"Chu River—"

Li Yansheng spoke suddenly, and his voice rumbled, causing all the demons in the Xichi country to look over there.

The one-legged shriveled old man sitting on top of the old man also showed a sinister smile.

Over there, Ao Bai, who was originally tense because of the Datang government and Xichi Guotong Tianyuan, became even more nervous when he heard this, "Senior, do the people in the Datang government know you?"

Chu He shook his head.

Ao Bai immediately said, "Perhaps the Tang government wants to ask for your help in order to deal with Xichi Kingdom..."

Before he finished speaking, Chuhe laughed.

Ao Bai didn't understand why, but he also closed his mouth, only feeling puzzled.

Isn't it asking for help?

What could that be?

And following Li Yansheng's words, the cameras over there were all aimed at Chuhe.

People who were watching the live broadcast were surprised to see this familiar face again.

Chu River?

Shouldn't this guy die in the Dragon Palace?

In the last scene of the Dragon Palace's live broadcast, it seemed that the Dragon King was unbearable to be humiliated and launched an attack on Chuhe. The shock wave and the Dragon King's intention caused the live broadcast equipment to shatter and the signal was interrupted.

They didn't know what happened afterwards, but based on the picture at the last moment, they were more willing to believe that it was the dragon king who shot and killed Chuhe in anger.

It's just that I didn't expect to meet Chuhe again here.

"Chuhe is not dead!"

"Damn not die, a lot of undeserved died, how unfair is the law of heaven!?"

"There is a bear spirit beside him! Sure enough, he has been messing with demons and ghosts all the time!"

"His Royal Highness, Prince of the Tang Dynasty, please kill Chuhe!"

The barrage began to flash again, even though he knew that the Tang prince couldn't see it at all.

Li Yansheng really couldn't see it, but he could feel the power of the wishes of all beings in the dark. Those who provided him with the power of wishes wanted him to kill Chuhe!

"Since I saw the Tang royal family, why didn't you pay homage!?"

Li Yansheng opened his mouth rumblingly, shaking away the clouds in the sky.

The three thousand Xuanjia soldiers stamped their feet in unison.


The entire Tang Dynasty treasure ship burst out suddenly, with ripples rippling out, breaking up all the nearby clouds. The ripples rippled all the way to the Chu River, but they didn't blow away the clouds under the Chu River.

"Bye! Bye! Bye!"

The three thousand Xuanjia soldiers spoke in unison, like a torrent of bells, exploding in people's minds.

Zhang Yinmei and Abe Kenji trembled and almost fell to the ground!

Tong Litian also clenched his toes, terrified in his heart.

These three thousand Xuanjia troops are so terrifying! ?

He could no longer have the slightest thought of resistance, and began to think wholeheartedly about how he could gain a little relationship with the Tang royal family later.

The sound came out, and ripples rose out of nowhere on the sea surface, and the ripples turned into huge waves, and the ships dozens of miles away were swaying for a while.

The Tongtian Yuan on the other side raised its head slightly, calm and composed in the huge waves.

Many demons from the Xichi Kingdom frowned and stood up, looking coldly at the Tang treasure ship.

"Be patient for now." The one-legged shriveled old man said, "Solve the Dragon Palace, and we'll talk about it after we get the Dragon Ball."

The group of demons snorted coldly and looked away. Some of them seemed a little annoyed, and directly grabbed the walking dead pedestrian on the ground and put it into their mouths.

"Bah!" The giant double-headed demon spat out human stumps. "The meat is too soft for molars, and the bone stubble is too sharp. I think the ones on that boat are not bad, at least the meat is stronger!"

At this moment, Chuhe, who was in focus, also stood up lazily. He scratched his ears, looked at Li Yansheng on the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty, and then focused on the red-browed Taoist beside him. It swept across Zhang Yinmei, Tong Liangtian and the others.

Chapter 314

Ao Bai beside Chuhe was even more astonished at the moment.

He originally thought that the Tang royal family must have something to ask Chuhe, but he didn't expect that Chuhe would kneel down when they opened their mouth?

Moreover, when the three thousand Xuanjia troops shouted in unison, the deterrence they formed was indeed terrifying, and they obviously wanted to use their power to overwhelm others!

But seeing that Chuhe is still calm, it seems that he doesn't intend to pay attention to it.

Ao Bai's eyes changed slightly, and then he took a step forward and said, "In front of the Tang royal family, I am Ao Bai, the seventh prince of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, and this is Chu He, Senior Chu, since you recognize him, you should know the identity of Senior Chu." Status and strength, why are you so aggressive?"

"Warning you first, don't make mistakes, it will be too late to regret!"

Ao Bai took it for granted that with Chuhe's status, he would naturally disdain to answer the question, but if he didn't speak, it would inevitably cause misunderstanding.

In his heart, Chuhe is absolutely not afraid, but he doesn't want to cause more trouble.

What's more, now that the evil spirits of Xichi Kingdom are close at hand, even if they have some grievances with the Tang royal family, they have to be put aside first, and we can talk about it later.

Seeing Ao Bai's self-assertive answer, Chu He frowned slightly, then shook his head.

Seeing this, Ao Bai quickly retreated, bent down and lowered his head, and said, "Senior, in the face of big right and wrong, I hope senior don't care about those people, now the evil spirits of Xichi Kingdom are the scourge!"

After all, he is a monk born and raised in the Great Hall World, and he is also an orthodox orthodox successor of Dragon Palace. Although his life has been rough, he is absolutely unambiguous when it comes to right and wrong.

"The ones in front are the royal family of the Tang Dynasty, and they are the actual rulers of the Tang Dynasty. They must have come here to deal with the evil spirits of the Xichi Kingdom." Ao Bai explained again, for fear that Chuhe would wipe out all the people there with a wave of his hand. up.

Seeing that Chuhe still didn't speak, Ao Bai couldn't help but feel a little panicked, and felt a little helpless.

He also explained at the risk of offending Chuhe, trying to stop Chuhe from making a move, also for the sake of morality in his heart.

I just hope that the people from the Tang royal family over there don't open their eyes and understand the meaning of what I said.

On the other hand, Black Bear Spirit didn't have so many scruples, his two dark eyes stared straight at the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty, and he was ready to fight if he disagreed.

The Tang royal family?

In his black bear spirit's eyes, only the Buddha is worthy of respect, what other ghosts and monsters are there?

Chuhe didn't have any other ideas. He just thought it was interesting, but he didn't want to get involved in it.

If you want to fight, then fight by yourself, what does it have to do with me?

I just want to see a play.

It's just that the Tang royal family opened their mouths to ask Chuhe to pay homage to him, which made Chuhe a little unhappy.

Is it possible to really worship it?


Thinking of this, Chu He waved his hand and said, "Prince Wuna Tang, I don't know where you got my name from, most likely it was from the mouths of those next to you."

"I just want to tell you that no matter what they say to you, I don't want to be bothered, understand?"

After finishing speaking, Chuhe set up the clouds and flew up some distance, leaving enough space for them.

It's just that there is still no hesitation.

"Huh!" Tang Prince Li Yansheng snorted coldly, and said coldly, "These friends did tell me something about you. They said that you are a Taoist disciple, but you don't follow the righteous way. , harm innocent people, and even millions of innocent people died at your hands!"

"I am the prince of the Tang Dynasty, the future emperor, how can I bear to see my people being harassed by evil spirits?!"

As he said that, Li Yansheng's whole body suddenly burst into a majestic aura, and even a faint bright yellow light surrounded him, as if a god descended into the world!

Seeing this, the monks and ordinary people on the treasure ship and surrounding ships were all infected by an inexplicable emotion, and their hearts were so moved that they even wanted to kneel down and shout long live!

Even at the other end of the live broadcast screen thousands of miles away, ordinary people who saw this scene burst into tears, feeling a sense of being protected, and even felt a warm current surge in their hearts, filled with Got power!

This is the method used by the Tang royal family, to obtain the power of will, and to use it to resonate with ordinary people who provide power of will!

All of a sudden, Li Yansheng felt that the power of infinite wish was rushing towards him, and the feeling of the rapid increase of power made him feel so comfortable that he almost let out a voice.

"I hope His Highness will make the decision for us!"

"I hope His Highness will make the decision for us!"

On the treasure ship, Zhang Yinmei, Abeyan and the others were the closest to Li Yansheng, and the inexplicable excitement penetrated deep into their guts, almost subconsciously, they fell down and bowed, as if begging Li Yansheng to uphold justice for them!

That appearance, as if Chuhe is really a heinous demon, and they were indeed killed by Chuhe's whole family, their true feelings were revealed, and tears even filled their eyes.

The same was true for the people on the ship, they all shouted, let Li Yansheng be the master.

Seeing this scene, Chuhe felt a little speechless.

Is it true that whoever has the loudest voice and the most part in the scene is right?

Simply hilarious.

But he saw that Li Yansheng turned around and nodded slightly to those who worshiped him, and then said to Chu He, "After all, you are still a human being, and you have gone astray, but you are also my people."

"Under the Emperor's rule, all subjects are equal!"

"Naturally, I won't completely believe what they say. Now I'll give you a chance—what do you have to say about their accusation?"

The so-called acting is a complete set, after Li Yansheng said this, those who were eager to judge Chuhe didn't think there was anything wrong, they only thought that Li Yansheng was really fair and had an emperor's bearing.

Chuhe watched their performance speechlessly.

To express the highest contempt without words.

Ao Bai couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help explaining, "There must be some misunderstanding! Senior Chu's strength is unpredictable, and he only wants to pursue happiness, so how could he do such a thing?"

"Besides, with the strength of senior Chu, if they really do that, there will be no way for them to survive!"

He wanted to say more, but was forced by Chuhe's gaze to swallow the second half of the sentence.

Why explain so much?

If they pretend to be blind, even if the sun is too bright, they can still speak in darkness.

Chuhe didn't bother to explain, and didn't want Ao Bai to speak again, which made it seem like he needed their approval very much.

On the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty over there, Li Yansheng sneered, "If you don't speak, you are acquiescing. If this is the case - I, Li Yansheng, judge you to have an unpardonable crime in the name of the Prince of the Tang Dynasty!"

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