Moreover, it could be vaguely seen that some internal organs were mixed with the blood.

Now, the Minghuo Patriarch really has only one breath left.

Li Qingming and the others didn't have time to care about the ancestor Minghuo, they all looked at the Huaguang that had gradually disappeared in horror.

I saw the Huaguang gradually disappearing, the sky and the earth regained its clarity, where the Huaguang disappeared, Tongtianyi also disappeared, leaving only one... a little loli?

Everyone was dumbfounded. the transformation form of the Tongtian Yuan?

Why... why is it a little different from what you imagined?

And the humming sound just now was clearly extremely heavy, as if it came from the mouth of a strong man.

As a result, the one who appeared in front of everyone was a little loli?

Chuhe was also a little surprised.

Sweep towards that little loli.

I saw that the little loli was only wearing a blue burqa, and the clothes that looked a little fat directly covered the little loli.

Her feet were bare, she didn't wear shoes, she just stood in the void, and her hair was messy and scattered behind her head.

After seeing Chuhe's gaze again, the little loli suddenly exclaimed, "Thank you, master, for helping me transform!"

She directly bowed to Chuhe.

The voice was sweet and pleasant, not at all like the owner of the humming sound just now.

Just thinking about it carefully, Chuhe understood a little.

This humming sound is said to be the first sound made by Pan Gu, and after that, if there is a ghost in human form, there is a chance to make the second humming sound, which can be regarded as a kind of innate supernatural power.

Just like the legendary Second General Heng Ha.

It is estimated that the Tongtian Turtle also realized this innate supernatural power at the moment when it transformed into form just now, and uttered the second sound of humming.

What's more, what makes Chuhe feel strange is why this little girl doesn't call her senior, but her master?

Why is this?

Li Qingming and Master Yuanliang over there were also a little puzzled.

There is also the meditating Taoist Lord Baiyu, his brows are tightly furrowed, and he is thinking carefully about the word "Master".

It seemed that he had really thought of something.

He suddenly stopped, and then looked at Chuhe in an instant, his eyes were full of astonishment.

Then he shook his head and said, " should be impossible..."

"Congratulations, senior, you have successfully enlightened the Tongtian Yuan!"

Li Qingming and others took advantage of this time to congratulate Chuhe.

Chuhe no longer entangled why the little girl called him master, but felt emotional in his heart, did not expect that all the wonderful doors can really be used for enlightenment?

The gate of wonders originally carried by Chuhe has turned into the wild world in the sea of ​​consciousness space.

But it's just a change in form, the essence is still the door of all wonders, and many insights of Chuhe are still in it.

Moreover, you can also guide that magical power for your own use.

It's just that the power is extremely mysterious, just like the power of remorse that Chuhe obtained before, except for exchanging system items, other uses are very limited, and it can even be said to be useless.

And now there is a mysterious power in the door of all wonders, and Chuhe doesn't know how to use it. It doesn't seem like he can use the spiritual power directly for himself, and there are not many Taoism methods for him to use.

Chuhe has been unable to use this power before. Just now, he tried to see if he could use this advanced power to enlighten him, and the result was unexpectedly smooth.

I just thought that Chuhe misused this power once before in the sea of ​​consciousness space, and that use was in the prehistoric world of the sea of ​​consciousness space, directly turning the flying bird into a human form.

This time, Chuhe visualized the method of using that kind of power when he was in the space of the sea of ​​consciousness, and used it once on Tongtianyuan, which really had a miraculous effect.

Chuhe is very satisfied, at least he knows a way to use this power.

"Since you have successfully transformed, do you have your own name?"

The little girl thought for a while and said, "I don't have a name, I just know that I am Tongtian Yuan."

"Also ask the master to give you a name!"

Chu He tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "Since you are Tongtian Turtle, let's call you Xiaoyuan."

"Madoka? Madoka? Hey! I like this name!"

Xiaoyuan twirled happily, "From now on, I will also have a name, and the name the master personally gave me!"

Unlike Xiaoyuan's joy, everyone was a little dazed after hearing the name Chuhe gave Xiaoyuan.

This is senior Chuhe?Is this the level of naming the old people in the wilderness?

This is the prehistoric alien species of Tongtian turtle!

Why did he choose such a casual name?

Everyone wanted to complain, but they didn't dare to speak.

In fact, Chuhe has always been a waste of names...

After giving Xiao Yuan a name, Chu He asked, "Why do you call me Master?"

Chuhe couldn't help but think that when he happened to enlighten a bird in the space of the sea of ​​consciousness, the first sentence that bird transformed into a human form was also thank you for the kindness of the master.

Is there any mystery in this?

Everyone also pricked up their ears.

Just because they are all monks, they have always heard that they are called seniors, but they have never heard of a certain monk called a master.

On the contrary, this kind of address is like the maidservants of those rich families in the mortal world would call it this way.

Xiaoyuan tilted her head and said to Chuhe, "If I don't call you master, what should I pay?"

"Senior?" Chu He spat out two words.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she said this, Xiaoyuan held her mouth and said to Chuhe, "Could it be...doesn't the master like Xiaoyuan?"

"That's not the case." Seeing that the little girl was about to cry, Chuhe couldn't laugh or cry.

"Then why do you want me to call you such an unfamiliar name, senior?"

"This..." Chuhe didn't know what to say, so he shook his head and said, "You can call it whatever you want."

"Yes, sir!"

Xiaoyuan jumped up to Chuhe, stood beside Chuhe obediently, and looked at Chuhe from time to time, her eyes were full of joy.

The lifespan of this Tongtian turtle is extremely long, if converted to the lifespan of an adult, this Tongtian turtle is almost as big as Xiaoyuan now.

It's just that the contrast between before and after is too great, which is really unacceptable.

"Master, where are we going now?"

Xiaoyuan looked at Chuhe, and opened his mouth to ask, "I want to look around, but I have been in a daze since the day I was born. I never thought that the world could be so bright."

With a smile in his eyes, Chu He said to Xiao Yuan, "Go to a place you are familiar with."


"Xichi Country." Chu He spat out these three words.

Chapter 360

After Chuhe uttered the name of the Xichi country, everyone had different reactions.

The Patriarch Minghuo, who had only half his life left, felt his heart beat wildly when he heard it, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

As for the Great Tang Emperor Li Qingming, he was extremely happy, including the Dragon King Aosi.

They were really worried that Chuhe would stay here and not leave, or that they were going to do something with them.

That is, just now, when Chuhe touched his mouth, they all lost the seats of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty and the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace.

Dragon King Aosi is actually fine, even if he feels indignation and humiliation in his heart, he can accept it, after all, Ao Bai is still his blood.

But Li Qingming didn't know what to say, the majestic Tang Dynasty actually let a black bear spirit be the emperor?

If the ancestors under Jiuquan knew about this, how would they deal with it?

Now that Li Qingming heard that Chuhe was going to Xichi Kingdom next, he suddenly had some other thoughts in his heart. He only heard him say, "Senior, Xichi Kingdom is extremely dangerous. There are also dangers."

What he said was sincere, and he really regarded Chuhe as his own.

"The Xichi country is certainly nothing to worry about, but the place where the Xichi country is located is not." Li Qingming raised his eyes to look at Chuhe, and continued in a low voice, "Presumably the seniors also know that if today's great changes happen again, the prehistoric times will repeat themselves. For some unknown reason, the Great Desolate Continent, which broke apart, is now vaguely reuniting."

"My Great Tang Dynasty was just a corner of the wilderness, an extremely small fragment, but the land where the Xichi Kingdom is located is extremely huge, otherwise it would absolutely not be able to breed such a wild species as Tongtian Yuan."

When Li Qingming mentioned the word Tongtianyuan, Tongtianyuan Xiaoyuan, who had turned into a little girl, tilted his head and glanced at Li Qingming.

I saw Li Qingming continue, "And as far as I know, the land where the Xichi Kingdom is located is not in the same world as my Tang Dynasty."

He obviously meant something here.

Li Qingming already knew that Chuhe was going to Xichi country, but this was not enough.

He knew that Chuhe was looking for Xiaoyao and wanted to visit the four continents and three worlds, so he deliberately made the Xichi country a little more mysterious, so that Chuhe could go there for a longer period of time.

"Senior, as far as I know, the place where my Great Tang is located is—Zhanzhou in the south."

As soon as the words Zhanzhou in the south came out, everyone except Chuhe was thoughtful.

Li Qingming gritted his teeth, thinking that this was a waste of money, because what he said now was a secret even to him.

But as long as he thinks that if the flood happens again in the future, then sooner or later these things will be known, and he will feel better.

"It is said that this prehistoric world is extremely vast, but it is not a single Hunyuan, but is divided into four continents."

"My Tang Dynasty is located in Zhanzhou in the south, and the place where Xichi Kingdom is located is Dongshengshenzhou!"

Chu He frowned slightly, thinking secretly.

If so, it can be regarded as tenable.

After all, according to the legend, the Monkey King who defeated the Buddha was located in Dongsheng Shenzhou. After learning the art, he went to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea to find the Dinghai Shenzhen Needle.

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