The imaginable flame did not come, but the weird three-legged crow spread its wings and flew straight towards the corpses of those demons.

Those demons are not human beings. Although they can be vaguely seen in human form, they are actually remnants of some prehistoric alien species, and their prototypes have been revealed one after another after death.

In the eyes of everyone, the three-legged crow just came to the demon corpses, looked at them a few times, and then picked out a few grilled golden bodies to feast on.


They were shocked.

Could it be that the three-legged crow burned those demons to death just to fill their stomachs?

The truth is exactly what they thought.

Just now the Golden Crow released the real fire, directly burning through the void, and igniting those demons, but the fire was controlled extremely precisely, otherwise, how could those demons, He De, have persisted for so long under the real Golden Crow's real fire?

It was purely that the little Jinwu wanted to cook the food more deliciously.

Yes, those invincible demons, those demons that prey on people, in the eyes of the little Golden Crow, are just a few plates of unworthy dog ​​meat.

And after the Golden Crow flew away from Chuhe here, the Tang monks below also felt the pressure was relieved.

"Quick...quick, hurry back!"

Li Yansheng didn't want to take this opportunity to attack Chuhe, his heart was completely overwhelmed by everything in front of him!

Just want to go.

Where is it that simple?

Chapter 336 Apologize

Impatiently, Li Yansheng used the evasion technique to escape, disregarding the Xuanjia soldiers around him.

As for the red-browed Taoist, he didn't care about this person who was willing to die for him.

He put all his energy into escaping, and a evasion technique directly came to the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty in the distance.

"What are you still doing!? Activate the formation! Run away! Run away!"

As the standard magic weapon of the Great Tang Empire, the Great Tang Treasure Ship has all kinds of incredible powers, one of which is that it can drive a large formation to escape far away in a way that is almost a leap.

It was only after Li Yansheng gave the order to go down that he realized that there seemed to be something wrong here.

There was something wrong with the eyes of those Da Tang monks looking at him!

In the past, after he gave an order, these monks would go back and execute it immediately. Even if they were a little puzzled, they would never delay.

But now, those monks are staring at him one by one, their eyes are full of disdain and ridicule.

A person who fled the battle is also worthy of being their leader?

Also worthy of being the emperor?

Li Yansheng thumped in his heart, he knew where the problem was.

As the future emperor, all the spells he practices come from the power of faith, or the power of will.

But this thing is simple and powerful, but if it loses power, the backlash will become even more terrifying!

These people who believed in him and even admired him before suddenly discovered his true face, and would be annoyed why they would bow down to such a person before?

That kind of powerful wish will instantly turn into resentment!

Li Yansheng only felt the hairs on his body stand on end, and goose bumps all over his body.

Suddenly someone said, "Your Highness, are you leaving just like that?"

"Those Xuanjia soldiers who fought for the country don't care?"

"The red-browed Taoist who is willing to die for the country just doesn't care?"

"There are still many monks who have not withdrawn, so let's ignore them all?"

Every sentence, every question directly made Li Yansheng's brain almost explode.

With the gradual loss of his willpower, his strength declined seriously, otherwise, he would not have come to this treasure ship and wanted to take the formation on the treasure ship to escape, and would have escaped alone.

"You guys!" Li Yansheng was terrified in his heart, but he still showed his majesty as the prince of the Tang Dynasty, "Are you questioning me!?"

"As the prince of the Tang Dynasty, I am the king of Chu in the Tang Dynasty! Now, I command you to activate the formation and return to the Tang Dynasty immediately!"

"As for the red-browed Taoist, and the three thousand Xuanjia soldiers... They are loyal to the country. After returning to the country, I will naturally ask for rewards for them!"

It's just that this trick was useless, and the people around were still unmoved, just watching Li Yansheng quietly.

Li Yansheng was in a panic, but he still refused to give in. After all, he is the prince of the Tang Dynasty!

But at this time, Chuhe's sudden gaze directly made Li Yansheng shiver.

I saw Chuhe just standing in mid-air, there was no one around, the strange bird was hunting demons in the distance, and a group of monks headed by the Dragon King bowed to Chuhe at this moment.

And Chuhe just sneered casually, looking at the flustered Li Yansheng.

Li Yansheng only felt that the pressure on his body had reached the limit, as if he was carrying Mount Tai on his back.

"I...I..." He opened his mouth, but his throat was extremely dry, as if it had been scorched by flames.

"After I return to the country, I will naturally tell my father the truth. At that time, I am willing to resign as the crown prince. From then on, I will no longer interfere with the affairs of the court, let alone the affairs of the Tang Dynasty..."

Li Yansheng finally issued the "Guilty Edict" angrily, and then said to everyone, "I'm going to do this, why don't you hurry up and activate the formation!?"

But I saw that those people were still motionless, as if they didn't hear them.

Li Yansheng was going crazy, "Did you see it!? The big devil is looking at us, if we don't leave now, it will be too late!"

"Can't go."

One of the old men in charge of the formation shook his head and said, "The formation has been destroyed."


Li Yansheng was astonished, his eyeballs almost fell out, "The formation was damaged!? When was it damaged? How could it be damaged!? was fine before!"

"Did you do it on purpose?!"

"Your Highness!" the man said again, and stopped Li Yansheng who was about to go crazy, "Just now when the strange bird was born, the powerful fiery spiritual power that burst out has damaged some of the foundations of the formation. If you want to repair it, at least It will take ten days!"

"Now, it's too late."

Li Yansheng froze in astonishment, and stepped back a few steps.

Then, as soon as he turned around, he was about to jump off the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty and escape alone!

Just facing Chuhe's gaze, he couldn't move at all, for fear that if he made any changes, Chuhe would kill him directly!

"Your Highness, in the thousands of years of my Tang Dynasty, there is no prince who escaped without a fight!"

Someone shouted from behind, "Three thousand Xuanjia troops are still here, and we are still waiting for the monks!"

"If we retreat like this, won't people in the world underestimate me, Tang!?"

Seeing this scene, Chuhe was slightly surprised.

He didn't expect that even at this moment, those Da Tang monks would still have such courage?

It's just that this so-called prince is a little too hip.

On the other side, the red-browed Taoist under Tongtianyuan has already made other actions at this moment.

I saw him directly coming in front of the three thousand Xuanjia army, and ordered everyone, "Xuanjia army obeys orders! The Tang Dynasty is still alive, how can we retreat!?"

All the Xuanjia soldiers shouted.

"Datang! Datang! Datang!"

Even the monks on the treasure ship of the Great Tang shouted, "Great Tang! Great Tang! Great Tang!"

Li Yansheng looked terrified, and said in horror, "Stop shouting! Stop shouting! I'll tell you to shut up!"

"You don't have to be afraid of angering that devil, we won't be able to leave any of us then!"

"Stop yelling!"

Li Yansheng was extremely terrified in his heart, wishing to shut up those people's mouths.

Seeing this scene, the red-browed Taoist in the distance also showed undisguised disdain in his eyes.

After what happened just now, he no longer regards Li Yansheng as the master.

He doesn't deserve it!

"Senior Chuhe!" Seeing that they couldn't stop them, Li Yansheng shouted directly at Chuhe, "It's them who shouted, I...I don't need to speak!"

"Give me a moment, things are not what you think, all this, all this is a misunderstanding! It's just a misunderstanding!"

After Li Yansheng finished speaking, he said to everyone, "In the name of the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty, I order you all to shut up! Don't be disrespectful to Senior Chuhe!"


When Li Yansheng saw that everyone finally looked at him, he took a deep breath, faced Chuhe and said to everyone, "Now, all Tang monks, salute and apologize to Senior Chuhe!"

Chapter 337

After finishing speaking, Li Yansheng bowed directly to Chuhe without hesitation!

However, none of the other Great Tang monks bowed down!

Li Yansheng secretly looked at the scene around him, and when he saw this, he said angrily, "Aren't you people afraid of death!?"

"I don't know if there are still green hills, I'm afraid there will be no firewood!?"

"You have all seen the strength of senior Chuhe. With a wave of your hand, the demons of Xichi Kingdom disappeared. We regard the demons of Xichi Kingdom as fierce tigers, but they are just a meal on the plate of senior's divine bird!"

"So powerful, who can stop it?"

After saying something, I saw that many people were shaken.

There was a look of remorse in their eyes. If they knew today, why bother?

It's just that they know better that regret is useless.

Some shaken people, seeing the red-browed Taoist and the Xuanjia army in front of them, were still waiting in full battle, and faced Chuhe in a desperate stance.

This scene seemed ridiculous, like a mantis holding a cart, but it added some courage to these people out of thin air.

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