Chuhe gallops towards the top of the mountain, but he is not idle at the moment.

He opened the system panel.

Name: Chuhe.

Identity: Lord of the Town Demon Temple.

Inheritance: the door to all wonders.

Regret value: 223842/1000000 (to reach the next stage, the system mall can be opened, and the regret value can be exchanged for currency as a system mall item.)

Congenital magic methods: restraining the gods mantra, the bardo body, watching the sea and listening to the waves, and the righteous method of the five thunders.

I also harvested a lot of regret points at the foot of the mountain just now, and now I can just draw two rounds.

Chuhe looked at the four innate magic methods he already had.

The curse of restraining the gods, aimed at the soul, can be called the nemesis of all souls, it can be described as extremely powerful!

The bardo body can be regarded as an aid in practice. Under the state of the bardo body, Chuhe felt that his spiritual power was endless, as if it would not be exhausted.

Watching the sea and listening to the waves is a large-scale group attack spell with powerful power.

As for the five thunders, it is the most powerful attacking method in Chuhe now!

Pure attack spells also have pure power.

Do you want to comprehend another wave of innate magic?

Chuhe just hesitated for a second and started to draw the lottery.

Any innate magic method has a magical effect, and this is definitely a profitable business.

【Awareness value of the door of all wonders】

100000 remorse points are required for exchange, do you want to exchange?


[Congratulations to the host!Acquire the innate magic method: suppressing the spirit and seizing the soul. 】


This is another innate magic method that looks powerful but is actually of limited use.

This magical method is the most effective against monsters, but it is not impossible to use it against monsters and humans, but if you want to use this magical method to its fullest, you can only use it on the demons.

Moreover, the origin of this soul-suppressing spirit is also quite special, it comes from a sect in the Taoist sect that has disappeared, called Zhenmomen.

The people in this sect are all special, playing in the world, they don't look like Taoist priests, one has a weird personality, either begs in the world, or is a rich man in the world, some is an official in the world, and some is a citizen in the world.

Even so, the members of this sect are all highly capable people.

It's just that at this moment, there has been little news about the Zhenmo sect, so it is said that this sect has disappeared.

Chuhe used the wonderful method of suppressing spirits and seizing souls for a while, and felt that it was really extraordinary, and thought that the [-] regret points would not be in vain.

Do you want to continue smoking?

Needless to say, continue!

【Awareness value of the door of all wonders】

100000 remorse points are required for exchange, do you want to exchange?


[Congratulations to the host!Obtain the innate magic method: Sprinkling beans into soldiers. 】

What the hell! ?

Chuhe was startled and stopped immediately!

Bean soldiers! ?

This is not a legendary spell! ?

Xiao Hei couldn't dodge in time and bumped into Chu He's body.

"Ah, sorry sir! I...I..."

"You don't talk yet!"

Chuhe was a little excited to feel the innate magic of turning beans into soldiers.

This is a miracle in legends, and it is so powerful that it can be regarded as the best even among the innate magical methods!

It is different from the pure auxiliary method of the bardo body, or the pure attack method of the five thunders.

It is also different from the half-attack and half-assist technique of watching the sea and listening to the waves.

Sprinkling beans into soldiers can be used as support, as an attack, and it can also be used to arrange formations. It can be said to be infinitely magical!

"What's the matter, sir?"

Xiao Hei asked timidly.

"It's okay." Chuhe smiled happily, "I suddenly thought of something happy."

Seeing this expert suddenly smile so brightly, Xiao Hei, a sky demon, was a little at a loss.

The beauty in Chuhe's heart.

This Sprinkling Beans and Soldiers is completely different from the previous magical methods.

From now on, he alone is an army!

Chuhe looked up at the top of the mountain.

I only saw bursts of brilliance erupting from the place where the demon temple used to be, which is obviously something to do.

Hehe, let's try your hands first.

Chapter 33 Who Will Repay

Next to the ruins of the Town Demon Temple.

Dozens of calm Taoist robe disciples are busy.

Many of them held bronze mirrors, and some held compasses.

Around the rupture of the seal, there are already faint links of light. These people seem to be threading needles, bringing those lights to stop at various points.

"Fellow Suxin, Emei's formation is really amazing. From this point of view, this seal should be suppressed."

Liang Zidao of the Qingcheng Sect said to Suxin Layman, the suzerain of the Emei Sect, "Everyone knows Emei Buddhism, but they don't know that there is another school of Taoism in Emei. After today, the Emei Sect will become famous all over the world!"

"You two, don't be too complacent. I'm afraid this seal will not be so easy to seal." Wu Daochang of Jianmen Pavilion said in a low voice, "The seniors of Zhenyao Temple are indeed very skilled, and even the formation technique is at its peak. Fortunately, the formation is only damaged and not completely collapsed, otherwise even the three of us might not be able to re-establish the seal."

Layman Suxin nodded and said, "That's right, we still need to work hard. It depends on how long the fellow Taoists at Gezao Mountain and Longhu Mountain can hold that person down."

These people have also seen the live broadcast of Chuhe on the mountain before, and know that this person is not easy to get along with.

"Don't worry. Although Ge Linggen and Zhang Zhicheng are younger than us, they were cultivated by famous sects. Their cultivation levels are definitely not low. Moreover, the two of them have also set up a large formation at the foot of the mountain. There is absolutely no problem."

"Yes, according to my opinion, perhaps Chuhe was captured at the foot of the mountain just now. Didn't you notice the thunder that suddenly appeared just now? It must be Gezao Mountain or Longhu Mountain that used the method of thunder, and it was the method of thunder." !"

Liang Zidao stroked his beard and nodded, "Unexpectedly, the cultivation of these two fellow Taoists at the foot of the mountain has reached such a level. The lightning method just now directly moved the sky. Even if we let you and me pass by, we will definitely not be able to resist it. "

"Chuhe should not be underestimated." Layman Suxin shook his head and said, "Judging from what we saw before, I am afraid that this person has won the inheritance of the Demon Suppressing Temple, and even has one or two unique magical powers..."

The other two were suddenly silent.

Wu Daochang was silent for a while and said, "The seniors of my family have fought against the seniors of the Demon Suppressing Temple. If it is true that Chuhe has the strength of the Lord of the Demon Suppressing Temple, the two people at the foot of the mountain may not be able to stop him."

"Impossible, how old is Chuhe? He's only in his 20s. How can he fully comprehend all the magical powers of Zhenyao Temple at such an age?"

"Hey!" Liang Zidao sighed, "If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have known that there would be such a genius in our Taoist sect, who could directly crush Yang Yufeng at a young age, and even made countless monsters dare not be him. Sharpness, it's just a pity..."

"It's a pity that this person is willing to fall into the devil's way!"

"If he didn't die at the foot of the mountain, we must arrest him and ask him why..."

Liang Zidao hadn't finished speaking when he suddenly felt a gust of evil wind blowing over him.

He got up subconsciously, and immediately put on a fighting stance.

And the Suxin layman and Wu Daochang who were beside him also dispersed one after another, looking in the direction of the evil wind.

Suddenly, a huge head suddenly appeared.

And on top of this huge cat head, a young man stands tall and majestic.

"What do you want to ask?"

Chuhe's tone was flat, but there was a huge pressure in it, which even made the surrounding flowers and plants bow down.

For a while, the wind stopped, the birds stopped singing, and even the clouds in the sky seemed to be frozen.

The faces of these three old guys suddenly turned black.

He came up so quickly! ?

And still unscathed?

Not only was he unscathed, even the monsters behind him were also unscathed!

Could it be that this person really got all the inheritance of Zhenyao Temple?

Otherwise, how could it be possible that he didn't get hurt at all under such a violent lightning strike?

And... the pressure from this person is so great!

These three people are all masters who have been famous for a long time. Facing Chuhe at this moment, the juniors in their understanding have a feeling that they dare not breathe!

Liang Zidao endured the pressure and looked directly at Chuhe.

He said to the layman Suxin beside him, "Go and stabilize the formation, I'll hold him back!"

Upon hearing the words, Layman Suxin jumped directly around the formation and began to step up the final process.

And the disciples around were also stunned at the moment, and looked at Chuhe one after another, but without the order of their elders, they didn't dare to act rashly at all.

"Continue to set up the formation!" Wu Daochang also shouted, "Suppress the seal first, and then deal with this beast!"

Chuhe didn't stop them, but watched them keep busy around the formation with great interest.

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