Since it is a blindfold, then I will break this blindfold for you!

The so-called Wangshan runs dead horse, this planet seems to be very close, but if you really want to fly there, it will take an extremely long flight for the manager.

The sea of ​​consciousness is the world of spiritual will. In this world, the flow of time is completely different from that outside.

Even an ordinary person can have [-] revolutions in one thought. It is conceivable that in the world of consciousness, everything is very fast.

Include time.

But for the Dragon King in the conscious world, even though the time flow is very fast, he still needs to feel and spend every minute and every second.

This is also one of the greatest dangers of rashly entering the sea of ​​consciousness of others.

Many people's sea of ​​consciousness even forms a small world of its own. If you get lost in it, you will never be able to get out.

The Dragon King anchored his consciousness on the Dragon Palace formation outside, so as not to get lost.

It's just that I still feel tired, I don't know how long I have been flying, and there is endless void around me.

Maybe 100 years?

It could also be 1000 years!

It may also be just a moment, and these long periods of time are nothing but illusions.

The Dragon King finally flew to one of the planets through the large formation anchored outside and his firm will.

I only saw that the planet looked like cement, with pits and pits on it.

But on the other side of the planet, there are pavilions, a huge, crystal-like palace, standing impressively on the other side of the planet.

It seemed that he had sensed the Shenlong above, and suddenly a gaze came from inside.

At that time, under a towering laurel tree, the eyes of people who are waving an ax are constantly watching.

That person is huge, at least a thousand feet tall!

And the osmanthus tree is even more outrageously large, covering half of the planet directly, and half of the huge palace is under the shadow of the osmanthus tree.

This outrageous picture, the Dragon King never even thought about it.

what is this! ?

Why does this person still have such a thing in his sea of ​​consciousness! ?

Who is this giant?

Could it be that he is the incarnation of Chuhe in the sea of ​​consciousness?

The Dragon King felt the surging power of the giant, making him feel so small that he could even be crushed to death by this man!

Even if a person can be transformed into a human in the sea of ​​consciousness, it will not have its own consciousness, just like a computer program. It may be lifelike, but it will definitely not have its own feelings and consciousness.

The only one who has his own consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness can only be himself, or an outside intruder.

The Dragon King subconsciously felt that the giant was Chuhe, but he felt that there was something wrong with his breath.

Then he thought again, could it be said that this person is the spiritual consciousness of other monks trapped in the sea of ​​consciousness of Chu River?

This act of chopping down the osmanthus tree with an ax is really like what Chuhe did to punish the monks who entered his sea of ​​consciousness.

The Dragon King immediately shouted loudly, "The monk in front! Hurry up and kill Chuhe with me!"

But seeing that the man didn't react at all, he just looked straight at the Dragon King.

The Dragon King also has a thousand-foot-long body in this void, and looks like a majestic dragon, but for some reason, when facing this giant, he always feels small.

Isn't it the spirit of other monks trapped in Chuhe's body?

What would it be?

Could it be Chuhe himself?

Or blindfolded?

The Dragon King's heart fluttered, but no matter who it was, the Dragon King would not let go of this opportunity. After all, he didn't know how many levels he flew before he came here. This is the first living thing he saw in the sea of ​​consciousness. Let go!

"Hmph!" The Dragon King snorted coldly, and suddenly rushed towards the giant.

It's just a blindfold. If you are really Chuhe's deity here, then that's good, so I won't have to look everywhere.

Along with the Dragon King came down endless thunder. Those thunders hit the laurel tree without causing any damage to the laurel tree, not even knocking off a single leaf.

Some thunderbolts rushed towards the giant's body.

It was like tickling an elephant, but the giant still ignored it.

But there are still some thunderbolts going towards those palaces.

The ax swung by the giant paused for a moment, and then turned around sharply.

The Dragon King only felt a chill in his heart, a dangerous feeling of horror that made the hair stand on end, he hurriedly stopped his body in mid-air.

His spirit was agitated, and he stopped forcibly because of this, and he was almost injured.

But the next moment, I saw the giant suddenly put a hand in, and grabbed the Dragon King.

The Dragon King hastened to use many methods, such as thunder and flames, and even some magic weapons that can be brought into the sea of ​​consciousness, all of which are useless, and none of them can stop this huge and growing palm.

And seeing that this palm is about to grab him!

Chapter 290

In this huge expanse of starry sky.

It seems that you can go anywhere, and there is no obstacle anywhere, but in fact, the Dragon King now feels that there is no way to avoid it!

What exactly is this! ?

He is Chuhe himself! ?

How could it be so powerful!

The Dragon King is going crazy. He has almost ten thousand years of cultivation. The strength of his spiritual consciousness is beyond what ordinary people can imagine. Moreover, he has a special way to keep him strong even in this sea of ​​consciousness. combat power.

He even used this trick on an old demon who was also ten thousand years old. Without any accidents, the old demon was directly crushed by the Dragon King.

The Dragon King didn't believe that Chuhe could be stronger than that ten thousand year old demon!

He absolutely does not believe it.

He would rather think that all that Chuhe is doing now is just a blindfold, but even if he thinks so in his heart, he dare not try it.

After all, that threat is too real.

It's just that he can't help it now.

Although the Dragon King fled crazily, his huge palm was getting bigger and bigger, just like a grandson monkey who couldn't jump out of the palm of the Buddha, the Dragon King couldn't escape from the giant's palm no matter what.

In the end, the Dragon King only felt that the front was dark, and the huge palm was already closed, and he directly pinched it firmly in his hand.

The Dragon King resisted subconsciously, but there was no way!

it is true!

It's not blindfolding!

The Dragon King was terrified!

He hurriedly sacrificed a magic weapon, which looked like a broken incense burner, with bursts of green smoke emitting from it.

This is one of the many magic weapons of the Dragon King, which can be directly brought into the space of divine consciousness.

After seeing the blue smoke rising, the Dragon King took a sharp inhalation.

The next moment, that huge palm was already closed!

Kneaded together directly!

It's just that in the gap between the palms, some smoke floated out lightly.

The smoke drifted away and continued to gather, and finally turned into the appearance of the Dragon King.

so close!

The Dragon King only felt that this place was too dangerous and a little reckless, and already had the idea of ​​leaving.

It's just that this idea just came up, but I heard the giant below let out a sigh, and then looked at the reunited Dragon King.

Looking at the giant, it flew directly in the direction of the Dragon King!

The Dragon King was out of his wits, and quickly flew in one direction!

If you want to escape from this world of sea consciousness, you also need to find a way out. The Dragon King is too late to escape now, so how can he find it?

Fortunately, the flying speed of this giant is not fast, it is more like running in the void.

But the Dragon King couldn't be more handsome at all.

He waited until he came near a huge planet that looked like the sun.

The giant suddenly slowed down.

The Dragon King was overjoyed, and quickly flew towards the direction of the sun.

The more you fly, the hotter you feel.

The Dragon King's heart was already numb.

It stands to reason that everything in this sea of ​​consciousness is fake, even if the sunlight is really simulated, the sunlight is also fake, but now, the Dragon King only feels that it is extremely real, very real!


Suddenly, a crisp, bird-like sound suddenly came from the direction of the sun.

And the huge sun also started to move.

If you look closely, you can only see the huge sun, which suddenly spread its wings, and it turned out to be a three-legged crow-like divine bird curled up together!

Golden Crow! ? ?

As expected of the Dragon Clan, the Dragon King still knew some ancient mythical beasts. He recognized it as the legendary Golden Crow at a glance, and at the same time, he was even more shocked in his heart.

According to the rumors, the Golden Crow has long since disappeared between the heavens and the earth, and even the cultivators who know the Golden Crow in this world are very few.

And this Chuhe knew Jinwu?

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