Qixing's face turned red instantly.

This really hurts my self-esteem a bit!

At that time in Leiyin Mountain, he made his debut thinking that he could deal with Chuhe, but the result was that he should not be beaten up.

There was also a live broadcast at that time. At that time, he also wanted to make a grand debut and gain luck, but he was directly made a laughingstock by Chuhe!

Now that Ah Qing's old matter is brought up again, how can he not be ashamed and angry?

There were also some doubts in the live broadcast room.

"That's right, the Holy Son of Seven Elements can't beat Chuhe, and he was almost killed by Chuhe before."

"At that time, it seemed that there was a magic weapon like a bottle, and it was taken away by Chuhe."

"The Holy Son of the Seven Elements... can he really protect us?"

Ranchenzi's face also turned dark. It's okay for this girl not to speak, but when she speaks, people can't pick up.

"Hmph!" Qixing pretended to be calm, and said word by word, "So what if I am defeated? Even if I am defeated, I will make a comeback, because behind me are thousands of innocent people, and there is no way I can retreat. Want me to fall completely? Unless you kill me!"

As he spoke, he raised his chest and raised his head, with a firm expression on his face.

Many girls in the live broadcast room saw this scene, and they climaxed again.

Even some boys are infected, and feel that the spirit of the Seven Elements Son is commendable, and the Seven Elements Son is for them!

"My lord." Ah Qing blinked her big eyes at Chuhe, and asked solemnly, "Is this the pretense you mentioned before?"

As soon as these words came out, even Chuhe couldn't hold back anymore, and burst into laughter.

The people behind him from the Five Immortals Sect and Yinyue Xiaohei even laughed out loud.

Ah Qing, who is a holy body of witchcraft, only cultivates the flesh body, and even trained by the Jiangwu sect, she doesn't understand a little common sense, so a lot of common sense is lacking.

Because of this, her words are often very short.

Some time ago, Ah Qing insisted on pestering Chuhe to ask what it meant to pretend to be aggressive, so Chuhe gave her a simple explanation.

"Haha, Ah Qing, I didn't expect your comprehension ability to be so good. That's right, this is just pretending."

Chuhe smiled and said, "However, your understanding is still a bit off. This can only be regarded as forcing."

"Do you know what happens when you force yourself?"

"What will happen?" Ah Qing tilted her head and blinked her eyes.

"I'll be struck by lightning, haha."

Over there, Qixing saw Chuhe and Aiqing singing together, his complexion changed directly from red to bluish white, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

It was the injury from the previous battle with Chuhe.

"You! You! You are a monk after all, yet you say such things! You, you are vulgar!" Qixing pointed at Chuhe with trembling hands.

But Chuhe's smile is restrained and gradually becomes cold.

"Vulgar? Speaking dirty words is called vulgarity, but doing dirty things is called vulgarity?" Chu He sneered, "On the surface, they are benevolent and moral, but in private they are dirty and nasty. How dare you call me vulgar?"

"You! You devil, you released the demons, you are the enemy of the world, you are worthy of benevolence and morality!?" Qixing was in a hurry, and now it was live broadcasting, so many people were watching, the image could not be lost!

Maybe it was because he was in a hurry that he somewhat forgot the strength gap between himself and Chuhe!

"Hehe." Chuhe shook his head, and stretched out a hand, "Isn't it ironic? The standard of benevolence and morality is actually set by you people who have no benevolence and morality."

Qi Xing suddenly felt his body suddenly thrust forward uncontrollably, he woke up instantly, and broke out in a cold sweat.

He was facing Chuhe!

This is overdressed!

And no matter how hard he tried, his body just couldn't stop moving. Just when he was about to use the exercises, he heard the word "one body fixed" floating in his ears.

He couldn't move for a moment.

The next moment, his neck appeared in Chuhe's hands.

In the void, Chuhe stood in the air, his eyes were like lightning, he stretched out one arm, and grabbed Qixing's neck.

This scene directly shocked everyone present!

Chuhe has become stronger again!

The Holy Son of Seven Elements has no ability to resist at all!

And there was silence in the live broadcast room, and everyone watched this scene in disbelief.

Chapter 189

It's like catching a chick, without any effort at all.

Qixing seemed to force his neck to be strangled by Chuhe.

Now he was pinched by Chuhe in mid-air, unable to move at all, only his two feet were kicking the air helplessly.

His face turned red, and he looked as if his head was about to explode.

Everyone in the studio was shocked.

"Son of the Seven Elements! Let go of the Son of the Seven Elements!"

Some people frantically sent some threatening words to Chuhe on the bullet screen. At this moment, the keyboard in their hands seemed to be transformed into their weapon, and they sprayed directly at Chuhe.

It's as if Chuhe can see it.

"This is the end of the game, the Son of Seven Elements might be killed by Chuhe!"

"What a man! Just because he is on our side and because he wants to help us, he will be killed by Chuhe? Is he still a person!?"

"I said it a long time ago, he is not human at all, he is just a devil through and through!"

These people are now extremely sympathetic and worried about Qixing's comfort, as if they have already regarded Qixing as their savior. From this aspect, Qixing's performance just now has indeed worked.

At least these people regarded him as a hero, but they didn't believe the sound transmission of Qixing released by Chuhe to him.

It's so funny that these people worship and treat him as a savior to someone who wanted to sacrifice them all and never had their safety at all.


This is also their sorrow, they only hope that a hero-like person will appear to protect them, and they never reflect on themselves.

To put it bluntly, they are just a group of giant babies raised by the real society. If they make mistakes, they will only be pushed to others. If they are responsible, they always want others to bear the responsibility. When danger really comes, they begin to expect others to rescue them.

As if it had nothing to do with me from beginning to end.

Qixing could still feel that luck was still gathering towards him, but he just couldn't break free.

Ranchenzi below saw Qixing being strangled by the neck, and was extremely anxious.

This is his apprentice, an apprentice raised by his son!

Moreover, he still has the hope of Zhongxing Lingmingtang, so he can't just die in the hands of Chuhe.

"Quick! Go save Qixing!"

Ran Chenzi said to the crowd, "Shouldn't you do nothing to save yourself? Now we are all prosperous and we are all lost. If we do not save each other and fight each other, we will only be broken by the Chu River, and we will all die by then! "

Shen Lingshi said first, "How is it possible to see death without saving? We are all one now!"

"Yes! Let's go up and save the Son of Qixing!"

Ran Chenzi looked at Abbot Fakong again, "Now we should let go of the barriers between Buddhism and Taoism, and be united to the outside world!"

Abbot Fakong nodded, "That's exactly what it should be."

"Okay! If that's the case, let's go up and save Qixing together!"

Ran Chenzi let out a loud roar, and the people below responded one after another.

"Save Qixing! Let's go together!"

But after shouting for a long time, no one took off first, even Ran Chenzi stood still and roared, without moving at all.

Gradually, even they themselves felt a little embarrassed. If they stood here and shouted, they couldn't scare Chuhe away!

And, didn't you say to go together?

Why not?

It's clear that they are shouting together, so where is it going together?

Ran Chenzi was a little embarrassed, and said in a low voice, "Ahem, I'll count one, two, three, let's go together! With so many people together, even if Chuhe is powerful, he should avoid us by three points!"

"That's right! Chuhe is also a human being, not a god. It's true that he is powerful, but he hasn't reached the point of one against a hundred, right? Besides, we are now top-notch masters like Ranchenzi and Abbot Fakong. If you go together, you will definitely not be afraid!"

The people below began to agree again, and Ran Chenzi was also slightly relieved, and said to the crowd, "One... two... three!"

Afterwards, he soared into the sky, "Chuhe! Let go of Qixing quickly, otherwise, let's see if we have so many righteous ways to agree!"

He yelled angrily as he flew.

As a result, something was wrong immediately.

What the hell, why didn't you keep up! ?

I only saw those people below who had agreed to go up together one, two, three, but now they all stayed below, and no one took off with him at all.

There was even one that had already taken off, but seeing that no one around was up, it turned back again.


Ran Chenzi was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Mud can't support the wall!

No wonder Chuhe looks down on you, even me!

Ranchenzi cursed inwardly, but he didn't know that in Chuhe's eyes, he himself belonged to the group of people who couldn't be supported by mud.

"Master Ranchenzi is mighty!" The people in the live broadcast room didn't know why, they only saw Ranchenzi soaring into the sky, thinking that it was him who decided to fight the demon alone, everyone was moved.

"As expected of a master who has taught heroes like Qixing, to come out at such a moment, it is simply knowing that you can't do it!"

"Hero! This one is also a hero!"

Ranchenzi somehow became a hero, and the luck gradually gathered on him.

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