Chuhe frowned and looked down, seeing Qixing flying towards him at high speed, he just felt a little incredible.

This guy is also so spineless?

The following people suddenly changed gender?

Jiang Xinlian was also surprised.

For Qixing, she definitely knows more than Chuhe. She knows what kind of person Qixing is, and he will never put himself in danger.

In the blink of an eye, Qixing has come to the opposite side of Chu River.

He glanced at Jiang Xinlian, and said in a low voice, "Jiang Xinlian, the master of Jiangliu Pavilion, you betrayed the Taoist sect and human beings! How dare you tell him the method we discussed in advance to deal with the devil? You are the leader of the entire human race!" sinner!"

"I'm not, I'm not..."

Jiang Xinlian argued, "I never revealed anything to Chuhe!"

"Hehe, do you think everyone will believe what you say? Do you think thousands of compatriots will believe what you say?"

He pointed to the people below, as well as the few people who were broadcasting live with the equipment.

Jiang Xinlian's heart went completely cold, she knew that she couldn't argue with it.

"You said you didn't do these things, how can everyone believe you? Unless, you are now fighting this devil to the death!"

Chuhe's gaze also looked down, saw the live broadcast equipment, and instantly understood what was going on.

With you, are you acting with me here?

With Chuhe's current strength, he could also feel the continuously gathering luck transpiring on Qixing's body.

It was a wonderful feeling, as if I was an enemy of the whole world again.

In the face of an opponent with good luck, among other things, the pressure alone is enough to make many people retreat without a fight.

Compared with the Qixing with good luck, the current Chuhe can be said to be criticized by thousands of people and bears a huge infamy!

Now as many people support Qixing, there are ten times and a hundred times people who hate and curse Chuhe!

Under the ebb and flow, Chuhe can even feel an inexplicable feeling of being rejected by the world.

That feeling of being unacceptable by heaven and earth!

However, after all, Chuhe did not shake at all.

But it's just the luck of the human race, not the luck of the whole world!

Moreover, what if he is rejected by heaven and earth?

If the world deceives me, then it will overthrow the world!

An aura burst out from Chuhe's body, which directly scattered the Qixing's gathering luck.

That mysterious and mysterious feeling, as if being sheltered by the heaven and the earth, stopped for a short time.

Qixing was stunned immediately.

He looked down, and he knew that he was the center of attention now, and he must not make any mistakes, otherwise, the image he had worked so hard to create would collapse!

But what made him feel strange was that the group of monks in Leiyin Mountain below was exceptionally quiet.

They knew that this was really robbing luck, but they were still indifferent.

Could it be that this group of Buddhist bald donkeys have completely lost their temper?

It was too late for him to think too much, he had to perform as many performances as possible in the shortest possible time!

"Chuhe! Do you know that you are already a sinful person, and there are countless ordinary people who have died under your hands. You are even in the company of monsters. Are you worthy of being a human!?"

"Good scolding!" Netizens frantically supported.

"This guy is a complete demon!"

"Have you heard? In the city near Leiyin Mountain, I heard that tens of thousands of people surrendered to Chu River, but Chu River killed them all without hesitation!"

"That's tens of thousands of people. If you say kill, you will kill them. Even monsters are not so cruel!"

"I've heard of it, why haven't I heard of it? A lot of media have passed by. Although the filmed pictures are covered with thick mosaics, blood and cruelty can still be seen!"

Originally, those people took the initiative to take refuge in the demons and set up an ambush to kill Chuhe, but Chuhe resisted and just left instead of killing them.

But people don't care about the truth at all, and now the official report has become that tens of thousands of people surrendered to Chuhe, and they were all murdered by Chuhe insanely!

And use this to warn people not to surrender to Chuhe, otherwise there will be only one death!

In people's mouths, the current Chuhe is extremely bad. They don't regret the wrong things they did at all, they just resent why Chuhe is so bad and cruel!

Qi Xing faintly felt that the luck had come back again, and continued, "The world is not benevolent, and all things are treated as dogs, but there is still a glimmer of life in this world. Today, I represent the way of heaven and come to give thousands of innocent people Even if it is death, I am willing to fight for that ray of life!"

"Chuhe!" Qixing said angrily, "Before that, I want you to apologize to all the people who were hurt by you!"

"Apologize to the creatures in the world that you killed!"

Chuhe's complexion suddenly became strange, not because of what Qixing said on the surface.

It was Qixing's voice transmission to him behind his back.

A ray of divine thoughts penetrated into Chuhe's ears, and it was Qixing's proud voice, "Chuhe, your master's remnant soul is in my hands now, if you don't want your master's remnant soul to be destroyed, just follow my advice do it!"

Chapter 186 What the hell

"Now, apologize to me, to everyone, otherwise, your master's remnant soul will be lost!"

Different from the awe-inspiring righteousness of Qixing on the surface, Qixing who transmits voice to Chuhe in private appears insidious and cunning.

This is the strategy of the seven elements killing two birds with one stone!

On the one hand, he can use the Chu River to seal the monsters. On the other hand, he can use this power to carry the will of thousands of people, and directly break through the realm with good luck!

After Qixing said those words, the scene became a little quiet, and everyone looked at Chuhe.

The people below were even more horrified.

Qixing is crazy! ?

How dare he speak to Chuhe like that! ?

Could it be that he is really as righteous as he appears?

Only Ran Chenzi smiled.

All of this is also his plan, but his talent is not as good as that of Qixing, otherwise the drama of luck and luck will fall on him.

However, Qixing is his apprentice, and Qixing can reach the peak, which means that he can also stand at the peak!

Equally calm were the few monks from Leiyin Mountain.

Abbot Fakong and the Dharma name and Wenjian Shengzi are all Gujing Wubo, watching silently without making a sound.

But Wen saw a ray of light flashed in Shengzi's eyes, and the corner of his mouth curled down imperceptibly.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was overwhelmed by Qi Xing's aura!

"Domineering! This is the Taoist master in my heart!"

"Everyone knows the strength of Chuhe. At the beginning, Chuhe defeated Master Qixing, but now, Qixing can still face Chuhe without changing his face. He even said such words to Chuhe. I am convinced!"

"He's domineering, gentle, and handsome...I'm really...crying to death..."

There are also some women who are directly attracted by Qixing.

Among other things, this fluttering Taoist robe, jade-like face, and current demeanor perfectly fit the image of a hero in their hearts.

On the other hand, Chuhe, although not bad in appearance, is always wearing a dilapidated Dao Po.

It's just because this Taoist robe is one of the few relics left by Master Baixing to Chuhe, so Chuhe has been wearing it to this day.

Time passed by, and Chuhe didn't mean to apologize at all. Instead, there was a half-smile expression on the corner of his mouth.

Qixing was a little panicked.

After all, his awe-inspiring righteousness is all pretending. If Chuhe really doesn't apologize, how dare he fight Chuhe desperately?

"Chuhe! Don't you feel ashamed of your master Baixing!? He worked so hard and even sacrificed himself to seal the demon, but you released the demon and even helped the demon to cause disaster In the world, if your master Quan Xiazhi knew about these things, what would he think!?"

Qixing deliberately mentioned the name of Master Chuhe loudly, just to remind Chuhe.

At the same time, Qixing's sound transmission also frantically said to Chu He, "What are you doing! Don't you respect your master the most? Now your master's remnant soul is in my hands. As I said, follow my instructions. Do what you say, or your master's remnant soul will be shattered!"

"Apologize quickly! Otherwise, the consequences are not something you can afford! Apologize! Apologize quickly!"

The seven lines have been spoken just now, if Chuhe doesn't apologize now, wouldn't he be stuck on top and unable to get off?

So many pairs of eyes are watching.

The cold sweat that evaporated from Qixing made her feel flustered.

What if Chuhe really acts forcefully regardless of his master's remnant soul?

The more he looked at Chu He's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, Qi Xing felt a little flustered.

"Cough cough!" Qixing suddenly coughed twice, and said with compassion, "God has the virtue of loving life, even if I kill you, those people who died because of you will not be resurrected, you don't need to apologize, but you must use Practical actions to show that..."

Qixing said loudly, "Now, I can give you a chance to make up for your mistakes. Since you released the monsters, then it's up to you to re-seal these monsters. Although this is not enough to make up for your mistakes, But at least we can salvage a point or two."

"Now, you come with me, below the Demon Suppressing Temple, and apologize in front of your ancestor."

At the same time, Qixing crazily sent a message to Chuhe, "Don't think that I really dare not crush your master's spirit! Now do as I say, and I can guarantee that as long as you cooperate with me, I will never It will hurt the remnant soul of your master!"

"Even I don't need to hurt you! I can stop the Taoist sect from threatening you, as long as you seal the demon!"

"You are originally a member of the Taoist sect, even the master of the Taoist sect, we can cooperate completely!"

"After you seal the demons, they will continue to show their traces in the human world from time to time. It doesn't matter even if you kill some people, showing a threat to the human world. And you are showing threats..."

"People have no choice but to seek help from the Taoist sect! By that time, the Taoist sect will become stronger and stronger, and I can guarantee that there will be no real encirclement and suppression of you, and that I will give you enough benefits, both of you and me , each being the king of day and night, sharing this world, wouldn’t it be beautiful!?”

Every word and every sentence of Qixing's words appeared in Chuhe's mind.

But the next moment, Chuhe smiled.

Qixing froze for a moment, and heard his own voice coming from the void.

"... Your master's remnant soul is in my hands... We can cooperate... Each is the king of day and night... Isn't it beautiful?"

The sound was like rolling thunder, extremely huge.

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