The Dragon King didn't really want Chuhe to kneel down, the most important thing was to let Chuhe put down his defenses, so as to give him a chance to enter Chuhe's sea of ​​consciousness.

"I'll tell you the same thing."

Chuhe's voice also came from the phantom of Shenlong, "Now, kneel down and apologize, maybe I can spare your life."

Chapter 288 Each has a plan

Everyone was shocked!

Compared with the grandeur of the Dragon King's voice, this voice is more ethereal and unpredictable, as if it came from the void.

Listen carefully, and it seems to resound directly in the bottom of my heart.

It seems that this voice is everywhere, everywhere.


Zhang Zidong felt dizzy and almost vomited. He couldn't stand stably and wobbled. Finally, he forcibly supported a coral next to him and barely stopped.

"The magic sound fills the ears!"

"Very vicious Chuhe!"

Zhang Zidong and others looked at the phantom of the dragon with resentment. If their eyes could kill, then Chuhe might have died without a place to bury him.

Unfortunately, eyes can't kill people.

The people in the Huangzi account were overwhelmed by the sound.

But they still scolded one after another.



"How dare you make the Dragon King kneel down!? I just don't know what to say!"

"It's a little too arrogant. I think this Chuhe might not be able to join Buddhism alive."

"Before those Taoist friends said that Chuhe was a devil, I still didn't believe it. Now that I see this, I believe it a little bit."

And the real Bihai of that local name was concentrating, and looked at Chuhe in the phantom of the dragon with some seriousness.

Daoist Baiyu and True Lord Shengui also glanced at each other, inexplicably shocked in their hearts.

This voice alone is enough to shock people. The most important thing is that even when the two of them heard this voice, they seemed to hear this voice from the bottom of their hearts. This amazing penetrating power and weird Famen, people have to guard against.

This is just an ordinary sentence. If some incantations are added to this sentence, the words that resound in the bottom of my heart may not be so simple.

The Dragon King was also secretly startled, and felt that Chuhe was extraordinary.

But now that Chuhe has been offended, it would be unrealistic if he wanted to be good.

The Dragon King had already made a decision in his mind, he stomped his feet suddenly, and the scene around him suddenly began to change.

I saw only the originally peaceful Dragon Palace, suddenly there was a bit of chilling atmosphere, Yasha fish mother, shrimp soldiers and crab generals suddenly appeared around the Dragon Palace.

Ao Jin Ao Mu and other dragon sons and grandsons also shot out in an instant and entered several dragon palaces.

This Dragon Palace was originally a powerful formation, but at this moment, it has been activated by the Dragon King!

This is where the Dragon King dares to provoke even though he knows Chuhe is strong!

The earth seemed to be trembling!

The sea roared, and these monks who were in the bottom of the sea suddenly felt a shock.

They are able to stay here safely now, all because of the huge formation of Dragon Palace, which directly excludes the powerful water pressure, otherwise, the masters of Tianzihao and Dizihao are the Xuanzihao. The monks may also die at the bottom of the sea!

Not to mention those monks of Huangzi, if they don't have any magic weapon, they may die cleanly.

The golden giant dragon phantom suddenly roared into the sky and flew across the sky!

Only then did the people in Huangzi see Chuhe and Heixiongjing who were located there, but after seeing these two people, everyone was dumbfounded again.

I only saw this person and a bear, one standing and the other sitting cross-legged.

It was Chuhe standing there. He stood upright with his hands behind his back and his head held high. Those things didn't seem to have any influence on him just now.

The black bear sat down cross-legged, his body exuded a mysterious ripple, obviously he was practicing.

"He... this black bear spirit is training his body!?"

"What!?" Everyone was shocked.

The coercion of the divine dragon just now was already frightening, and they couldn't even get close to it. How much pressure should the black bear spirit and Chuhe in the circle surrounded by the divine dragon bear?

Not to mention Chu He, this person is very mysterious and not a character in the Tang world, but this black bear spirit is a native of Datang bear!

They all knew in their hearts the strength of the black bear spirit, which is considered to be quite good in the mysterious name, but it will definitely not reach the ground name, let alone the sky name.

But at this moment, under the huge pressure, the black bear spirit completely gave up resisting, but sat cross-legged and concentrated on cultivating, which made people startled.

I'm afraid that if it wasn't for the two seniors of Tianzihao, they wouldn't be able to do this, right?

Could it be that the black bear has always been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

Thinking back to the arrogance of the black bear spirit before, everyone thought of this possibility.

After all, now that the black bear spirit gave up its defense, the coercion didn't hurt it in the slightest. What is it if it's not a peerless powerhouse?

This can only show one thing, even if the black bear spirit does not make any defenses, it is not afraid of the full blow of the Dragon King at all!

Zhang Zidong and the others almost lost their eyeballs, "No wonder Chuhe is so arrogant, so he found another backer!"

This thought was in the minds of most people at the moment, but Zhang Zidong said it out.

It's just that this scene is too shocking.

Only the two from Tianzihao kept their eyes on Chuhe all the time, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

Just at this moment, after seeing the phantom of the divine dragon soaring up, it began to fall again and again.

The Dragon King stood on the high platform, holding the seal that trapped Ao Bai in one hand, and carrying it behind his back with the other.

In an instant, his spirit suddenly drifted towards the phantom of the dragon.

The next moment, the phantom of the originally majestic dragon seemed to suddenly have more spirituality, as if a real dragon had descended into the world.

Everyone in Huangzihao couldn't bear the pressure and knelt down one after another, and the people in Xuanzihao were also bent over by the pressure, not daring to look directly.

Zhang Zidong even made a thud, almost kneeling on his knees!

The big formation of the Dragon Palace is in motion, coupled with the phantom of the dragon possessed by the soul of the Dragon King, all these things add up, it seems that the majesty of the world is enveloping, and it rushes straight towards the Chu River!

"hold head high!"

The dragon chant was loud and clear, and a white light appeared in everyone's eyes.

Daoist Baiyu and Zhengui Shengui squinted their eyes, barely seeing the huge phantom of the dragon directly entering Chuhe's body!

Their eyes sank, and they already knew what the Dragon King was planning.

This is an evil technique similar to the soul-searching method, which can directly penetrate into the sea of ​​consciousness of a person, and search for all kinds of knowledge, experience, and even memory of monks in the sea of ​​consciousness.

But at the same time, this kind of exercise is also extremely dangerous, and only those with extremely advanced cultivation bases dare to use it easily.

The Dragon King's cultivation base was originally high-end, and he also had the help of the Dragon Palace formation.

Now, the monk named Chuhe is afraid that he will suffer.

Daoist Baiyu shook his head slightly, only thinking that he might have misread it.

And those big monks frowned.

They also saw what the dragon king was doing, and they knew better that if Chuhe did not die after performing this exercise, he would be traumatized and become demented.

What is the use of such waste for Buddhism?

Chapter 289 Conscious Sea World

But it is said that the phantom of the dragon, which was incarnated by the soul of the Dragon King, went directly into the sea of ​​consciousness of Chu River!

The Dragon King secretly smiled in his heart.

This Chuhe looks very mysterious, but when faced with this trick, he doesn't even have defense.

The Dragon King had made a plan at first, thinking that if the Chu River closed the sea of ​​consciousness, he would use a strong method to get in directly.

But now it seems that those preparations are useless, as if Chuhe let him in on purpose.

Of course, he would never think that Chuhe let him in on purpose. He would only think that Chuhe was a little tender after all, and he didn't expect the real purpose of his move.

The sea of ​​consciousness is the most important place for a monk, and it can be regarded as the inner scene of a monk.

Here, all the monk's thoughts and everything are there.

The soul is also in it.

And everyone's sea of ​​consciousness is different, like the Dragon King, his sea of ​​consciousness is a real ocean.

And the Sea of ​​Consciousness like the black bear spirit is a mountain peak, and there are many things within this mountain peak.

Every monk's sea of ​​consciousness is the embodiment of the monk's spirit, and every monk is different.

After entering the sea of ​​consciousness of Chu River, the Dragon King was stunned.

The sea of ​​consciousness in Chuhe was actually empty, without anything, as if he had suddenly entered into a piece of dark air.

If you look carefully, you will find that there are still some stars shining around here, as if you are in the universe.

The Dragon King was shocked!

The sea of ​​consciousness of any monk has an end, but the sea of ​​consciousness of Chuhe seems to be boundless!

Could it be that someone's sea of ​​consciousness is the universe! ?

The Dragon King's mind trembled for an instant, and then returned to normal.

He snorted coldly, but it was just a blindfold.

This is not normal!

Thinking he was awake, he flew towards the nearest planet.

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