What do you know?

Are you going to let us go, or agree with Chuhe's words?

And at this moment, the people watching the live broadcast seemed to be gloating.

"Master Baixing will definitely not let the monsters continue to spread. Maybe after the processing here is over, he will directly use his remnant soul to plug the hole in the seal."

"As for these so-called orthodox Taoist people, they are all the same thing. On the surface, they say they are doing something for us, but in fact, they are not sincere at all! If they die, they deserve it!"

Someone also posted a barrage, "Whether they are pretending or sincere, at least they really protect us. If they don't even want to pretend, then we are going to be finished?"

"Spineless thing! Who wants this kind of insincere protection? Is this called protection? They are obviously using us! They protect us just to make us believe in them. This is like doing business. How could it become Their charity?"

"From now on, we should establish a rule that we will trust whoever is willing to save us. There are so many masters in the world, there will always be someone who is willing to come out to save us. These Taoists and Buddhists can't count on them at all."

"If it really doesn't work, is it an option to take refuge in the demon? My cousin has already taken refuge in the demon, and it is said that he is doing well..."

In the end, even that rhetoric came out.

This generation is extremely selfish and has no concept of big and small. In the face of the disaster of the entire human existence, it has not changed its mentality. , thinking that there will be a hero from heaven to save them.

Simply ridiculous.

In front of the Temple of Demon Suppression, Master Baixing's figure had begun to dim.

Hearing that Shengzi was in a hurry, he kept talking about Chuhe's bad habits, many of which were fabricated and extremely disgusting.

It was just to annoy Master Baixing. He seemed not afraid of death, and he was not worried that he would say too much. Even if Master Baixing said to let Chuhe take their lives, it is impossible to guarantee that the furious Chuhe would not Violated the rules and killed him directly.

But in fact, his purpose is not this at all!

He just wanted to make Master Baixing's mood disorder, make his soul unstable, and make his Life Orb stagnate a bit!

What he wanted was the life pearl and the remnant soul of Master Baixing!

It's just that no one can think of his crazy thoughts.

But what disappointed Shengzi Wenjian was that no matter how much he slandered Chuhe, Master Baixing was always smiling and calm, as if he was not affected by these things at all.

It wasn't until the end that Master Baixing opened his mouth slightly. He looked at and heard the Holy Son, and said with a half-smile, "You, before you became a monk, was your surname Mo?"

Hearing that Shengzi was stunned, cold sweat broke out immediately, but Ranchenzi and the others were all at a loss. I don't know why Master Baixing said so suddenly.

But right after Master Baixing finished speaking, he immediately shut his mouth when he heard the Holy Son, not daring to say another word.

His heart was terrified.

Just relying on a wisp of remnant soul to see through my disguise, how strong was he before he was alive! ?

At this moment, Master Baixing opened his mouth again. He looked at Chuhe and said calmly, "You have already digested the life pearl I left you, so we are connected at this moment. I can tell if what you said is true or not. .”

When everyone heard this, their hearts sank, but what Master Baixing said next made them feel desperate!

Chapter 201 Goodbye

Only Master Baixing continued to speak.

"I don't owe anything in the world. I used my life to suppress demons and protect them. I never expected half a cent in return. Instead, they owed me."

"You are my apprentice, inheriting my karma, but in the past few hundred years, you have lived extremely hard, and no one has come to help you."

There were also traces of remnant souls in the Fate Orb left by Master Baixing to Chuhe, and he and Chuhe recorded the boring time of these hundreds of years, all of which he saw in his eyes.

No matter what those people say, it can't be reversed.

Master Baixing looked at Chuhe with distress, "You have suffered for hundreds of years."

Chuhe just felt his heart warm, and there was nothing more heart-warming than hearing his master's concern.

"No, it's not hard, but I often think, Master, were you wrong at the beginning? Is it really worth sacrificing your life for these people?"

For hundreds of years, he has seen through the warmth and coldness of this world.

How many reincarnations have witnessed countless wars and massacres because of human desires. The harm caused by the rampage of monsters this time is not even comparable to a fraction of the people who died in previous wars!

There is also the desire that seems to spread in the world, full of intrigues and intrigues everywhere.

"does it worth?"

Master Baixing repeated this sentence, "It doesn't matter if it's worth it or not, it's just my way."

He shook his head and smiled, "One day you will understand your way, and on that day, you may also do crazy things that outsiders can't understand."

Chuhe was silent, thinking carefully about the master's words, but still couldn't understand.

Is the master's way to sacrifice oneself to save others?

Then what is your own way?

"My Tao is just my Tao. I don't want you to inherit it, and you can't inherit it." Master Baixing still smiled and said, "I am a monk, as long as I find my own Tao, I will die without regret. I'm going!"

"Do you think that I just pity the suffering of all things, so I sacrifice my life for righteousness? Hehe, if you say that, it is narrow-minded. I am just pursuing my own way."

"But." Chuhe asked, "Is it really worth dying for the so-called Tao?"

Master Baixing glanced at him, and murmured, "If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening."

Chuhe was inexplicably shocked. He just felt like he had caught something, but he didn't know why. He seemed to be caught in a strange feeling that he had never experienced before.

And the people who were watching the live broadcast started to curse after seeing this scene.

"What's for your own way? After a long time, it's actually for your own sake. It's just a matter of saving us?"

"Damn! I thought Master Baixing was a benevolent person who sealed the demons for the sake of the common people, but I didn't expect that he was just a selfish villain. He said that he was for the sake of the common people, but he was not actually for himself?"

"Suppressing demons are all crooked at their roots, and they don't have ordinary people like us in their hearts!"

"At the time, I thought that the ashes of Master Baixing had been thrown away. Did it go too far? Now it seems that it is not too much at all, and he is just a hypocrite who deceives the world and steals his name."

"Fortunately, we still admire him so much, it's simply disgusting!"

And those ascetics below are also shocked by Master Baixing's words.

Although they say they are cultivators, they are actually just practicing exercises to make themselves superhuman. As for what is Tao?

Each of them has their own interpretation, without ever gaining any insight into it.

Looking at it now, Master Baixing was already a master of Taoism at that time!

Not only is his cultivation high, but his realm has reached a height that they can't even touch!

Seeing Chuhe thoughtfully, Master Baixing nodded in satisfaction.

"I don't have much time left," he whispered. "What I'm telling you is, do whatever you want."

Chuhe only felt a burst of sadness, but also felt a little puzzled, "Everything... as you like?"

Master Baixing smiled freely, "Do everything according to your heart! If you can't do everything according to your heart, and you are troubled by thousands of causes and effects, how can you find your own way?"

"Master Baixing! Don't dare to do this! If Chuhe is allowed to do whatever he wants, then he will go crazy and kill us all... No, what should we do if he overturns the world and becomes a murderous devil! ?”

Ran Chenzi shouted excitedly.

But he heard Master Baixing's indifferent answer, "So what?"

"What?" Ranchenzi was startled, "So what?! With Chuhe's current strength, if you let him do whatever he wants, the whole world may be overturned, and everything you tried to maintain at the beginning will be wiped out. , Countless creatures will die under Chuhe's hands!"

"Even, even he will become a catastrophe in this world, so what if you still say that? Do you know how many people will die!?"

Master Baixing laughed, and said again, "So... so what?"

"Huh?" Ran Chenzi was stunned, completely stunned.

Master Baixing's answer was completely different from what he had imagined!

What does this mean?

Maybe Ranchenzi already knew it, but he just didn't want to believe it.

Master Baixing turned his head to look at Chuhe again, and said calmly, "Remember, do whatever you want, and find your own way!"

Chu He nodded vigorously, "Dao...Dao! Dao!"

He spoke three times in a row, each time more firmly.

Master Baixing said happily, "If one day you can climb to a height that even I have never reached, maybe we will meet again."

When he said this, he paused for a moment, then looked at the people below, and said with a sneer, "I sealed the demon once and died. I don't owe you anything. Chuhe is my apprentice. What about the seal?"

"He doesn't owe you anything either!"

"I don't care what Chuhe will do to you after I leave, and I don't want to. That's his business."

"Hehe, it's a pity that I only have a remnant soul now, otherwise, I will destroy you with my own hands!" Master Baixing said proudly, "Because he is my disciple, he is my continuation!"

"Don't you still think that I will help you deal with my apprentice?"

"wishful thinking!"

What these people don't know is that Master Baixing is an extremely protective person.

If his strength is still there, there is no need for Chuhe to make a move at all!

Right or wrong, it's just because Chuhe is also his closest person.

Chuhe only felt a sore nose.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the master has not changed. He even disregarded his own fortune for his own sake!

Of course, Master Baixing may not care about this, but all of this is enough to move Chuhe inexplicably.

"Chuhe, don't cry." Seeing the tears in Chuhe's eyes, Master Baixing gently stroked the top of Chuhe's head, but walked through it.

He has lost his body, and his body is still extremely transparent!

"I'm leaving." Master Baixing said with emotion, "Don't make me obsessed. When you climb that peak that no one can reach, maybe we will meet again..."

As his voice dissipated, his body, like a bubble, was blown away by the wind, dissipating invisible, only a golden life bead still dripping and staying in front of the Chu River.

Chapter 202 Interesting

Seeing the master's remnant soul dissipate, Chuhe has nothing to do, and he can't help feeling sad.

But what was more, was the touch and relief in his heart.

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