If there is no treasure to protect that kind of divine fire, he might not be able to hold on for a second, but Chuhe is still unscathed in it, as evidenced by his flying hair!

With such a strong divine fire, it couldn't even burn a single strand of his hair?


Up until now, Li Yansheng finally had a hint of fear in his heart!

He never imagined that today, what should be his stable crown prince position, and even the battle to establish the foundation of the throne in the distance, turned into this!

"Quick! Quickly open the defensive array!"

Li Yansheng issued orders to the rear, and those Xuanjia soldiers ordered them to disperse and stand on the key nodes of the Tang treasure ship.

Li Yansheng even unwrapped a seal from his waist. The seal was all white and looked like it was only the size of an egg. On it was carved an unknown mythical beast with a dragon head and a tiger body, an oxtail and a horseshoe. Mighty and holy.

After he took off the seal, he threw it in mid-air, recited the mantra in his heart, bit the tip of his tongue, spit out a mouthful of blood, and spit it on the seal.


There was a roar that sounded like a fierce tiger, but was even deeper and more powerful, and a yellow-red figure gradually appeared on the seal.

It is the divine beast carved on the seal.

Li Yansheng bowed to the divine beast, and said respectfully, "Senior, protect me!"

The phantom of the beast didn't know if it was conscious or not. Hearing this, it flew into the air, and then landed on the overtime of the Tang Dynasty treasure ship. While shaking its head, it spit out several balls of light, and the ball of light directly hit several Xuanjia soldiers. .

After being hit by the ball of light, those people roared, their stature suddenly grew bigger, and their breath became terrifying.

Impressively, in the breath, five top experts were created!

Then the divine beast sprayed upwards, and a beam of light fell into the light curtain just lifted by the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty, adding a touch of dark yellow to the whitened light curtain and making it stronger.

After doing all this, Li Yansheng could barely let out a breath of foul air.

At this moment, Abe Jiro opened his eyes wide and asked, "What is the meaning of this, His Royal Highness? Why don't you take this opportunity to kill the demon Chuhe?"

Li Yansheng's mood, which had already calmed down, was directly angered by this sentence.

He just felt so aggrieved, he vented his anger towards Chuhe's incompetence on Abe Jiro, and kicked him away!

If it weren't for you, I would be against this person? !

How could you fall into such a dangerous situation!

Abe Jiro's body brushed against Zhang Yinmei and flew past. He only felt the strong wind blowing, and spots of blood splashed on his face.

He was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head to wipe, his body trembling like a sieve, and he didn't dare to say a word.

His fragile nerves nearly snapped.

I thought to myself, it's over, it's over, it's over now!

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Tong Litian had long since hid aside, wiping cold sweat secretly, feeling even more overwhelmed in his heart.

Look carefully, there is a touch of gray and white in his purple pupils, and there is a small touch of crimson on the left. He is trying his best to suppress it, but he still feels powerless.

The reason for all this is just because he used the pupil technique to look at the Chu River in the divine fire just now, but the divine fire seemed to penetrate directly into the void and burn into his eyes!

Not to mention whether he can suppress it, even if he can suppress it, these eyes will definitely be destroyed!

What the hell is this?

Even peeking at it ended up like this.

For some reason, Tong Liantian suddenly had a word in his heart - don't look directly at God!

That divine fire, the previous divine character, is not a modification, but a real divine fire!

But at this moment, Chuhe is in the Golden Crow True Fire, but what he feels is a different kind of feeling...

Chapter 325 Similar

The Golden Crow True Fire is extremely powerful, even at the moment when it first came into contact with Chuhe, even Chuhe felt an unstoppable sense of destruction.

But what happened next surprised Chuhe.

He originally wanted to use his control over the flames to try to get rid of the Golden Crow True Fire. Yes, even he thought of getting rid of it at the beginning, not subduing it.

But the moment the real fire touched Chuhe, it resonated strangely with the prehistoric meaning that Chuhe released just now to expel Li Yansheng's Fang Tian's edict!

With his mind spinning, he suddenly thought that there seemed to be similar flames in the endless sun in the Sea of ​​Consciousness before, and this Golden Crow True Fire just resonated strangely with that sun!

Could it be...the things contained in the sea of ​​consciousness are...real! ?

Chuhe had guessed before, but he just felt that it was too outrageous, and there was no relevant evidence to prove it.

The sea of ​​consciousness space is all illusory, it's just a manifestation of the monk's inner scene, how could it be a real existence?

If it really existed, it should have been taken out, but Chuhe just brought out some wonderful experiences in it, and there was nothing other than that.

But if it is not true, how can the Golden Crow True Fire outside resonate with the things in the inner scene of the Sea of ​​Consciousness! ?

Chuhe couldn't figure it out, so he had no choice but to stop thinking about it for the time being, and carefully manipulated all this.

The Golden Crow True Fire that surrounded him originally exploded incomparably, trying to burn everything, but after the Chu River gradually dispersed the breath of the sun in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Golden Crow True Fire became softer.

Even Chuhe can feel a kind of joyful meaning of swallows and birds returning to their nests.

The bursting flames also began to soften, and the breath that seemed to burn everything also began to soften.

Yes, to be gentle.

Chuhe didn't feel any discomfort in it, as if the flame had merged with himself.

And Chuhe also felt that the flame seemed to be eager to meet the sun in Chuhe's sea of ​​consciousness.

It's just that Chuhe didn't dare to take risks, saying that opening up the sea of ​​consciousness is tantamount to exposing his soft underbelly, and accidents are inevitable, but the behavior of Jinwu Zhenhuo at this moment is too weird.

Chu He frowned and thought.

The outsiders watched Chuhe stretch out into the flames, and they all waited silently.

Although the old turtles of the Xichi Kingdom and the treasure boat of the Tang Dynasty retreated some distance, but at this moment, they did not go far, and even stopped at a distance that they felt safe.

"Your Highness, why don't you retreat? Such a sacred fire can't burn this dog. If we wait for him to get out of trouble, it will inevitably be disadvantageous to us!" The red-browed Taoist was very anxious, and he had already seen that Chuhe was definitely not someone who would wait for nothing.

Its cultivation base is weird, it is definitely the only one he has seen in his life!

But Li Yansheng frowned, and said silently, "Wait, wait, isn't he still out of trouble?"

He is in a dilemma now, he wants to turn around and run away, but he feels that it is too shameful, the emperor's saber, which symbolizes status and status, is folded here, and the life and death of the leader of the Xuanjia Army, Changsun Hanye, is also unknown.

If he just goes back in such a disheveled manner, what awaits him will be the wrath of his father!

Besides, even though he is a prince, he is not so secure in inheriting the throne.

After all, there is a tradition of Datang usurping the throne.

After experiencing the initial fear, he had to start thinking of a way out for himself, and he was even more entangled in his heart.

He knew it was dangerous to stay here, but there was still a glimmer of hope after all.

What if, what if things are not as he thought, in fact, Chuhe is just trying to resist that divine fire no matter how cool he is?

What if Chuhe consumes his essence in a moment and is burned by the divine fire?

If he went back here, he would absolutely not accept the result of waiting for him.

If so...

"Your Highness!" the red-browed Taoist said anxiously, "We can't delay any longer! I'll provoke that person again and again. If we wait for him to get out of trouble, we won't be able to spare us!"

"Shut up!" Li Yan yelled angrily, "Enhance the ambition of others, and destroy your own prestige!?"

"It's his ability that is beyond the heavens, so why should I be afraid of him!"

Li Yansheng had already made a decision in his heart. It was a very painful but decisive decision.

He turned into a dignified look again, roaring angrily as if the cowardice and fear just now didn't exist.

"Why am I afraid of Tang!? The only one is dead!"

"Slay demons and eliminate demons, you deserve to die!"

When he said this, he himself absolutely did not believe it, but under the effect of his kung fu, those Xuanjia troops, those Xuanjia troops who only wanted to be loyal to the country and slay demons and demons all boiled up.

"Slaying demons and eliminating demons! A worthy death!"

Li Yansheng held up the broken sword in his hand, "Slay demons and eliminate demons! Slay demons and eliminate demons!"

Those Xuanjia troops also responded with high-pitched cheers.

The red-browed Taoist watched all this from one side, and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

He knew that at the last moment, Li Yansheng might not hesitate to let these Xuanjia troops break up to cover his retreat, and these Xuanjia troops might feel that they died well, rather than needless sacrifices when they died.

Is it time to lament that the military spirit is available?

Should we be sad?

And Xichi Country may not have such doubts.

On top of Lao Yuan's head, Patriarch Minghe was surrounded by four monsters with strange shapes.

This shriveled one-legged Patriarch Styx is the most human-like one among them.

One of the dwarfs with blue skin and greasy body said in a high-pitched voice, "Patriarch Styx! What happened? Why did you interrupt me to seal the Dragon Palace? Seeing that the big formation is about to be completed! Dragon Palace will be defeated by then! !"

Another big man with two horns on his head, a blue face and fangs like a devil also said in a low voice, "You sent a message saying that there is a matter of life and death, if you tell me, there is a matter of life and death?"

The other two did not speak, but stared blankly at Chuhe surrounded by the Golden Crow True Fire in the air.

The Patriarch Minghuo snorted coldly, "You should thank me for saving you, I even used the Golden Crow True Fire, but I can't do anything to that cultivator at all!"

"It will take at least half a quarter of an hour for you to seal the Dragon Palace. You won't be able to go anywhere in this half a quarter of an hour. When the Chu River violently kills people, won't you blame me for not reminding you!?"

Those few who looked at the group of Golden Crow True Fire were silent, and it took a long time before they said humanely, "Then why don't you retreat now?"

"Naturally, we wait for the opportunity." Minghuo Patriarch said in a low voice, "With Tongtian Turtle sitting in the fortress, even if we are invincible, in this vast sea, can we still not get away?"

Patriarch Minghuo faintly felt that there was a big secret hidden in Chuhe, especially for him who practiced the way of fire, if he could get it, it would be of great benefit!

Naturally, he didn't want to leave just like that, and he just wanted to deal with it with all his strength when he summoned these people.

Over there, because Li Yansheng was afraid of the punishment he would face after returning, he would rather take the lives of all the monks on the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty than leave.

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