These great monks pressed a bodhi bead on the fair scale at that time, which was also a rare Buddhist treasure. They originally wanted to make a lot of money, but now they can only reluctantly give it to Chuhe.

But what they said was beautiful, and what they said was a token of Buddhism.

In fact, these great monks are very smart, and their three words are not far from Buddhism, and they also mean to remind Chuhe.

Now the most powerful sect in the Tang Dynasty is the Buddhist sect, and there are many great talents in it, and they are representatives of the Buddhist sect. If it is not good for them, the influence of the entire Buddhist sect must also be considered.

"Senior." Master Bihai hurriedly said without waiting for Chuhe to look at him, "Then Bihai Sword... I am also willing to bet and admit defeat!"

Chuhe's eyes swept over, and everyone said that they were willing to gamble and admit defeat.

Those treasures that were suppressed before are all gone.

Zhang Zidong and others also lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Chuhe, nor did they dare to say a word.

In fact, Chuhe came here just to join in the fun, but he didn't expect so many things to happen in the middle.

He didn't think about what to do to these people, could they all be killed?

Wouldn't that really be a monster.

Although Chuhe didn't object to the title of demon head, he was more willing to act from his heart. After thinking about this matter, he left this place and continued to explore the true meaning of happiness.

By the way, I have to go back to the Good Fortune Shrine, and continue to strengthen the Good Fortune Shrine.

Those people who followed Chuhe used to live in it. Today, the cataclysm is happening again, and there are dangers everywhere. The safety of those who Chuhe cares about is also the top priority.

More importantly, Chuhe also needs an absolutely safe environment to continue to explore his own sea of ​​knowledge and his own secrets.

"Black bear spirit, Ao Bai." Chuhe looked at the two of them, and then threw a few things casually.

The Dragon King's Ni Lin was thrown directly to Ao Bai, "You and I have some fate, and this Dragon King Ni Lin is for you.

Ao Bai took Ni Lin, which originally belonged to his father, with both hands, and he was naturally very excited.

Looking back on everything that happened just now, it was like a dream!

He never imagined that this expert could be so tall!

Simply outrageous!

Although the Dragon King who was kneeling on the ground did not raise his head, his body trembled.

Ni Lin is the essence of all the scales of the Dragon Clan, especially the Ni Lin of the Dragon King. When he heard that Chu He casually gave his Ni Lin to Ao Bai, he naturally felt extremely heartbroken.

But in the end, no other ideas came up.

"Black Bear Essence." Chuhe said to the Black Bear Essence again, "I know you practice Buddhism, and your name is Qingfeng Monk, so this Bodhi Pearl is given to you. It is also beneficial.”

The black bear spirit chuckled, and directly reached out to take the bodhi beads.

He doesn't pretend to be a gesture, although now he knows the fact that Chuhe's cultivation base is boundless, but his character is like this, and now he only regards Chuhe as a brother, not as a senior.

"You guys, you are so stingy, you swallowed so much by yourself, and you only give us this junk?"

The black bear muttered to himself.

After hearing this, Ao Bai turned pale with shock, "Hush! Silence!"

Ao Bai tugged at the fur of the black bear spirit.

Just kidding, they can survive now because of Chuhe's protection, and now Chuhe even gave them treasures, but they still think Chuhe is stingy?

If Chuhe really cares about it, I'm afraid they have nothing good to eat.

Ao Bai cursed inwardly, forget about being an idiot, but don't take me with you!

After the monks around heard what the black bear said, they also sweated for the black bear.

They just think that the black bear spirit is greedy, and they are afraid that they will be taught a lesson by Chuhe Haosheng.

Treating such a powerful senior is so rude, who can tolerate him?

But who knows, Chuhe laughed out loud, and then threw the accompanying coral to the black bear spirit, "I want you to know that I, Chuhe, am not a stingy person, and this coral is also very useful for cultivation. Let's take it."

"My coral..." The Divine Turtle seemed to be pricked by a needle.

That is the spirit of heaven and earth!

Just being sent to a black bear spirit who he thought was dull and rude?

It's just a waste of things!

If this thing falls into the hands of Chuhe, he can comfort himself that it is the best use of everything, but if it is given to the black bear spirit, the god tortoise is a little bit overwhelmed.

But when he saw the black bear spirit took the coral and put it directly under his arm, he laughed and said, "It would be great if I had some wine."

"Not enough greed." Chuhe smiled and pointed at him, but he also found it interesting.

He clearly knew that the black bear spirit had this kind of behavior style, and he didn't intend to be greedy. If the black bear spirit had a bunch of magic weapons in his hand, and if Chuhe was willing to ask for them, he would definitely give them without frowning.

Just from the point of sticking to the original heart, this black bear spirit is already much better than those so-called great monks who are profound in Buddhism.

"Dragon King..."

Chuhe looked at the Dragon King who was kneeling on the ground, and as soon as he said two words, the Dragon King hurriedly said, "Here is the little dragon!"

"Senior, Xiaolong really can't afford your title of Dragon King." The Dragon King raised his head and cupped his hands, "If you don't mind, just call me Ao Si."

Chu He nodded, "Ao Si, go get your ambergris and give some to this greedy black bear."

Dragon King Aosi nodded in agreement, a big stone in his heart barely fell to the ground.

At least Chuhe is still ordering them instead of killing them directly.

And just when the Dragon King was going to turn around to get the wine, there was a muffled sound, and the entire Dragon Palace vibrated slightly...

Chapter 305

Dragon King Aosi's heart sank, and he suddenly said to the generals of the Hai clan who were lying on the ground around him, "Hurry up and preside over the Jinghai formation!"

After all, Dragon King Aosi explained to Chuhe, "Senior, did you also feel it just now? That is...the fusion of space fragmentation..."

"Xichi Country has completely bordered the Tang World!"

Ao Si's heart was full of twists and turns, and he didn't know what to do for a while, "My dragon clan offended you, senior, and I am willing to be punished, but now at a critical moment, please let me wait for the dragon clan to resist the monsters of Xichi country first. "

The legend of Xichi Kingdom has always been shrouded in the Tang World, and the East China Sea Dragon Clan is located in the east of the Tang World, so the Xichi Kingdom happens to be in the east of the Tang World.

Excluding some links on land, most of Xichi Country is on the opposite side of the sea.

The Xichi Kingdom is different from the Tang Dynasty in that monsters are in power, and domestic humans are nothing but the blood of monsters, and they are extremely cruel to the outside world, and they are always expanding.

As for the dragon clan, the Xichi Kingdom did not reject them at all, and even captured a few young dragons before as mounts for the emperor of the Xichi Kingdom.

The relationship between the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea and the Xichi Kingdom can be seen, they can be called sworn enemies.

Over there, Baiyu Daojun and Shengui Zhenjun and others also had their heads spinning rapidly.

Although the Xichi Kingdom is terrifying, that thing is a legendary thing. Many monks present have never even heard of the Xichi Kingdom.

But Chu River is close in front of you. If you talk about threats, it must be the biggest Chu River.

But seeing that Chuhe just thought for a while, he said to Dragon King Aosi, "Let your people preside over the Jinghai formation with peace of mind, and I won't stop you."

The Dragon King was pleasantly surprised, and he was even more sure that Chuhe was not a person who killed indiscriminately.

He had heard for a long time that most of the great powers in the wild are masters who have learned the Tao, and they all have their own persistence and Taoism. As long as they don't touch the core of these powers, they are generally relatively peaceful, and now it is true.

The Dragon King has already made up his mind, if he doesn't die today, even if the accumulation of the East China Sea Dragon Palace has been emptied for thousands of years, he will hug Chuhe's thigh.

And those who were waiting for Chuhe's fate, after hearing Chuhe's words, dispersed to preside over the Jinghai formation.

Most of the Sea Clan around the Dragon Palace disappeared in an instant, and several of those dragon sons and grandsons also went to the location of the needle eye in the Dragon Palace.

As for the monks around, they all took the current situation as an opportunity to escape secretly.

All of a sudden, some monks left with those sea people.

Not many, most of them are monks from Huangzihao and Xuanzihao. As for the monks from Dizihao and Tianzihao, they have stronger cultivation bases and understand the gap between themselves and Chuhe better, so naturally they dare not move.

Those monks sneaked away under Chuhe's nose.

Chuhe didn't care at all.

He didn't come here to imprison these monks, but to join in the fun and attend the Dragon Palace banquet.

It's just that he accidentally subdued the entire Dragon Clan directly, which made the situation a bit embarrassing.

But now the Dragon Clan who despised him have all knelt down to apologize, and the Dragon King himself was seriously injured because of this.

Chuhe even got many treasures on the fair scale, so it is not a loss after all.

He didn't want to worry too much, could it be possible to really keep all these people and blackmail them one by one?

Zhang Zidong, Abeyan and the others saw that the monks around them were almost fleeing, and they were extremely anxious.

They also want to escape!

If among these people, who least wants to face Chuhe, it is definitely Zhang Zidong and others.

But they cannot escape.

Where is this place?

The depth of water here is unknown, and they can only move freely within the Dragon Palace. If they go out of the range of the Dragon Palace, with their cultivation base, they may be crushed by the water pressure immediately.

The monks gradually left without seeing Chuhe's actions. Gradually, the monks of the local and Tianzi brands began to move a little bit.

There are still a large number of monks from the Xuan brand, but many of them slipped away quietly.

The Dragon Clan of the East China Sea went to preside over the Jinghai Great Formation, but no one presided over the formation in the Dragon Palace. Originally, they wanted to leave, but now they would not stay if they could.

"Brother Niu, staying here is more dangerous than good. This senior can tell at a glance that he is an old man from the wilderness. If not, the Dragon King will definitely not surrender with his family." A monk with a goatee faced the man with two horns. The middle-aged monk said, "Those prehistoric bosses have perverse temperaments. If they stay here, they may become their dinner. Let's go!"

The monk with two horns shook his head and hesitated, "The seniors of Tianzihaodihao didn't leave, are they all stupid?"

"They didn't dare to leave. Didn't you see that Mr. Chu was looking at them just now? We are different. We are just shrimps. It's okay to leave."

"I...I was thinking..."

"What are you thinking about, I'll go first!"

The monk with the goatee turned into a streak of light and flew out of the Dragon Palace, struggling forward under the pressure of the heavy water.

The first-born monk with two horns also wanted to leave, but he was a little worried, wavering for a while, and his eyes kept flickering.

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