But he was also a little puzzled in his heart, because the trembling aura that flashed across Chuhe just now was not the aura on the bone blade now.

But in the end, at this juncture, he couldn't think about it, he could only catch Chuhe and interrogate him carefully.

"Yuanba, are you okay?" Li Qingming frowned and looked at Li Yuanba.

Just because for some reason, he felt that something was wrong with Li Yuanba now.

But Li Yuanba said in a loud voice, "What can I do? Watch me smash this guy..."

With that said, Li Yuanba directly raised the sledgehammer in his hand, and took a step forward!


The other step couldn't keep up.

"What!?" Li Qingming's pupils shrank, and he exclaimed even more.

The rest of the monks also stared wide-eyed.

"This...how is this possible!?" Both Ying Fengzi and Yuan Liang took a step forward, and then took a few steps back, seeing the scene in front of them, they felt terrified.

But I saw that Li Yuanba, who was hundreds of feet in size, stepped out with one foot, but the other foot still stopped in place, just because... Li Yuanba's entire figure had been divided into two halves!

Starting from the center of the eyebrows, a trace of golden light continued to expand. Because of Li Yuanba's actions, his body was also dislocated, revealing the golden flesh and blood inside.

He is not a mortal body, but a divine body condensed with secret techniques.

It stands to reason that it can only be destroyed, and it is absolutely impossible to be separated like a physical body.

If he was killed by a knife, even if the person using the knife is strong enough, he can only destroy the soul with one blow, and it is absolutely impossible to separate the soul into two parts.

If this really happens, there is only one possibility.

That is... This knife can not only kill the body, but also kill the soul, and it can even cut the soul of Hunyuan in two!

And at the moment when they were astonished, a sound like the roar of a tiger came slowly.


There was another explosion, followed by a strong shock wave, and those monks who were close were directly thrown away.

Even Tongtianyuan's huge body was floating up and down.

The Dragon Palace monks who were hundreds of miles away felt that the strong wind paved the ground and they couldn't stand stably.

The next moment, a huge gully separating the ocean appeared above the ocean.

The gully is ten thousand feet deep, and through the golden light, one can even see where the Dragon Palace is located, and an abyss of thousands of feet has been cut out of the seabed.

The ravine continued to extend forward, with a width of tens of feet!

The sea water on both sides seemed to be intimidated by this knife, not daring to flow into the gully.

Chapter 348

The power of a single knife almost cuts off the world!

On the bridge of the Terran Fleet hundreds of miles away, the captain who was sitting in charge only felt a shake and almost rolled off his seat.

"Turn the rudder! Turn the rudder!"

The helmsman shouted loudly in the communicator.

The captain looked out of the window, only to see a flash of golden light.

Then even a hundred feet of water slanted down!

The huge human warship was tossing in the heavy waves, almost turning into a submarine!

And after the waves passed, there was a deep gully on their side, above the sea!

One of the ships turned slowly, was swept by the waves, and came directly to the edge of the ravine.

A huge suction came from the ravine, and the ship fell directly into the ravine that was tens of feet wide.

The feeling of weightlessness came, and everyone on the ship floated up.

They either screamed or just fainted.

Those who are still awake can only hold what they can grab, and watch themselves fall into the crack that suddenly appeared on the sea.

The commander of the Terran ship climbed up from the bridge floor and issued an order tremblingly, "Accelerate! Accelerate the retreat!"

The carrier-based fighter jet hovering over the ocean looked down and saw a huge crack in the vast ocean, and the clouds were also cut in the sky.

These fighter jets were even almost crashed by the strong air waves just now.

They don't know what happened, but they know that this has already involved the domain of God, if they don't escape, it may be themselves who split the next moment!

And the instigator of this incident was caressing the slightly trembling tiger soul bone blade as if nothing had happened.

"I feel your excitement, do you want to fight?"

Chu He whispered to the Tiger Soul Bone Blade, "Don't worry, I'm waiting."

Around, those monks from the Tang Dynasty and the Dragon Palace were already speechless after being shocked by Chuhe's knife.

They knew that Chuhe was very strong, but this time they saw Chuhe's real attack.

I know that Chuhe is strong, but I don't know that Chuhe is so strong!

On the opposite side of the Chu River, Li Yuanba's body, which had been divided into two halves, was slowly dissipating, turning into strands of golden pure energy and dissipating in midair.

Tang Emperor Li Qingming's face sank like water, and with a wave of his big hand, he directly absorbed the golden energy into his hand.

The next moment, a much smaller toy-like Li Yuanba appeared in Li Qingming's hands.

It's just that this miniature version of Li Yuanba looks extremely sluggish, like a wooden man, without any spirituality at all.

Emperor Li Qingming was horrified, and squeezed Li Yuanba's shrinking figure into the palm of his hand.

This knife... actually cut off Li Yuanba's spirituality and divinity directly! ?

Although relying on the Lingyan Pavilion to enshrine, Li Yuanba barely retained a trace of his original soul, but now the soul has lost all his spirituality and divinity, and it is no different from death.

If you rely on the power of faith enshrined in Lingyan Pavilion to recover, it may take at least ten thousand years to recover!

That is to say, Chuhe almost killed Li Yuanba with one blow!

"Your Majesty!" Ying Fengzi whispered, "This strange weapon seems to contain the aura of the Great Sage of the Monster Race, and it may contain the soul of the Great Saint of the Monster Race!"

The sound transmission of Yuanliang Daoist also reached Li Qingming's ears, "This weapon has an awe-inspiring aura of evil, and its killing spirit is extremely strong. There are at least hundreds of millions of creatures who died under this weapon!"

"Wearing this weapon, this person is evil but not good!"

After the initial loss of consciousness, these top Tang experts began to analyze calmly.

It is almost one-sided that Chuhe must be some hidden devil.

Just because the murderous aura emanating from this weapon is so strong that it is almost suffocating.

"Human?" Li Qingming sneered when he heard Yuanliang's voice transmission, "I don't think this person is human!"

After finishing speaking, Li Qingming stood upright with his hands behind his back.

"Second class step back, don't be affected by it."

Ying Fengzi and Master Yuanliang looked at each other, then backed away silently.

Those Da Tang monks set up treasure ships and stayed away.

The red-browed Taoist stood at the stern of the boat and watched Li Qingming and the monks around Chuhe leave quickly. In a radius of tens of miles, only Li Qingming and Chuhe were left.

He clenched his fists tightly, without blinking his eyes.

A group of monks of the dragon clan a hundred miles away were already shocked by the power of the knife, and they were all silent.

And the copper coin in Baiyu Daojun's hand, which was used to count, finally couldn't hold back at this moment, the crack on it instantly expanded, and it burst open!

Daoist Baiyu's palm was cut, and he even vomited blood.

"Baiyu Daojun! What's wrong with you?"

The Dragon King turned his head and asked in surprise.

Daoist Baiyu widened his eyes and looked in the direction of Chuhe, and said in amazement, "You can't say...you can't say...poof..."

Another mouthful of blood.

The scalps of all the monks were numb.

However, after the Great Tang Emperor Li Qingming came to Chuhe with his hands behind his back, he stood still, looked straight at Chuhe, and said rumblingly, "The remnants of the prehistoric demon clan?"

He looked Chuhe up and down, "I underestimated you."

"Ha ha."

Li Qingming didn't know what to think of, and suddenly laughed twice, "The glory of the monster clan has passed, so what about the dragon clan who is the emperor among the monsters? They can only live in a corner and call themselves kings."

"Today's great changes, there is a hint of a repeat of the past. I know that the world will be in chaos, but I don't expect it. It's you, the monster race, who are causing the chaos."

Speaking of this, Li Qingming sneered, "Forget it, I will kill the big monster today to prove my humanity!"

After finishing speaking, Li Qingming stretched out his hand to hold it, and a simple eight-sided sword loomed from the void.

"This is the sword I forged from the copper of the first mountain. It can cleanse all evil spirits in the world."

"It is your honor to die under this sword."

After speaking, Li Qingming held the sword in one hand and pointed at Chu River from afar.

The Tiger Soul in Chuhe's hand suddenly trembled with excitement, and Chuhe had a faint feeling that he couldn't hold it!

Refining copper from Mount Shou?

Compared with Xuanyuan Sword?

Chu He knew why Hu Po was so excited, it was only because Chi You, the previous owner of this sword, died under this Xuanyuan sword made of mountain copper!


Li Qingming suddenly shouted.

A gust of wind suddenly rose, mixed with sword energy, and cut into pieces the void around the Chu River. It contained the power of rules and could not be stopped at all.

And Chuhe didn't stop him at all, just stood there, letting the wind blade, which was enough to shatter the void, pass through his body.

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