The reason why these people are not so afraid is of course because they have not seen the birth of gods and demons, and even if they were born, perhaps only the few cities near the stone forest are the ones who are frightened.

Others are not afraid at all, and they are even just watching the news.

There are also many people who have already gone abroad, across the ocean, can these monsters still get through?

But what they don't know is that this is a disaster sweeping the whole world...

Chuhe also noticed the live broadcast equipment around Jiang Xinlian.

He waved the device over curiously, and then saw the barrage on it.

Chuhe's expression suddenly became weird, and then he chuckled and pushed the equipment to Jiang Xinlian's side.

She also saw the barrage above, and her face suddenly became ugly.

On the bullet screen, almost all the words that insulted Jiang Xinlian were densely packed.

"Bitch, why don't you die? You must read it now, right?"

"Who allowed you to apologize to Chuhe instead of us? We are different from you. We have backbone. Even if we die, we will not kneel down to apologize to the enemy!"

Jiang Xinlian's heart was so cold that it couldn't be worse.

She had no other intentions, she was really thinking of them wholeheartedly, but this was what she got in exchange?

Chapter 207 There Really Are Gods and Demons

Jiang Xinlian suddenly realized that she understood Chuhe's mood better than before.


She let out a long breath, then stood up instead of kneeling.

Kneeling down for these people is really not worth it.

She even felt a little remorseful, wanting to break off the legs that she had knelt down for these people, she just felt extremely disgusted.

"Chu Guanzhu, please also ask Chu Guanzhu to take me in, I...willing to get out of the Taoism."

Chuhe shook his head.

Jiang Xinlian's heart sank, her lips puckered slightly.

But I heard Chuhe continue to say, "Why do you want to leave the Taoist sect? I am the leader of the Taoist sect. If you are by my side, that is the orthodoxy of the Taoist sect."

Jiang Xinlian immediately beamed with joy, "Thank you, Guanzhu Chu!"

The people in the live broadcast room saw this scene, and the insults became even worse.

And all of them are very smart.

"Look, it has been said for a long time that this guy is just to follow Chuhe, he is a boneless bitch!"

"Pretending to be so resembling, what did you say that good and evil are incompatible, but now you're joining Chuhe's camp? Shameless?"

"It's disgusting, disgusting."

"Pretending to be more like anything else, and even saying that it is for the sake of all living beings in the world, after all, it is for oneself!"

In their opinion, Jiang Xinlian's actions confirmed their conjecture.

Naturally, it is extremely reviled.

And those Taoists below, when they saw Jiang Xinlian actually followed Chuhe on the flower of no desire, they all scolded him.

What has not been said is naturally the deep jealousy!

It can be said that no one dares to question Chuhe's current combat power. It is definitely the top existence, and he is also proficient in various formations, various magic weapons are emerging one after another, and there are various ancient skills.

It is simply a mobile Tibetan scripture pavilion. If you can follow Chuhe, you must be able to gain a lot of unique knowledge.

The most important thing is that even they have to admit that Chuhe is a person who absolutely values ​​love and righteousness. After all, he has already reached conclusions. The danger is to save a cat demon.

And this time, they set up traps in advance, and even Chuhe knew there were traps, but he came here without hesitation, just because there were his master's relics here.

Although they didn't say anything, they all thought in their hearts that if they could be appreciated by Chuhe and treated as friends by Chuhe, it would definitely be something that would make them laugh out of their dreams!

It's just that they can't get it, and since they can't get it, they have no choice but to slander it.

"This bitch, actually followed Chuhe, she is indeed a traitor!"

"He kept saying that it was for the sake of the common people, where did she have the face?"

As the Chu River drifted away slowly, the Taoists below began to become active again.

"Everyone, now the question is, should we arrange the array according to what Chuhe said, and sacrifice ourselves to perfect the Guizang formula?"

"Hehe, whoever wants to do it, let him do it. Anyway, I don't know how to do it. This is clearly a trap. Whoever wants to do it will do it!"

"Yes, it's just a trap. After Chuhe leaves, we'll go our separate ways."

"At that time, don't forget to send a notice to tell everyone in the world that we and Chuhe are at odds." Ranchenzi looked at the live camera above, "Otherwise, the loss of the Taoist sect will be immeasurable."

Seeing the Chu River going farther and farther, Ranchenzi tentatively flew up from the ground and came directly to the camera.

Seeing that Chuhe did not stop him, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said to the live broadcast equipment, "Thousands of compatriots, I am Ranchenzi, the head of Lingming Hall."

"What we did just now was involuntary, because our bodies are all controlled by Chuhe, and you have also seen that the Buddhists have been controlled by the Mo family."

Mo Liuxin is actually down there now, but no one can see him.

He hides in the shadow of who knows.

"You have also seen that Chuhe didn't kill us, do you know why? Because he is afraid, he is afraid of the forces behind us, and he is even more afraid of you, because you are watching, he is afraid that he will become a rat crossing the street. Shout out!"

"I admit that we are careless, we underestimate the enemy, but as long as we are still here, we will fight Chuhe to the last moment!"

Ran Chenzi's lies came out of his mouth, and with his fairy face, it seemed to be somewhat credible.

Some people with little thinking ability believed it directly.

Of course, Ran Chenzi also knew that what he said was a little pale, and he had to give them a little sweetness.

"From now on, my Lingming Hall will start recruiting successors from all over the world!" Ran Chenzi continued, "All of you can have the opportunity to recognize the power of moving mountains and reclamating seas, and our Lingming Hall will teach you without any reservations, Let you become practitioners sooner."

"But there is only one condition, and that is to kill demons and demons, punish rape and eliminate evil, and be a supporter of justice!"

These words were just and awe-inspiring, and the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

The reason why these ordinary people insult people in the Taoist sect is actually very complicated, one of which is jealousy.

Why can they fly into the sky and go high and high, and why is it an ordinary person, not to mention facing a monster, even a wild dog is not enough to look at.

They also want to join these sects, but these real Taoist sects have very few apprentices and are very harsh.

They can only choose to join those small forces to build gyms, but the strength of the people in those gyms is very limited.

Now when they heard that Lingmingtang, a powerful sect, was going to start recruiting disciples without reservation, they were all very excited.

They seem to have forgotten that they were the ones just now who scolded the Daoist sect for nothing, and even drove away several cultivators in the city who wanted to teach them self-protection spells.

Ranchenzi is very satisfied with the current response.

He continued, "As for what Chuhe said just now, there are gods and demons sealed under here, that's all a lie. It's impossible to seal gods and demons down here. If there are, even if we risk our lives, use our lives to seal the gods and demons." Blocking the seal will do whatever it takes!"

As soon as the words fell, there were a few out-of-phase sounds suddenly rumbled from the ground.

A series of black and red, very faint, almost invisible breaths shot out from the cracks in the ground.

The expression on Ran Chenzi's face suddenly froze.

At this moment, he felt the great terror of dying.

The soaring demon energy almost enveloped him, and his whole body was extremely stiff.

Below... Could it be that there really are gods and demons below! ?

Chapter 208 Demonization

He doesn't know whether there are gods and demons, but what he knows is that once this thing below is born, it will definitely threaten his life!

Not only Ran Chenzi felt it, but other people in the Taoist sect also felt this terrifying feeling that was almost suffocating.

Even Mo Liuxin, who had been hiding in the shadows all this time, was forced to show his original shape.

He looked down and murmured, "It's really a god and a demon... really... a god and a demon..."

His Mo family was originally a member of the devil's way, and he was familiar with all kinds of devils.

Especially for gods and demons, the gods and demons enshrined in Mo's temple are gods and demons!

Gods and demons are the beliefs of the Mo family, but now, when he really saw the breath of gods and demons, he was scared, so scared!

Chuhe, who hadn't gone far, also noticed the abnormality below. He stopped to look at it, looked behind him, looked at the crumbling Guizang Jue, and looked at the gods and demons that were about to emerge from the ground!

Then, he looked in another direction.

His brows furrowed slightly.

Over there is the direction of Stone Forest.

In the stone forest, the boy and the old man of the pupil clan who were about to arrive had stopped at this moment and hid in the stone forest.

"Young master, ahead... I'm afraid that something extraordinary is born. Could it be that the aura before was all emitted by the existence that was suppressed below?"

The pupil clan boy shook his head slightly when he heard this, "It should be the gods and demons that are suppressed below, they are extremely powerful, but they definitely exude the purple energy of enlightenment, someone must have realized something at the critical moment just now."

Suddenly, the boy's eyes looked at Chuhe in midair through layers of white clouds.

"Flower of Desire... It really is this guy who killed the Mirage Luoli Beast." The young man of the same clan snorted, "That's interesting."

The old man of the pupil clan said, "Young master, could it be Chuhe who aroused the purple energy of enlightenment just now, and even faintly ascended?"

The young man sneered, "He? Hehe, how could it be him? Although he is a bit capable, the most important thing for enlightenment is not how strong he is, but how deep his understanding of Tao is. Do you think he looks like a Taoist? ?”

"It's just a reckless man. All the skills in his body come from the inheritance left by the Master Baixing. It seems that this kind of person who grows and grows, no matter how strong his strength is, after all, his foundation is not stable. Enlightenment is extremely difficult."

The boy's mocking expression was beyond words.

Although Chuhe performed very well, as far as the young man was concerned, he never took Chuhe to heart.

"Young master, Chuhe seems to be leaving here, we..."

"Leave him alone for now." The young man said lightly, "Although we are here for Chuhe, there are more important things ahead now. As for Chuhe... let him go first."

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