"Thunder!" Li Qingming shouted again, his eyes were already more cautious.

But he saw the thunderbolt like a catastrophe, hitting Chuhe directly, but it seemed to hit a phantom, passing through Chuhe.

Li Qingming's pupils constricted instantly.


In an instant, the fire of the void surrounded Chu River, and the fire directly swept half of the sky with the help of the wind!

The Tongtian turtle with amazing defense was stained with a trace of flame, and its whole body was burning in an instant, and it dived into the water with a groan, but the flame was still burning when it dived into the water!

But such a fierce flame still couldn't help Chuhe.

Even Chuhe in the flames showed a sneer.

"That's it?"

Li Qingming was startled and furious, and finally swung out the sword in his hand, "Chop!"

Chapter 349 Are you looking for me?

"The Human Sovereign strikes out with one sword, slaughtering all three thousand immortals!"

Ying Fengzi, who had retreated to the Great Tang Treasure Ship, stroked his beard in amazement, then turned his head and said, "Reverend Yuanliang, support the defense together with me, otherwise the aftermath will hit, and the Great Tang soldiers may not be able to bear it!"

The majestic Yuanliang Daoist clasped his hands together and said Amitabha, "My Buddha is merciful!"

After saying that, the two of them wrapped thousands of monks of the Tang Dynasty in front of them, holding up a thin light like cicada's wings with their hands.

"There are no tears in great sorrow, and the cicadas sing in the sky!"

True Yuanliang shouted, "Hehe golden light, not stained with dust!"

All I saw was the golden light spreading from around Daoist Yuanliang quickly sweeping across, directly enveloping all the cultivators of the Tang Dynasty.

A compassionate Buddha statue is looming in the void, as if mourning all living beings. Inside the mask, countless golden cicadas are flying around, turning into streamers of light, which is very beautiful.

Ying Fengzi also pinched the sword formula, "There is no limit to life, no limit to kalpa, nothing to be afraid of, nothing to be afraid of!"

"The light of the infinite sword formula does not show, and the ten thousand miles of autumn wind kills all evil!"


A series of translucent sword lights flew up, circling and shuttling directly outside the golden light propped up by the immeasurable real person.

The aftermath of Li Qingming's wind, fire, thunder and lightning aimed at Chuhe spread out and happened to hit the sword light.

Chi Chi Chi!

The invisible wind, scorching flames, and howling thunder were all shattered under this sword light.

Occasionally, fish that slip through the net are blocked by the golden light propped up by the Yuanliang real person.

The monks of the Tang Dynasty, who were under this double protection, looked at this almost doomsday scene and were speechless in shock.

If His Majesty the Emperor hadn't reminded them to get out of the way, if Ying Fengzi and Yuanliang Zhenren hadn't supported the protection, they would have vanished as soon as they were exposed to the aftermath!

Just looking at the ancestor Minghuo, who was entangled by wind, thunder and lightning at this moment, who was almost dying, he knew how powerful this seemingly ordinary wind, fire and thunder using the power of rules was.

Both Ying Fengzi and Yuanliang Zhenren tried their best to defend, but they still had the energy to observe Li Qingming's shocking slash.

The moment Li Qingming's sword was unsheathed, the sun and the moon suddenly dimmed, like a black hole, absorbing everything, even people's hearts and minds.

There was darkness in front of everyone's eyes.

Ying Fengzi and Master Yuanliang hurriedly turned their heads away.

A shocking sharpness swept across!

The human race fleet that was escaping over there was not far away from the danger of the gully split by the Chu River, but suddenly felt black in front of it.

Even the light from the lamps inside the hall was sucked away!

Stretching out their fingers, everyone on the ship wanted to scream, but found that there was no sound when they opened their mouths. It seemed that everything had fallen into the dead silence of returning to the ruins!

A hundred miles away from the battle between Chuhe and Li Qingming, all the monks in Dragon Palace were also in panic.

The feeling of being unable to see, unable to speak, and unable to smell is really unbearable.

In this appalling horror, it seemed that even time was being pulled away and swallowed.

I do not know how long it has been.

It may be a quarter of an hour, it may be a minute, or it may be a century.

In the darkness, a dazzling light that made people cry and almost blind suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The bright one is like being close to the sun.

In an instant, shouts and cries came from their ears, they were the cries that had been swallowed up in the darkness just now, and they were all returned to them along with the crazy light.

Between the darkness and the light, the human fleet was so stimulated that they couldn't see. Before they could react, they rushed down the abyss-like gully with the out-of-control ships.

Only a few survived, sailing crookedly on the vast sea.

Those fighter planes circling in the sky were like birds with broken wings, circling and swooping down.

The dumplings fell into the sea water, and some people parachuted successfully.

Relying on the goggles specially designed for fighter jets, they could see vaguely.

On the other side of the sky, another round of the sun appeared!


At the same time, it was at this moment that Li Qingming's "cut" word finally reached their ears.


Everyone who heard this word felt as if their hearts had been cut off.

Daoist Yuanliang and Ying Fengzi, who were as strong as Yuanliang, also fell into a brief absence.

Li Qingming held the eight-sided sword that seemed to have turned into the sun in his hand, aimed at Chuhe's neck and slashed away!

What he was waiting for was this moment, the moment when Chuhe lost his mind.

Even if only for a moment.

However, Li Qingming still did not relax in his heart.

Just because Chuhe is too strong, it has far exceeded his expectation.

How can he be an ordinary person who can escape his seven absolute words and many methods of law?

But no matter whether you are a relic of the prehistoric world, or a great sage of the monster clan, how can you avoid this slaying sword! ?

"With Tianxian in your mouth, you will be punished on behalf of Heaven!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Li Qingming's mouth, and the sword in his hand passed across Chuhe's neck unimpeded.

Only then did the monks wake up from their daze.

Although it was only a short moment, it was also shocking.

They couldn't help but think in their hearts, if they lost their minds when fighting with others, they might be beheaded immediately.

Look at where Li Qingming and Chuhe are.

All I saw was a piece of mist, and the space in that piece seemed to be cut to pieces with this sword.

Li Qingming stood with his sword in his hand, and when he saw the eyes of the crowd, he slightly raised his head and said, "Demon, you have been killed!"

"Your Majesty's holy virtue!"

Ying Fengzi cupped his hands and bowed, "Your Majesty's martial arts and martial arts are unmatched by anyone in the universe!"

"Shengong Wude! No one can match!"

All the monks cheered for Li Qingming in unison.

Yuanliang Daoist even waved his hands and cast a spell to prop up a huge golden canopy, and walked to Li Qingming with his hand in his hand, as if he planned to hold an umbrella for Li Qingming.

"Your Majesty, there is an old monk supporting you with a canopy."

Seeing Daoist Yuanliang like this, Ying Fengzi scolded this bald donkey for being so shameless, that he had snatched such a chance to show his face.

He is a cultivator, after all, he is a bit thin-skinned, he congratulated and flattered him first, and he already felt his face flushed, but he didn't expect this bald donkey to be so generous, he almost licked his stinky feet in front of people.

Ying Fengzi wanted to go home, but actually wanted to make amends, so he thought about picking up Chuhe's head, and then piled it up with those demon corpses to form a Jingguan, wouldn't it be beautiful?

So Ying Fengzi also took a step forward and came directly to the other side of Li Qingming.

"Your Majesty, Pindao used to collect the bones of the next great demon for His Majesty, and at that time he will train his flesh and bones into a magic weapon, so as to show the mighty virtue of my Great Tang!"

After finishing speaking, Ying Fengzi stepped straight into the dense space cut by Li Qingming's sword.

The strong wind is overflowing here, and it is obvious that the space is already broken. If you are not careful, you will be blown away by the strong wind.

Ying Fengzi carefully looked for Chuhe's figure among them.

But I found that the place where I saw it was empty.

Could it be...the powder that has been chopped up by His Majesty is gone?

Ying Fengzi secretly thought it was bad luck, shook his head and turned back.

"Are you looking for me?"

But at this moment, a faint voice rang directly behind Ying Fengzi.

It made him stunned suddenly, as if an electric current had hit the Tianling Gai, his hair almost stood on end under a shock.

Chapter 350

His body immediately became extremely stiff, and he has never encountered such a situation in nine hundred years of cultivation.

For the first time, I felt involuntary, as if this body was held in the mouth of a ferocious beast, and if I was not careful, I could only turn into a puddle of flesh!

Cold sweat ran down Ying Fengzi's forehead, and along his pale face, it slid down to the beard on his big chin.

At this moment, behind him, amidst the dense mist, a figure seemed to exist, looming.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Chuhe! ?

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