After all, the master's tomb was demolished by those mobs, he is really ashamed of Master Baixing!

It's just that, if Master Baixing knew it, after knowing this, with his character, he wouldn't blame those ignorant people too much, but... Chuhe couldn't do it and pretend he didn't see it!

He took a deep breath, slowly lowered the Flower of Desire, and walked down out of thin air.

Now it's all right, there's no need for Qixing to seduce him, Chuhe will go down by himself.

"Chu River is coming down!"

"Everyone be careful!"

All of a sudden, when they saw Chuhe coming down, the people below were also panicked. After all, the picture of Qixing being killed by Chuhe just now was still lingering in their heads.

Seeing Chuhe getting closer and closer to them now, they are naturally a little worried.

Wenjian Shengzi from Leiyinshan looked at Chuhe getting closer and closer, his eyes flickered, he still didn't say a word, but there was a weird smile on his mouth, but now everyone is worried about their own safety , but no one noticed his abnormality.

Jiang Xinlian was still standing in mid-air, she was extremely entangled in her heart now.

She considers herself to be a person of the righteous way, and she has mixed feelings about these fellows below.

After all, what these people said to her just now was extremely unpleasant, almost calling her the concubine of a demon.

Naturally, she doesn't have any good feelings for these people, but she is also afraid that Chuhe will kill them. When the protection of these people is lost in the world, it will only be more dangerous.

She already knew that these people were just sanctimonious hypocrites, but even hypocrites were at least hypocritical. For the sake of profit, they would protect the common people, which was more or less a good thing for the innocent people of the world.

How to do?

She was entangled and had to froze in mid-air.

"Everyone, don't panic! Keep your formation and don't take the initiative to attack!" Ran Chenzi looked at the panicked crowd and shouted, "He is also afraid of us, and he will never take the initiative to attack!"

Everyone took a reassurance in their hearts.

Yes, Master Chuhe's remnant soul is still on his side, he absolutely dare not move!

And Qixing also came out at this time, and came directly to the door of the main hall of the Zhenmo Temple.

He looked at Chuhe getting closer, his brows twitched slightly, then he gritted his teeth and said, "Chuhe! Have you made up your mind that you want to kneel down in front of the patriarch to apologize!?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.


Do you still dare to say such a thing at this time?

Sure enough, Chuhe's eyes were attracted by Qixing.

Seeing Chuhe's eyes looking towards him, his heart trembled. He could think of his means, and he regained his composure. As long as he thought of the humiliation before, he now wished to eat Chuhe raw.

"Hehe, so that your patriarch can see what kind of devil the apprentice he taught is!"

After finishing speaking, Qixing waved his hand directly at the demon town behind him!


It was as if an invisible sharp blade had directly slashed the Demon Town Temple, and the upper half was cut off immediately, and then accompanied by a gust of wind from Qixing, the upper half of the main hall of Town Demon Temple was blown away!

The original majestic and majestic Zhenmoguan hall has directly become a ruined wall without the upper part.

But the furnishings inside have not been damaged, and a statue inside has also been seen again.

The statue pointed to the sky with one hand and the ground with the other.

After seeing the statue, Chuhe suddenly felt familiar.

The breath of the master came from above.

Could it be that the master's remnant soul is on it?

Chuhe's face was gloomy. Looking at the destroyed Demon Town, he said coldly, "I said, don't move any plants or trees here. If you tear down the things here, then I will tear you down."

Qi Xing was taken aback, shook his head and said that all the feeling of fear was thrown out, "Tear me down? Hahaha! You are so loud, I am standing here, you, are you here to tear me down?"

He looked at Chuhe provocatively, and his heart was extremely nervous and excited. As long as Chuhe was introduced here, his mission would be considered complete. When the Shengling formation would detonate directly, wouldn't Chuhe let him handle it?

Those who watched the live broadcast outside saw this scene, and they all applauded Qi Xing.

"Spine! Has guts!"

"The Saint Son of Seven Elements was defeated by Chuhe just now, but now he has cleaned up again and challenged Chuhe again. He is indomitable. He is simply an idol!"

All of a sudden, many vows swept in, and Qi Xing once again felt the power of that kind of luck. He only felt refreshed and became extremely confident.

Chuhe looked at Qixing with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and he was about to walk down.

"My lord, be careful of fraud!" Long Weiling stood behind Chuhe and said in a low voice, "It seems that some kind of formation has been arranged here."

Qi Xing's face froze suddenly, he was really worried that the Chu River would not come down now.

But I only saw Chuhe shaking his head, "You can see it, can't I see it?"

"My lord, since you know this is a trap, why did you go down?"

Chuhe smiled.

"Trap? A trap that can trap people is called a trap. In my opinion, the ridiculous formation below is a pie at best."

Chapter 192 The Familiar Feeling

Hearing that his sect's Sheng Ling Dazheng, who was almost the top school of the town sect, was so insulted by Chuhe, Qixing almost spit out a mouthful of blood.


You are too deceitful!

However, he still forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and looked at Chuhe with cold eyes, "Hehe, you are indeed a devil, you said that on purpose, you just want to provoke me on purpose, so that I can get emotional, and then you can find out from it Flaws so that you can defeat me?"

"Hehe, I can only say that you think too much. Facing a monster like you, no matter what you say, it won't make any waves in my heart."

Qi Xing recited a Taoist name, and his face seemed to be calm again.

"What an insidious devil!" Someone in the live broadcast room scolded, "The devil is worthy of being a devil, he is really proficient in using tricks to stir people's hearts."

"I was a little angry, but luckily the Son of Seven Elements held back."

But Chuhe looked at the Son of Qixing strangely, and said with a sneer, "You said that on purpose? On purpose to provoke you?"

"Who do you send it to?" Chuhe really felt embarrassed for him.

Qixing blushed, "You, you are vulgar! As a devil, as a person like a devil, you actually said such vulgar words that do not conform to your status, you!"

"What I like to say, how can I control you?"

Chuhe shook his head, facing Long Weiling and the others, "Go up and wait for me, don't worry, there will be no danger."

Although everyone was still worried about Chuhe's safety, they still chose to believe in Chuhe when they heard what Chuhe said, and they all returned to the flower of desirelessness.

"Not good! This devil wants to run away!"

"What to do? What if they run away?"

Someone below exclaimed that although the Shengling array they are setting up is extremely powerful, it has a certain range and is very passive. It can only be activated after Chuhe walks to the center of the array.

It would be a fool if Chuhe left without them.

Qixing also looked at Chuhe nervously, and was relieved only to see that Chuhe didn't turn around and leave.

"Are you scared? Let go of your minions?" Qi Xing said arrogantly, "I didn't expect you to be scared too?"


Chuhe looked around.

The entire terrain here has been used as part of the Guizang Jue formation to seal unknown things below, and now the Chu River can faintly detect a terrifying fluctuation.

That should be the most powerful breath he has ever seen!

He wasn't afraid, but he was also worried that those who followed him would be hurt by the aftermath of the battle that might happen later, so he let people go up.

And Qixing seems to understand that Chuhe is afraid of them?

It's really off the charts.

Chuhe shook his head, walked down slowly, and walked directly to the center of the big formation.

Seeing that Chuhe actually walked in, Qixing was very excited.


Chuhe took the bait!

As long as Chuhe is here now, he can make decisions!

After seeing the fall of Chuhe, everyone was relieved, and at the same time, their eyes were extremely excited. They only felt that they had a chance to take revenge on the humiliation they had suffered in the face of Chuhe before!

Qixing spread his thoughts to everyone, "Start the formation first, lest Chuhe run away again!"

Everyone acted together almost instantly!

Boom boom boom!

The sound of detonation came from around constantly, that was the sound of formation formation!

And with the launch of the formation, the only remaining buildings around were also blown to pieces. What's even more frightening is that the core of the formation of Guizang Jue is also near here, and because the Shengling formation is going to be arranged , so some of the detonated spiritual power nodes are already starting to destroy the Guizang Jue formation!

The ground trembled slightly, but everyone didn't take it seriously, thinking that it was caused by the detonation of the Sheng Ling Formation.

Only Chuhe frowned slightly, and he felt a strong force from the tremor.

It was a kind of anger that had been suppressed for a long time, as if a demon god was imprisoned underground!

The tremor seemed to be his strong heartbeat, which resumed beating for the first time after taking advantage of it for an unknown number of years.


Around the stone forest, some small openings suddenly opened in the ground, and some black and red aura gushed out from it.

The monsters in Fang Yunbaili, no matter what they were doing now, suddenly stopped, and then suddenly looked in the direction of Shilin. The eyes of these monsters were full of shock and inconceivability!

Afterwards, Wan Ling ran wildly!

All the creatures who felt a wave of breath used all their strength to stay away from here, so that a beast tide was formed directly!

In a city closest to Shilin, on the big square, everyone is watching the live broadcast on the big screen on the square, which is the Zhenmo Temple. In the screen, the Chu River has fallen in front of the main hall of the Zhenmo Temple, which is On the opposite side of Qixing.

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