I just want to finish the things here as soon as possible, and then go to retreat to digest what I got today.

On the ground floor of Zhenmo Temple, a pair of angry red eyes are staring at it.

He can't see it, but he can feel it.

The time to get out of trouble may have come!

Chapter 205 Not With You

"This is your last chance to suppress the gods and demons with your spirits. Otherwise, if the gods and demons are born, the world will definitely suffer another catastrophe."

Chu He opened his mouth lightly, and threw down a jade slip. The jade slip stopped in mid-air, and began to emit countless small rays of light, directly shining towards those people in the Taoist sect.

They originally planned to dodge, but in this situation, where is there any chance to dodge?

They were directly irradiated by this small light to their foreheads, and then a stream of information directly appeared in their minds.

That was the arrangement method of Guizang Jue. Of course, Chuhe didn't directly give them all the arrangement methods of Guizang Jue. Everyone just gave them part of it.

But now Guizang Jue has been severely damaged, the biggest problem is the serious loss of spirituality, if it wants to be repaired, it must be filled with the soul of a person with a strong cultivation base.

And right now, there happen to be so many powerful monks. As members of the Taoist sect, their souls are naturally first-class and powerful.

It's just that after these people saw it and received the information, they all had bitter faces.

"I think you should also know what happened." Chuhe continued, "To be honest, I don't care what gods and demons are born, and I don't care how much disaster the world will suffer. What I care about is that this place used to be My master's dojo, I don't want the master's former dojo to be turned into a magic cave, that's all."

"But for you, if this demon is born, not only will you die, but most of the ordinary people you so-called protect will also be killed or injured."

Chuhe's voice was emotionless, as if he was saying another very ordinary thing.

"So, repairing the seal with your bodies and souls should be a happy thing for you, right? After all, isn't what you are after all about sacrificing your life for benevolence?"

Those who are watching the live broadcast at the moment are also discussing on the barrage.

"This...what's the situation? According to Chuhe's intention, there are gods and demons sealed under here?"

"What are gods and demons?"

Some people who know a little bit about Taoism began to popularize science on it.

"The so-called gods and demons are actually a kind of respectful title for the demons, which means that they have great supernatural powers, and they can already be called god-like demons. Even in ancient times, some primitive ancestors really regarded these demons as gods. God comes to worship."

"There are not many gods and demons, but each one is extremely powerful!"

"If there really are gods and demons down here, then we may be in danger..."

"Didn't Chuhe give them a chance!?" Someone crazily posted on the barrage, "They surrendered just now, and now is their chance to make up for it. As long as they sacrifice and block the seal with their lives, then I will Just forgive them!"

A group of people sent messages frantically regardless of whether the people in the Demon Suppressing Temple could see it or not.

"As long as they are willing to protect us with the seal of life protection, then I will still admit that Taoism is still orthodox, and it is still the right way!"

"I'm just afraid that these traitors are guys who will do anything for their own lives, and they won't do such great things at all."

The words of these people naturally cannot reach the ears of the people in the Taoist sect below.

If they could see those ordinary people saying what they said, maybe they would vomit blood and die.

From their point of view, the Dao Sect does have some shortcomings and some selfishness, but during this period of time, the Dao Sect has indeed done a lot for the sake of the human race.

But now, those people outside have regarded them as traitors, and everyone shouted and beat them.

"Everyone, what should we do now?" Ranchenzi said to everyone, "I want to hear your opinions."

"I think it's Chuhe who is making a sensation. It's completely nonsense that gods and demons are below. Gods and demons are things in ancient legends. Although there are records in our Taoist sect, the recorded information is also very accurate. It is messy, and according to the records, there are countless gods and demons in the whole world."

"According to the records, gods and demons are not a state that acquired monsters have achieved through cultivation. Gods and demons are conceived by themselves when the world first opened. They have all kinds of divine powers at birth, and they are extremely powerful. They are innate things. .”

"How could such a powerful existence be sealed below? It must be Chuhe talking nonsense and wanting to kill us, but he doesn't want to use his own hands. After all, you see..."

Qixing glanced at the mid-air camera, which was controlled by Jiang Xinlian and was still broadcasting live, "Every move here is being broadcast live now, if Chuhe really kills us, then it will really be with the world." People, and the Taoist sects of the world are immortal, he must be afraid of this, so he made up this kind of lie, the purpose is for me to let us understand by ourselves."

After everyone heard it, they all took it for granted, although this sentence was full of loopholes.

The biggest loophole is that Chuhe, who has already achieved this step, really cares about these people's opinions?

Perhaps they also know the answer deep down.

But now, they still choose to believe in Qixing's statement.

It's just because it's about their lives. It's like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw. He knows that he can't save himself, but even if it is death, he will hold on tightly!

Everyone communicated through sound transmission below, and they all decided in their hearts that they would never follow what Chuhe said.

But when they were discussing what to do if Chuhe used force, Chuhe stood directly on the flower of desirelessness, and then slowly floated away.

At the moment it floated away, the surrounding space also loosened a bit, and the originally exhausted spiritual power flooded in like a flood, and everyone in the Taoist sect below was overjoyed.

Just now, due to the influence of the Shengling formation, the spiritual power here was so thin that it was almost non-existent, but now, with Chuhe's departure, the Shengling formation also shattered, and it was full of spiritual power again.

Chu He's voice also came slowly, "This is your last chance. If you sacrifice your life for benevolence and keep the Temple of Demons, you can also keep your reputation and save thousands of ordinary people."

Saying that, Chuhe left slowly on the flower of desirelessness.

When he came to Jiang Xinlian's side, Chuhe glanced at her lightly, "You are very nice, do you want to come with me?"

"Otherwise, with their character of vengeance, you will definitely not end well."

Jiang Xinlian refused, "Thank you, Guanzhu Chu, there is a difference between right and wrong between you and me, even if the fellow Taoists below go astray, it is not an excuse for me to be with you."

Although in her heart, Jiang Xinlian already felt that Chuhe was not a bad person, but at this moment, she still couldn't say that.

This is the cage that has fettered her thoughts for hundreds of years.

Chapter 206 Why Don't You Die

Chuhe smiled, and didn't force it at all.

He just thought Jiang Xinlian was interesting. Chuhe had already noticed this person when he was in Leiyin Mountain.

The situation was critical at that time, and many demon bosses had already started killing among the crowd, but this seemingly weak woman rushed to the front line.

Other Buddhists and Taoists are protecting themselves, only Jiang Xinlian is sincerely helping and protecting those ordinary people.

Maybe this woman is the real defender of the moral.

Chuhe doesn't dislike this kind of person, and even admires him a little. Even if he becomes an enemy one day, Chuhe will bury him generously.

Seeing Chuhe going farther and farther, Jiang Xinlian was a little tangled and hesitant, and by some coincidence, she stopped Chuhe.

"Wait a moment!"

When Jiang Xinlian said these three words, even she was a little shocked.

How could he say such a thing?

Am I talking to the devil again?

Although Chuhe is no longer the devil in her heart, he is still broadcasting live and watched by so many people.

If he was misunderstood by those people, wouldn't he be unable to clean himself up even if he jumped into the Yellow River?

And after saying it, Chuhe did pause for a while, then turned around and said, "What else is there?"

Jiang Xinlian was taken aback for a moment, thinking of her own question, "Guanzhu Chu, down here... are there really gods and demons?"

The Daoists below who had just obtained their spiritual power, and now most of them have returned to normal, immediately pricked up their ears when they heard Jiang Xinlian's words.

But he heard Chuhe smile slightly, "Of course there are. The mountains and rivers here are all part of Guizang Jue, and Gui Zang Jue is the great formation to seal this god and demon."

Chuhe looked around, "This demon town is just the eye of the formation, and now the eye of the formation has been damaged, but it has not been completely destroyed. If it is not repaired, then the god and demon will be born sooner or later."

Jiang Xinlian was startled, "So, there really are gods and demons down here... there really are gods and demons down there..."

She was a little flustered, "If the gods and demons are born...there will definitely be a lot of demon families, and then not only one god and demon will be born, but thousands of demons led by the gods and demons!"

When Jiang Xinlian thought of that terrible scene, she couldn't help being frightened, she raised her head suddenly, her eyes sparkled, "Guardian Chu! I know you must have a way to strengthen Guizang Jue again, so that the gods and demons will continue to be sealed." ,Right?"

Chu He nodded, "Indeed, I have at least one hundred ways to strengthen Guizang Jue, and even eighteen ways to directly rearrange the formation."

Jiang Xinlian's eyes lit up, "Please...please please... Please, Lord Chu, please, in the face of so many innocent people, seal this place again, so that gods and demons cannot come out of the world!"

She bowed to Chuhe in the void, and then even knelt down in the void, gritted her teeth and said to Chuhe, "I... I represent thousands of innocent ordinary people, those who have misunderstood you, I apologize to you!"

As she spoke, she kowtowed directly to Chuhe!

People who practice Taoism have never knelt down and kowtowed. Even if they are high-ranking Taoist priests, ordinary monks only need to bend down and bow when they meet each other.

But now, Jiang Xinlian knelt down directly to Chuhe, to Chuhe, who was regarded as a devil by most people, just for the so-called innocent ordinary people.

After seeing Jiang Xinlian kneeling down, those Taoists below all cursed.

Of course, it was only in my heart, only limited to sound transmission, but I didn't really scold. If Chuhe was not there, it would be a different situation.

"This witch! I have long thought that there is something wrong with her, but I didn't expect to kneel down to Chuhe directly!? She has no backbone at all!"

"It's simply an embarrassment to our Daoist sect!" Ran Chenzi also said via voice transmission, "Just now we knelt down because we had no choice but to buy some time for the Daoist sect and continue the incense, we had to kneel down, and now Jiang Xinlian. "

"She stopped Chuhe directly, and then knelt down for him! This is to kneel down for Chuhe on her own initiative, and she has completely lost the face of our Taoist sect!"

"If after this incident, someone has a bad opinion of our Daoist sect, it will be Jiang Xinlian's responsibility!"

Perhaps the core skill that each of these people must learn is to throw the pot away.

They knew that after the things they did to bow down to Chuhe just now were live broadcasted, some people would definitely look down on them, and they also felt that the kind of willingness that had almost disappeared was the best answer.

But now, they all unanimously cast the blame on Jiang Xinlian.

"This bitch! Does she really have no brains at all? What gods and demons, she believes whatever Chuhe says? This is clearly Chuhe's deliberate plan to kill us!"

"She still took the bait obediently, and now she's pretending to be great here. Why begging Chuhe to seal the gods and demons for thousands of innocent people? It's just ridiculous!"

The live broadcast room exploded even more.

Countless barrages floated above, "Bitch, who asked you to apologize on our behalf? Why do you have such a big face? Did you get our consent?"

"You still say it's for us, it's clearly for yourself!"

"Chuhe is not a good thing, and neither are these people in the Taoist sect. The Taoist sect still protects us in a good name, but in the end they use their own knees to protect us?"

After these people saw Jiang Xinlian knelt down and asked Chuhe to re-seal the gods and demons, they didn't feel the slightest gratitude at all. Instead, they cursed and insulted her.

"Pretend to be a wolf with a big tail, as if you are great. If you are really great, you will die with Chuhe!"

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