Suddenly, someone felt something was wrong.

God, why did it suddenly get dark?

When he looked up, he saw a group of birds flying in the sky. These birds flapped their wings frantically, and flew towards the distance from the direction of the stone forest, passing the city.

There are enough femtoseconds to block out the sky.

But the people below were not too scared. On the contrary, many people took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and then took a selfie and wrote a few words on it, "Since the demon Chuhe released the demons, all kinds of strange things have happened. It’s not surprising anymore, I saw so many birds flying by together today..."

These people seem to have no idea what fear is, because in their city, there are several strong guards.

Moreover, this place originally belonged to an important border defense town, and there are a lot of various ammunition and weapons inside, and there are at least dozens of various rocket eggs and artillery!

There was also a monster project before, but it was repulsed immediately amidst the roar of the cannon.

They are not afraid at all.

The area around the stone forest is already a mess, but inside the stone forest, which is where the Demon Suppressing Temple is located, these people haven't felt anything unusual yet.

Only Jiang Xinlian, who was in mid-air, saw the abnormalities around her, and reminded the people below, "There are changes around, I need to send someone to check it out quickly!"

In the end, everyone sneered, "You still want us to separate, and then be broken by Chuhe one by one, right?"

"Bitch who betrayed the Taoist sect, we will believe what you say?"

Qixing withdrew his eyes indifferently, and landed on Chuhe. With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said sarcastically, "You must feel that the spiritual power in your body is constantly being sucked away, right? This kind of power is constantly away from yourself. And how does it feel to go?"

He wanted to see an expression of pain and panic on Chuhe's face, but he didn't expect Chuhe to smile too.

"This very familiar." Chuhe grinned and showed some teeth, "I seem to have experienced this feeling yesterday, and then...the guy who treated me like this died."

Chapter 193

Qixing's pupils suddenly shrank.

Chuhe actually said that this feeling is very familiar?

what does this mean?

Could it be that he has experienced the Shengling formation before?

Absolutely not!

If he had experienced the Great Spirit Formation, then he probably should have died long ago.

Even Chuhe, when facing the Shengling formation, Qixing believed that he would never escape!

Then why did he say that he was familiar with this feeling?

The corners of Qixing's mouth curled up again, "Hehe, the tricks to deceive people are really powerful, I almost believed it."

"Unfortunately, you don't know how powerful the Shengling Formation is. As long as you stay in the Shengling Formation, all your spiritual energy will be drained, and you will become an ordinary person without any spiritual support!"

"If you really understand your current situation, I think you won't be able to laugh, right?"

"Hahaha!" Before he could finish speaking, Chuhe laughed out loud, leaning back and forth, "Not only does it feel familiar, but even your words sound familiar."

"Did you know? Someone told me that yesterday, but the weeds on her grave must have sprouted now."

Chuhe really thinks it's funny, but also thinks people like Qixing are a little pitiful.

How about holding a stinky Shengling array as a treasure?

I just stabbed to death the flower of no desire arranged by the real magic light Luoli beast yesterday, which can isolate all auras, and even now her dead flower of no desire has become my car.

Now that you have set up a counterfeit formation that imitates the Flower of Desire of the Mirage Luoli Beast, which cannot display one-tenth of the genuine strength, how dare you say such a thing in front of me?

Qixing froze for a moment, trembling with anger, he was sure that Chuhe was just provoking him.

You dare to tease me like this even though you are already in deep trouble, I think you don't know how to be afraid at all!

He got angry and said directly to everyone, "Detonate the formation! Let this devil taste our power!"

After everyone heard it, they all accelerated the speed of the formation control in their hands!

Chuhe instantly felt that the feeling of pulling away the aura accelerated instantly, and the aura in his body was disappearing rapidly.

"I advise you to stop quickly." Chuhe looked at Qixing and said indifferently, "Otherwise, the consequences are not something you can afford."

"Consequences? What consequences?" Qi Xingle said, "I tell you, the consequence is that you will be caught by us, and you will have to pay for the things you did before!"

Chuhe looked around, and the spiritual power blessed his eyes, which also allowed him to see clearly some things that other people couldn't see at all.

With the deployment of the Shengling Formation, Guizang Jue was also damaged more and more seriously, so that here you can see strands of black and red gas gushing out from the cracks in the ground below. .

"There is a monster sealed here that you are absolutely unwilling to face. If you continue to use the Great Spirit Formation, the formation that seals this monster will be destroyed. When the monster is born, you will all die."

Qixing sneered before he finished listening, "Again? Do you think we will still trust you?"

"Is it true that there are demons sealed underground in your demon temple?"

Everyone also laughed, no one took what Chuhe said to heart, they just thought that Chuhe was lying.

People who watched the live broadcast thought the same way, "I'm afraid, I'm afraid, Chuhe is afraid! He even started to use such words to prevent the Taoist sect from setting up a large formation to deal with him."

"What are you saying that there are demons sealed underneath, how can there be such a coincidence?"

There were also some barrages that gave out some different opinions, "But when we were in the town of demons, Chuhe said that there were monsters below, but no one believed him. In the end, it was because everyone didn't believe him that they forcibly demolished the town of monsters." , leading to the birth of demons..."

Such a sensible voice was instantly drowned in scolding.

"At the beginning, it was clearly Chuhe's demolition of the Town Demon Temple, okay?"

"That's right, those monsters were demolished by Chuhe himself. It is said that he invited those construction teams to go there at that time. He spent money to let these people wipe down the demon temple directly, and then said to the outside world that it was a forced demolition. He blocked it by himself." It couldn't be blocked, which caused the monsters to break through the seal."

"Please, who would believe such words? Look at how powerful Chuhe is now. He can fight against the entire Taoist sect alone. If he really wanted to stop it, he would not be able to stop a few bulldozers? This is obviously his own Directed and acted!"

"That's right, when I watched the live broadcast, Chu He directed and acted it himself!"

All of a sudden, many people who claimed to be watching the live broadcast at that time appeared, and they talked with their noses and eyes, and later even jumped out of the original survivors!

That's what they said in the end.

They are more willing to believe this, and now the version they said has become the so-called truth.

"It's just trying to delay time." Qixing sneered at Chuhe, "Are you afraid? Do you feel panicked?"

"Besides, why are you so kind and start to worry about our life and death? As a devil, you should be the most willing to see your kind be released? After all, that's what you did back then, why are you suddenly starting to help us? us?"

"Hehe, stop pretending, I know you're scared, as long as you kneel down to me, apologize to thousands of innocent people, and let me see your sincerity, maybe I can show mercy and strike Take it easy."

Chuhe looked at Qixing like the two fools, "I'm kind enough to help you? Worried about your life or death?"

He had a strange expression, "What are you talking about? I mean, if the Shengling Formation continues to be used, then if the sealed existence underneath breaks through the ground, it will definitely destroy the Demon Suppressing Temple. I can't bear to see the Demon Suppressing Temple Just be ravaged again, as for your life and death? Who cares?"

Seven lines and one suffocation, a mouthful of old blood was almost spit out.

"Sharp teeth! Are you out of breath after being exposed by me?" He snorted coldly, "Okay! Then I will tell you now, instead of stopping, I will speed up!"

As he spoke, he shouted, "Sheng Ling formation, get up!"

Following his order, the surrounding air seemed to become scorched, and a whirlwind suddenly blew up from around the Chu River. It was a vortex storm composed of aura, and the aura sweeping across the Chu River moved towards The Quartet swept away!

And Chuhe's spiritual energy became thinner and thinner, thinner and thinner!

Everyone in Qixing Haodao Sect was extremely surprised.

This time, you are not dead! ?

And as time passed, they gradually stopped laughing.

Especially Qixing, who is the closest to Chuhe, his expression gradually turned ugly.

"What's going on? Why... the spiritual energy on his body hasn't been drained yet?!"

Chapter 194

What the hell is going on with him! ?

Qixing was horrified!

Why, the spiritual power in his body seems to be endless, no matter how much he sucks it, he can't exhaust it! ?

Looking at the aura still gushing out from Chuhe's body, Qixing was dumbfounded.

Is this fucking human?

This is a fairy!

Only immortals have such inexhaustible spiritual power!

It was so vigorous that it almost made Qixing despair!

The principle of this Shengling formation is actually very simple. It is to use the aura explosion outside to form a spiritual vacuum, and absorb all the aura in the center of the formation, that is, where the Chu River is. People in the formation lose all their spiritual power!

But the aura explosion outside is also limited, and it is impossible to explode indefinitely.

But now, seeing that half of the formation has been carried out, Chuhe still has no response, and the spiritual power on his body is as unfathomable as the sea!

He just felt his scalp tingling.

Although he had already overestimated Chuhe, he found that he still underestimated him!

How to do?What should we do now?

Qixing has no choice but to bite the bullet and let the people who control the formation continue to continue to use it.

And people outside began to realize that something was wrong.

what happened?

Why do you feel that this formation has no effect at all?

They were also a little panicked, but they didn't dare to think about it any further. As long as they thought about it, they would tremble all over, and they couldn't control the formation at all.

Only those who watched the live broadcast outside were still blindly optimistic.

"Look! Chuhe can't move anymore! It must be controlled by the formation!"

"Aren't you still arrogant just now? Why aren't you arrogant now?"

"Be sure to catch him, let him try to torture everyone in this world, and then seal him!"

"It's best to take out his soul directly, and put him in a torture formation full of torture!"

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