I only saw that Chuhe's face was always indifferent, as if everything that happened had nothing to do with him.

He really didn't make a move! ?

Is what he said true? !

The Nine-Life Cat Demon was full of demonic aura, and rushed directly into the crowd, starting to kill wildly!

In the middle, Chuhe didn't intend to do anything at all.

The Nine Lives Cat Demon is relieved now, it seems that everything is true, this terrifying guy has given up on humans!

The entire mountain top suddenly became a feast for demons!

"Master Chu! Help us!"

"Master Chu! We really know our mistake, we really know our mistake!"

Some people who were still surviving panicked and scrambled to avoid the attack of the monsters and came to the vicinity of the Chu River.

It's just that what they answered was a wordless gust of wind, which directly overturned them.

Those monsters dare not come within ten feet of Chu River because of the power of Chu River. As soon as this person comes around Chu River, those monsters will stop attacking them.

They thought they were saved, but they were blown away by the gust of Chuhe's waving hands.

The monsters who had been guarding outside for a long time began to feast on it again.

In the blink of an eye, there were only a handful of people alive at the scene.

Yang Yufeng looked at the scene like a purgatory on earth, and his heart was full of sadness.

Although he is ten feet away from Chuhe, no one dares to make trouble for him because Chuhe rescued him just now.

"In time, there will be such ghosts everywhere in the world..." Yang Yufeng looked at Chuhe with complicated eyes.

He had to admit that this person was far stronger than anyone he had ever seen.

It should be the luck of their human race that such a powerful person stands here, but Chuhe's presence will only make them feel desperate.

Chuhe also looked at him lightly, and a smile could not help showing on the corner of his mouth.

Not because he thought Yang Yufeng was funny, but because at this moment, the ever-increasing regret value made him laugh.

【Ding!Congratulations to the host, get 50 points of remorse! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host, get 50 points of remorse! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host, get 80 points of remorse! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host, get 100 points of remorse! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host, get 80 points of remorse! 】


Do you have to wait until this time to start regretting?

The regret value began to increase significantly, and it seemed that it all came from those who were watching the live broadcast.

Yang Yufeng knew that it was all because of Chuhe that he was still standing here alive, so he took a deep look at Chuhe, turned around and left.

Before he came to the end, he paused and said, "Chuhe, I don't thank you if you don't kill me, but I still want to remind you that there is still time to restrain yourself, otherwise later...you will die without a burial place! "

Chuhe smiled slightly and looked towards the foot of the mountain.

"You mean those two fake celestial masters?"

"Fake celestial master?" Yang Yufeng shook his head slightly, "That is the orthodox celestial master of Longhu Mountain!"

Chapter 24 Bardo Body

Longhushan Celestial Master lineage has been passed down for a long time.

And the celestial masters in Longhu Mountain are even more honorable!

It is one of the most influential and powerful forces among the Taoist sects in the world.

And pay attention to birth, do not hide their own strength.

Since ancient times, he has always been the emperor's guest, and even the leading celestial master has been canonized as the national teacher.

For example, in ancient times, the surname of someone who greeted people was usually asked for their surname.

Most of the people who answered would also say that the surname is free, but in any dynasty, there are only three surnames that can be said to be free.

The first is the surname of the current dynasty, the second is Beikong, and the third is Nanzhang, which is the lineage of Zhang Tianshi in Longhushan!

There is no dynasty with a thousand years, but there are families with a thousand years!

The Zhang family in Longhushan has been passed down to the present, and the emperor has witnessed generation after generation, but no matter which dynasty, they all treat Zhang Tianshi's lineage with courtesy, and will give Zhang Tianshi's lineage a seal from generation to generation, so that now, Longhushan Tianshi The identities of everyone in the division's lineage are so revered that it's frightening!

Yang Yufeng of the Shangqing faction is considered an expert, but in front of Longhushan, he is still not good enough.

He took a complicated look at Chuhe, turned around and left without stopping.

Chu He said, "Qi Linfeng, Qi Linling, you two should go down the mountain too."

Yang Yufeng gave another pause when he heard this.

Are you going to send your men to sue for peace?

It's just that the next words made Yang Yufeng feel breathless again.

Chuhe looked at Qi Linfeng and Qi Lin who came in front of him and led the way, "You two go down the mountain and tell those Taoist people that no one is allowed to participate in this matter, otherwise it will be an enemy of me and the demon town. , at your own risk."


The two nodded.

In this short period of time, their original concepts have collapsed countless times.

They can also be regarded as masters in the secular world. Over the years, they have also killed demons and demons, and eliminated harm for the world.

It's just that so many monsters were born at one time, and they were all new to them. Even in their dreams, they would never have imagined that there would be such a scene.

Up to now, they can only accept it all.

They feel fortunate that although the sky is full of monsters, fortunately, the two of them are on the side of the Chu River.

It's just that the common people in this world...

The two looked at each other, then turned and went down the mountain.

The Nine-Life Cat Demon did not stop them from leaving, but kept watching Chuhe vigilantly.

Seeing Chuhe, there was no next move, and the nine-life cat demon took a few steps forward tentatively.

It greedily looked down the mountain.

It can feel that there is a group of prosperous practitioners at the foot of the mountain!

If it can be swallowed up, it will definitely be restored to its original state.

It's just that he was stopped by Chuhe directly before he took a few steps.

"Are you going down the mountain?"

When the Nine-Life Cat Demon heard Chuhe's words, his body stiffened for a while, and he quickly put on a defensive posture.

It didn't dare not to listen to Chuhe's words, but it had to.

"You...you don't care about them?" The Nine-Life Cat Demon said, with a soft voice that made people feel itchy.

It's just that after seeing the minced meat still hanging between the teeth of the Nine-Life Cat Demon, no one will have any further assumptions.

"I don't care about them." Chuhe chuckled, "I mean, if you go down the mountain now, you might die in the hands of the people below."

"Just them? Chick!" The Nine-Life Cat Demon said disdainfully, "In my opinion, it's just a bunch of supplements!"

"If you were in your heyday, maybe it was like this, but now that you have just broken through the seal, your strength is still relatively stable, and the one at the foot of the mountain is the Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain. Are you sure you want to go down now?"

"Longhushan? Tianshi Mansion?" The Nine-Life Cat Demon was taken aback, "It's those old cow-nosed people!?"

There was a flash of anger in her eyes, and she snorted coldly, "Wait until I recover a little bit, and then go eat them alive!"

After all, the Nine-Life Cat Demon was not reckless, and directly entrenched in the place where the seal was broken and began to stabilize his strength.

Some monsters are still emerging from the place where the seal is broken.

Some monsters were immediately eaten by the Nine Lives Cat Demon as soon as they came out, and more of them broke out of the bondage and fled directly down the mountain.

A steady stream of monsters rushed out of the seal, ghosts and wolves howled from time to time, and even billowing flames burst out in the city not far away. I don't know if it has something to do with the fleeing monsters.

Some of the fleeing monsters had high intelligence and some had mediocre intelligence, but no matter how intelligent they were, none of them rushed to provoke Chuhe.

Among the thousands of monsters, Chuhe came to a big stone with a leisurely stroll, and sat cross-legged on it.

He opened the system panel directly.

Name: Chuhe.

Identity: Lord of the Town Demon Temple.

Inheritance: the door to all wonders.

Regret value: 384592/1000000 (to reach the next stage, the system mall can be opened, and the regret value can be exchanged for currency as a system mall item.)

Innate magic method: the curse of arresting the gods.

Only so much regret value?

It seems that not everyone who watched the live broadcast felt remorse...

[The system prompts that the system can only harvest remorse within a certain range. 】

It turned out to be the case.

Chuhe realized clearly in his heart that it seemed that his idea of ​​harvesting the world's regret value through live broadcast had failed.

Originally, Chuhe thought that this time he could harvest regret points and open the system mall. It seems that only relying on these people can not harvest enough regret points.

But fortunately, there are more than 30 remorse points, which is enough to exchange for three enlightenment of the door of wonders.

And with the first chance to comprehend the Jushen curse, Chuhe began to choose to exchange for the enlightenment of the door of all wonders without hesitation.

【Awareness value of the door of all wonders】

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