
Well, this voice is not a Qingyin...

Chuhe only felt as if there was a male duck standing on his shoulder, holding a hundred horns and calling at his ears...

Accompanied by this sound wave, everyone who heard it felt their hearts burn, as if being penetrated by a heat wave!

Even the monks standing on the side of the Chu River, such as the Dragon King and Baiyu Taoist over there, could clearly feel it, and they were all terrified.

Just when they were horrified what happened.

After the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty, the few monks who wanted to slip away jumped out of the bottom of the sea, struggled and tore their clothes, only to see their bodies were red, and soon became cracked.

And within the cracked cracks, there is a light that seems to be magma.

Accompanied by the screams, these people exploded like fireworks!

Flesh and flesh flew everywhere, and those flesh and blood seemed to be on fire, one of which was contaminated on the Tang treasure ship, and the protective formation of the Tang treasure ship did not play any role, and was directly burned through!

The treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty shook for a while, and the red-browed Taoist went straight to the stern of the treasure ship, cutting off the burning hull with a sword, and the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty was not completely ignited.

At the same time, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

They finally understood that the people who set off the fireworks just now wanted to escape, but they were directly ignited and detonated by an unknown technique.

And they all probably have some guesses, it must have something to do with the cry of the divine bird just now.

Because when they heard it, they all felt the scorching heat.

It sounds weird, how can sound conduct heat?

But they really felt it, felt the powerful and suppressed heat swept away from their bodies, and many people even became parched.

It is estimated that those who were set off by the fireworks were directly ignited by the heat instead of being swept away by the heat.

After this, everyone lost their mind to escape.

The Xuanjia Army of the Tang Dynasty and Taoist Red Eyebrow were also more resolute.

It seems that he intends to fight to the death.

But Li Yansheng, who was still trying to persuade everyone to beg for forgiveness from Chuhe, no one paid any attention to him anymore.

Chuhe stretched out his hand to comfort the little Jinwu, but saw that the little Jinwu was still eager to try, and his energy did not weaken at all.

While comforting, Chuhe was thinking about more important things.

That is his own sea of ​​consciousness space.

When he followed the Dragon King to his sea of ​​consciousness space, not only the Dragon King was shocked, Chuhe was also surprised.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, there seems to be a complete prehistoric world!

Everything is so real.

But after all, Chuhe still felt that although the sea of ​​consciousness world looked real, it was just a fantasy after all.

But who would have expected that just when he was burned by the Golden Crow Real Fire that Patriarch Minghuo got from somewhere, the ancient prehistoric aura remaining on the Golden Crow True Fire would be similar to Chu River's Sea of ​​Consciousness? The prehistoric within had a resonance!

A little bit of Golden Crow True Fire was drawn from the sun in the Sea of ​​Consciousness space, that is, relying on this trace of Golden Crow True Fire in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Chuhe could be protected from its harm.

Instead, he began to try to swallow the Golden Crow True Fire into Shihai World.

In the end, Chuhe did it!

But when the Golden Crow True Fire was released again... there was such a little guy!

Chapter 339

Speaking of which, Chuhe probably guessed what was going on.

It is estimated that everything is because of that "system".

Let's call it a system for now, because what the system shows now is far beyond Chu He's imagination.

At the very beginning, the system was just absorbing remorse points, so that it could be exchanged for exercises, and even medicines and magic weapons.

It seems that the system is connected to another magical space.

Chuhe couldn't help but think of the name of the system at the beginning.

It is called the Gate of All Wonders.

The so-called door of all wonders is recorded in the Tao Te Ching.

To be precise, the Gate of All Mysteries is not fabricated by the Tao Te Ching, but the root mystery of everything explained in the Tao Te Ching. Because we don’t know the name of this fundamental mystery, we named it the Gate of All Wonders.

The so-called name can be named, very famous, this is the truth.

That is to say, is this gate of wonders literally the gate of wonders, or does it mean that there is the most fundamental source of power in one's own body?

Some things cannot be thought about carefully, as long as you think about it carefully, you will not feel goose bumps all over your body.

From Chuhe's point of view, in his sea of ​​consciousness world, it can be said with certainty that you are the illusion of the so-called "system" before.

In other words, it's not the illusion of the system, but one's own realm has been reached, and one has truly seen it. That's why the Shihai World is presented in its current form.

The previous "system" was just an external expression based on the limit that Chuhe could understand at that time.

In layman's terms, this "thing" is so mysterious that it can take on different appearances according to a person's inner thoughts.

Because of his status as a Chuhe crosser, he was used to reading system novels before, so the "thing" appeared in a form that Chuhe could understand and accept most, that is, the system.

Later, Chuhe's realm improved, and he had his own understanding of the world, and even the Tao, and happened to be forcibly brought into his own sea of ​​knowledge world by Dragon King Aosi.

Therefore, I saw the reality beyond the appearance of the "system".

After seeing the real side of Shihai's world, the "system" that existed to make Chuhe accept it naturally disappeared.

Chuhe touched the little Jinwu's head, and he was sure.

The things exchanged through the system at that time must have come from this sea of ​​consciousness world.

It's just that when the system was still there, some things could be exchanged through the means in the system, but now that the system is gone, what should I do if I want to exchange things?

But after thinking about it again, an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of Chuhe's mouth.

At the beginning, the system mall was more convenient. You only need to have regret points to exchange for various items, but there are also many restrictions.

For example, some high-level things are not open at all, or the regret value required is sky-high.

But now, it seems that there is no convenience of the mall, but it also does not have the shackles of regret value.

That is to say, in principle, those things in the system mall that required a large amount of regret points to be exchanged can now be taken out at will!

Of course, some conditions are required.

Chu He stretched out his hand and let the little Golden Crow land on his finger.

For example, this Golden Crow is really hot.

Because some prehistoric aura in the Golden Crow True Fire collided with the aura in the Chu River Consciousness Sea, which triggered the birth of the little Golden Crow.

Does it mean that you only need to find some remnants of the prehistoric aura, and you can summon all kinds of powerful beasts and even magic weapons from the world of Consciousness Sea like today?

Looking at the golden crow, which is a steed, the corners of Chu He's mouth widened.

This is a pure-blooded Golden Crow!

If converted into the remorse value of the previous system, if you want to exchange this Spring Pure Blood Golden Crow, you must spend a huge amount of remorse value.

So you still make money?

In the future, you only need to look for objects that may be contaminated with the aura of the wild, and you can find a lot of good things from the space of the sea of ​​consciousness. In this way, if you find the remains of the ancient candle dragon, wouldn't it be possible to use the world of the sea of ​​consciousness? Among them, which Candle Dragon, which opened its eyes for day and closed its eyes for night, was summoned?

Chuhe made up his mind to go to the Dragon Palace to have a look after the matter is over. After all, the Dragon Palace has a long history, and maybe there are some old things left over from the prehistoric times.

Seeing that Chuhe's smile became more and more obvious, he became more and more proud.

Everyone didn't know why, but they only felt that their hearts were getting colder and colder, and they were getting more and more afraid.

It is precisely this kind of silent waiting that is the most suffocating, as if a sharp sword is hanging on his neck.

As long as you don't pay attention, the sharp sword will cut down immediately, cutting your head in half!

There was silence all around.

And Chuhe finally woke up from the state of thinking alone.

He glanced around.

All the monks bowed their heads.

Only Taoist Chimei and the three thousand Xuanjia soldiers still held their heads high against Chuhe, as if they would rather die than bow their heads.

But Li Yansheng, the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, lost all his pride at this moment, and the power of faith gradually left him.

Like a bereaved dog, it is in constant fear.

Seeing Chuhe, he crawled directly on the deck, "Senior atonement! I also hope that senior will let me go because I belong to the human race and are also righteous monks!"

"Am I an orthodox monk again?" Chu He smiled.

But Li Yansheng cried.

"No, no, no! Senior has always been right, I was blind and misunderstood senior!"

Taoist Red Eyebrows and other Tang monks felt disdainful when they saw the prince like this.

Those of them who are subordinates have not knelt down and thought about stealing their lives, but their master knelt down first.

I just feel ashamed.

"Prince!" the red-browed Taoist said angrily, "Jade can be broken, but its whiteness cannot be changed; bamboo can be burned, but its integrity cannot be changed!"

"Although the body dies, the name can hang down on the bamboo and silk!"

"Today's matter is nothing more than death! Why do you have to be so servile and servile, won't you fall into the prestige of my Tang Dynasty!?"

"Shut up!" Li Yansheng said angrily, "If you are still loyal to my Tang Li family, you will kneel down and beg for forgiveness from senior, if not, I will definitely destroy your Chimei Yang family!"

Even at such a moment, Li Yansheng was still stern.

Slavery to the superiors, but full of obscenity to the inferiors.

It's just that today is different from the past, the red-browed Taoist is determined not to serve this kind of master.

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