It's over, it's all over.

Now, he only hopes that the comrades in Qingcheng who have already gone up the mountain can use this time to suppress the seal again!

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhicheng exuded courage.

No, I can't give up now, I have to buy time for my comrades on the mountain, even if I die, at least I can leave my name in history!

With that said, he stood up directly and looked at Chuhe.

"Chuhe, as the leader of the Taoist sect, you are willing to degenerate yourself. From then on, everyone in the world can kill you!"

He plucked up the courage for himself, "You still have a chance to turn over a new leaf, as long as you can get back on track..."

"That's all you want to say?"

Zhang Zhicheng was taken aback, and said angrily, "I'll fight you!"

He tried his best to send out a powerful blow, but before he finished his forward swing, he was directly smashed by a thunderbolt from Chu River to shatter his condensed true energy.

The mahogany sword in Zhang Zhicheng's hand shattered instantly.

Seeing that the divine thunder was about to fall, he closed his eyes in despair.

Just waited for a long time, but still did not see the thunder and lightning fall.

Zhang Zhicheng opened his eyes and saw that the thunder in the sky had dissipated.

Chuhe didn't kill him.


Why don't you kill me?

Zhang Zhicheng muttered to himself in a daze.

Chuhe ignored him and turned to look at the top of the mountain.

He could feel some Taoist fluctuations coming from the top of the mountain.

"Why? Why don't you kill me!" Zhang Zhicheng shouted at Chuhe.

Chuhe turned his head and smiled slightly, "You really want to die?"

"I..." Zhang Zhicheng froze for a moment.

"Why should I kill you?" Chuhe asked back, "You were just doing what you should do, and that Ge Linggen insulted my master, he deserves death!"

"It seems that this kind of person, come one and I will kill one, come a pair and I will kill a pair, come a thousand, and I will kill him a thousand!"

Feeling the piercing killing intent, Zhang Zhicheng couldn't say a word.

When he wanted to say something more, Chuhe had already turned and left.

He looked at Chuhe's back with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Master Zhang? You just let him go?"

The people who were still alive saw Chuhe go far away and said, "Aren't you a descendant of Longhu Mountain? Aren't you a descendant of Tianshi Mansion? Can't even protect us?"

"It's all your fault! My brother was eaten by a monster just now. If you could subdue the monster faster, how could such a thing happen!?"

All of a sudden, all kinds of insults and ridicule came to Zhang Zhicheng.

For a moment, he was in a trance.

I risked my life to protect you and me, and this is all I got in return?

At that moment, he actually began to understand Chuhe a little bit.

He looked at Chuhe's back and was speechless for a while.

And over there, the Chu River is leisurely going up the mountain.

His expression was relaxed and did not fluctuate too much, even though he already knew that there are Taoist masters who are good at formations suppressing the seal on the mountain at this moment.

"You..." The Nine-Life Cat Demon, who had been following Chuhe far away, turned into a pretty girl and followed Chuhe directly, "Aren't you nervous at all? The suppression seal is over! Quick, go up and overthrow them all!"

Chuhe looked at the girl with red lips and white teeth who suddenly appeared in front of him.

She is not big, only reaching Chuhe's chest, but the big place is not small at all, and although she looks very pure, there is always a coquettish attitude in her gestures that make people want to push her down.

Fortunately, Chuhe has been cultivating hard on the mountain for hundreds of years. In terms of xinxing, he is absolutely first-class, so that he can control himself not to be charmed.

Is this the human body of the Nine Lives Cat Demon?


Seeing Chuhe looking towards her, the Nine-Life Cat Demon dodged away again, his eyes a little wary.

There is also a trace of struggle.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Chu He asked lightly.

The Nine-Life Cat Demon wanted his lips, "I'm afraid, your breath is very scary."

"But." She continued, "But, you are different from others, no matter what, you helped me escape from the seal."

"What's your name?" Chuhe became interested.

" name is Xiao Hei." Nine Lives Cat Demon blushed, "This name seems ordinary, but it's actually very powerful!"

She hurriedly explained, "Great wisdom is like a fool... No, you understand that great cleverness doesn't work, right?"

Chuhe was in a daze. Who would have thought that the Nine-Life Cat Demon, who was eating people without spitting out bones just now, would have such a side?

"Don't worry about my name anymore, let me ask you, are you going to go up and deal with those old-fashioned people?"

Chuhe nodded, "Not bad."

"Okay! Then I am willing to help you!"

Chuhe said with a smile, "You and me are different ways. I saved you, but it was just a matter of convenience. As you can see, I was regarded as a traitor by these so-called human races just because I walked closer to you." , you Monster Race is the same, if you get closer to me, you will definitely be regarded as a traitor by the Monster Race."

"Humans and demons have been sworn enemies since ancient times." Chu He looked at Xiao Hei and said calmly, "You go, I don't need your help."

"Who told you that humans and monsters have been mortal enemies since ancient times!" Xiao Hei suddenly said angrily, "In ancient times, if your human race hadn't betrayed your trust and directly attacked our monster race and sealed all of our monster race in the dark formation, now This world should also have half of our monster race!"

"Huh?" Chu He was stunned, "Treachery? Sealed in the dark formation? Don't you come from the spirit world? Don't you forcefully break through the gap between the spirit world and the human world to wreak havoc on the human world? Even the seal You should be sealed back to the spirit world."

"Huh!" Xiao Hei said stubbornly, "It's all nonsense! The history of your human race is passed down by word of mouth, but the history of our monster race does come from blood inheritance, and it can't be faked. The truth is that we used to live in This world, live with your human race!"

Chuhe froze for a moment and frowned.

This is completely different from what he knew before.

Chapter 32

"In ancient times, humans and monster races coexisted. In the initial stage, humans were weak, and many monster races were helpful to humans, and even passed on to humans the method of cultivation. However, human beings think they are the best of all things. I'll wait for the demon clan to make a move."

Xiao Hei said indignantly, "They said they found a space where the world is vast and the aura is majestic, and it is definitely a blessed place, so they lured the monsters into that world, which is called the spirit world, but the aura there Thin and desolate, it's a place of death!"

"That time, we sealed a lot of the masters of our monster race. Afterwards, the human race was well prepared to kill them all, and suppressed all the monsters in the world in the so-called spirit world!"

After listening to Xiao Hei's eloquent words, Chu He still had the outline of the whole thing in his mind.

Although it sounds absurd, Chuhe has already believed most of it.

He has been suppressing the seal of the spirit world all these years, and he has also done some research on the spirit world, knowing that Xiao Hei is not lying, the spirit world is indeed a desolate world.

"For so many years, you are the first human being to help our demon clan!" Xiao Hei continued, "If my sister had met you back then, she wouldn't have ended up like that..."

"Huh? Who is your sister?"

"My sister's surname is Su, and her name is Daji."


Chuhe was taken aback for a moment, and almost spat out old blood.

Su Daji?

Did something go wrong?

Is it her sister?

But Su Daji is a vixen! ?

And Xiao Hei...

Chu He looked Xiao Hei up and down carefully, she was clearly the Nine Lives Cat Demon.

It has nothing to do with foxes.

"You, you know my sister?"

"I know it, but I know it too well."

Su Daji was transformed by a nine-tailed fox spirit. In the last years of the Shang Dynasty, Su Daji seduced King Zhou, the emperor of the human race, and caused chaos in the world.

Thus set off a war that swept across the Three Realms!

There is no doubt that the Yaozu failed, that is, from that time on, the Yaozu began to disappear.

In the records of the human race, the monster race is naturally extremely vicious, but no one knows the specific truth.

"I can only say that your sister is very famous."

"Hmph, the human race must stigmatize my sister in various ways!"

Chuhe didn't speak, but asked, "What do you want?"

"I want to follow Mr. around! Save my many monster races!"

Chuhe was noncommittal, neither agreed nor refused, "It's up to you."

After speaking, Chuhe turned around and headed towards the top of the mountain.

Xiao Hei hurriedly followed, behind him, there were many monster races!

The sky demon shouted, and many monsters from the earth naturally followed.

All of a sudden, all the monsters rushed together, with great momentum!

Chuhe is at the front, and many powerful monsters are following behind him step by step, and there is even a nine-life cat demon at the level of a sky demon following him!

At this moment, Chuhe, a human being, seems to have become the king of all monsters!

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