All of a sudden, a river of blood flowed from the feet of the Nine-Life Cat Demon, and the strong smell of blood made those who survived uncontrollably vomit and became even more terrified.

After those people and monsters died, they turned into balls of pure energy and flew towards the Nine-Life Cat Demon.

Nine Lives Cat Demon opened his mouth and sucked lightly.

A gust of wind suddenly hit, and the essence was directly swallowed by it, and several monsters who were relatively close also flew out, and were directly swallowed by the cat demon.

The sound of crunching and chewing bones, like ravings from hell, made people shudder.

Yang Yufeng gritted his teeth watching all this, and walked forward involuntarily.

Such a powerful charm ability!

Is this the sky demon! ?

At this moment, Yang Yufeng and the patriarch's spirit merged into one, and his strength is extremely powerful!

But he still couldn't control himself, and even his mind was a little crazy, and he was about to become as crazy as those ordinary people and die!

Yang Yufeng's spirit-supporting technique of the Shangqing School is so exquisite that he even invited the patriarch Yang Lanfeng, but in the eyes of Tian Yao, he is just a big ant.

"Chuhe... Shoot! Shoot!" Yang Yufeng shouted with all his strength, "This is the last chance!"

"The last chance?" Chuhe smiled, "No, this is not the last chance, you have already used the last chance."

Yang Yufeng felt cold in his heart.

Yes, Chuhe had given a chance, more than once, but they didn't grasp it.

Aobayashi and Aoki couldn't resist the power of charm at this moment, they rushed towards the Nine Lives Cat Demon with wild laughter.

Yang Yufeng watched his beloved disciple rush towards the Nine-Life Cat Demon, and said eagerly, "Qinglin! Qingmu!"

It's just that the two of them didn't respond, they rushed directly to the feet of the Nine-Life Cat Demon and blew themselves up!

Chuhe just watched indifferently, as if all this had nothing to do with him.

"Me! I'll fight you!" Yang Yufeng roared angrily.

He knew that if he didn't act anymore, he was just waiting to die. He was going to die anyway, so it would be better to die more heroically!

With the last bit of energy left, he rushed towards the Nine-Life Cat Demon!

Chu He shook his head slightly.

Everything is in vain, the sky demon is so powerful, how many people in this world can stand against it?


Chuhe's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, and his eyes turned cold.

I saw Qi Linfeng and Qi Linling rushing towards the Nine Lives Cat Demon with crazy faces.

How dare you attack my people?

Chu He sneered, silently recited the incantation and kneaded the Fajue, and the curse of Fumozhen Yaoshenguang has been cast!

The Nine Lives Cat Demon seemed to feel that the energy in these people's bodies was sufficient, so he stretched out his claws to grab them.

Just a crisp ding!

Its claws slapped directly on a golden light.

Qi Linfeng and Qi Linling, as well as Yang Yufeng, who was relatively close to them, were instantly shrouded in a golden light.

Their crazy expressions suddenly regained consciousness, and they looked around in horror.

Chu River!

It was Chuhe who saved me!

The cat demon slapped the Divine Light Curse with its paw, and it only made a ding sound. In addition, the slight trembling of the Divine Light Curse caused a slight ripple.

The Nine-Life Cat Demon narrowed his eyes for an instant, and even spit out the words, "Curse of the Demon God Light Curse!?"

The voice of the Nine-Life Cat Demon is a seductive female voice that is extremely charming. Just hearing this voice can make countless people confused and bewildered.

It's just that at this moment, Su Mei's voice was mixed with trembling and fear, which seemed to be very fearful.

"The Lord of the Town Demon Temple!?"

The Nine-Life Cat Demon spoke in horror, and looked at Chu River instantly.

A man and a demon look at each other across the air.

The hair of the huge Nine-Life Cat Demon was slightly puffed up, and the horror in its eyes could not be concealed.

In contrast, Chuhe's eyes are calm, like a bottomless cold pool.

"You actually recognized the Fumo Town Demon God's Light Curse? It seems that you have fought against my senior Demon Town Demon Temple before?"

The Nine-Life Cat Demon blew his hair instantly, "Only the master of the Demon Suppressing Temple can learn the Curse of Fumo Suppressing Demon Divine Light. Are you the master? I have never seen such a weak demon suppressing master!"

Although the voice was extremely pleasant, at this moment the Nine Lives Cat Demon was full of murderous aura, and he grabbed Chuhe with his claws!

Although the Nine-Life Cat Demon doesn't have any magic weapon, its sky demon's body is the best magic weapon!

Even a hair is the best material for refining magic weapons.

The most important thing is that it has been suppressed under the seal for an unknown number of years, and all the magic weapons have been destroyed long ago. Even the current body is formed by condensing spiritual power.


The Nine-Life Cat Demon roared out a word, and directly patted it down with its huge paw.

If you drop ten times with one force, no matter what your cultivation or strength is, you will die!

Chu He looked at the Nine-Life Cat Demon with a demonic aura, and the huge paw that was about to pat him, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Chu He held his head high and held his chest high, without the slightest intention of giving in. He spit out two words from his mouth, "Ju Shen——"

The mysterious invisible ripples spread out instantly.

That indescribable mysterious aura instantly enveloped the Nine-Life Cat Demon, making him unable to move, and he couldn't slap this paw no matter what.

It seemed to be frozen, and even the breath stagnated.

"This..." The Nine-Life Cat Demon roared in horror, "How is that possible!? You are really the Lord of the Demon Suppressor? But the Lord of the Demon Suppressor is here, why did the seal break!?"

"Because..." Chu He sneered, "I let you out!"

Chapter 23

After finishing speaking, Chuhe chuckled and waved his hand lightly.

The huge body of the Nine-Life Cat Demon was lifted up by the Chu River like nothing, and fell to the ground.


It wasn't until the body of the Nine-Life Cat Demon hit the ground that the ground shook, and no one knew how heavy the body of the Nine-Life Cat Demon seemed to be lifted by Chuhe.

It's just that this time, I don't know how many ghosts and ghosts were smashed to death. Those ghosts and ghosts were originally overwhelmed by the huge coercion of the Nine-Life Cat Demon. With no strength left to resist, he was directly crushed to death.

These demons were the most aggrieved. After seeing the light of day again, they were crushed to death by a huge sky demon before they could harm the world as much as they could.

Although Chuhe killed many monsters directly with this light blow, it was not fatal to the nine-life cat monster.

Of course, the most important thing is that Chuhe didn't mean to kill it.

"No!" The nine-tailed demon fox was terrified, "How is this possible!?"

He just felt that his body was uncontrollable. Even when he was facing Master Baixing hundreds of years ago, it was not as powerless as it is now!

"You are so strong, why did you let the seal break!?" Nine Lives Cat Demon was shocked, "Could it be intentional, wanting to catch us all?!"

Chuhe sneered, "No matter what you think, I only have one sentence, you are out of trouble now, I will go wherever you want, but there is only one point, don't come to provoke Lao Tzu, otherwise, if I can release you, I will be able to release you again." Throw it back!"

These words are not without domineering, but for the Nine Lives cat demon, it is a joy in his heart.

The meaning of Chuhe's words is obvious.

He will ignore this matter!

As long as you don't provoke him, everything will be fine!

Seeing the cunning flashing in the eyes of the Nine Lives Cat Demon, Chu He shook his head and said, "There are these two, we can't hurt them."

Qi Linling and Qi Linfeng are the two people who suppress the monsters, and of course these monsters can't hurt them.

In a trance, the nine-life cat demon felt that the restraint in his body had quietly disappeared, and now he has regained the ability to move.

Let me go again?

What's wrong with this?

Could it be that his supernatural power that can control me can only last for a moment?

And what did he mean by what he just said?

Is it possible to kill everyone except the people in their demon temple?

Impossible, the Nine-Life Cat Demon is extremely cunning, and I don't believe that a righteous force with a name like Zhenyaoguan, which is incompatible with the demon clan, would do such a thing.

But... the exuberant human spirit over there is definitely a great tonic for it that is weak at the moment!

Why don't you give it a try?

The Nine-Life Cat Demon carefully walked away from Chuhe's side by several tens of feet, trying not to put herself in Chuhe's sight.

It already had a calculation in its heart, anyway, it had to try anyway, it directly opened its big mouth and sucked towards the crowd over there!

A gust of wind blew up, and dozens of people flew uncontrollably towards the life-saving cat demon in an instant.

"Help! Help!"

"I know I'm wrong! Help!"

These people were still crying in mid-air, but this kind of horror didn't last long. When it flew to the mouth of the Nine-Life Cat Demon, it swallowed all these people, including their clothes and bones. go down!

Blood was left on the corner of the Nine-Life Cat Demon's mouth, a disgusting smell of blood permeated the air, and there was that terrifying chewing sound!

At the same time, the nine-life cat demon has been paying attention to Chuhe.

It just waits for Chuhe to react immediately if there is something wrong, no matter it is to go all out or turn around and run away, it can't sit still!

It just watched for a long time, but it didn't see Chuhe's next move.

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