Chu He frowned and shook his head, "It also depends on whether there is fate."

Ao Bai felt lost in his heart, seeing that Chuhe didn't say anything to death, he gave birth to a glimmer of hope.

After saying this, Chuhe looked at Baiyu Daojun and Shengui Zhenjun again, left a meaningful look in his eyes, then turned and left.

Daoist Baiyu and Zhengui Shengui didn't dare to show their anger. When they saw Chuhe turn and leave, they quickly bowed down and saluted.

"I'll wait and see off seniors!"

Everyone in the Dragon Clan also bent down and said, "Respectfully send off seniors!"

Hei Xiong Jing and Ao Bai quickly followed the Chu River, and behind them was the sound of greetings like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

Ao Bai was excited and even more energetic!

The humiliation he has suffered in these years is countless, when will he think that he will be sent off by many advanced monks headed by the Dragon King just like today?

Although it was by the wind of the Chu River, he was just as proud.

At the edge of the monks below, Zhang Zidong and others showed despair.

Chuhe left?

Just leave?

They originally thought that Chuhe would settle accounts with them. After all, they spread rumors to slander Chuhe just now.

For this reason, they were terrified just now, for fear that Chuhe would find them in the next moment.

But now Chuhe left without saying a word to them, as if he hadn't noticed them from the beginning to the end, and didn't take them seriously at all.

They are also the pride of heaven in the world above, attracting the attention of all people!

They think they are the enemies of Chuhe, and they think they can punish Chuhe, or at least be equal to Chuhe.

But in fact, Chuhe doesn't see them at all, and they are just like the gravel on the edge of the Dragon Palace, without the slightest sense of existence.

This huge gap made them feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

They even wanted to yell at Chuhe - you haven't dealt with us yet!Why did you leave? !

But they were worried that after Chuhe heard their shout, Chuhe would kill them all, wouldn't that be stupid?

So under this tangled and contradictory psychology, they gradually watched Chuhe disappear from their sight.

At the moment when the Chu River disappeared, Zhang Zidong and others suddenly felt a chill.

They looked around, but only saw a few fierce eyes.

"If I remember correctly, didn't these few people slander Senior Chuhe just now? They also said that Senior Chuhe is a demon?"

A Yasha general showed cold eyes and walked towards Zhang Zidong and others.

"Wait a minute!" Zhang Zidong was shocked, "Then what, a misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!"

"We are playing with Chuhe! We We are all friends, and I plan to invite him to dinner!"

"Stop... don't..."

The sharp sound of fear spread along the water to the Dragon Palace.

Naturally, Chuhe couldn't hear it. He just walked freely in the ocean.

This place is deep underwater, and it should be pitch black, because the sunlight cannot reach this place.

But the surrounding water emits a faint blue fluorescence.

They are all abundant water elements. After all, the Dragon Palace is below. There are countless large spirit gathering formations around the Dragon Palace, making the aura of this place very strong.

So much so that being in it felt like a dream... It's just that the black bear spirit and Ao Bai who followed Chuhe didn't think so.

Especially the Black Bear Spirit. Although his physical strength has increased to another level with the help of Chuhe just now, his realm is still too low after all. Under this water pressure, he is already a little weak.

He was picked up by the Sea Clan before, so he naturally didn't think there was anything wrong, but it was very difficult to be alone in it.

Ao Bai is okay, he is also a dragon after all, although he also feels some pressure, but he can barely keep up with the speed of Chuhe.

And the eyes he looked at Chuhe were full of admiration!

Because now Chuhe doesn't seem to have used any magic power at all, and it seems that he hasn't used any magic. He just walks in the sea water out of thin air, like a stroll in a garden.

This calmness alone would not be able to do it even if the Lord Baiyu and the True Lord of the Turtle came.

Maybe the Dragon King can do it, but the Dragon King is a real dragon and has a natural affinity for water, but Chuhe is different.

Although Chuhe didn't show any magical ability to control water just now, in Ao Bai's view, Chuhe's ability to control water will never be inferior to that of Dragon King.

"Slow down!" Black Bear opened his mouth to speak, but was almost poured into his mouth by sea water, "I can't keep up!"

Chuhe smiled, stopped his figure, and with a wave of his hand, an invisible water directly surrounded the black bear spirit.

The pressure that had made the Black Bear Spirit almost suffocate was relieved in an instant.

"It's amazing, you... be careful!"

Hei Xiongjing was amazed, and was about to speak, but suddenly saw a red streamer of light coming from behind Chuhe!

Chapter 308

It didn't take the black bear spirit to remind Chuhe that he had already discovered the abnormality behind him, but it couldn't threaten him at all, so he ignored it.

And at this critical moment, Ao Bai's size suddenly became larger, and he showed his prototype at this moment, as if he wanted to block this attack for Chuhe.

Chu He looked at the white dragon surrounding him in surprise, and felt a little more certain about Ao Bai in his heart.

Regardless of whether Ao Bai really wanted to resist him, or wanted to show off so that he would impress him, in short, Chuhe understood his affection.

However, it's not yet his turn to be protected by Ao Bai.

But that Ao Bai was also a subconscious reaction between flashes and flints. After his body became bigger, he secretly thought it was not good.

He clearly sensed an extremely terrifying aura on the crimson light, if it was contaminated, he might lose half his life here.

Just now, Master Bihai probably encountered this kind of attack, so he went back in disgrace.

Bihai real person is much stronger than others and can't resist, how can he resist?

Now Ao Bai can only secretly beg to be rescued by Chuhe, so as not to die directly.

These things are very slow to say, but in fact they are only in the blink of an eye.

Ao Bai thought a lot, but he never thought that he would not be attacked by that crimson streamer at all!

Ao Bai, who turned into a white dragon, turned his head in astonishment, only to see Chu He, who was coiled by him in the middle, was looking at a crimson flame in his palm with great interest.

The flame danced strangely in the seawater emitting blue light.

It exudes a terrifying heat, but it doesn't evaporate the surrounding water at all. It seems that this heat is only aimed at the soul and only at the body.

Surrounded by this strange flame, Ao Bai felt terrified. If the flame hadn't been in Chuhe's hands, he would have run away immediately.

"what is this?"

Ao Bai turned into a young man, and asked cautiously, "I sensed a terrifying aura on it."

The black bear spirit also muttered, "It looks like some kind of strange flame? I haven't seen it much, and it seems to be very powerful."

While the two were talking, they suddenly saw the crimson flame beating several times, and it grew strangely bigger, but it still did not escape from Chuhe's palm after all.

The flame seemed to be alive, and it struggled as hard as it could.


From the flames came a shriveled voice, which sounded like a duck with inflamed tonsils, and it was funny and weird.

"Unexpectedly, there are people in the world of Tang Dynasty who have such a deep understanding of the fire?"

But he saw the flame beating continuously, and finally turned into a shriveled and thin old man in Chuhe's palm.

This old man is very strange, with only one foot, two eyes seem to grow beside the ears, the distance between the eyes is very wide, and the mouth is also a bit sharp, like a bird's beak.

In short, how can an ugly word describe it?

The voice came from his mouth, "Hey, you are much stronger than the old man just now, at least you are not broken at the first touch, which is not bad."

Several people knew in their hearts that the old Taoist that this person said was most likely the real Bihai.

"Since you also came to the Dragon Palace Banquet, you must also know that now my Xichi Kingdom has surrounded this place. If you want to survive, you should give up resistance and rely on my Xichi Kingdom. With your strength, you may be able to seal it. You should be a general."

The weird one-legged old man hehe said, "Nowadays, the great changes in the world are repeating themselves. I, Xichi Kingdom, have known about it a few years in advance, and planned it a few years in advance. I will definitely not let you escape. Don't think too much about it. Surrender as soon as possible is the only way to survive." .”

Chuhe knew it in his heart.

No wonder these Xichi demons came by such a coincidence, the co-authors had already got the news a few years ago.

If we look at it like this, if there is mental calculation but no intention, the monks in the Dragon Palace may be really in danger.

"Hehe." The weird one-legged old man continued, "You are very good. You have a deep understanding of the fire at a young age. I will not kill you. If you come here with this fire, I may accept you as a disciple. , give you a great opportunity!"

Hearing this, Chuhe finally couldn't help laughing. He looked at the ocean above his head that looked like a starry sky, and then squeezed his palm directly.


The one-legged shriveled man seemed a little panicked, but before he could finish speaking, he was pinched by Chuhe.

The villain could no longer maintain the shape of a villain, and turned into a ball of flame again.

Ao Bai looked terrified.

This flame must be controlled by someone powerful!

It sounded like he was still from the Xichi Kingdom, so he couldn't help turning his head to look at the Dragon Palace, which was no longer visible.

Although there were not many good memories left for him there, but after all it was the Dragon Palace, and he was also a member of the Dragon Clan. If the Dragon Palace was really destroyed, he would inevitably feel a little sad.

Look at the Chu River again.

Ao Bai's heart skipped a beat again.

All I saw was that Chuhe squeezed the crimson flame, and even threw the flame into his mouth!


Ao Bai subconsciously exclaimed.

Although this thing looks like an ordinary small flame, he can feel an amazing energy from it, a powerful energy that can directly burn him without leaving ashes!

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