"There are still compatriots waiting to fight, how can we escape?"

"It's nothing but death!"

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

Everyone suddenly went mad and roared at Chuhe.

"Crazy...all crazy..." Li Yansheng looked at all this tremblingly.

Facing these crazy people who wanted to die, he really couldn't figure it out.

If you bend down, you may save your life, but if you just bow your head, there is still a glimmer of hope, why?

Why don't you bow your head?Why not bend over?

Perhaps what he, the prince of the Great Tang, as the successor of the Human Emperor does not understand is that the word Great Tang is much more important to them.

In the world of monks, power is generally divided by sects, and there are few monk kingdoms like Datang.

There is no other reason why they can gather together, only the word Datang.

These monks have more or less received the favor of Datang, or they were cultivated by Datang alone, such as the three thousand Xuanjia soldiers, they were cultivated by Datang alone.

Many people were just ordinary people before they became the Xuanjia Army. Datang gave them the opportunity to let their whole family live a good life, and even pointed out a way for their family members to practice.

How can I forget this great kindness?

The emperors of the Tang Dynasty in all dynasties have taken it as their duty to protect the Tang Dynasty.

There are many monsters around the world of Tang Dynasty, such as this Xichi country, but it is just one of them.

More than one Emperor of the Tang Dynasty died in battle!

In order to protect those ordinary people who are insignificant or even regarded as ants in the eyes of ordinary monks, the Great Tang Emperor is even willing to sacrifice the entire royal family!

Because of this, these monks burst out with such a strong belief beyond fear at this time.

Perhaps Li Yansheng, who has been corrupt since he was a child, will never understand.

Chuhe watched this scene, but felt it quietly.

He is used to those monks who seem to be united. When the disadvantages come, they will shirk their own internal strife. Like the monks of the Tang Dynasty, even if they are forced to die, they are still united and even willing to die. But rare.

Chuhe even saw all kinds of brilliance that other people couldn't see emanating from these Tang monks, condensing in the air.

That was Datang's luck.

"It's still interesting."

Chuhe smiled.

When everyone heard this, the pressure in their hearts increased again, but they didn't know what Chuhe wanted to do.

On the other side, Jinwu seemed to be full and was flying towards the Chu River.

Behind him, followed by a short, shriveled old man, it was the ancestor of Minghuo!

As for the other demons...

With the Golden Crow True Fire sweeping across, where is the possibility of surviving?

Either it became the golden crow's meal, or because the golden crow didn't like to eat its meat, it fell into the sea and became fish food.

The evil spirits of the Xichi Kingdom, which came so fiercely and even planned to fight against the Dragon Palace and the monks of the Tang Dynasty alone, were so dramatic, even absurd, that the entire army was wiped out, and only one person was still alive.

The Minghuo Patriarch followed behind the Golden Crow in a daze, not as if he flew here voluntarily, but turned over as if he was being held by the Golden Crow.

Chuhe shook his head for a while, and then said to the Tang monk below, "I said before, I'm just a visitor, why bother to provoke me again and again?"

Everyone was silent.

They all wanted to say that they regretted it, but would it work?

Some people even complained about Chuhe. As such a powerful senior, why didn't you use your supernatural powers earlier, so that we can know that you are really not easy to mess with. If that's the case, why is it so?

Li Yansheng suddenly said loudly at this time, "Senior! Senior has learned a lesson! It was this junior who was bewitched for a while!"

"I didn't want to be an enemy of the senior. After all, the senior looks like a fairy, with a sense of righteousness. How can he look like a demon?"

"Really..." Li Yansheng looked around, and finally landed on the red-browed Taoist. He said in his heart that the red-browed Taoist, you should be loyal to me for the last time!

"It's really Taoist Chimei who told me that he saw you as a demon. I was puzzled at the time, but facing all the demons in Xichi Kingdom, and under such circumstances, I would rather believe it than believe it."

The red-browed Taoist frowned and smiled contemptuously, but he didn't say anything after all.

For contempt, the highest form of contempt, he didn't even want to explain it.

Li Yansheng said again, "Also! There are also these people from the same world as you! They told me that you are a demon, so I took action!"

As he said that, he turned around and saw Zhang Zidong, Zhang Yinmei, the priest and others, all huddled in the corner and looking at him in horror.

"Then Abe Jiro was killed after I saw through it!" Li Yansheng pointed to Abe Jiro who seemed to have been kicked to death by him in the corner before, and said, "These people who tell the truth dare to slander Senior Qingbai, and once Senior made a move Kill all the evil spirits, how can they be evil spirits?"

With that said, he came directly in front of those people.

Zhang Zidong's legs went limp in fright, and he collapsed to the ground, the yellow and white things flowing down uncontrollably.

"Your Highness...Your Highness...Chuhe is really a demon. He...he killed countless people in our world. If you don't believe me, ask...you ask him! You ask him!"

Zhang Zidong pointed to the priest and Chris who was huddled together.

As a result, both of them shook their heads desperately, "We, we don't know anything... we don't know anything..."

Li Yansheng looked at their eyes bursting with anger.

This anger is not feigned, if it weren't for them, how could he attack Chuhe! ?

Therefore, these people should be damned!

He shirked his responsibility as a bachelor, and even at this moment, he thought that the biggest reason was not with him.

Zhang Yinmei and the others wanted to flee, but even Li Yansheng, whose strength had plummeted, was far from what they could resist.

I saw that Li Yansheng went up and smashed Zhang Zidong's head with one palm, and another kick smashed Zhang Yinmei's dantian Qihai...

Chuhe in mid-air just lowered his eyes and showed no emotion.

Chapter 338 The Origin of the Golden Crow

Li Yansheng is like a madman, it is not enough to shirk all his responsibilities, as if he wants to kill all these people to prove that he is right.

Zhang Zidong, Zhang Yinmei, the priest, and even the one from the Tong family did not escape death.

As for those Da Tang monks, they also watched with cold eyes.

No one came to stop it, and no one came to help.

Those warships in the distance, even if they couldn't see them clearly, they probably knew what happened, and they all left one after another.

Fortunately, the Golden Crow didn't seem to be interested in these iron lumps, otherwise, they might not be able to leave so easily.

Li Yansheng was not in the mood to stop them at the moment. The most important thing was that he was worried that if he left the range of the Tang treasure ship, he would anger Chuhe.

As for the red-browed Taoist.

Li Yansheng had quietly transmitted voices to Taoist Red Eyebrow several times, but Taoist Red Eyebrow did not respond.

Can't he treat Taoist Chimei the same way he treats Zhang Zidong and others, just treat him as a scapegoat, and kill him if he kills him?

Taoist Chimei is an important minister of the Tang Dynasty!

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Li Yansheng can't beat the red-browed Taoist at all...

He was performing here, and Chuhe over there ignored him, but looked at the ancestor Minghuo who had come to him wrapped by the golden crow.

However, he saw that the ancestor of Minghuo still had the strange appearance before, looking a little godlike, as if he was muttering something in his mouth.

Little Golden Crow surrounded Chuhe, chattering, as if talking to Chuhe.

It's just that it can't transmit more accurate information. The little Jinwu can't speak, and now he can't transmit sound with his consciousness.

It can be said that the current little Golden Crow is just a baby bird that has just hatched.

It's just that the strength shown by the baby bird that just hatched is already so terrifying, what will happen when the Golden Crow becomes an adult?

Chuhe couldn't help but sigh in his heart, what kind of era should it be in the prehistoric times?

The Golden Crow finally landed on Chuhe's shoulder, and rubbed Chuhe's head affectionately.

It seems that he regards Chuhe as his relatives.

This seems to be somewhat reasonable, after all, quite a lot of birds will be regarded as their relatives when they first see a living body after breaking out of their shells.

Chuhe happened to be the first living body Little Jinwu met in this world.

Of course, it's definitely not that simple. The most important thing is, this little Golden Crow...was really born by Chuhe...

In other words, it was bred by Chu River.

Chuhe's head is also in a mess at the moment, and he doesn't have any thoughts to think about Tang Dynasty or evil spirits.

There is only one question on his mind right now.

This little Golden Crow was conceived by me, so should he call me Dad or Mom?

The question seemed outrageous, even Chuhe thought it was a little funny, and couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

And now he is attracting the attention of all the people, and his every move will cause a burst of speculation in the eyes of the monks below.

what's the situation?

He laughed?

What is he laughing at?

Are you going to let us go?

Or are you going to kill us all?

It was just a smile, and it caused the commotion below.

And at this moment, someone finally couldn't bear it, and sneaked behind the Datang Treasure Ship, wanting to dive directly to the bottom of the water and escape.

This scene was not even noticed by many monks nearby.

But the little Jinwu standing on Chuhe's shoulder suddenly tilted his head, then angrily stood on Chuhe's shoulder, jumped twice, and then groaned.

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