In fact, he is already at the end of his battle.

Chuhe looked at the people below playfully, and then glanced at the seemingly empty space in front of him.

Then, Chuhe waved his hand casually.

Suddenly, in the void ahead, a dark-skinned stranger suddenly fell to the ground!

Mo Liuxin clutched his chest and looked at Chuhe in horror.

How did he crack the shadow trick! ?

This person is obviously Mo Liuxin.

Relying on his shadowing technique, he was able to shuttle in the surrounding void without being able to locate it at all, which can be called a stunt for escape and assassination.

For so many years, Mo Liuxin has never heard that the shadow trick can be broken so easily!

Unless... Chuhe's realm has surpassed him too much!

Thinking of this, his eyes widened suddenly, his heart was terrified, and his body began to tremble.

Could it be...Chuhe has reached the legendary state! ?

But at this moment, in Chuhe's eyes, seemingly nothingness lines, like silk, hang down between the sky and the earth. Looking carefully, the lines seem to be densely filled with things. But I can't understand it.

I just feel dizzy when I try to force it.

Just now, Mo Liuxin was using the shadow technique to shuttle in the void, and it was absolutely impossible for other people to find out.

But looking at Chuhe in this state, Mo Liuxin is like a louse on the head of a bald man, every move is under Chuhe's gaze.

There is simply no escape.

Chuhe hit him out of the void casually, not because Chuhe wanted to deal with him, but because he blocked Chuhe from seeing the world.

In the far distance, mist and mist seem to merge together, like chaos.

And in this chaos, it seems that there are still some unknown things, which are constantly expanding, exuding an inexplicable and frightening aura, as if they are devouring everything.

Chuhe looked into the distance, trying to see clearly what was in there.

But I just feel pain in my eyes.

The next moment, he was directly squeezed out of that mysterious and mysterious state.

As far as the Chu River could see, everything returned to normal.

But at this moment, an inexplicable force suddenly rose from all around.

As if to crush the Chu River.

It also seems to want to squeeze Chuhe out of this space, as if from now on, Chuhe no longer belongs to this space.

Chuhe was inexplicably surprised, thinking that he had suffered an inexplicable attack, but after feeling it carefully, he realized that this force came from between heaven and earth.

In the eyes of other people, Chuhe's current posture is even more strange.

I only saw the Chu River floating indistinctly, and the whole person became blurred, as if a distorting mirror was placed around the Chu River, and the image of the Chu River began to sway strangely.

Chapter 204 Ascension?

"My lord, what's the matter?"

On the Flower of Desire, everyone said worriedly, "How do you feel... how do you feel that the aura of the Lord is a bit erratic, as if he is leaving us?"

The people on Wuyuzhihua are also some masters, but they are still in a state of not being able to handle Chuhe tightly.

Only those few people's faces changed, and their hearts were extremely horrified.

Granny Baihua stared at Chuhe's figure, as if thinking of something, her whole body became trembling with excitement.

"Don't worry!" Granny Baihua said excitedly, even with tears flickering in the corners of her eyes, "Master, that...has touched the legendary realm!"

"The legendary realm?" As the leader of the Five Immortals Sect, Long Weiling naturally knew a lot. He muttered to himself, as if he had thought of something.

And below, Mo Liuxin looked at Chuhe in horror, he had completely forgotten that he was going to run away, just looking at Chuhe, his heart was completely filled with shock.

Ran Chenzi, the master of Lingming Hall, also opened his mouth wide as he watched this scene.

"Feisheng...Chuhe has, unexpectedly, reached such a state?!"

At this moment, all his thoughts were lost, and all his hopes were shattered by the scene shown by Chuhe.

When Qixing heard the word Feisheng, his complexion changed again and again.

The laws in this space seem to be a little distorted. At first, only the figure of Chuhe was a little distorted, but after that, everyone's gods also began to distort involuntarily.

Ranchenzi felt extremely bitter in his heart, and now he really regretted it.

I regret that I shouldn't provoke the great god Chuhe.

I thought that even if Chuhe had some strength, he would never be their opponent.

But he was slapped in the face again and again by Chuhe. Until now, Chuhe's current state directly shattered his idea of ​​revenge.

The patriarch of their Lingming Hall barely reached the state of ascension and left some detailed records, so he can understand what Chuhe's current state is.

The state that seems to be incompatible with the world is precisely because his backwardness is already extremely high, and he has begun to be rejected by the rules of the world. If he continues to break through, he can only fly away and cannot continue to stay in this world.

As for where to fly...

In Taoist legends, there is a fairyland.

In other words, if Chuhe can't control himself now, he will forcefully ascend to the upper realm.

But Chuhe is far from happy at this moment.

Because, he found that if he allowed his breath to leak out and didn't resist the repulsion, he would indeed feel like his soul was out of his body.

He also knew in his heart that this was a precursor to ascension.

But I don't know why, if he doesn't resist, there will be a warning sign in his heart, as if the place to ascend is not the fairy world, but the endless hell!

What exactly is going on?

It's a little bit different from the record...

According to the records, if someone wanted to ascend, he would be able to see the golden light and golden lotus in the Great Immortal Realm in a daze, and he would feel comfortable all over his body, and even his strength would be greatly improved in the immortal light!

It's completely different from what he's going through now!

Chuhe was startled secretly, and directly forcibly contracted his spiritual power in his body.

Forcibly suppressed his realm.

Soon the mysterious and mysterious feeling disappeared.

That is definitely not ascension!

Chuhe's sight returned to normal. He looked around and checked his body carefully. He was relieved to find that there was nothing abnormal.

And Ranchenzi and other members of the Taoist sect also breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Chuhe had returned to normal.

It seems that it is barely close to the legendary realm, but it has not really been reached.

And without the arrival of the golden lotus and fairy light, it might even be an illusion of ascension.

It's just that they don't have time to think so much now, because the Chu River has returned to normal, so the next thing they have to face is the trial!

Chu He looked around, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and then he said lightly, "Do you know why this place is called Zhenmo Temple?"

When everyone heard Chuhe's words, their hearts trembled, and they rushed to answer, "I don't know!"

Chuhe looked at the ruins of Zhenmo Temple.

He could feel the beating of the god and demon suppressed under the Demon Suppressing Temple.

At this moment, within a radius of a hundred miles of Zhenmo Temple, all spirits are running wildly, and they have already driven a wave of beasts, rushing towards the surroundings quickly.

In the nearest city, at first, only birds flying over the sky covered the sky, but now, those monsters and animal monsters running wildly on the ground have also come to the edge of the city.

At this time, these armed forces guarding the city finally began to pay attention.

"These monsters seem to be in a panic, they don't look like they are coming to attack the city, but they look like... they seem to be running away..."


The guarding officials looked in the direction of the beast tide, and then turned on their cell phones.

On the mobile phone, the live broadcast is still broadcasting intermittently.

Just now, due to the traction of Chuhe's own state, the surrounding space became fluctuated, so the live broadcast was interrupted for a while, and now it is constantly returning to normal.

In fact, the camera should have been destroyed a long time ago, but now the camera is in Jiang Xinlian's hands.

She is as disappointed as she wants with those people below, she just wants to show their true colors to more people!

In the live broadcast screen, Chuhe said slowly to the crowd, "Because the suppressor here is a peerless god and demon."

Chu He took a look at the main hall of Zhenmo Temple, and the statues inside had lost their aura.

The gods and demons here were suppressed by the master back then.

But now Guizang Jue has been almost destroyed.

The gods and demons are about to get out of trouble.

It's just that these people below are in the middle of the formation, but they are blind and can't feel it.

Chuhe doesn't care at all whether the gods and demons break through the seal or not. What he cares about is that this place is also a painstaking effort of the master.

Thinking of this, Chuhe continued to say to everyone, "If you want to live, you will never be able to leave this place from now on, and use your own soul as a shackle to suppress the seal. Only in this way can you have a chance."

Everyone was shocked.

Use your own soul to suppress the seal?

Doesn't that mean locking yourself here?

It's better than killing them!

Not many of them believed that there was a seal underneath, and they all thought it was Chuhe's deliberate revenge.

But Chuhe didn't bother to care what they thought.

Now his mind is full of the "Tao" that the master said.

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