Almost half of the monks in his mood are.

But almost no one cared about what the Dragon King said just now that the Xichi Kingdom had completely merged with the Datang World.

Still the same sentence, Xichi country is too far away, and Chu River is too close.

Although the Xichi Kingdom is cruel and fierce, it is definitely not as heavy as the real big brother Chuhe in front of them.

Daoist Bihai's expression was uncertain. He wanted to leave, but he felt that if he didn't tell Chuhe, he was afraid of being directly attacked by Chuhe.

After thinking about it, he still made up his mind.

"Senior, just as the Dragon King said, I also felt the fluctuation between the sky and the earth just now. Such a large spatial fluctuation must be the border of the Xichi Kingdom and my Tang World. My Bihai Palace is far away on the sea. If the Xichi Kingdom Invasion, I, Bihai Palace, must be the first to bear the brunt."

Master Bihai cupped his hands and said to Chu He, "I also hope that senior will let me go, so that I can save many monks in Bihai Palace, so that they will not be slaughtered by the monsters of Xichi Kingdom."

After he finished speaking, he secretly looked at Chuhe nervously, like a prisoner waiting for trial.

But in fact, he has nothing to do with Chuhe, Bihai real person, it's just that he weighed a heavy treasure on the fair scale just now.

Seeing him like this, Chuhe also found it funny, "Go as soon as you want, why do you say this as if I'm imprisoning you and not letting you go?"

Master Bihai was astonished, never expecting that Chuhe would say such a thing, so he hurriedly said, "Thank you, senior!"

After finishing speaking, he bowed to leave, and then stepped out of the Dragon Palace, turning into a bolt of lightning and galloping in the sea water!

Seeing this, the Dragon King couldn't help but sigh.

The monks who gathered all over the world originally wanted to form an alliance headed by the Dragon Clan, to gain great luck by fighting against the Xichi Kingdom, and to seek great opportunities in this great change.

He watched Master Bihai turn into a streamer and flee away, just as he was about to turn around and leave, but saw the straight streamer belonging to Master Bihai suddenly turn around and recoil in the direction of Dragon Palace at a large angle of 180 degrees!

In the stream of light, Master Bihai looked serious, even with some fear, obviously seeing something extraordinary...

Chapter 306 Seeking Freedom

The monks who originally planned to flee quickly after telling Chuhe, all stopped when they saw this situation, and planned to observe it again.

Master Bi Hai, what happened?

Anyone who is not blind knows that he must have suffered some kind of shock just now.

But only saw that Bi Hai's real person's speed didn't slow down, and he stabbed straight at the Dragon Palace.

Although the large formation outside the Dragon Palace has been withdrawn, it still has spirituality, and after the real Bihai approached, it emitted a faint blue light.

Real Bihai seems to have plunged into the thick glue, and the speed of the lasing has also slowed down.

It was at this time that everyone saw clearly what had happened to Master Bihai.

But only a bunch of hair in front of Master Bihai had been scorched, but no traces of flames were seen, and the Taoist robe on his body was also cracked in some places. I don't know if it was cut or stretched. It was completely different when I left.

And at this moment, outside the Dragon Palace, those monks who had escaped without a trace also reappeared.

It just looks more embarrassed, even a little miserable.

On the blue ocean above the Dragon Palace, the bodies of those monks who had escaped were all falling down powerlessly as if they were uncontrollable.

As for those demon cultivators, they all showed their true colors. One of the thick pythons seemed to be still struggling, and the half of its body seemed to be divided into two by some huge sharp weapon, leaving only some skin and flesh connected.

The blood melted, making the gloomy sea water above the Dragon Palace more dark red, and the stench quickly permeated.

It's not simply the blood of that boa constrictor spirit, nor does the stench come from the corpses of these monsters.

Looking at this scene, the Dragon King trembled a little in his heart, "Xichi Country..."

Daoist Baiyu and Zhengui Shengui looked at each other and got closer to each other. The monks also sensed the danger, and they stopped chanting the Buddha's name and stared straight at the ocean above the Dragon Palace.

The real Bihai has recovered his calm at this moment, he passed through the formation, and flew back to his original position.

Before the person arrived, the voice came, "Everyone! I'm afraid I won't be able to leave today, the pioneer of Xichi Kingdom is up there!"

Bihai real person said in a hoarse voice, "These demons should have known about the two fusions of the Great Desolation and Great Change in advance, and set up an ambush on it beforehand. They have a very powerful flame that can burn underwater, and I almost passed away. Got it!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help being shocked.

Who is real Bihai?

That is the Palace Master of the Bihai Palace, and his cultivation and strength are also at the top among the local names. Those present can be said to be able to stabilize the real Bihai, and I am afraid that there are only the two from the Tianzi brand and a group of dragons.

But even he was disgraced!

This is enough to explain the danger above the Dragon Palace.

As for the monks of the Huangzihao and Xuanzihao who slipped away quietly, they were basically unlucky, and they didn't see a few survivors, and their fallen bodies floated above the Dragon Palace like dumplings.

The originally peaceful and sacred Dragon Palace was gradually invaded by that violent and cold aura.

Master Bihai looked at Chuhe carefully as he said, and he was relieved to see that Chuhe was still calm, and then he looked at the Dragon King with some annoyance.

These evil spirits are clearly targeting the East China Sea Dragon Clan, and they have already set up a net on the Dragon Palace!

These monks can only be considered to have suffered an indiscriminate disaster. If they hid at home and practiced hard, they would not have encountered such a thing at all, but they were all invited here by an invitation letter from the Dragon King.

Master Bihai even wondered if the Dragon King knew that his Dragon Palace was going to be besieged, so he summoned them to the banquet, in order to form an alliance forcibly and use their strength to break through the blockade?

If this is true, then I really want to thank Chuhe who turned out to disrupt all the rhythm.

Thinking of this, Master Bihai cursed the Dragon King again in his heart, then bent down and said to Chu He, "Senior, that Xichi country is an evil spirit, who does many evils and is forbidden by the law of heaven!"

"Senior, please take action, kill that evil spirit, and give us a bright future for the monks!"

"Senior, please be the leader of my Great Tang Dao League!"

Master Bihai had seen the power of the Xichi country, and he still had lingering fears about the great terror between life and death just now.

He has concluded that if Chuhe does not act, few monks in the Dragon Palace will be able to get out alive today.

The rest of the people were also heartbroken when they saw this. Although they hadn't seen the shadow of Xichi Kingdom, all the signs showed that this Xichi Kingdom was by no means an idle generation.

The several great monks whispered the message.

"If this senior who doesn't know where he came from really becomes our monk leader, will it be good or bad for my Buddhism?"

"The Dragon King is the leader of the alliance. It was originally planned. If the leader is not the Dragon King... Seeing that this senior is not a Buddhist, it is inevitable that there will be conflicts with my Buddhism in the future."

"Then what should we do? If he wants to be the leader, do we still have room to stop him?"

In a word, all the great monks were silent.

They are shrewd in their calculations, and they came here to unite with the Dragon King, take advantage of the opportunity of resisting the Xichi Kingdom, and directly integrate the entire practice world, and Buddhism participates in the leadership, which naturally has a great opportunity.

Only now everything has gone off track.

The monks who had just calmed down started talking again.

Firstly, they didn't see the prestige of the Xichi Demon Kingdom above, and secondly, if they had a choice, they really didn't want to be someone's vassal.

But now, as soon as Master Bihai comes up, he directly wants to let Chuhe take the lead, and let this unknown and powerful leader be the leader. Which of them will be willing?

All of a sudden, many monks looked embarrassed. They only felt that even though the vanguard of Xichi Demon Kingdom blocked it, the place was so vast and there were so many monks. If they fled everywhere at the same time, would it be impossible to escape?

When they were in a dilemma, the corner of Chuhe's mouth twitched slightly.

Leader of the Dao League?

Some familiar names.

Back then, he was also the leader of the Taoist sect, the master sacrificed himself to block the passage of demons, and he was the solitary lamp in the deep mountain to maintain the formation for hundreds of years, and he knew what was changed in the end.

Seeing the embarrassed expressions of those monks, Chu He chuckled and shook his head.

You don't want me to be the leader of the Dao League?

I don't necessarily want to do it yet!

As for the Xichi Kingdom and the Great Tang Kingdom, what does it matter to me?

I'm just a spectator.

How can you be tired of ordinary things when you seek happiness?

Chapter 307 Be Careful

When everyone saw Chuhe chuckled and shook his head, they were a little confused, so they didn't know what Chuhe wanted to express.

It wasn't until Chuhe spoke the words that everyone showed their colors.

"Slay demons and eliminate demons? Give your monks a bright future?" Chu He shook his head at Master Bi Hai and said, "I'm not interested."

Master Bihai raised his head in astonishment, but he didn't dare to say a word.

Daoist Baiyu and Zhengui Shengui felt tense in their hearts, and they only felt that Chuhe was not the right way?

Most of the rest of the monks were in the same mood, worried that Chuhe was a peerless old devil.

Only the Dragon King has a clear mind.

He has seen the scene in Chuhe's sea of ​​consciousness, and he is convinced that Chuhe is definitely an old man!

Those people are all concerned with the Dao of Heaven. What is the concept of good and evil in the eyes of these people?

But it's just a battle of snail horns. What's so interesting about a group of ants fighting?

At the same time, Chuhe's answer made him eager again.

The Dragon King doesn't necessarily care about things that Chuhe doesn't care about.

Seeing that Chuhe didn't intend to settle accounts with him, his mind became active again, maybe he could take this opportunity to reunite these monks?

It's just that he can only think about this thought in his heart now, and dare not express it.

At this moment, Chu He said to Ao Bai and Hei Xiong Jing, "I want to leave this place, are you willing to leave with me?"

"Hehe." Chu He pointed to Black Bear Spirit, "I'd like to taste the wine hidden in your Qingfeng Mountain."

The black bear spirit chuckled, "Don't worry, with our relationship, there must be enough drinks!"

Hearing that the black bear spirit was so rude and shameless, everyone was sweating for him again.

It can be seen that Chuhe is not angry, and everyone thinks that Chuhe's temper is really weird.

The world of comprehension values ​​respect and inferiority. It's really strange that he is obviously too strong, yet he can have a drink and chat with a little monster like Black Bear Spirit.

Ao Bai is more respectful than the black bear spirit, he said bluntly, "I wish to serve you and my senior from now on!"

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