Since these days, why hasn't he suffered?

Watching the big formation that the master once sealed with his life burst, watching the demon town become the magic gate in the hearts of thousands of people.

He also felt a little sorry for the master.

It wasn't until Master Baixing said these words that he had a clear mind and wouldn't be troubled by those things.

Even the realm that had imprisoned him for a long time was only beginning to loosen.

Can we meet again as long as we reach the peak that no one can reach?

Chuhe said to himself silently, "Perhaps, it won't take long."

After seeing Master Baixing's body dissipate, the people below fell into deep despair.

At this time, the reminder of the regret value finally came.

[Congratulations to the host, gaining a regret value of 13658]

[Congratulations to the host, gaining a regret value of 6541]

[Congratulations to the host, gaining a regret value of 13822]

[Congratulations to the host, gaining a regret value of 14513]

[Congratulations to the host, gaining a regret value of 15231]


These people are dragons and phoenixes among people, they can be said to be the group of people with the highest cultivation base on the surface, and the regret value of gamers can even directly reach tens of thousands of points!

Chuhe originally had 100 million remorse points that were unused, but later spent 500 million remorse points to buy ten drops of spirit marrow, and now there are only more than 600 million left.

And the following dozens of people, in this short period of time, even directly provided Chuhe with hundreds of thousands of remorse points, making Chuhe's remorse value return to a high of 700 million!

In the live broadcast room at this moment, many people saw the disappearing figure of Master Baixing and heard what Master Baixing said.

Countless people yelled at Master Baixing, saying that these two were the demon master and apprentice.

Originally a high-ranking hero who saved thousands of lives, he directly became the one who was criticized by thousands of people.

Even the reputation of Town Demon Temple has begun to stink.

At this time, Chuhe, still immersed in the understanding of what his master said to him, took the life pearl into his body again.

And just when Chuhe put the life pearl into his body, he heard that Shengzi's eyes flickered slightly, as if he wanted to make a move, but he still didn't move.

Chuhe absorbed some insights and secrets contained in the life bead, which also stored a lot of memories about the master.

He felt it for a while, as if he had gone through his journey of self-cultivation again in the form of Master Baixing. This is a rare experience for Chuhe, and even for most practitioners, it is a wonderful experience. adventure.

In a blink of an eye, Chuhe completed the hundreds of years of Master Baixing, and finally used his body as a seal to seal the complete monster.

The memory came to an abrupt end here, and Chuhe seemed to have revived his life again.

At this time, he also understood more clearly what the Dao that Master Baixing said was.

But it's hard to say.

At this time, he had experienced more vicissitudes, and those life experiences related to Master Baixing's previous experience also quickly dissipated, leaving only some insights and pure memories.

This is because Master Baixing is worried that his memory will affect Chuhe, just like a person's body contains another person's memory, so is this person himself or another person?

That's pretty much what it means.

Chuhe woke up, sighed, and bowed directly to the sky and the earth.

This obeisance is to bid farewell to his master, but also to strengthen his way!

Ah Qing and the others who had been watching from above suddenly found that Chuhe's aura suddenly became a little different.

But what is the difference, I can't tell, it is a kind of mysterious and mysterious, seeing the Chu River is like seeing the endless starry sky experience.

It makes people a little fascinated, but also a little scared, an inexplicable fear that comes from the depths of their hearts.

Outside of the stone forest, the handsome boy from the pupil clan who was galloping inside also stopped suddenly.

Behind him were two old men.

"Master, what's wrong?"

These two old men are also pupil clan, they looked at the handsome boy, only to see that the boy's pupils had turned purple.

Staring blankly into the distance.

"Ziqi..." the pupil clan boy whispered, "Someone has attained enlightenment!"


The two old men suddenly exclaimed, "Someone has attained enlightenment!?"

"How is it possible! If the rules of the earth are incomplete and the way of heaven is not perfect, how can someone achieve the Tao in this environment!?"

The handsome young man's face was gloomy, "Indeed, it is precisely because of this that there is only purple air circling, but no golden light appears. It should be that someone in front has gained enlightenment and almost attained the Tao, and is limited by the current world, so he cannot add golden light to his body to truly That's right."

"No matter who it is, this person must be eradicated!"

An old man shouted in a low voice, "Now that the world of great struggle has come, the first person to attain the Tao must be my pupil clan!"

The handsome boy also pursed his lips, his eyes gradually returned to the normal purple color belonging to the Hitomi tribe, and the redness gradually faded away.

"Hehe, if the rules are not complete today, our pupil clan is one of the top combat forces in this world! Now is also an opportunity. If I can snatch that person's purple energy, maybe... I can become the first A man of enlightenment!"

"Young master is wise!"

The two old men bowed down in unison.

The handsome young man snorted, "Let's go!"

The three figures disappeared in an instant, leaving only a burst of undulations that opened up the weeds.

In front of Zhenmoguan, Chuhe also gradually recovered from that strange feeling, but at this moment, he noticed something was wrong.

Although the regret points obtained just now are very large, yet another group of people, under such circumstances, still don't contribute even a single bit of regret points.

Chuhe's eyes fell on the group of monks in Leiyin Mountain.

These people were all kneeling on the ground, but no regret value floated from them.

In other words, they don't regret it at all now?

Thinking of the master looking at Wenjian and asking Wenjian whether his surname was Mo before he became a monk.

The corners of Chu He's lips curled up. Having obtained all the memory inheritance of Master Baixing, of course he knew what Master Baixing meant.

"Mo family? Hehe, interesting..."

Chu He said something lightly, but when he heard Shengzi's stunned, he suddenly jumped up and flew to one side. At the same time, those monks from Leiyin Mountain scattered one after another. These monks shuttle back and forth, trying to disturb Chuhe and prevent Chuhe from finding out where his body is.

Now these monks in Leiyin Mountain have all been controlled by him!

Chapter 203 Heaven and Earth Can't Allow?

"Guardian Chu! Good eyesight!"

A voice, different from hearing it, the voice of anyone who does not belong here suddenly sounded.

It's just that the voice is ethereal and erratic, constantly jumping up and down.

"Hehe, Guanzhu Chu, since you have seen that I am from the Mo family, then I am not afraid to tell you, yes, I am the heir of the Mo family, Mo Liuxin!"

The crowd was instantly stunned.

People from the Mo family! ?

Ran Chenzi and the others instantly knew what this Mo family was.

"I didn't expect these monks from Leiyin Mountain to be manipulated by the Mo family!"

"The world is really in chaos, even the Mo family has left the mountain!"

"It is said that the Mo family members are invincible in all their magic skills, and he still doesn't panic after being exposed by Chuhe. Could this be an opportunity for us? Maybe we can take advantage of the chaos and escape!"

"Perhaps, we can join hands with the people of the Mo family! Let's escape from here together!" Qi Xing looked at the people in Leiyin Mountain who had become so demonic, and said in a low voice, "The people of the Mo family are the best!" They are all peerless masters, the entire Taoist sect could not wipe out the Mo family when they joined forces, and their ability to escape is even more top-notch!"

"How can that be done!?" Someone shouted, "The Mo family is a member of the Demon Dao, we are members of the Dao Sect, and they are members of the Demon Sect, how can we join forces?"

"It's already at this time, what kind of magic sect is there? The biggest devil is Chuhe now! What can we do if we join forces with the people of the demon sect!?"

Ran Chenzi shouted, "Everyone, don't panic. If the Mo family is willing to join forces with us, we won't be unable to escape by using the shadow trick of the ink."

At this moment, where is there any reason to speak?

It is true that you can escape alive!

Ranchenzi shouted directly at Mo Liuxin, "The master of the Mo family! I am Ranchenzi, the master of the Lingming Hall. Here I can swear by the Lingming Hall. Escape from inside, and at that time, I will unite with the Taoist sect and remove your name as the Mo family's demon sect!"

"From now on, your Mo family can also walk in the world as usual, without worrying about being encircled and suppressed by Taoist sects!"


A small voice came from all directions, and then Mo Liuxin's unpredictable voice came out, "Taoism? Encirclement and suppression? Get rid of the name of our Mo Family Demon Sect?"

"Aren't you Daomen, even now, unwilling to come up with some practical things? If you talk about these nonsense, before Chuhe takes action, I will kill you all!"

Everyone in Ranchenzi was taken aback, only then did they realize that the Mo family was an out-and-out devil, and they couldn't act according to common sense.

"Mo Liuxin! As long as you can help us escape from birth, I... I can open the Sutra Pavilion of Lingming Hall to you!" Ranchenzi has spent a lot of money now. If this kind of thing is opened to outsiders, That is deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors!

The Sutra Pavilion is the most important thing for any sect, it is fundamental!

What Ranchenzi thought was cheap, first make the promise, and when he really escaped, whether to show him the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, and how to show him, isn't that all up to him?

Others said the same thing when they saw Ran Chenzi, and they all promised some practical things, such as opening the scripture library to him, and giving him natural resources and earthly treasures.

What's more, he even said that his daughter is a good Shuangxiu furnace, and he is willing to give her daughter to Mo Liuxin.

After hearing all these things, Mo Liuxin was very moved.

If it is true that these things can be obtained after saving them all as these people said, it will be a huge help to the Mo family!

However, he dared not.

Don't look at Mo Liuxin is like a rat, scurrying around here crazily, as if he can leave at any time if he wants to leave.

But in fact, the surrounding area was covered by the Shengling Formation. He relied on the Mo family's unique shadowing technique, relying on the spiritual power stored in the shadows to cast some spells.

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