This is too far from what they imagined, and it is also in stark contrast to the image that Zhang Zidong and others have been creating before.


"There must be other reasons. Maybe they want to preserve their strength? After all, they are the hope of saving us. If something happens to them, wouldn't we also have a big problem?"

"We can only see a little bit of content through the camera. Who knows what happened on the scene? In short, we can't see what we see, so we can assume that they are all timid. After all, sometimes images will Liar."

Of course, many people are defending Zhang Zidong and others, because at least at this moment, Zhang Zidong and others are still on their side, at least on the surface they are still protecting them.

These ordinary people also knew in their hearts, what would they do if they forced this last force away?

Even if people like Zhang Zidong were really to be exposed, it would have to wait until they found a new backer.

Thoughts are like lightning, and you can think of many things in an instant, but for Dragon Palace, it is actually just a blink of an eye.

The phantom of the Shenlong swept over, and directly made those monks of the Huangzi into a mess. Zhang Zidong and others were like this, and all the monks of the Huangzi were actually like this, fleeing towards the back frantically.

He even aroused all kinds of defense methods in himself, trying to resist this phantom of the dragon, even thinking about making a last desperate fight!

Those of the Xuanzi brand also have a lot of golden light on the body that is subconsciously stimulated, but none of them really escaped like the monks of the Huangzi brand, or used it as a defensive method to suppress the bottom of the box.

Their bodies are afraid, but there is at least a sliver of rationality in their hearts, knowing that the Dragon King is targeting Chuhe, and they are just being affected, so there shouldn't be any major incidents.

The ones who are calmer are the monks of Dizihao and Tianzihao. They are the fewest in number but the highest in cultivation. They are all staring at the Chu River in the middle of the field.

"do you died?"

Master Bihai said something subconsciously.

Because this phantom of the dragon is the full blow of the Dragon King!

The phantom looks like an illusion, but in fact it is extremely solid, and it is almost the same as the real dragon itself!

If he was hit by the phantom of the dragon, Master Bihai thought he didn't have much ability to fight back, so he could only try his best to escape, otherwise, when the phantom of the dragon really unfolded, it would be regarded as want There was no chance of escaping.

There were bursts of golden light, dragons singing and tigers roaring, and the huge space in the middle of the field was completely filled with dragons, only to be seen surrounded by dragons, with their heads raised high, and expressions of disdain and contempt appeared in their eyes.

Among the hovering dragon body, Black Bear Spirit and Chu He stand proudly in it!

In fact, the black bear spirit's legs were trembling, and he almost knelt down. With the help of Chuhe, he could barely stand up, but he still raised his head and looked at the phantom of the dragon.

The two of them were slowly coiled by the phantom body of the huge dragon, and the people outside couldn't see it clearly.

Only those two from the Tianzi brand can see clearly, while the monks from the Dizi brand can barely perceive the Tao, and they can't see clearly at all.

"What a powerful coercion!" The black bear spirit clenched its teeth, and blood even flowed from the gap between the teeth. The pressure he is now under has far exceeded the limit it can bear.

If it wasn't for Chuhe's presence, with his ability, he might have been crushed into a puddle of meat long ago.

Chuhe said lightly, "Hold on, this is also an opportunity for you. Isn't the most important thing for your monster race is to fight your body? Under this environment, if you try to practice, you should treat your body The improvement is of great help, right?"

The black bear spirit couldn't make any expression on his face, and the sound transmission roared angrily, "Are you kidding me!? Cultivating at a time like this?"

"Even if what you said is true, if I practice now, my body can indeed make great progress, and it is even considered a chance for me, but no matter how great the chance is, I still have to live to enjoy it Just do it!"

"Now all my energy is used for defense. Even so, there is still a feeling that I will be crushed if I am not careful. If I give up defense at this time and turn to practice, then as long as an instant, I It will turn into a patty!"

Chuhe smiled, "Then do you think it's your own credit for not being crushed into meatloaf by using all your strength to defend?"

"What do you mean?" Black Bear Spirit was puzzled.

Chuhe smiled and said, "If you can trust me, you might as well just fade away all the mana, concentrate on practicing and try it out."

Just at this time, the voice of the Dragon King rumbled.

"Human monk Chuhe, you have fallen into evil ways, and now I can give you one last chance."

Chapter 287 Kneeling down to apologize again?

"Maybe you can worship Buddhism, and accept the purification of Buddhism from now on, maybe you can wash away the sins on your body!"

The Dragon King thought of a good way.

In fact, to be honest, he really doesn't want the Dragon Clan to join the so-called Buddhist sect. As long as they enter that kind of place, they have to cut off their emotions and desires, and the people in the Buddhist sect are very unfriendly to demon cultivators.

Even if you are capable, you can only be a mount over there.

The dragon clan is incomparably majestic and noble, and at any rate they were big bosses in ancient times. If they joined Buddhism as a mount or something, wouldn't it embarrass the entire dragon clan?

Even for a waste like Ao Bai, if it fell into the hands of Buddhism, the Dragon King would not be happy.

After all, Ao Bai is still his blood.

His blood was used as a mount for others, and the Dragon King felt humiliated just thinking about it.

There was no other way before, if he had to choose a dragon clan to send to Buddhism as a disciple, then he would rather choose Ao Bai.

But now that there are other options, why choose the Dragon Clan?

Is it okay to let Chuhe go directly?

As for Ao Bai, the Dragon King has already decided that he will kill him himself!

After hearing this, the great Buddhist monks were all very pleasantly surprised.

What Chuhe showed just now is enough to surprise people. One can see that Chuhe is definitely not an ordinary person.

And there is also the miraculous body-holding technique, which can affect them when it is spoken from Chuhe's mouth!

This is definitely a supernatural level spell!

If you can learn these things from Chuhe's mouth, wouldn't it be a great achievement for Buddhism?

"Amitabha, the so-called put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately, Chuhe, you are indeed destined for my Buddhism, and you should repent!"

The several great monks clasped their hands together and said a lot in a seemingly sympathetic manner.

The people who saw this place live were speechless for a while.

"What's the situation? Is Chuhe dead or not? Why do these people from the Buddhist sect want Chuhe to join the Buddhist sect again?"

"Don't they know that Chuhe has done a lot of evil? Why put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately? If such a person can become a Buddha, aren't we all Buddhas?"

The huge dragon-shaped phantom stood in the field.

Everyone can only see the proud dragon, but not the trapped Chu River.

Including Zhang Zidong and the others, they were all relieved at this moment, seeing that the dragon was not rushing towards them, but they all threw away their armor and almost ran away, and they were a little embarrassed for a while.

"Are you all right?"

When Zhang Zidong saw the camera, his heart moved, but he pretended not to see it. Instead, he asked how the person they had just used as a shield was doing.

Those people held their breath in their hearts, but they didn't dare to attack.

Zhang Zidong and others can only be regarded as weak chickens in this Dragon Palace, and their entourage can't even beat those fish mothers. They are weak chickens among weak chickens, how dare they resist?

"No, it's fine."

"It's fine." Zhang Zidong suddenly pretended to cough twice, "Ahem, it's fine."

"Little Heavenly Master, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, it's just exhausted, just take a rest." Zhang Zidong showed a tired expression.

The man was puzzled for a while, and said that we didn't feel it in front of us just now, how could you run out of energy?

Could it be that he ran out of energy while escaping?

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard Zhang Zidong say, "It's good that you are fine, even if my landscape garden is exhausted, so what if I die in the sea? I am willing!"


These few people don't know what Zhang Zidong's fanaticism is, what does this mean?

Why did it seem to be exhausted for them?

"I was behind you just now and injected all my essence into your body, which saved you from a catastrophe. You don't have to thank me, after all, this is what I should do."

Those individuals suddenly had a black line on their heads.

They figured out why Zhang Zidong said that, and the co-authoring was basically for those who were watching the live broadcast.

Both Chris and Abe Kenji cursed secretly, this guy is too cunning.

Immediately, Abe Kenji also stood up and said, "That's true, our joint efforts can be regarded as blocking Longwei. I am also a little weak now, I am afraid I need to take a rest."

Chris also continued, "I still have strength, but if the dragon king comes again, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to resist. If there is another time, you will stand behind me, even if there is no essence , I want to block it with my body!"

The people at the scene didn't know that these three people were acting, but even if they knew, what could they do?

Can it still be dismantled?

"Thank you little celestial master!" Some eyelids shouted suddenly, "I almost died just now, but fortunately the little celestial master stood behind me in time to help me, my life was given by the little angel !"

A group of people responded with a bang, and all kinds of voices of gratitude emerged one after another. Those who didn't know the situation thought something happened.

Those people with a mysterious name all looked at them contemptuously.

As for the bosses of Dizihao and Tianzihao, they didn't even look at them.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage became lively again, "I said how could they hide behind others, now the truth is revealed!"

In fact, many people also have doubts in their hearts, but seeing that so many people present are grateful to Zhang Zidong and others, they can only be a little skeptical.

At least it won't be like at the beginning, thinking that these three people are the guys who use ordinary people as a shield.

The three of Zhang Zidong breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to look towards the middle of the field.

Chuhe didn't know the farce that appeared in the investigation here, and still taught the black bear to practice more on his own.

The Dragon King's voice came rolling, but he didn't make a move.

In fact, those great monks all thought that Qin Ha carried the miraculous body-holding supernatural power, how could the Dragon King not think of it?

The reason why he made Shenlong Xuying feel the eyes of everyone is because he wanted to perform some evil techniques next.

He wanted to get into Chuhe's head and search for the magical immobilization technique!

After finding the method of fixing the body, it will not be too late to hand over Chuhe to Buddhism.

A voice came to Chuhe's ears, and it happened to be the Dragon King.

"Now, kneel down and admit your mistake, put down all defenses, and I will spare your life."

The sound was rolling, and everyone could hear it.

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