But...is that really the case?

Ao Baiyan was startled when he saw the cooperation between the two sides. He knew that Chuhe was strong, and he also knew how terrifying it would be if the Tang government and Xichi Kingdom joined forces.

Now he is eager to untie the formation that blocked the Dragon Palace by the Xichi Kingdom, so that the Dragon Clan in the Dragon Palace can appear to help Chuhe!

But what he didn't know was that if he really told the Dragon King about this kind of thing, the Dragon King would never take action, because the Dragon King would only think that if he did, it would be an insult to Chuhe!

After seeing the scene in Chuhe's Sea of ​​Consciousness, he has insisted that Chuhe is definitely the legendary old man!

Since he is a relic of the wilderness, what else is there to worry about?

Don't say that this is just the pioneer of the Xichi Kingdom and the prince of the Tang Dynasty, what if the entire Tang Dynasty and the Xichi Kingdom are really added together?

How could Da Neng, who can live from ancient times to the present, be so easily dealt with?

As for the black bear spirit, he didn't think too much, and went directly to Chuhe, wanting to stand by Chuhe's side and help Chuhe.

It's just that with his strength, even if he came to Chuhe, it would only add to the chaos.

"Fang Tian's order!" Li Yansheng realized silently in his heart, and communicated with the supreme power of vows, and suddenly the power of the entire Tang Dynasty, including the people in the small world where Chu River was located, poured into Li Yansheng crazily in vivo.

He shook his finger at Chuhe, and said in a deep voice, "I am the Son of Heaven!"

"I judge that you are guilty!"

When the voice fell, there seemed to be a strange force of order in the dark, and Chuhe felt a feeling of being weakened.

That feeling is very strong, as if dizzy and weak, and even the heartbeat is speeding up.

Will it be again?

And it also involves the will of heaven and earth...

The method of the Tang royal family is really clever.


Chuhe laughed, but it didn't work for me.

The original chain of wish power could not lock Chuhe, and the current methods are also unable to deal with Chuhe.

He just opened his own sea of ​​consciousness a little bit, and the arrogant and majestic prehistoric atmosphere leaked out a little bit, and the so-called wish power surrounding the Chu River was like Baixue meeting the scorching sun, directly and quickly Melt!

As for the so-called will of heaven and earth mobilized by Li Yansheng, it is not worth mentioning in front of the prehistoric aura!

Li Yansheng's long-established Fangtian edict was deciphered by Chuhe.

And the Patriarch Minghuo over there also jumped and came behind Chuhe with one foot, and at some point a purple gourd appeared from his arms.

"This was not prepared for you." Minghuo Patriarch Jiejie said with a smile, "It should be your honor to die under such a divine fire!"

After finishing speaking, he directly opened the stopper of the gourd.

A golden reddish flame suddenly surged out!

The flame was extremely hot, hotter and more irritable than Li Huo.

As if wanting to burn everything in the world, it is extremely powerful!

It's just that the flame was uncontrollable after it appeared, and seemed to be flying around.

Chu He narrowed his eyes slightly.

This is not the flame cultivated by the ancestor of Minghuo!

Otherwise, why not under his control?

But I saw a black, seemingly hard feather in the hands of the ancestor Minghuo who didn't know when.

The feathers were incomparably black and somewhat huge, with a cold brilliance exuding from their hard texture.

Patriarch Minghuo directly took the feather and slapped it on the flame, and the flame flew towards Chu River immediately!

All I saw were flames galloping, and black crows seemed to flash past among them, and the scalding heat had already distorted the void!

"Golden Crow True Fire!" Chu He concentrated on the flames.

Over there, the ancestor of Minghuo was also heartbroken when he heard Chuhe call out the name of the flame.

You must know that in the legend of the monks, the Golden Crow has long since disappeared, and it is a god and monster from the ancient times.

There may be many people who know the name of the Golden Crow, but there are probably not many people who really think that the Golden Crow still exists, or who can recognize the relics of the Golden Crow.

Chuhe could recognize the flame as the Golden Crow True Fire at a glance?

The Patriarch Minghuo tightly pursed his lips, thinking in his heart, to be able to recognize the Golden Crow True Fire at a glance either because he is already extremely proficient in the art of fire, which is more profound than he imagined, or...

That was because he had seen the Golden Crow True Flame with his own eyes, so he recognized the origin of the flame the moment he saw it.

If it's the former, it's okay, but if it's the latter...

The ancestor of Minghuo has already retreated far away, staring at Chuhe firmly, suppressing the uneasiness in his heart forcibly.

"Damn it!" Li Yansheng growled over there, "Fang Tian's edict has no effect on him!? He can resist the will of heaven and earth!"

The ancestor Minghuo turned his head to look at him, but without saying a word, he turned his head and stared at Chuhe.

Could it be... is there some amazing magic weapon on his body?

Just now, Patriarch Minghuo actually felt the grand aura coming from Chuhe!

It was that aura that broke through the Fangtian edict that Li Yansheng used to restrain Chuhe, as if breaking through a layer of paper.

That unreasonable barbaric aura that seemed to have existed since ancient times exudes a long-lasting and heavy power. Just feeling a little bit of it makes the whole body tremble!

I want to resist, and I want to join in, as if that is my destination.

"The prehistoric... the prehistoric..."

Patriarch Minghuo, who realized what the aura of Chuhe was, lost his mind for a moment, and finally murmured a few words softly.

When he came back to his senses, he suddenly backed away, towards that old turtle!

Li Yansheng didn't know what happened, but saw that Minghuo Patriarch came up and retreated with only one move, and secretly cursed these demons as unreliable.

However, this flame is still somewhat level.

Li Yansheng only felt the heat wave spread over his face, so he quickly backed away.

But all I can see is that the place where Chuhe is now is completely surrounded by the yellow and reddish flames, and there is no longer any figure of Chuhe!

Li Yansheng was startled in his heart, his brows furrowed, he took out the sword from his waist, and threw it towards the flame.

"Sword of the Son of Heaven, sweep away evil spirits! Come on!"

But all I saw was that the saber exuded a bright light, and rushed straight into the sea of ​​flames with a whistling sound!


Unexpectedly, the so-called Emperor's Saber showed signs of melting before it got close to the flames. Li Yansheng was startled and quickly recalled the sword.

But he saw that the edge of the sword had already dissolved, and the surface turned into seven colors, which looked like it had failed to be quenched.

He was terrified.

What the hell is this flame! ?

Chapter 324

Li Yansheng was very shocked, because he knew the quality and material of his sword.

This is the emperor's sword, not only the material is made of Mangshan fine iron, but also it has been tainted with a black and yellow aura after following the emperor for a long time. hill.

It is indestructible!

What he didn't expect was that such a precious sword couldn't stop that divine fire for a second!

Li Yansheng suddenly looked at Tongtian Yuan, only to see that Minghuo Patriarch had already returned to Tongtian Yuan's head, and it seemed that those demons had put on a defensive posture.

The ancestor Minghuo propped up the formation, and a layer of translucent orange-yellow cover emerged around Tongtian Yuan, with runes flashing on it.

Under the water that Li Yansheng couldn't stand, the demons who were presiding over the formation to seal off the Dragon Palace were also recalled by the ancestor Minghuo to preside over the defense formation.

Directly let the monks of Dragon Palace get the opportunity to attack the seal with all their strength, and the sea water is turbulent and the waves are surging!

"What are you doing!?" Li Yansheng cursed secretly, "Just set fire and leave?"

He didn't understand that even his own sword couldn't resist such divine fire, so what if Chuhe had a mortal body, even if he practiced body training exercises?

Could it be that Chuhe can resist the flames that his own swords can't resist?

Why retreat and put on a defensive formation?

Could it be that he was worried that he would take this opportunity to attack him?

Li Yansheng seemed to have found the answer, and he became more certain in his heart, he just laughed at the cowardice of the Minghuo Patriarch.

At the same time, he was also more careful, because the unknown flame released by the ancestor of Minghuo was really powerful. Fortunately, it was released at the Chu River, otherwise if it was released at him... the consequences would be disastrous!

Unlike Li Yansheng, the red-browed Taoist standing on one side looked tense, and he could vaguely see a clue.

Just as I was about to tell Li Yansheng, I saw Li Yansheng sneered and turned in the direction of the Tongtian Yuan demon.

The red-browed Taoist asked in surprise, "Why is His Royal Highness laughing?"

"Hehe." Li Yansheng stretched out his hand to caress the edge of the sword, and said with a sneer, "I laugh at that Minghuo Patriarch, who was so brave and foolish that he was enraged by Chuhe, and directly released his trump card against Chuhe. How to deal with it?"

The red-browed Taoist's heart sank, he shook his head secretly, and said to Li Yansheng, "His Royal Highness, look at the Chu River..."

"Look at what he's doing? It's just a pile of ashes... what!?" Li Yansheng looked at the divine fire, staring intently, but the words in his mouth couldn't continue, and they were directly stuck in his throat.

I only saw the divine fire churning, it seemed extremely scorching, and even the space was distorted.

But in that distorted almost curved space, a vague figure stood upright!

"No... didn't burn him to death!?"

Li Yansheng was horrified and ignored his gaffe, and even exclaimed.

The red-browed Taoist felt even more tense, and said in a deep voice, "His Royal Highness, issue an order as soon as possible, and break the defensive formation is the right thing to do!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Li Yansheng was a little stunned.

His mind went blank for a moment.

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