It seems that because this touching scene moved many people, the power of luck began to gather on the two of them, especially Qi Xing.

Suddenly, Chuhe felt that his wrist was a little itchy, which was a one-in-a-million chance of counterflow of spiritual energy.

Every cultivator may meet them, but the higher the level of cultivation, the harder it is to meet them.

But at this special moment, it was precisely the hand that was pinching Qixing's neck that encountered a countercurrent of spiritual energy!

And Qixing only felt that his neck was loose, and took advantage of this opportunity to walk out directly!

Ranchenzi was also taken aback when he saw that Qixing was out of trouble, and felt a little incredible.

But he didn't intend to think too much about it. In short, Qixing survived, so he immediately changed direction and started flying down.

Chuhe, on the other hand, looked at his hands thoughtfully.

"Is this... the externalization of luck?"

If luck is added to the body, to put it simply, the luck of this person will become very good. Not only will he encounter many adventures, but he will also be able to turn bad luck into good luck and get a lot of help!

Just like the main character.

Even if you are in a desperate situation, you can still have a glimmer of life, you can be called the son of the plane!

Although Qixing obviously has not yet reached the level of the son of the plane, it has already attracted Chuhe's attention.

Perhaps, you can see if there are any props about luck in the mall?

Anyway, Chuhe still has a huge sum of money to spend.

Chapter 190 Cultivated to a Dog

Just when Chuhe was immersed in the shopping mall, there was already a burst of cheers below!

"Qixing is out of trouble!"

"It's amazing! Under such circumstances, you can escape from Chuhe's clutches!"

"Qi Xing really deserves to be the Holy Son, it's extraordinary!"

And at the bottom of Qixing's heart at this moment, there is probably only one sentence to sum it up.

It's so exciting to pretend to be forced and run!

It's just that the excitement was a bit too much, and I almost confessed there.

Fortunately, Chuhe's hands shook at the critical moment. If it wasn't for Chuhe's hand shaking, he would probably be cold now, and the body might shake twice.

There was also a burst of jubilation in the live broadcast room, "The Son of Seven Elements has escaped!"

"Master Ranchenzi must have intimidated the Chuhe demon, that's why he let go of the Seven Elements Son!"

"I think it might be that Chuhe is afraid. Otherwise, with his character, he would definitely kill the Son of Qixing, but you see, instead of killing the Son of Qixing, he let him go. Isn't that true?" What are you afraid of?"

There are different opinions on the barrage, but the atmosphere is so optimistic that it seems to really feel that Chuhe can be seen here.

Qixing was terrified in his heart, and he also knew that it was probably because of his own good luck that he had such good luck that he was able to get out of trouble.

And it is precisely because of this that he is now even more hungry and thirsty for luck.

Now just seeing the luck provided by the live broadcaster is enough for him to escape under Chuhe's hands. Although it didn't increase his strength much, it increased his luck by more than one level.

If luck is also a part of strength, then this luck has already raised Qixing's strength to a higher level.

He couldn't help but start to imagine, what if people all over the world worshiped him and could gain the luck of the whole world?

Wouldn't that be the son of a plane?

Just like the emperor in the historical records, with outnumbered enemies, he was about to lose, but suddenly a meteorite fell from the sky and killed the opponent, and finally won the victory.

What is a child of the plane?

This is the Son of Plane!

If you can achieve this step, then even if you don't have to do anything, there will be no bottlenecks in your realm. You can just lie down and practice every day, and Tiancai Dibao can find it with a kick when you go out.

In the face of danger, he can always turn danger into good luck, and encounter endless adventures until his cultivation reaches Mahayana, reaching an unimaginable height.

Qixing's heart is hot.

really!Only in a world of great contention can there be great opportunities. If the current world is still as peaceful as before, then he will definitely not have such an opportunity.

From this point of view, he even wondered if he should not be so anxious to seal the demon?

Let the demons rampage more fiercely, only in this way, those helpless and desperate people will trust him without reservation, and his luck will become more and more powerful!

He even started to thank Chuhe a little. If Chuhe hadn't released these monsters, he wouldn't be where he is today.

In the short few days since he came out of the mountain, his cultivation has improved a lot!


Qixing looked at Chuhe viciously.

Although I am very grateful to you, but you don't listen to my advice, then you are still dead!

"Everyone, form an array!"

Qi Xing was afraid that Chuhe would suddenly come down and rampage at this time. If the deployment of the formation was interrupted at that time, it would be difficult to trap Chuhe again.

Everyone quickly dispersed and stood on top of their respective formations.

Shen Lingshi directly threw the live broadcast device in his hand into the mid-air. After the live broadcast device came into the mid-air, it did not fall, but suspended on it, watching the whole situation from a bird's-eye view.

"My lord, they are forming an formation!"

Long Weiling said nervously.

She became a little sensitive after the Mirage Luoli Beast trapped a group of them in the Flower of Desire last time.

Although he was still broken by Chuhe in the end, this feeling made him very uncomfortable.

"My lord, I will take people down to destroy their formation now. If their formation is complete, twists and turns will inevitably occur."

Chuhe shook his head, "No need."

His consciousness has come out of the system mall, and there is still a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"But, once the formation takes shape, it will inevitably bring us some threats."

Chuhe smiled, "How can there be any threat?"

He looked down and said, "Remember what I said before, the entire bottom is a huge formation called Guizang Jue, and the formation they are going to arrange now is to be arranged on top of the large formation of Gui Zang Jue Formation."

"Let's not talk about whether we don't know the success. Even if the arrangement is successful, the power will be affected by the Guizang formula, and the strength will be greatly reduced."

"But... Even if it is like this, there may be threats."

Chuhe nodded, "I see."

Then he said to the following, "I suggest that you stop arranging formations immediately."

Chu He paused for a moment and then continued, "Because your formation may break the seal of this place and release the terrifying existence below."

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if you are dead, I just don't want the place where my master used to live to be turned into ruins."

Those people have knocked down many buildings, but there are still some buildings left in this large area. Chuhe didn't want to make the same mistakes as Town Demon Temple, so he reminded him.

When he came to the sky above the stone forest, he saw that a super-large Guizang formula had been arranged here, and below it, there was an aura that made even the great demon Yinyue tremble.

That is to say, there must be a terrific monster sealed under the Gui Zang Jue.

Even this building exists to suppress this monster.

Moreover, Gui Zang Jue is different from the seal used by Master Baixing before, Gui Zang Jue is a powerful way to seal a single body, that is to say, under this huge Gui Zang Jue formation, there is only one thing to seal!

However, Chuhe's reminder changed after it reached the bottom.

"Now you know how to be afraid? It's too late!"

"What are you saying about the sealer monster below? Why do you speak so much like when those people forcibly demolished your demon temple?"

"Everyone, work harder! Our large formation is effective. It is estimated that Chuhe has already seen the threat of this large formation to him, and has begun to be afraid!"

"Hehe, do you want us to stop setting up formations? Talking about it is not enough, come down and beg us!"

Chuhe looked at these people below as if he was mentally retarded. In a daze, he seemed to have returned to the day when he suppressed the demon temple.

Apart from the fact that these people have some cultivation and know how to arrange formations, what is the difference between these people and those mobs who drive excavators to overthrow the demon temple?

Cultivation has all been cultivated on dogs! ?

Chapter 191 Trap?pie!

Because they had already arranged a formation yesterday, so the speed this time was also very fast.

The most important thing is that there is a huge threat of Chuhe above, so they naturally used their milking strength to quickly arrange the formation.

But the problem came again.

The formation is set up...but Chuhe is still outside the formation!

Who will bring him in?

Qixing looked at the camera hanging in mid-air, knowing that he had another chance to act.

This time, he didn't fly up hastily, but turned around and went directly to the main hall of Zhenmo Temple.

Here is the core of the formation. As long as Chuhe comes here, everything will be easy to handle.

The moment Qixing entered the hall, Chuhe felt something was wrong.

In the Demon Suppressing Palace, there was a wave of familiar fluctuations!

Chuhe was so familiar with this fluctuation in his bones that his eyes flickered twice after he even felt it.

That is... the fluctuation that belongs to Master Baixing!

That was the breath of Master Baixing!

What they said is true, here, there really is the remnant soul of Master Baixing!

Chuhe is very familiar with this breath, because it is the breath of Master Baixing who has been with him day and night for more than ten years!

Feeling this long-lost atmosphere again, Chuhe only felt tears welling up in his eyes, and felt a little sorry for his master.

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