He was an orphan in his previous life, and after traveling to this world, only when facing Master Baixing would he feel the warmth of home.

It can be said that Master Baixing's feelings for Chuhe are definitely not something that can be summed up by a master.

"Now my remnant soul is awake, if that's the case, then my remnant soul won't live long." Master Baixing smiled freely.

Chuhe panicked.

"What? Master, this..."

"Needless to say, I have already set up means in my remnant soul. Ordinary remnant souls only have a soul body, but no consciousness. I also put my own consciousness in this remnant soul, but I can't easily It will be awakened, and if awakened, it can only survive consciously for a quarter of an hour."

Chuhe's eyes turned red and he clenched his fists.

But he was helpless.

Because he also knew that what the master said was true, and he couldn't stop it.

Although the current Chu River is powerful, with weapons and systematic help, it still has not reached the point where it can isolate life and death. That is something that even the legendary immortals, gods and Buddhas cannot do!

And the people below were even more frightened when they heard that Master Baixing's remnant soul would disappear in fifteen minutes.

What should I do?

When Master Baixing was around, they didn't have to worry about Chuhe's comfort, but what about after Master Baixing died?

Then they are finished! ?

All of a sudden, the crowd was in an uproar, almost filled with the desire to survive.

"Chuhe, let me ask you why this place has become like this? Why are those fellow human beings kneeling on the ground again?"

Master Baixing asked softly.

But just as Chuhe was about to answer, he heard a voice suddenly coming from below.

"Master Baixing! Chuhe colluded with demons and wanted to destroy this world! He is now possessed, and he released all the demons you tried to seal!"

The one who speaks is the Son who smells and sees!

He didn't speak for a long time, but when he spoke, he was shocked!

And everyone in the Taoist sect looked at him like a lunatic.

"What are you doing!? Crazy!? Want us to die now!?"

Chapter 199

And Wen saw that Shengzi only stared at Master Baixing's remnant soul, didn't say a word of extraneous words, and ignored those people.

Ranchenzi's eyes flickered, "The only way now is to let Master Baixing open his mouth. As long as he restrains Chuhe from killing us, with Chuhe's character, he will definitely not touch us at all!"

Qixing also nodded silently, "So this is Wen Jian's plan? But I...why do I always feel a little weird? Wen Jian's breath seems to be a little different from before..."

"I don't have time to think so much now, it's important to save lives!"

After the initial shock, Ranchenzi also shouted, "Master Baixing! I am the current head of the Lingming Hall. It has been hundreds of years since you sealed the demons. During these hundreds of years, The weather has always been good, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and no longer need to be harassed by monsters, but... just a while ago, this tranquility was broken by your apprentice!"

"Chu River released the demon! And he was still standing on the side of the demon. Did you see those people in mid-air? Look, there are demons and demons among those people, and there is also a witch who is like a zombie." body, the remaining women are also disciples of the Five Immortals cultivating vicious Gu worms."

"And these people are all hanging out with Chu Hesi. He has already betrayed your will, gave up guarding the demon temple, and directly lifted the seal!"

"And the reason why we look like this now is because we were chased and killed by Chuhe and the monsters. We followed the clues and came to this town demon temple. We released your remnant soul in order to let you restrain Chuhe yourself."

When he said this, he burst into tears, "The world is already in turmoil, and it can no longer stand the ravages of the Chu River!"

It's simply an acting school. If Chuhe hadn't experienced all these things, he would have believed it.

The people below immediately uttered their voices to Master Baixing, "I beg Master Baixing to restrain Chuhe, so that he will stop killing innocent people indiscriminately, and from then on, he will live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, so that he must not appear in people's sight!"

It took less than two seconds for Master Baixing's expression to change from shock at the beginning, to horror, and then to calmness.

As for the girls of the Five Immortals Sect and Ah Qing and the others above, they were also very anxious when they saw this.

"It's bad. Chuhe respects his master the most, and his master is upright. At the beginning, he even sacrificed his life to seal the monsters. Now that he hears these people's bewitching, maybe he will do something to Chuhe."

"I'll go up and explain!" Xiao Hei was about to rush up, but was grabbed by Yinyue.

"I ask you, what is your identity?"

"Monster, monster..."

"Then you go up and explain now, won't the more you explain, the more chaotic you will be? Who would believe a monster's words!"

"Especially someone like Master Baixing who suppressed you and me with his own hands. He even sacrificed his life to seal us. He must hate us to the bone. How could he believe you and me?"

Xiao Hei suddenly felt sad, "Then what should we do? Do we just watch Chuhe being slandered like this?"

The crowd was silent.

They knew that the importance of Master Baixing to Chuhe, if they disturbed rashly now, it might not be effective, and there would be counter-effects, so although they were anxious for a while, they could only be anxious and could not do other things matter.

And at the other end of the live broadcast, when these people saw the remnant soul of Master Baixing appear, they all cheered!

Under the publicity of people with good intentions, everyone knew that Master Baixing directly sealed the demon at the cost of sacrificing himself, but Chu He deceived his master and exterminated his ancestors and released the demon!

The more noble Master Baixing is, the more he will set off Chu He's madness.

They kept attacking Chuhe by deceiving teachers and destroying ancestors.

"Master Baixing! It turned out to be Master Baixing. The Master Baixing who saved the world hundreds of years ago is still alive! We are saved, we are saved!"

"It seems to be just the remnant soul of Master Baixing, but it seems to be still conscious, that is to say, Master Baixing was not completely dead back then?"

"What! It was clearly advertised that Master Baixing used to sacrifice himself to seal the demons to save the world, but looking at it now, isn't this living a good life? How can it be called sacrificing oneself when he is still alive to this day? This is not a lie person?"

"Hehe, maybe it's the news released by the Demon Town Temple, just to make us sympathize with them and believe in them."

"Since Master Baixing is still alive, can he sacrifice himself again to seal the demon? If so, wouldn't the world be saved?"

This item suddenly appeared in the barrage.

Instead of scolding, many people responded enthusiastically after seeing it.

"Yes! Master Baixing should be asked to seal the demon again. Even if he really dies this time, it is only in accordance with what they said before, sealing the demon with death!"

"It's all his fault, maybe it was because he didn't die completely back then, so the seal was not strong enough, which led to the breaking of the seal and the birth of the monster. This is his mistake, of course he needs to make up for it!"

Fortunately, Chuhe can't see these bullet screens now, otherwise, he will suffer from high blood pressure.

But at this time, in front of the Zhenmo Temple, Master Baixing, who had been silent for a long time, turned silently and looked at Chuhe.

He stared at Chuhe for a long time, as if he wanted to imprint himself, his favorite and most affectionate disciple, firmly in his heart at the last moment.

"What they...are saying is true?" In fact, Master Baixing has already felt the changes between the heaven and the earth, and it seems that he just wants to hear Chuhe admit it.

Facing Master Baixing, Chuhe finally revealed the grievances he had hidden for a long time.

"Master, they are lying to you, it's not true... You told me that when they wanted to demolish the demon town, you told me that I could only use that bead when I was in danger. Before that, I was an ordinary person. I couldn't stop them...then they knocked down the seal, and I reminded them in every possible way before that..."

"But, no one wants to listen to me... Besides, they gave your remains to..."

Chuhe clenched his fists, "Finally, the monster broke out, I decided to get out of the matter, because I can't forgive them..."

"You're talking nonsense!" Hearing that the Holy Son suddenly said, he was so excited, "It was obvious that you were charmed by a cat demon at the beginning, and then you broke the seal and released thousands of demons. They united to capture that cat demon and prepared to kill it, but for this cat demon, you joined forces with the demons and directly destroyed me, Leiyinshan!"

Hearing that the Holy Son said frantically, "Master Baixing, everything I said is true!"

As he said, he took out something that looked like a broken crystal, "Master Baixing must be able to recognize what it is, that's right, this is my Leiyinshan Yunjing, and now Leiyinshan's luck is unmatched. , Yunjing shattered, Lei Yinshan is finished! Can I still lie to you with this kind of thing?"

Chapter 200 Is Your Surname Mo?

After Master Baixing saw the shattering of the fortune crystal, his eyes moved, and then fell on Chuhe again.

Just as Chuhe wanted to explain, he heard Master Baixing say, "Is what they said true?"

Chuhe shook his head, "Of course it's fake."

Master Baixing smiled, "Okay, I believe you."

When the people below heard this, they were stunned.

No, so you trust Chuhe?

Is our performance so worthless in your eyes?

They worked so hard and wasted their tongues for a long time, just to let Master Baixing establish that his apprentice Chuhe has betrayed mankind, and now he is a villain. He overthrew everything you tried to protect before.

Shouldn't you be angry?

Why did you just say you believed him with a smile! ?

This is so unscientific!

Ranchenzi said anxiously, "Master Baixing, don't be deceived by Chuhe, he is now befriending the devil, and he is lying when he opens his mouth!"

"And the passage of these hundreds of years may be just a moment for you, but Chuhe has lived for hundreds of years!"

"Hundreds of years! This is hundreds of years! For such a long time, there is no guarantee that he will not change. Compared with the one hundreds of years ago, Chuhe standing in front of you is no longer alone. !"

Master Baixing ignored him at all, just looked at Chuhe, looked at Chuhe's eyes.

"Master Baixing! Think twice!" Qixing also yelled wildly, "Even if you believe what he said, did he release the demon indirectly? He said he stopped it at that time and reminded him, but Why didn't you try your best to stop it? If he had been lying directly under the wheel of the excavator, wouldn't he have been able to keep the formation from being dismantled?"

"So, he is definitely responsible. Even if he didn't intentionally collude with the demons to break the seal, he still has the responsibility of guarding laxly. Moreover, now that the demons are born, the world is in a famine, and I don't know how many people died. These causes and effects, It's all on his head!"

"Master Baixing! We want to stop Chuhe for the sake of the common people, isn't it wrong? But now Chuhe wants to kill us!"

After Qixing talked for a long time, he finally got to the point.

As long as Master Baixing ordered Chuhe to let him go, it doesn't matter if he believes his own words or Chuhe's words, as long as he can live.

"I beg Master Baixing to speak up and let us go. The people outside are still living in dire straits and demons are raging. If we waste a second here, we don't know how many ordinary people outside will die at the hands of demons." !"

"I also ask Master Baixing to take pity on the common people in the world and let me go away!"

Master Baixing did not agree immediately, but looked at Chuhe, "What do you think?"

In front of his master, Chuhe has nothing to hide, "These people tried to kill me several times, and just now threatened me with the safety of your remnant soul. For me...all of these people will die!"

Master Baixing didn't feel uncomfortable when he heard this, but just nodded slightly, "I see."

The people below were taken aback for a moment.

Not what do you mean by that?

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