The old man nodded, "That should be the case. The wave of enlightenment just now is really shocking. Under such a situation where the rules of the world are not complete, love can even comprehend a trace of the true meaning of the Tao. It is simply terrifying."

"It must be strangled, or recruited, or..." Shao You sneered, "Take it as your own!"

Chuhe also felt the eyes of the pupil boy just now, he looked in this direction and stopped the flower of no desire.

"Why did you stop?"

Ah Qing asked suspiciously.

Chuhe said lightly, "I found some interesting things, so I'm not in a hurry to leave..."

And on the Zhenmoguan square, everyone was a little silent, because the little bit of magic that spewed out just now was really unbearable, just a little bit of it, as if entering hell, completely unbearable. Bear.

"Everyone, what should we do now? It seems that there are really gods and demons below..."

"What should we do? If the gods and demons are born, none of us will be able to escape!"

"Chuhe didn't give us a solution, as long as we repair the formation according to what he said, and use our own soul to repair the formation..."

"If you want to use your own spirit to repair the formation, whoever wants to go, I will definitely not go! It's better to die!"

At this moment, everyone in the live broadcast room gradually realized something was wrong, "Why does it seem that the ground below is slowly cracking?"

"I seem to see black-red gas in it. Although it doesn't feel right, it's a little creepy just looking at it."

Suddenly, on the side of Zhenmo Temple, there was a continuous cracking sound, and a small hillock-like thing split from it, and then...a pair of dark, huge, scorched eagle-like claws suddenly came out of the crack. It stretched out from inside, smashed the top of Banla Mountain, and firmly held the ground!

This finger is nearly one meter thick!

Just one finger is four meters long!

With this one hand, you can grab a big truck directly and effortlessly!

For many people, being big is synonymous with fear.

Many people are not afraid of small spiders, but once a spider is as big as a washbasin, it can scare people to death.

With the appearance of this huge palm, everyone panicked.

"What is that!? Could it be the hands of gods and demons?" Someone in the live broadcast room asked again.

"This is too huge!"

"If this god and demon really appeared, wouldn't it be more than 100 meters high?"

They can't feel the almost suffocating horror through the screen, all they can see is the big one.

"Not good!" Someone posted a message on the bullet screen, "I just read the news, and the demons on our side seem to have rioted!"

"I read the news just now, and the demons on our side also rioted!"

Many people quit the live broadcast to watch the news.

As a result, the first two hot searches are.

In the two cities closest to the stone forest, after experiencing the beast tide, another demon riot broke out!

All the demons are pilgrimage in the direction of the stone forest, that is, in the live video, the direction of the demon-suppressing temple that seals the gods and demons!

Moreover, the dense demonic energy condensed from the sky above the stone forest, as if it was the end of the world, flying sand and rocks, and thick clouds gathered in the sky to form a huge vortex-like thing.

Not only that, but many people in the two cities closest to Stone Forest started to be directly demonized!

The person who was walking well on the road suddenly began to kneel on the ground with his head in his arms. When he raised his head, his eyes were already red, his blood vessels swelled, and turned blue-black.

The teeth also became sharper, and the speed became extremely fast.

It bites anyone it sees, like a zombie!

The two cities instantly turned into danger.

Many people were scared. Originally, watching the live broadcast could be regarded as watching the news. Anyway, it didn't happen to them. In fact, they were not very scared.

But now, one of them almost peed their pants.

"Quick! Go to the gymnasium in the city and ask the master for help!"

Someone frantically ran towards the gymnasium in the city.

After the result came, I was dumbfounded.

The gymnasium has been smashed, and the Taoist priest has already left in disappointment!

Chapter 209 Please Die For Our Safety

It's all because of them, they drove the Taoist priests away, and now they are in danger, the first thing that comes to mind is these Taoist priests.

They were frightened and went home one after another and closed their doors tightly.

Looking at the headlines on the news, these demonizations may all be related to the birth of gods and demons!

And those demons worshiped in the direction of the stone forest, which is even more proof.

Someone who has studied this deeply released authoritative news, saying that the root cause of all this is the birth of gods and demons!

Gods and demons will have family members who look at them, and those demonized people are more sensitive, infected by the breath of gods and demons, demonized, and become the family members of gods and demons.

And those demons who were originally demons will worship the place where the gods and demons were born, cheer, and welcome the return of their king!

Now, not only the people in the two cities near Shilin panicked, but even the people in other places panicked.

This god and demon just leaked a hand, and directly demonized the people in these two cities hundreds of miles away. What if all the gods and demons appeared?

Wouldn't that be a huge disaster?

And fortunately, the place where the gods and demons are sealed is actually relatively remote, and there are only these two cities in a hundred miles around.

What if this god and demon appeared in a densely populated place in the city?

"Hurry up! Seal the Demon God!" The bullet screen began to urge these Taoists, "I live near here, and there are all demonized people outside, I am going to die!"

"Quickly seal the gods and demons. Didn't Master Chu leave you with a way to seal the gods and demons?"

"Didn't you say just now that if there really are gods and demons, you will not hesitate to block the seal with your life? Hurry up! Now it's time for you to act!"

All of a sudden, the live broadcast room was almost crowded and exploded, and everyone was waiting for them to make a choice.

Some people have even started to petition the Taoist sect on the Internet, "All Taoist sects, although we saw it through the live broadcast just now, in fact, your Taoist sect just wants to use us and gain our beliefs to practice, but in the end , you must also protect us, so that we can truly believe in you."

Before Chuhe directly broadcast these nasty things about Daomen, these people have long distrusted the people in Daomen, but now there is no way, it seems that only Daomen can save them.

"As members of the Taoist sect, you must have some magical means to contact those people who are currently in the depths of the stone forest. Please tell them and let them do what Chuhe said."

"As long as the gods and demons are sealed, we will sincerely believe in Taoism, and set up a tomb for them, and go back to worship them every year..."

In fact, what they said is true, the people in the Taoist sect have mysterious means, and there are indeed some ways to contact the people who are currently in the stone forest.

In the depths of Zhongnan Mountain, in Lingming Hall, the elder Taishang frowned as he watched the electronic screen held by his apprentice, and then said, "Go, get the book of life."

The apprentice nodded in agreement, and then brought an ordinary book.

The Supreme Elder held his breath and began to write on the book.

At the same time in the stone forest, Ran Chenzi also found a few more lines of words on the life book he was carrying with him, and at this moment, people from other sects were also using various means to contact people in the stone forest .

"Quickly arrange the array according to what Chuhe said, and seal the gods and demons in it. This is a great opportunity for our Taoist sect to regroup!"

"As long as you can give up these things for Daomen now, Daomen will be honored again because of your sacrifice!"

All of them looked blank, like dead mothers, completely lifeless.

"What should I do? Do I really want to...sacrifice myself in order to seal this demon?"

Ranchenzi replied coldly, "It's all Chuhe's fault! He obviously has a way to seal the gods and demons without us sacrificing, but he just doesn't use it, why?"

"Because this is the Demon Suppressing Temple, and this is the dojo where Master Baixing used to be. Master Baixing once sacrificed himself for the sake of the common people and sealed the demons. Now Chuhe puts this problem in front of us, just to intentionally humiliate him. and torment us!"

Ran Chenzi gritted his teeth, and put the book of fate directly into his arms, "Keep the green hills, don't be afraid of no firewood, if we die here, we may not be able to seal the gods and demons, because it is very likely that Chuhe is deceiving us , and if we don’t die, then we are preserving vitality for the Taoist sect, even if the gods and demons are really born, we can continue to fight against the gods and demons..."

Sacrifice yourself for others?

They are still so big.

They hardly need to think much, they have already made a decision.

Never sacrifice yourself to save those who don't know what to do.

"Everyone, in fact, all of this is Chuhe's conspiracy. He just wants us to sacrifice ourselves on purpose, but after the sacrifice, there will be no results at all."

"We have already observed that the coming of gods and demons is almost unstoppable. What we have to do now is to preserve our own strength, and people in surrounding cities please evacuate as soon as possible..."

On the flower of Wuyu in the distance, Chuhe held his mobile phone and watched Ranchenzi talking nonsense in a serious manner.

Hehe, I still like to throw the blame on others so much.

People's barrage at the moment is even more interesting.

"Chuhe cheats? When did Chuhe cheat? So far, everything Chuhe said has been done! Never cheated!"

"He said at the beginning that there was a seal under the Demon Town Temple, but everyone didn't believe it, but it turned out to be true. Later, he said in Leiyin Mountain that he could save everyone, but everyone still didn't believe it, but he was slaughtered by demons. Now he said that there are gods and demons born below. You Say we believe it or not?"

"Are you guys from the Taoist sect? That traitor Jiang Xinlian just knelt down for Chuhe for us, so what if you guys died for us?"

"Aren't you cultivators anyway? Wouldn't it be enough to reincarnate at that time? Otherwise, wouldn't it be enough to leave a wisp of remnant soul?"

"You are only sacrificing your own life, but what you are protecting is the safety of us!"

"For our safety, please die quickly, okay?"

Chuhe didn't know if Ranchenzi and the others could see the barrage, but he had thought about all this from the very beginning.

Chuhe does have the strength to seal gods and demons, but Chuhe just wants them to seal them with spirit.

It can also be regarded as a test for them.

As long as they use the spirit to seal it, they will definitely not die because of it. Although they will lose most of their cultivation, at least they still have one life.

And Chuhe also wants to see, how do these people who keep criticizing him verbally and in writing, face the same situation as themselves, how should they choose?

Chapter 210 The Birth of Gods and Demons

Now Qixing is very bitter in his heart.

He was once the pride of heaven!

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