Patriarch Minghuo is also willing to give up all the people of Xichi above Tongtianyuan for the opportunity to let his strength advance by leaps and bounds!

From this point of view, there are quite a lot of similarities between the so-called one good and one evil.

Chapter 326 Situation

So the situation became so strangely silent.

Both sides are afraid of Chuhe, but there are reasons why they can't retreat. Even though they know that they may face Chuhe's anger and life danger, the gambler side of their character still makes them lucky.

And all the monks in the underwater Dragon Palace have also regained their freedom at this moment.

After the sealing formation was removed, all the monks in the Dragon Palace jumped out!

The Dragon King rushed to the front, followed by Ao Jin Aomu and other dragon sons and grandsons, and the generals of the Hai clan separated from the left and the right.

God Turtle True Monarch and Bai Yu Taoist Lord followed at the side, advancing very carefully.

The great monks hid themselves among the monks schemingly, thinking that even if there was danger, they would have enough time to react.

Needless to say, the masters of the Dizihao can pass through the blue waves with their own abilities, while the monks of the Xuanzihao and Huangzihao can only be wrapped in the bubbles separated by the Yaksha in the sea.

Zhang Zidong and others were wrapped in bubbles, they were terrified and joyful.

Except for a few people, no one knows what happened above.

But they know that Datang is here, and Datang is here to save them!

And just now Zhang Zidong and others also talked to the above, so they believed even more that Datang must have repelled the demons of Xichi Kingdom, so they could break the seal and get out of trouble.

Within a short time, the Dragon King had already come to the surface of the water. He waved his hand directly, and the sea water suddenly churned, and some low-level monks wrapped in bubbles felt that they jumped up suddenly.

After a while, it appeared above the water.

As for the more advanced monks, they stood in mid-air one after another.

Before seeing the surrounding scene, the first thing they felt was a heat wave.

That kind of heat is almost to roast people.

A piece of mist is also transpiring on the screen, and the sea is constantly evaporating!

Looking up, I saw two suns appearing in the sky!

One of the suns is far away and mysterious, while the other sun is close at hand, full of a strong sense of oppression.

This made a large group of Sea Clans feel extremely uncomfortable, and jumped into the water one after another.

They already lived in water and had a natural fear of flames.

The Dragon King, many generals of the Sea Clan, and the sons and grandsons of the dragon endured the high temperature and stared intently at the sun.

All I saw was a figure flickering in the midst of the flames.

The Dragon King's pupils shrank, horrified in his heart.

Chu River! ?

Senior Chu! ? was he wrapped in that flame?

Is it trapped?

He knew that Li Yansheng and Minghuo Patriarch had attacked Chuhe just now, and he also felt a strong flame fluctuation, but he couldn't see exactly what happened because of the barrier of the big formation.

Seeing this scene now, he probably understood that the ancestor Minghuo must have used some special flame to trap Chuhe.

His heart sank.

"Father! It seems that Chuhe is at a disadvantage?"

"Shut up!" Dragon King said coldly, "If Senior Chu is really at a disadvantage, why don't Xichi Kingdom and Datang take this opportunity to attack Senior?"

Everyone was stunned, turned their heads and saw that the treasure ship that Xichi Kingdom called Lao Yuan and the monks of the Tang Dynasty had retreated more than ten miles away, and they were all in a defensive formation.

"You don't know the majesty of the seniors. If you can feel that kind of strength, you won't say such things again." Dragon King muttered to himself, and he had already decided in his heart that Chuhe would not lose!

Zhang Zidong and the others didn't care about this at all. Although they were wrapped in the bubbles created by the Sea Clan, they still felt a scorching heat wave that was almost unbreathable. They felt that they would only be roasted to death if they stayed here, so they rushed to Go in the direction of the Tang treasure ship.

"Help!" Zhang Zidong yelled as he galloped towards the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty, "I have been admiring the Tang Dynasty for a long time, and hope that the nobles of the Tang Dynasty will save me!"

Dragon King Aosi didn't stop these people, just sneered, and then said loudly, "Senior, do you need Xiaolong's help?"

Chuhe didn't answer.

But Ao Si's words made Li Yansheng on the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty and the ancestor Minghuo of the Xichi Kingdom twitch.

It's fine to call him Senior Chuhe, but the Dragon King still calls himself Xiaolong in front of Chuhe! ?

In terms of seniority, the Dragon King is definitely the tallest among them. After all, the dragon clan has a long lifespan. As the Dragon King, Ao Si has lived for an unknown number of years.

And as a dragon king, he naturally has the majesty of a dragon king.

What exactly did Chuhe do to him, that he would call himself Xiaolong so respectfully! ?

Originally, Li Yansheng planned to win over the Dragon Palace forces to deal with Chuhe together, but the Dragon King's words instantly dispelled his thoughts.

"Your Highness! Chuhe alone can't handle it, but now with the monks from the Dragon Palace, how can we resist!? Now is the last chance to withdraw!"

Li Yansheng gritted his teeth, his face was a little ferocious, "Wait, wait!"

"Baiyu Taoist Lord, and those eminent monks are all monks of my Tang Dynasty, maybe we can win their support!"

After finishing speaking, Li Yansheng said directly to Lord Baiyu and the several great monks, "Master Baiyu, several eminent monks, I am Li Yansheng, the prince of the Tang Dynasty, and you are all monks of the Tang Dynasty, so you should be me!" Datang works!"

"This beast of Chuhe has done a lot of evil and harmed countless creatures. Now he wants to join forces with the evil spirits of the Xichi Kingdom to harm my Tang Dynasty. As the prince of the Tang Dynasty, I must give up my life to stop it!"

"If you don't wait, hurry up and help me sweep the formation, there will be rewards in the future!"

It's just that Li Yansheng didn't feel it was enough, so he gritted his teeth and said, "If I become emperor in the future, I promise you that I can crack the ground and open a dojo, I promise you such privileges, and Baiyujiao will become my orthodox sect in the Tang Dynasty from now on. The Jingjue Temple where the eminent monk lives may be granted the title of Buddhist orthodox!"

The red-browed Taoist was frightened, thinking that His Highness the Crown Prince was confused.

With such a promise, he still loses the dignity of a Tang prince, as if begging for help on his knees!

If you have this thought in your heart, then why do you practice the imperial way?

And Taoist Baiyu's eyelids twitched when he heard this.

He instantly felt the eyes of Dragon King Aosi and all the sea clans on him.

And what made him feel even more frightened was that in the scorching sun in mid-air, there was also a seemingly invisible divine thought sweeping across his body.

Like thunder and lightning, it directly swept over his limbs and bones, making his body numb and painful, and he almost fell into the ocean uncontrollably.

Li Yansheng killed me!

Baiyu Daoist cursed secretly in his heart, and hurriedly opened his mouth to refuse, "Don't talk so much nonsense! How can I, Baiyujiao, care about your orthodoxy granted by the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty?"

"Nianzai is also a monk of the Great Tang Dynasty. I advise you to bind yourself and plead guilty immediately, lest you will be killed. It doesn't matter if you die, the Great Tang Dynasty may be in danger!"

Li Yansheng's eyes widened, and he was extremely shocked when he heard this.

His mouth squirmed and trembled, trying to say something, but he couldn't utter a single word.

He never imagined that the famous Daoist Baiyu of the Tang Dynasty would be as afraid of the Chu River as a snake and a scorpion! ?

Chapter 327 Millennium Ice Bead

After seeing Chuhe's strength, only those with sick heads will stand by Li Yansheng's side.

Lord Baiyu Dao is not stupid, and is very clever, otherwise, he would definitely not have practiced all the way to the present state.

After rejecting Li Yansheng, he didn't count it as a joke, and he cupped his hands at Chuhe again, "Senior Chu! I have a fixed fire bead, maybe I can help you, senior!"

Although Chuhe is in the flames now, Baiyudao Lord is unwilling to believe that Chuhe really can't come out.

When he was in the Dragon Palace just now, Baiyu Daoist did not leave a good impression on Chuhe, so he planned to take the opportunity to repair it.

No matter whether Chuhe needs help or not, at least his attitude has been expressed.

Seeing how Daoist Baiyu behaved like this, the Taoist God Turtle moved his eyes slightly, and said loudly to Chuhe, "Senior Chu, I also have a thousand-year-old ice bead, which can restrain thousands of flames!"

As he spoke, he took out something like a crystal clear glass ball.

Baiyu Daoist's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Zhengui tortoise with some liver pain.

He knew that the True Lord of the Turtle was a creature of the Sea Clan, and his lifespan was extremely long. He didn't know how many years, and he didn't know how many treasures he had obtained, but seeing him take out this without hesitation When Ice Bead, I also couldn't help being shocked.

Straight to the god tortoise true monarch local tyrant!

Needless to say, the dragon clan, after seeing Chuhe's ability, has long been submissive to Chuhe, and is now trying to save Chuhe from the flames.

Li Yansheng's expression was uncertain. Originally, he planned not to retreat as a last resort, but now, the Dragon Palace was out of trouble, and all the monks in the Dragon Palace also fell to Chuhe.

Let the originally unbalanced strength become one after another, and if this continues, he will undoubtedly lose.

In contrast, the Patriarch Minghuo of Xichi Kingdom seemed much calmer. He knew that if the Tongtian Turtle sat down in the water, it would be able to move without a shadow. It seemed huge, but it was actually quite flexible.

Even if you lose, you can escape calmly.

The reason why he stayed was to see if there was any chance.

And in that world thousands of miles away, the ordinary people who were watching the live broadcast had already stopped what they were holding, and stared blankly at everything in front of them.

The originally hot barrage has now become sparse.

Although they saw the divine fire surrounding Chuhe, they also saw the movements of Li Yansheng's people. What they meant was that the divine fire didn't burn Chuhe to death?

And just now, Abe Jiro was directly kicked out of the camera by Li Yansheng, and he is still alive and dead. They don't know what happened.

But there is always a faint feeling of bad feeling.

The red-browed Taoist said to Li Yansheng at this moment, "Your Highness, I will report the truth and intercede for you after I go back, but if we don't leave now, I'm afraid we will all stay here!"

Seeing that the Supreme Turtle approached the Chu River with the ice bead, the ice bead actually propped up a frost-colored light curtain, blocking the scorching heat and allowing the True Lord Turtle to approach.

"Ice beads are a special product of the arctic region in the Northwest. Only one piece is needed to stop all flames in the world, and it is the nemesis of fire!" the red-browed Taoist said worriedly, "Whether Chu River is trapped by this divine fire or not now , as soon as the ice beads arrive, he will be able to get out of trouble immediately."

"At that time! With the strength shown by Chuhe, we are afraid that we will be inferior!"

Li Yansheng gritted his teeth, his face grim.

Of course he knew what the ice bead was, and even more, how much the ice bead was worth. What shocked him was that the God Turtle Zhenjun directly took out this kind of treasure that was comparable to the Dragon Ball to rescue Chuhe, so what happened between them? relation?

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