And Chuhe, actually... just swallowed it like that?

"What's wrong?" Chuhe looked at him with some doubts.

Ao Bai's expression twitched, "'s nothing."

Chuhe shook his head, "Don't worry, just go up with me and have a look."

The conversation just now and what Chuhe felt from the flame made Chuhe a little curious.

As for the flame that frightened Ao Bai and Hei Xiongjing, it was very familiar to Chuhe.

This thing is just a trace of impure Lihuo.

Chuhe now has mastered two kinds of flame magic powers, Lihuo magic power and Samadhi real fire, and he has reached the pinnacle of flame control.

And among the five elements escape recorded in the 36 Tiangang fragments, there is even a detailed elaboration on the way of fire. On the way of fire alone, Chuhe is confident that he does not need anyone.

Just a little away from the fire, and you eat it when you eat it.

According to this, on the surface of the sea [-] zhang away, a huge, almost invisible tortoise supporting a mountain building lay quietly on the surface of the water.

In the building above the turtle's back, a shriveled one-legged Taoist suddenly opened his eyes and shouted angrily, "How courageous!"

And in the sky obliquely above the giant turtle that looked like an island, a huge treasure ship broke through the clouds and appeared in midair at this moment.

The Tang royal family has also arrived!

Chapter 309

The treasure ship flying in the sky is already extremely huge, at least much bigger than an aircraft carrier.

But such a huge treasure ship is nothing compared to that huge and outrageous island-like tortoise.

At this moment, on the deck of the bow of the treasure ship, the prince of the Tang Dynasty stood facing the wind.

The sound of hunting wind blew past him, pulling up his clothes and fluttering his hairband.

Its eyes were like lightning, and it was slightly squinting to stare at the huge island-like tortoise.

"what is that?"

His lips and teeth were slightly pursed, with a little dignity.

The red-browed Taoist stood behind him and was also looking down. Hearing this, he said in a low voice, "It seems... Tongtian Yuan?"

"Tiantianyuan?" The Tang prince frowned.

"Yes, judging from its appearance, although it is extremely huge, judging from its characteristics, it should be the legendary Tongtian turtle."

The red-browed Taoist said solemnly, "I didn't expect that the Xichi Kingdom would have such a profound heritage... Tongtian Turtle has withered long ago, and it is still missing in my Tang world. It is a legendary thing. I never expected to meet it again."

On this treasure ship, besides the prince of the Tang Dynasty and the Taoist with red eyebrows, there are also other masters of the Tang Dynasty.

They were already puzzled and frightened, but after hearing the explanation from the red-browed Taoist, they finally understood what the giant thing below was.

At the same time, the cultivators on the huge lotus, gourd and other flying instruments behind the treasure ship also recognized the Tongtian turtle.

All of a sudden, before contacting Xichi country, people's hearts were already floating.

It's just because the Tongtianyuan's name is really too big.

Not to mention that everyone in the Great Tang world knew about this Tongtian turtle, but as long as they set foot on the path of cultivation, they would have heard of it more or less.

It is a unique race within the Tongtian River.

Tongtian Yuan has practiced in Tongtian River for generations, and was the original owner of Tongtian River. Until one day, a goldfish spirit, known as the King of Inspiration, descended from the sky and took a fancy to Tongtian River.

So he forcibly occupied the Tongtian River. As for the Tongtian Turtle in the Tongtian River, it was killed by the King of Inspiration, and even the lair was occupied by the King of Inspiration.

The King of Inspiration is extremely powerful, with mysterious spells, and the old Turtle is no match for him. Even the Great Sage, who is not good at water warfare, can't do anything to the King of Inspiration.

Finally, Guanyin Bodhisattva was invited to take it away with the Lingbao flower basket.

In the end, Lao Yuan was grateful to Master Sanzang and his party for helping him regain his cave and reoccupy Tongtian River.

So he carried Sanzang and his disciples across the difficult Tongtian River.

This matter is widely known in the Tang world, and it is also the reason why Tongtianyuan is famous.

It's just that although Tongtianyuan has high abilities, it also has its own stubborn diseases.

It is difficult to transform into a human form.

At that time, the Tongtian River old turtle was the head of the Tongtian turtle race. After thousands of years of practice, he could not cultivate a human body. He also wanted to ask Tang Sanzang to help him cultivate a human body because his hunchback carried him across the river.

In the end, in Daleiyin Temple, Tang Seng and his party forgot the promise they had made with Lao Yuan, and twists and turns happened again...

Right now, the Tongtian turtle controlled by Xichi Kingdom looks extremely huge, and it must have lived for many years.

Maybe he personally experienced Sanzang crossing the river back then, and even judging from the ancient posture and strong breath of this Tongtian turtle, maybe even that old turtle back then.

"What's over there?"

The Tang prince withdrew his gaze, and looked away suspiciously.

Only dozens of miles away, dozens of white warships broke through the waves, leaving a channel with surging white waves.

Nine aircraft carriers spread out, surrounded by destroyers.

Helicopters hovered above, and fighter jets on the deck of the aircraft carrier were ready to go.

"No fluctuations in spiritual power?" The red-browed Taoist asked in surprise, "It must be a mechanism technique."

Speaking of this, Taoist Chimei mentioned in passing, "There is another world around the world of Tang Dynasty. The name is a bit weird. It's called the Earth? It's a mouthful to call it. The spiritual power in it is thin, and the Taoism is weak, so it specializes in mechanism skills. .”

"There is a spy report. Its iron bird whirls and can breathe out flames. A hundred and eighty miles away, it will be a piece of scorched earth. inside."

The red-browed Taoist shook his head when he said this, "But it's not the right way after all. It's okay to deal with low-level monsters. It should be used as a way of war. It's really embarrassing to use against monks like us."

And when the people of Datang World were observing the aircraft carrier battle group.

The men on the carrier battle group were also watching them.

"Report sir! According to the radar, there is suddenly a...a mountain in front of you!?"

In the radar room, the professionals who operate the radar are sweating and feel like they are going crazy.

All I saw was densely packed with ideas that appeared suddenly on the radar.

And there is a huge green dot in front of the radar. According to the ratio, the green dot is at least tens of miles in size!

It is an island in the sea.

If that's the case, it's nothing, but the island-sized unknown object suddenly appeared on the radar!

Within 20 seconds, a distance of tens of miles ahead suddenly appeared an island that big?

"And what are the targets that suddenly appear in the sky around here? Speed ​​up and shoot the helicopter to detect!"

The speed of the aircraft carrier battle group is not slow, but compared to those flying magic weapons, it can only be a turtle speed.

The flying magic weapon of the group of monks led by the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty appeared on the radar almost instantly.

Even some curious monks have already escaped from the huge flying magic weapon of the sect and flew around the iron boat.

Everyone on the ship was extremely nervous, watching the sky through the portholes, or standing directly on the deck.

I only saw people in ancient costumes, or riding birds, or stepping on flying swords, and what's more, there were monks riding green bulls stepping on the clouds.

They were sweating profusely.

"So many practitioners...these...are these practitioners from the world that suddenly appeared next door?"

"What to do now? Captain! What to do now!?"

In the command room, someone's nerves could no longer be stretched.

"Calm down!" The white-skinned captain slapped the man violently, and said in substandard Mandarin, "With the master here, what can happen!?"

But I only saw these professionals in the huge command room, and there were also several monks with immortal demeanor.

One of them is even more special, its pupils are is a pupil clan monk!

There are more or less monks on those dozens of ships, and there are not even a few people from the pupil clan.

At this moment in the command room, everyone's eyes were focused on the pupil clan monk.

The cultivator of the pupil tribe was calm on the face, but in reality, there was a storm in his heart.

This... this... how could this happen! ?

The reason they came here was just to see if they could take a chance at the Dragon Palace. What is this huge flying magic weapon that suddenly appeared, and the horrifying aura in front of them? !

And at this moment, the Chu River was already close to the surface...

Chapter 310 Get on the Ship

"Senior... now, what should we do now?"

Facing the tremendous pressure, the captain trembled and opened his mouth.

The cultivator of the Pupil Clan doesn't look too old, with gray hair and purple eyes that look weird and mysterious.

If you look closely, his appearance is somewhat similar to that of Tong Ying, the young patriarch of the Tong clan, but he is more mature and more majestic than him.

This person is the patriarch of the Tong clan, Tong Litian!

At this moment, he just looked out of the window without saying a word, and he didn't know what to think.

And the few monks in the corner are also well-known big monks. They finally couldn't help it when they saw that the patriarch of the Tong clan didn't speak.

One of the old Taoists said, "The most urgent thing is to show those monks outside that we have no malicious intentions!"

The name of this old Taoist is Zhang Yinmei, and she is the contemporary celestial master of the celestial master's mansion!

"But how can we show them that we have no malicious intentions?" A strange-speaking person also spoke.

This person's clothes look like Taoist robes, but they are somewhat nondescript, and he wears a high hat on his head. He is the strongest onmyoji in the island country, Abe Jiro, and he is also the father of Abe Kenji who is currently in the underwater dragon palace.

"Maybe you can contact them directly." A blond man in a black robe and holding a cross also expressed his opinion.

The captain heard these people speak, but he couldn't make up his mind for a long time, and still wanted to wait for Tong Litian to speak.


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