed with obsession!?" The person who came was the name of the Dharma, and when he heard these words, he was suddenly horrified.

Obsession is not a joke, it is similar to obsession, but it is more serious!

Being obsessed is at best an injury, but being obsessed with it won't hurt people, but it will make people obsessed, a real obsession!

"let me help you!"

Dharma name hurriedly came to Wen Jian's side, and was about to put his hand on Fakong's body. If he wanted to use the exercises, he had to suppress Fakong first.

But after walking in, I found that Abbot Fakong's face was full of pain, and he kept giving him winks.

And there are only two words revealed in the eyes.

Run away!

Chapter 181 What a great handwriting

"Abbot, you!" The dharma name was a little unclear about what was going on, but he subconsciously backed away, not joking about his wealth and life.

"Uncle! Why did you retreat? Are you going to watch the abbot become enchanted? What shall we do then!?"

The sound he heard reached Dharma's ears, and it sounded like a magic sound piercing through his ears. Dharma, who was originally clear-headed, became a little confused for some reason.

Yes, Abbot Fakong should be rescued now, Abbot Fakong must be rescued...

Seeing Faming's expression froze for a moment, he walked directly in the direction of Fakong and Wenjian.

However, this sluggishness only appeared for a moment, and the next moment, he returned to clarity.

After all, the dharma name is also a top figure, a master in Buddhism, the abbot's junior!

However, just this moment of distraction is enough.

At this moment, he had already walked to Wen Jian's side, and Wen Jian's shadow had wrapped around the legs of Dharma Name.

The next moment, Faming felt that he could not move, as if his legs were fixed on the ground.

"Shadow!? Are you from the Mo family!?"

The law name also knows the name of the Mo family, and now it is even more horrifying!

The Mo family, that is a legendary family, this family is not a Taoist school, nor is it a Buddhist school.

Instead, Demon Gate!

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