The bodies of those Taoists who were rushing towards the flower of desirelessness controlled by the Chu River all stopped suddenly, and then fell down like dumplings.

When they were about to reach the ground, they woke up with a start and flew towards the sky in a frenzy.

The lightning just now was crimson, like lightning like blood!

The screen in the live broadcast room trembled for a while, and there were some freezes on the screen, which seemed to be affected.

The two surrounding cities have fallen into complete chaos, screams and sirens can be heard endlessly, those demonized people are running around, and the whole city seems to be the end of the world.

Outside the city, countless monsters bowed in the direction of the stone forest, and finally stretched out their hands and shouted in the direction of the stone forest.

"Welcome to the gods and demons!"

The sound soared into the sky, and everyone in the city froze for a moment. Some high-level people looked out of the window through the window.

I could only see the direction of the stone forest, which had already been covered by a huge storm, and there was also a huge vortex-like cloud in the sky, and this cloud gradually turned blood red!

Everything feels like the end of the world.

The voice welcoming the arrival of gods and demons also penetrated into their minds.

"What Chuhe said is true...the gods and demons are indeed sealed below, and...the scope of influence of this gods and demons is very large, even before they were born, they directly affected cities hundreds of miles away, making the cities Nearly in a state of destruction!"

Countless people have regretted it.

At the very beginning, they all felt that even if the sealer possesses gods and demons, so what?

The left and right are just one more big devil, are there not enough devils in the world now?

What if there is one more?

Even many people who are far away regard these as news and have no sense of crisis at all. Until now, they have no regrets.

Everything Chuhe said is true.

If this god and demon really descends, the whole world may be destroyed because of it!

They panic!

The city's airport was already crowded with people, and no one maintained discipline. Although the flight route had been suspended, the captain still got into the cockpit of the plane.

He didn't want to die in this city, he had to escape!

At the same time, not only the two cities close to Stone Forest, but also other surrounding cities have set off an upsurge of planes taking off!

"This place is already rotten, the Taoist sect can't subdue these monsters at all!"

"Go, go to the west! I heard that the people from the church over there have almost suppressed the demon's disturbance!"

"Sure enough, the West is better. Now as long as I can land in the West, I am willing to be a dog of the West!"

On the plane, some people were chatting, and some people posted messages on social media, saying that they would fly away from this side soon, leave the purgatory on earth here, and go to the paradise on earth in the west!

Chapter 212 There Will Be No Chance Any Later

The evacuation of the crowd was just a small episode.

In fact, the evacuation started a long time ago. Those who have money take the plane, and those who have no money can only take the ship. This will be much slower, and the sea is no safer than the land.

In the vast sea, it soon became the world of those monsters.

The news is reporting the dynamics of monster attacks all the time.

And right now when the gods and demons were born, countless people finally despaired of Taoism and made up their minds to leave here.

Those who have come to the West a long time ago are laughing at the turmoil over there on social media.

"How did this group of inferior people realize that the West is the future of mankind?"

"Fortunately, we came early, we came here decades ago, I guess they will envy us now?"

"Hey! You two, stop chatting and wash the dishes!" The owner of the western restaurant yelled at the two middle-aged men who were lazy in the back kitchen.

The two quickly put away their mobile phones, nodded and bowed to the white boss, and then began to wash the dishes happily.

The west has also been affected, but the demons mainly broke out in the east, and the threat to the west is not very great.

This has also led to the fact that many Orientals who have already come to the West are gloating on social media at this time, and rarely care about it.

They are all saying that it was right for them to leave the East, but in fact, even in the West, they are doing the lowest jobs.

In short, at this moment, not only in the two cities around the stone forest, not only in the east, but even in the west, all over the world, everyone's eyes are attracted by the news of the birth of gods and demons!

Because they all know that this time the monster is different from usual, before it was born, the level directly radiated hundreds of kilometers around, throwing two big cities with a population of one million into chaos!

At this time, the live broadcast was intermittent and severely disturbed, but in the end there was no chaos.

In the picture, Ranchenzi, Qixing and the others are running away desperately, but behind them, a huge demon with scarlet eyes has drilled out of the ground, revealing a huge head, dying Stare at these people.


The God Demon seems to have completely broken free from the seal of Gui Zang Jue, bit by bit, he emerged from the ground. With a height of over a hundred meters, he looks like a giant reaching up to the sky!

In the scarlet storm, the body of the god and demon is gradually revealed.

The four arms, the dragon's feet, and the whole body are covered with armor like dragon scales, and the four arms of this god and demon are also holding different things.

One of the hands is holding a bottle. The bottle is red, and the surface of the bottle seems to be wriggling. Look carefully, the bottle is also nearly ten meters in size. On the surface of the bottle, there are many things that look like human faces. flashed by.

Listen carefully, as if you can hear ghosts crying and howling wolves from this bottle, but just hearing the slightest sound, you feel as if you are suffocating.

One can tell at a glance that this bottle is definitely a vicious magic weapon!

And the arm under the bottle is holding a demon pestle.

It's strange that a demon is holding a demon pestle in his hand?

The upper and lower ends of this demon pestle are sharp, and it looks extremely simple, like a lump of iron, but everyone knows that this pestle is definitely not that simple.

On the other side of the two arms, one hand holds a huge long knife.

This long knife looks very inconsistent, because the things held by the other arms are relatively small, of course, compared to the huge body of this god and demon, they are all relatively small things.

And this long knife is extremely long, at least tens of meters long!

Looking at it, I was worried about whether he would hurt himself when he waved it.

On the last hand is a pocket, which is bulging and looks like it contains a lot of things, but I don't know what is inside.

The face of the god and demon is very similar to what is said in the drama, with blue-faced fangs, and two teeth protruding from the lower jaw, almost piercing directly into the eyes.

And the nose of this demon is also very strange, sharp, like a hooked nose, but the hook is not downward, but upward.

So it looks weird.


After the god demon was born, a burst of white air suddenly burst out from his nostrils, making a deafening sound.

Ranchenzi and the others were shocked by the sound and fell to the ground one after another.

And the surrounding monsters also knelt down on the ground one after another, not daring to get up.

However, the cheers became stronger and stronger, "Welcome to the arrival of the gods and demons! Welcome to the arrival of the gods and demons!"

The sky and the earth seem to be upside down, the wind howls, and the sky is dark!

The pupil boy hiding in the stone forest focused his eyes, "Demon God! It's really a Demon God!"

"Young Master!" Another pupil clan elder panicked, "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time!"

"No!" The pupil clan boy shook his head and said, "The enlightenment purple energy has not been obtained yet, so he left like this? In my opinion, now is just the right time!"


"Hmph! So what can the gods and demons do? Now that the rules of the world are not complete, even the gods and demons cannot display their full strength. Even if you and I can't kill the gods and demons, can't we retreat completely?"

The old man nodded, "Yes, young master!"

And over there, after snorting, the god and demon took another breath.


His mouth opened, and an invisible sound wave shot out.

The mountain in front was directly blown away by this sound wave.

The towering stones in the stone forest fell down directly.

In a radius of ten miles and tens of miles, all the trees were destroyed!

Those monsters wandering around immediately exploded into blood mist, turned into the essence of flesh and blood, and flew towards the side of the gods and demons.

Hum a ha!

The first sound made all creatures in a radius of dozens of miles lose the ability to resist, and the second sound directly turned these creatures into blood mist!

The sky that was originally scarlet turned into blood red!

Ran Chenzi and the others, after falling below, were shocked and bled all over their bodies. In the blink of an eye, they became like blood men. They looked extremely horrified, but none of them died after all. seriously injured.

Jiang Xinlian was brought in by Chuhe to the Flower of Wuyu, and the live broadcast equipment was also brought in, so this did not affect Chuhe and the others.

But even in a magic weapon like the Flower of No Desire, you can still feel the overwhelming energy pouring out from outside.

Hum-ha, everything in the world seemed to be shattered.

Yinyue's face turned pale, "My lord, it's better... to leave as soon as possible! Otherwise, if it is later, there will be no chance."

Chapter 213 Creation Legend

Chuhe didn't answer Yinyue, but said to himself, "Hmph, according to the rumors, it was the first sound made by Pangu after the creation of the world, and it really contained endless power."

Everyone was taken aback, "Pangu?"

Especially Jiang Xinlian, he is a serious member of the Taoist sect, and even his status in the Taoist sect is not low. Even the Jiangliu Pavilion where he is not very good at exercises and the like, but there are too many people in the sect. There are many secret things about Taoism and this world.

As the Pavilion Master of the Jiangliu Pavilion, she had heard some legends about how the world was born, but this was the first time she had heard the saying that Pan Gu created the world.

Who is Pangu?

According to Chuhe, this world was created by Pangu, so isn't he the creator god of this world?

Why have I never heard of such an important god?

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