At the first glance, there seemed to be thunder flashing in the sky, and the wind and clouds were stirring.

From the invisible void, it seems that several chains have been drilled out, heading straight for the Chu River.

It seems that Li Yansheng's words can't be followed, and he really wants to convict Chuhe and lock him up with a single sentence directly out of thin air!

Chapter 315 Moved?

The ability to form a powerful bondage according to the invisible chain directly attached to Chuhe's body.

For a while, even raising your hand felt difficult.

Chuhe is not in a hurry, not worried at all, but open to feel.

Follow the law?

Is this the Emperor's method?

As a world that is many times more advanced than the world that Chuhe lived in before, the world of Tang Dynasty naturally has a lot of spells left in it, and there is also a kind of magic that has never been seen in the world that Chuhe lived in before. new type of .

Just like the trick Li Yansheng used just now.

What he used was not spiritual power, but more illusory wish power.

This is another special way of practice, which is different from traditional monks. It is somewhat similar to the way of Buddhist practice, but it has many differences and is unique.

At first Chuhe thought it was the power of rules, but he was startled for a while, but after feeling it carefully, he found that it was not the power of rules, but just another kind of power that he rarely came into contact with.

After seeing the power that almost destroys the world in the world of sea consciousness, it is really hard for Chuhe to be interested in this kind of method, and he doesn't even bother to resist.

Because he only needs to let go of a hole in the sea of ​​consciousness, and let the prehistoric aura overflow from it, and he can completely clear this unknown chain of wish power!

He has a well-thought-out idea, but others don't think so.

Ao Bai dimly felt that there was a seemingly non-existent energy around the Chu River. He was startled when he felt it, and said in a low voice, "Senior, be careful! This is an edict revised by the Tang royal family, and what you say is followed by the law." , It's so weird, if you don't know how to do it, it's even more difficult to resist!"

"What decree?" The black bear stared around with wide eyes, "Why didn't I see it?"

Ao Bai secretly scolded the black bear for being an idiot, but he didn't dare to be careless. He didn't feel relieved until he confirmed that Chuhe was fine.

"I let you see everything, so it's okay?" Ao Bai looked away from Chuhe, just because Chuhe looked relaxed and breathed evenly at the moment, and he didn't seem to be restrained at all. He thought of Chuhe's previous ability, and also I just feel like I'm being silly.

How can Chuhe, who can directly crush the Dragon King, be unable to stop this?

"Hey!" Hei Xiongjing patted Ao Bai on the shoulder, "I said, why are you so worried? Why don't you think about the wine on the treasure ship now? If I get angry with the old bear, I will definitely smash it all to pieces, and then we will occupy the treasure ship and drink three hundred cups, wouldn't it be wonderful?"

Ao Bai's hair was black, and he only sighed that the Dharma of Hei Xiong Jing was "profound".

On the treasure ship over there, everyone saw that Li Yansheng did not move after saying this, and couldn't help being anxious.

Zhang Yinmei hesitated to speak, thinking to herself why are she still hesitating?

Just let the three thousand Xuanjia troops join together!

The red-browed Taoist seemed to be aware of their doubts, turned his head and said, "Don't be impatient, the Chu River has been immobilized by His Highness's order, and now it can't move."

"Can't move?"

Zhang Yinmei and others hurriedly looked towards Chuhe.

However, he saw that Chuhe looked at ease, he didn't seem to be restrained, but if he really couldn't move now... Chuhe really didn't move much now.

If Chuhe knew what they were thinking now, he would definitely laugh.

I am comfortable in this posture now, do I still have to squirm in order to cooperate with you?

The corner of Li Yansheng's mouth curled up into a smile, he could feel that his edict had taken effect, and he could even see the invisible shackles of wish power entwining the Chu River like chains.

The cultivation of the lower realms, as expected, is so insignificant that he was locked without even a chance to react.

He shook his head and sneered, "Didn't you have a sworn hatred against this guy? Now that he's been pinned down, don't you hurry up and kill this dog?"

Zhang Yinmei and Abe Jiro looked at each other, and then said via voice transmission, "This...Chuhe is so powerful, is he really trapped like that?"

"I don't think it looks like it. It would be too dangerous to go hastily. What does Zhang Sang think?"

"It's really dangerous, let His Royal Highness take pictures of other people before going."

"In this case, Zhang Sang, let's make an agreement. Later, His Royal Highness will send someone to kill Chuhe, and we will not go."

Not only did they transmit voices to each other, but they also transmitted voices to other monks. It seemed that they had reached a consensus.

Just at this time, Li Yansheng said softly, "Who of you would like to kill this dog?"

"I am willing!"

Abe Jiro, Zhang Yinmei and the priest spoke at almost the same time.


Zhang Yinmei turned her head to look at Abe Jiro, and said in a low voice, "Don't you think it's dangerous and you don't want to go?"

"Ahem, it's dangerous for anyone to go, if that's the case, then let me come!"

The priest also drew a cross on his head and chest, "As the saying goes, if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell..."

Is this your word! ?

Abe Kenji and Zhang Yanmei complained secretly.

When Li Yansheng saw this, he didn't know what they were thinking?

It's nothing more than wanting to show your face in front of people.

In fact, the people who were watching the live broadcast in front of the screen had already lit firecrackers and opened champagne.

"Hehe, the old thief Chuhe only dares to be arrogant in front of us. He really didn't dare to fart when he really met an expert from Datang!"

"The Tang Dynasty is indeed invincible! Your Highness can immobilize Chuhe with just one word. Who can possess such great power?"

"From now on, I am also a member of Datang, and with Datang's protection, I should have a safe place in this dangerous world!"

On the treasure ship here, Zhang Yinmei and the others had already fought for the right to "kill" Chuhe.

This is definitely a rare opportunity for them. If they can kill Chuhe in public, the benefits they will get are absolutely huge!

Looking at the farce on the boat over there, Chuhe couldn't help laughing, then changed his posture, and lay directly on the cloud.

There are so many cameras pointed at him, and he just lays down like that.

Obviously just now Li Yansheng said that Chuhe has been restrained and absolutely cannot move, so don't slap him in the face next moment!

Zhang Yinmei and the others who were competing for places on the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty stopped short when they saw this scene.

Then my heart suddenly felt weak.

"Hehe..." They looked at each other, and then laughed dryly.

Just now they almost fought over this matter, but now they are becoming humble again, "Then what... you want to kill Chuhe? I won't earn the so-called beauty of a gentleman."

"What is Zhang Sang talking about?" Abe Jiro quickly waved his hands, "I figured it out just now, you, the leader of the righteous way, should do things like beheading Chuhe, and I won't join in the fun..."

"Amen!" The priest placed a cross on his chest, "The so-called put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately, with compassion... I still won't go..."

They are not fools. Seeing Chuhe move, doesn't that mean that Chuhe is not restrained at all?

With the strength Chuhe showed before, wouldn't it be easy to kill them instantly?

Life is at stake, who dares to take risks?

And their performance made Li Yansheng even more embarrassed.

His face was a little blue, and he was even more surprised and uncertain.

Obviously the edict has come into effect, and his body is also covered with a layer of wish power shackles, how can he... still move! ?

Chapter 316 Death?

The red-browed Taoist let out a sigh, and said in a low voice, "Your Highness, did you intentionally undo the shackles of wish power that were comfortable on Chuhe?"

He was also puzzled.

With his strength, he can naturally see the fluctuation of the unique wish power surrounding the Chu River, and even see the invisible chains surrounding the Chu River.

According to his understanding, being restrained like this, he can only be manipulated by others, how can he still move?

Unless the prince did something wrong.

After asking this question, the red-browed Taoist suddenly thumped in his heart.

Before Li Yansheng could reply, he saw Li Yansheng's livid face.

This look, although unspoken, is more effective than any words.

It wasn't that the prince deliberately untied the shackles of wish power on Chuhe's body!

The red-browed Taoist was shocked, and then continued, "Your Highness, according to the old minister's opinion, you don't need to have too much sympathy for this man, let alone be soft-hearted."

"Looking at the current appearance of this beast, I'm afraid he thinks that he is able to move because of himself!"

Hearing this, Li Yansheng felt a lot better, and nodded slightly to the red-browed Taoist.

But Zhang Yinmei and others who were rejecting each other over there were all stunned when they heard this.

What the hell?

The Chu River can move because His Royal Highness deliberately made it waterproof?

What Taoist Chimei said just now was to forcibly help Li Yansheng to win his respect. After all, Li Yansheng is the prince of the Tang Dynasty, and he has his own majesty, which cannot be violated.

Although he encountered an accident, the red-browed Taoist still forcibly rounded him back.

And how could Zhang Yinmei and others see it?

They suddenly changed their minds and changed their faces, "Ahem, since none of you want to kill Chuhe, then I..."

"I'm just joking, how can you put Zhang Sang at risk? I'll do it!"

"Amen, as the saying goes..."

Several people started fighting again.

This funny move made Li Yansheng even more furious, as if these people were mocking him.


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