And it's really Qixing's own voice!

Played all Qixing's threat and desire to cooperate with Chuhe just now.

"Why do you need to transmit the sound?" Chu He picked out his ears, "If you have something to say, wouldn't it be good to say it openly?"

Qixing is confused!

Why don't you talk about Wude! ?

But the people below looked at each other in blank dismay, completely unexpected that Qi Xing, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, had such a side!

What makes these people even more angry is that in the arrangement of the seven elements, there is no benefit for them at all!

Jiang Xinlian looked at Qixing in shock.

Although she knew Qixing's behavior, these words still terrified her.

How about cooperating with Chuhe?

Then what are you! ?compromise?Give in?betray?

In the end, he was superior and shared the world with Chuhe?

What shit!

And at this moment in the live broadcast room, there is also a dead silence.

Only the words of Qixing, which made their heads a little unacceptable for a while, were still reverberating.

Chapter 187 I Want You To Die

"What's the sound in the live broadcast? Did I hear it wrong?"

"What does it mean that Chuhe is the king of the day, he is the king of the night, and he even said that ordinary people can be sacrificed? What does this mean? Why can't I understand?"

"Could it be that what the Son of Seven Elements said just now is all pretending, and now these words are what he thinks in his heart?"

"Does Qixing Shengzi dare to go up and face Chuhe alone? It turns out that he has the remnant soul of Master Chuhe in his hand as a threat!"

"If you look at it this way, the Son of the Seven Elements... seems to be nothing special..."

After a short period of silence in the live broadcast room, everyone began to complain crazily, feeling that the Son of the Seven Elements' superficial and hidden practices are really disgusting!

Not only did he use the remnant soul of his master as a threat, but he also directly compromised with Chuhe.

Obviously, the words on the mouth are very beautiful, and what they say will not take a step back, but in fact these words are also scene words, right?

In private, he has already thought about how to share the world with Chuhe.

Especially what Qixing said, let Chuhe continue to do evil, while they cooperated with Chuhe on the surface to achieve a win-win situation, and ordinary people like them were the only ones who sacrificed.

This made them disgusted with Qixing in their hearts.

In the twinkling of an eye, Qixing, who was originally blessed with good luck, instantly felt the feeling of repulsion from heaven and earth, and his good luck was also passing away rapidly, and his momentum and the feeling of abundance just now were also gone. Constantly lost.

The same is true for the Ranchenzi below. They are masters and apprentices, they are connected with each other, and they are both prosperous and hurt. Today, Ranchenzi is not having a good time. I just feel that the power of the blessings of the world is constantly dissipating in the vastness. .

If in the end he really achieves the kind of accusation by everyone, just like Chuhe's current status, then his power will never be fully exerted!

And after thinking of this, Ranchenzi was even more frightened by Chuhe's strength.

In his opinion, the current Chuhe is accused by thousands of people and is simply a public enemy of the whole people. The rejection of luck that he has endured is absolutely unimaginable to him, and his display of strength will definitely be affected.

It is very likely that one-third or even less of the strength of the whole body has been revealed!

But even so, he already has such a strong strength, if he is accepted by the power of heaven and earth, by then...

Ranchenzi didn't even dare to think about it, and shuddered directly.

By that time, I'm afraid Sheng Ling's formation would not be able to deal with him!

No, the current situation must be reversed, and we cannot continue to sit still!

Ran Chenzi's mind was like lightning, and he thought of a countermeasure in a blink of an eye. He shouted, "Everyone, could it be that the devil Chuhe's little tricks have bluffed you!?"

"You need to know who Chuhe is! He is the devil, he is a vicious murderer, can his words count? He just deliberately fabricated those words just now, just wanting us to fight among ourselves!"

Ranchenzi's words were sonorous and forceful, which made everyone calm down a little.

If you think about it carefully, this is what Chuhe said. Can you believe what he said?

But there are also many people who think... With Chuhe's character, that passage is probably true.

Although there are not many contacts with Chuhe, these people are deeply impressed by every contact. They know that with Chuhe's character, they may not be able to do such a thing.

But it doesn't matter whether they believe it or not, the important thing is that the people watching the live broadcast believe it.

Qixing also reacted, pretending to be arrogant and said, "Hahahaha! Such a childish and inferior method, do you want to rely on this trick to make us fight among ourselves and make me lose the support of these people?"

"Don't you think they are all idiots who will believe these outrageous things you say?"

This is said in seconds.

The people who were watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room, when they heard this, they all felt that if they really believed it just now, wouldn't they be idiots?

After all, Qixing said that only a fool would believe it.

"I'm afraid we misunderstood the Son of Seven Elements?"

"It makes sense, the big devil of Chuhe's client, the devil is used to bewitching people's hearts, this move is too damaging, I almost believed it!"

The public opinion turned around a little bit, and Qixing's feeling was the most intuitive. The feeling that the power was almost leaving him gradually stopped, and his feeling of self-confidence gradually returned.

Seeing this, Chuhe just shook his head, "Sure enough, is this the root of human nature? I only believe in things that are beneficial to me, and only believe in things I want to believe, without considering the actual situation at all."

"Shut up! I don't allow you to slander all those who support me. It is their support that we have come to today step by step!"

"When we were besieged by monsters in Leiyin Mountain, I was thinking of these people who supported me, these people who were waiting for me to rescue, and these innocent people who were harmed by you! When I thought of these, I kept telling Tell yourself that you can't die! You must not die!"

"I haven't killed you yet, how can I die?"

"How can I die before the people are safe!?"

"It was these beliefs that allowed me to defeat the demon, escape from death, and finally survive!"

"And this, perhaps, is also God's revelation to me, telling me that my mission has not been completed, and I cannot die easily."

What he said was righteous, and what he said was full of tears, and even Chuhe felt that he believed it in the end.

But let’s not say much, these words are a bit lethal to ordinary people who watch the live broadcast and don’t understand the situation.

Suddenly, many people who were watching the live broadcast were moved.

They swiped barrage to express their support.

And Qixing's luck is back!

While saying these words, Qi Xing was also sneering through sound transmission.

"Chuhe, don't bother, what if you announce it? Those mentally handicapped people will never believe you. In their hearts, you are a treacherous devil who does all kinds of evil, and I, It is the embodiment of justice!"

"Even if you put the evidence in front of them, they will be selectively blind."

"It's like the forced demolition of your demon temple. Isn't this matter clear enough? Even in my opinion, it was their fault, but what do you think now? Haven't all the guilt been pushed to the on you?"

"Don't they really know?"

"They know everything, they just want you dead!"

The words of Qixing kept coming, and fell into Chuhe's heart word by word, "Chuhe, give up, now you are the enemy of the entire human being, so what if you are invincible in the world? If things go on like this, you will definitely be defeated." Heaven and earth won't allow it."

"Listen to me, let's stop fighting. Let's continue to be our masters together, keep these fools in the dark, and continue to serve us, isn't it good? Although you have killed so many people, I actually don't care about it at all." would mind."

"As long as we work together, what if I help you kill someone?"

Chapter 188 Destroy it, hurry up

Chuhe looked at Qixing, who was righteous on the surface, and listened to these extremely dark words, only felt absurd and ironic.

The Son of Seven Elements, who was supported by countless people, and even regarded as a savior by them, didn't care about their lives at all.

He even killed those who supported him in order to cooperate with the demon Chuhe in the hearts of his people!

This is the Holy Son of the Seven Elements, and this is the elite disciple cultivated by the Daoist sect!

He was even dubbed the Son of God!

Chuhe suddenly felt a little disappointed and sad.

The whole Taoist gate is rotten!

The world has been peaceful for a long time, and these people have been in peace for a long time, and they haven't even caught a few ghosts. They have long forgotten what the Dao League was formed in the first place.

"Hehe." Chu He chuckled and shook his head, "Hand over the remnant soul of my master."

I don't want to talk to him anymore.

The truth is that I am tired, so hurry up and destroy it.

These people can't arouse Chuhe's interest at all, but they are just a group of self-righteous clowns.

But when these words fell into Qixing's ears, it made him happy.

Chuhe wants his master's remnant soul?

Does that mean that he agreed to the conditions he just offered?

Qixing sternly refused on the surface, "I want your master's remnant soul? How can I give it to you now! Unless you kneel in front of your master's remnant soul to apologize, after all your master sealed the demon, and you released the demon, you are sorry he!"

"Also, as I said before, I apologize to the ordinary people all over the world who have been hurt by you, and to the thousands of creatures who died because of you!"

But in private, Qixing asked eagerly, "Chuhe, so you agreed to my conditions? As long as you agree with what I just said, I will naturally hand over your master's remnant soul to you."

"However, there are a few conditions. First, you must go to re-seal the demon. Only you can know that formation. Second... from now on, you are not allowed to appear on the stage as a decent person. It is agreed, you will be the one in the night." The king of the world is responsible for evil, and we represent justice."

Before Chu He could speak, Ah Qing, who had endured for a long time, finally couldn't help it anymore, and said to Chu He, "Hasn't he been beaten by you before? How can he still say such things that deserve to be beaten? Isn't he afraid of being beaten? "

Ah Qing asked sincerely and innocently, completely ignorant of the lethality of her words.

As for the people behind Chuhe, many of them laughed lightly after hearing this.

Even Jiang Xinlian on one side couldn't help laughing.

But when she thought of this occasion, she couldn't laugh anymore.

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