The room was silent, when suddenly there was a muffled sound outside, followed by shaking like the earth shaking and mountains shaking.

The [-]-ton giant ship shook at a distance in the waves. Some ordinary people on the ship, because they didn't hold on to the fixed objects next to them, were even overturned and hit the wall hard.

"We are under attack!"

A scream came from the communication channel, "The attack comes from that huge island!"

Outside the fleet, those monks who were flying around the fleet out of curiosity have also dispersed at this moment, looking vigilantly at the island formed by the huge Tongtian turtle ahead.

These monks flew high enough to see the Tongtian Turtle in the distance naturally.

However, the monks on the fleet can only see the "island" from the radar because they are too close to the sea level, and cannot see it with their own eyes.

On the command ship, the patriarch of the Tong clan finally spoke, and whispered amidst the shaking, "Go to the deck first."

Everyone rushed to the deck after hearing the news.

The patriarch of the Tong clan took the lead, and flew up directly after getting on the deck, and came to the midair.

Zhang Yinmei, Abe Jiro and the priest also flew up against the wind.

On the surrounding ships, monks also flew up.

It just looks crooked, and it is not at the same level compared with the elegance of monks in the Tang Dynasty.

"Hey!" The Tang prince withdrew his gaze from looking at the fleet, "This wind control technique is not as good as a child's, it makes people laugh."

The patriarch of the Tong clan was alone in the void, without saying a word, but he was extremely nervous.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he felt the dark gaze disappear, and then looked at the huge island in front of him.


Just like the monk of the Tang Dynasty had the same expression when he saw the Tongtian turtle, Tong Litian's pupils instantly shrank into pinholes, and his heart was filled with extreme horror.

The other monks around him also had the same mentality.

Some of them even fell from mid-air because they were too frightened.

The so-called attack just now was just that the giant tortoise in front noticed the fleet here, and breathed out a small breath out of curiosity.

For this fleet, the change was like a hurricane, and mines were formed on the bottom of the water, causing huge waves, almost causing the ship to overturn!

Just at this time, a Xuanjia army rode a black black horse from Yukong to the sky above the fleet.

The Xuanjia Army wore a silver and white mask, on which was depicted a glaring Vajra, just looking at it would make one feel dizzy and dizzy!

The emotion of panic can't help but arise, as if being watched by a god or Buddha.

"Who is here?" The Xuanjia Army's voice came rumblingly, with a little contempt.

Tong Litian only felt extremely shocked.

This masked monk in armor actually gave him a sense of fear!

He was sure that this armored monk was definitely not as strong as him, but he also saw that there were at least three thousand armored monks of such strength on the treasure ship!

Facing the Xuanjia Army's questioning, he collected his thoughts and hurriedly replied, "We are earth monks, and we did not intend to collide, so please don't blame us!"

"What's the matter?" Xuanjiajun said without emotion.

"What..." Tong Litian paused for a moment, but instantly felt the eyes of the Xuanjia Army.

He peeked left and right, then gritted his teeth and said, "We are here to catch the demon!"


"The name of that demon is Chuhe, and he is the demon of the charred creatures in our world. There are countless human beings who died under his hands, and the entire Taoist sect was turned upside down by him!"

"We know that he didn't know what means he used to come to the East China Sea, and he was even invited to the Dragon Palace by the Dragon King, so we wanted to come here to tell the Dragon King the truth, so as not to be deceived by him. If we can catch the Chuhe demon here, Of course it couldn't be better!"

Zhang Yinmei, Abe Jiro and other monks also all opened their mouths to prove that what they said was true.

Tong Liantian saw that the Xuanjia army's aura gradually eased, and he said with a heart, "I really didn't expect to encounter such a scene here, but since I encountered it, please tell your master..."

He paused for a while, and looked at the island formed by Tongtian Turtle over there, "Although we don't know what happened, there is no doubt that there is a demon over there.

"Maybe he is the fellow of the demon Chuhe!"

Speaking of this, Tong Liantian directly cupped his hands and said, "If necessary, I wish you a helping hand! After all, killing demons and demons is our long-cherished wish, and I hope you will tell your master!"

The Xuanjia army looked at Tonglitian, then nodded slightly, and left in a flash.

Not long after, the Xuanjia army turned back from the treasure ship again, "My Highness invites you, since you are of the same way, please go to the treasure ship to talk about it."

Tong Litian's heart stuck in his throat finally fell to the ground. After all, he made the right bet!

Maybe there will be other gains in this trip!

Over there, Zhang Yinmei and Abe Kenji also showed joy, and hurriedly followed the Xuanjia army leading the way.

On the fleet, there were only dozens of monks who could fly, and all of them came to the deck of the treasure ship.

The closer they got to them, the more they could feel the powerful momentum and inexplicable coercion. When they came to the deck, the grand and solemn feeling made them even more breathless.

The emperor's son, the Tang prince Li Yansheng, was looking at them with his chin raised slightly.

Chapter 311 Ignore

Tong Litian and the others also carefully looked around.

When they saw the extraordinary young man in front of them, they all knew that they had met the Lord.

The red-browed Taoist frowned at these people, and then said softly, "This is my Highness, the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty."

When Tong Liantian heard the word Datang, his heart was shocked, and then he quickly bowed and said, "Tong Liantian of the Tong family has seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Zhang Yinmei from the Heavenly Master's Mansion has met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"Onmyoji Abe Jiro, I have met His Royal Highness the Prince!"

Abe Jiro's expression was the most excited, as if he saw his father.

Prince Li Yansheng waved his hand slightly as a return gift, and then said casually, "I already know about your situation, since you intend to slay demons and demons, then you can be called fellows, and follow suit."

Everyone said yes again.

Prince Li Yansheng said again, "When I really meet that demon Chuhe later, I will kill him at once."

After hearing the words, Tong Litian and the others burst into flattery and gratitude.

Li Yansheng chuckled, he was naturally not a bad person, let alone wanted to help them on a sudden whim.

It's just that as the prince of Datang, he thinks more, such as... relying on these people to directly occupy the world called Earth next to Datang!

In his view, people in this world have low cultivation bases, and they all rely on mechanical skills.

One hundred Xuanjia troops can crush it down!

But at this moment when the world is undergoing great changes and the flood is repeating itself, if you use this rough method, there will inevitably be some hidden dangers, and the luck you will get will be less.

If he can use force, he is unwilling to use force.

That being the case, then make good friends with these high-level figures in that world first, and then slowly figure it out.

The best thing is to let them see the power of the Great Tang. By that time, they will be able to open up borders and crack the soil without any effort, and they will be able to carry a party's luck, and they will be one step closer to the position of emperor!

With this in mind, Li Yansheng asked Tong Litian a few more questions. After knowing that these people in front of him could really influence the fate of the earth, Li Yansheng couldn't help laughing out loud.

Then he gave them a little explanation about Datang World and his own identity, and by the way, he also talked about what happened here.

Tong Liantian and the others probably also knew what was going on, and at the same time they were even more frightened by the strength of Datang World.

Zhang Yinmei and Abe Jiro even gave birth to the idea of ​​seeking refuge.

Anyone can see that the world is not safe now, and they might become the prey of monsters at some point. If they can find a thigh to cuddle with, then why not?

Moreover, the world of the Tang Dynasty is considered to be of the same language and species as them, but the direction of development is different later, and it will not be as sad as if it is ruled by a foreign race.

"Your tricks won't bring any harm to Xichi Country, just watch it."

Li Yansheng waved his hand, indicating that they could walk around, then turned around and came to the bow, looking at Tongtian Turtle over there.

All I saw was the sea water churning, and the Tongtian turtle cut through the water surface and was still gliding forward.

And the water surface between the Tongtian Turtle that Xichi Kingdom was riding on and the Datang Treasure Ship was also turbulent for a while, and after a while, only a few figures shot out of the turbulent sea water.

It was the Chu River that brought Ao Bai and Hei Xiong Jing out of the water.

"Hey!" the black bear couldn't help exclaiming as soon as it got out of the water, "The treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty? People from the royal family are here!"

"That's the Xuanjia Army up there!?"

The black bear stared at the boss with small eyes, "Three Thousand Xuanjia Army, is this going to attack the Dragon Palace?"

"What's that over there!" Ao Bai looked at the other side in fear.

Looking at the huge Tongtian turtle, Ao Bai couldn't help being a little shocked.

"Tongtianyuan?! That's the people from Xichi country!" Ao Bai's head is much better than that of Heixiong Jing, and he has already guessed that it is almost inseparable.

At the same time, his heart was even heavier.

If Xichi State had such ability, then Dragon Palace would be in danger.

When he came up, he clearly felt that a certain distance under the water had been blocked by Xichi Kingdom's formation, and that strange flame was part of the formation.

If Chuhe hadn't led the way ahead, he and Hei Xiongjing would never have come to the surface of the water safely.

Looking at the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty on the other side, Ao Bai couldn't help but said in a low voice, "The people from the Tang government have arrived a long time ago, but they haven't made a move yet. I'm afraid they want to wait for the Dragon Palace and the Xichi Kingdom to lose and then get the fisherman's profit!"

Ao Bai didn't have a good opinion of the Tang government, just like the Tang government didn't have a good opinion of the Dragon Clan.

Chuhe didn't think so much, what does it have to do with him regardless of his schemes?

But he was not in a hurry to leave. Wouldn't it be a loss if he just left after such a good show?

As a result, Chuhe directly stepped on the clouds and flew to the other side. Unlike Ao Bai's heaviness and Heixiong's eagerness to try, Chuhe was more like an outsider.

It's like watching an immersive show.

The place where the Chu River came out of the sea was between the Treasure Ship of the Tang Dynasty and the Tongtian Turtle, so how could it fail to attract the attention of people on both sides?

At this moment, Li Yansheng on the treasure ship and the one-legged shriveled old man on Tongtianyuan's head both frowned and looked at the direction of the Chu River.

"Dragon?" Li Yansheng whispered, "Finally can't help but want to make a move?"

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