As the Holy Son of Lingming Hall, it is no exaggeration to say that he is the Holy Son of the entire Taoist sect!

The future is limitless, originally according to his idea, once he leaves the customs, he should surprise everyone with skills and gain countless admiration, but now he has become like a bereaved dog.

He also began to reflect on whether he treated Chuhe that way at the beginning, was it a bit too much?

Now that these things fell on his head, he didn't know the pain.

For you mortals, you want me to sacrifice?


It took me decades of hard work to reach the state I am in today, but just because of a few words from you, you have to sacrifice me?

do i owe you

Why should I sacrifice myself to save you!

If I save you, that is my high morality. If I don’t save you, that is also my duty. How can you just let others die in order to save you?

"Hmph! I'll just say it straight!" Qixing said coldly, "Whether to save you or not to save you, that is our freedom, you are not qualified, let us die for you!"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then they all said, "The Son of Seven Elements is right! It is our freedom to save or not to save, how can you interfere casually?!"

"At first we still wanted to save you, but now seeing your faces, we decided not to save you, so what can you do?"

Everyone in the live broadcast room was shocked!

They never expected that these Taoists who take the responsibility of the common people in the world would say such words!

But when they wanted to refute and threaten these people, they found that they had no way to threaten the people in the Taoist sect.

Except not believing in them anymore.

But they have stopped believing in Taoism since just now.

All their arrogance is based on their own weakness, and they feel that these people should protect themselves.

Everything depends on the morality of others.

When others really tear their face apart, they have nothing to do!

"Are they crazy? To say such a thing? To...not to die?"

"Aren't they afraid of having their consciences condemned?"

"Aren't they afraid of being reviled by us?"

"They... how dare they!"

Chuhe looked at the flustered barrage, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

In the way of the other, return the other body.

Presumably they should be very uncomfortable with the dust now, right?

Only these ordinary people who are still trying to force the people in Ranchenzi to death still don't know how to repent.

I never refuse to reflect on my own mistakes. If something happens, it is all other people's problems.

There are quite a few people watching the live broadcast now, and there are also many Taoists among them. When they saw this scene, they were also a little chilled.

There is always no pain when the needle is not stuck in your body.

When they forced Chuhe to sacrifice his life to block the seal, they never thought that one day such a thing would happen to them.

They have to think differently.

And after Qi Xing finished saying this, he seemed to break free from an inexplicable shackle, "Everyone, I will take a step first, and I will never let myself die for these people!"

"My life is much more precious. I am the proud son of heaven. If the world is settled and Yu Yu is clarified in the future, it must be me!"

"Let me die here just because the gods and demons were born, it's not worth it, it's not worth it!"

After speaking, he shot straight to the side.

And the rest of the people also got up one after another.

"We can save more people by living, we must not die here!"

After finishing speaking, a group of people immediately shot around.

On the flower of no desire, Jiang Xinlian watched this scene with mixed emotions in her heart.

She still had a little fantasy, "Guanzhu Chu, you...wouldn't just sit idly by?"

Chuhe glanced at her and said in a low voice, "I said, it's the last chance for them. If they can seize it, nothing will happen."

Jiang Xinlian pursed her lips, and then respectfully said, "If that's the case, I'm willing to exchange my body for the re-seal of the gods and demons!"

She said she was determined.

Although these people hurt her deeply, at the last moment, it still reflected her true heart.

Chu He sighed slightly.

People are indeed complicated.

It's just that there are too few people like Jiang Xinlian, not one in a million, not one in a million!

Most people, like this barrage, are indifferent and selfish.

Or maybe like Qixing and others, on the surface, they seem to be high-sounding, as if they can dedicate everything at any time for the sake of human beings, for the so-called morality, but when it really comes to that time, there will be more excuses than one, in short, just talk about it, Really want to do, huh, sorry, no way.

"Do you think that by sacrificing yourself, you can block the gods and demons down here?" Chu He looked at Jiang Xinlian.

Her face turned bitter, "At least...the seal can last for a while, so that they have time to evacuate."

Jiang Xinlian sighed and shook her head, "I'm not talking about those people below, I'm talking about ordinary people around, although they say that about me, but I don't really care because I know they are just a group of ignorant people ..."

"Tch." Chu He shook his head and laughed, "Do you believe these words?"

After finishing speaking, he looked down at the gods and demons who were about to break the seal and appeared below, and said calmly, "Visible demons are easy to destroy, but invisible ones are hard to seal!"

"Speaking of it, was this catastrophe caused by someone?"

"What happened after the disaster broke out? I think you should force me to be more clear. There are disloyal people everywhere, and selfish people everywhere. In the beginning, if you could unite, how could the demons wreak havoc? Come?"

Chuhe didn't want to say more about this, "Even if you sacrifice yourself, you can't seal the demon god here. I advise you not to act rashly."

Seeing that the people below are almost running away, and the sealing formation is trembling again and again, the whole Shachun seems to be roaring, as if many cracks suddenly opened on the ground, and from these cracks, people are constantly going out. There are some black and red breaths.

What followed was an inexplicable smell of fear.

As if those black and red gases are the tangible form of fear, the entire world will be dyed black and red.

And that big hand is also constantly crawling out.



Not only the big hand, but the arm behind the palm was also lifted out suddenly, directly grabbing a person in the Taoist sect who was fleeing quickly!

That person didn't even have the slightest reaction time, and he was crushed by the big hand!

Chapter 211 Going to the West

After the others saw it, their scalps became even more numb, and they felt that their legs were trembling, as if they couldn't move.

Qixing and Ranchenzi slowly converged into one place, but they turned their heads only to find that there were several fellow Taoists following behind them.

Ranchenzi cursed secretly, "Damn it, didn't we agree to split up!? Why have you been following us!?"

The people behind also shouted, "Let's stay together, more people are more powerful, don't you think?"

There are many people, the power is big, and under the current situation, the more people, the bigger the target, and the greater the possibility of being discovered by gods and demons.

If more people are more powerful, it will only be effective when the power gap between the two sides is small, otherwise, no matter how many people there are, it will be nothing more than a meal on a plate.

"Split up! This way we have a better chance of surviving, don't follow us anymore!" Qi Xing was also furious, but there was nothing he could do. No matter what he said, these people were chasing after them and refused leave.

After all, Qixing and Ranchenzi had the highest cultivation among so many people present.

In addition, there are the holy son of Buddhism and the abbot, but these two have been killed by Mo Liuxin of the Mo family, and now Mo Liuxin is roasting and eating shadows with one hand, and has long since disappeared.

That is to say, Qixing and Ranchenzi are the strongest right now.

The rest of the people are instinctively afraid, worried that if they fight on their own, they will be killed by gods and demons at some point, and staying with Qixing and Ranchenzi can at least give them some comfort in their hearts.

If the gods and demons are really captured, at least there are tall ones to hold them.

In all fairness, Qixing and Ranchenzi said that they had a better chance of surviving when they split up, and the rest of them knew it too.

But knowing is knowing.

But when they thought that they might die if they split up, they didn't want to.

An escape fully embodies these selfish interests. These people who were originally referred to by Taoists now regard each other as enemies. If there is a chance, these people may sneak attack others without hesitation .

Let other people stand alone, so as to attract the attention of the gods and demons.

"Damn it!" Qixing cursed angrily, and then chased after Ranchenzi.

"Chu Guanzhu hasn't gone far yet! Let's go to Chu Guanzhu's vicinity. If the gods and demons attack, Chu Guanzhu will definitely fight back!"

Qixing's current thinking has become the same as that of the people who followed him closely. They all want to come to a strong man and want the strong man to help him.

Seeing these people getting closer and closer, the smile on Chu He's face became wider and wider.

"My lord, can we just let them come over like this?" Yinyue opened her mouth with some panic in her tone. Of course, she was not afraid of these people, but as a demon, she had already felt the pressure from the depths of her soul. shudder.

Just below, it seemed that there was a huge, primordial fear waiting to break the seal and come out.

And these leaked auras have already made her restless, even a wave of demonic energy rose from her body, and her skin was also twisted and shaken for a while, revealing some dark brown hard skin from time to time .

Infected by these primitive demonic energy, Yinyue almost showed her original shape.

Fortunately, within the flower of desirelessness, the outside breath can be isolated, which made Yinyue not really show her original shape, but it also made her flustered.

If it weren't for Chuhe's presence, she would have fled here long ago.

"It doesn't matter if they come here." Yinyue continued, "I'm worried...the gods and demons will also be attracted here."

Yinyue shivered and said, "Master! I suggest leaving here immediately, go as fast as you can, go as far as you can!"

And just after Yinyue finished speaking, she heard a thunderclap in the cloudy sky, as if it exploded in people's hearts, making people startled!

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