Between Dongsheng Shenzhou and Zhanzhou in the south is the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

"It is rumored that those who are in Dongsheng Shenzhou respect heaven and earth, and have a calm heart. They are first-class blessings." Li Qingming noticed the change in Chu He's face and continued, "But because of this, Dongsheng Shenzhou The monks are extremely powerful."

"According to the records of my Tang Dynasty, the disciple of Master Sanzang who introduced Mahayana Buddhism to my Tang Dynasty was a senior who was born in Dongsheng Shenzhou. Once hit the heaven!"

"It can be seen from this that Dongsheng Shenzhou is so powerful!"

Chuhe listened, but his thoughts had drifted away.

Master Sanzang?

Monkey face thunder mouth?

Doesn't this mean Tang Xuanzang and Monkey King?

"You're talking about Monkey King Monkey King, right?" The corners of Chu He's mouth raised slightly.

"Qi Tian... Great Sage Qi Tian? Sun Wukong?" Li Qingming was taken aback for a moment, then was startled, and then quickly shook his head and said, "Senior misunderstood. What is the relationship with the Great Sage?"

Li Qingming said so, and secretly looked at Chuhe, trying to see some clues from Chuhe's face.

He knew that Chuhe was an old man from the prehistoric era, so he couldn't say how long Chuhe had lived, but from what Chuhe said, could it be that he had heard of such secret things?

Chuhe sighed in his heart.

Times have changed. At that time, Sanzang's journey to the west was the embodiment of the third catastrophe of the prehistoric era, and it was the top priority event that shook the three realms and four continents.

Can it be called a secret even now?

Even Li Qingming and other descendants of the Tang Dynasty didn't know that Sun Wukong was the Monkey King.

Chuhe didn't say anything to Li Qingming's words, but just smiled contemptuously.

Seeing this, Li Qingming felt that Chu He's words were unpredictable, and he had already made up his mind. After returning home, he must read through the existing ancient books and find out whether the apprentice of Master Sanzang was called Sun Wukong.

If this is the case, it would be a bit too shocking.

Tangtang defeated the Buddha, but he was one of the Buddha's Dharma protectors. Before that, he was the great sage of the demon clan?

Li Qingming didn't know about the prehistoric events before that. As the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he knew quite a few secrets, and it could even be said that he knew quite a lot. Dissipate.

Although they also have some records in the Tang Dynasty, the power of the rules and avenues engulfed in the rupture of the Great Desolation also directly made those records obscure, or simply unreadable.

It directly led to the orderly inheritance of the Tang Dynasty, but it is still unclear what happened before.

"You, is there anything else you want to say?"

Chuhe looked at Li Qingming.

Li Qingming hurriedly cupped his hands and bowed, "Senior, as a relic of the prehistoric age, naturally knows a lot. I originally wanted to remind senior that the Xichi country is extremely dangerous and let senior be careful, but now it seems that senior doesn't need my reminder at all. It's all in the calculations of the seniors."

After speaking, he even shook his head and said, "I'm being reckless, I hope senior will not be offended."

Chuhe turned his head to look to the east, thinking silently in his heart, Dongsheng Shenzhou?Dongsheng Shenzhou...

It was already a quarter of an hour after Chuhe left.

Both the black bear spirit and Ao Bai were left behind.

Chuhe just took Patriarch Minghuo, Lord Baiyu and the transformed Xiaoyuan to Xichi country together.

Although Chuhe had already left, those Tang monks and even the Dragon King Aosi of the Dragon Palace of the Tang Emperor dared not show any disrespect to Black Bear Spirit and Ao Bai.

After all, everyone saw the horror of Chuhe just now. Who would dare to risk their lives to target the two left behind by Chuhe?

It can be said that before Chuhe dies, or before finding a way to deal with Chuhe, Datang and Dragon Palace will endure it and will never have an attack.

Facts have proved that they are not Chuhe's opponents even if they are tied together.

The road of practice is like this, if there is no invincibility, one can only endure.

"Emperor...Emperor brother." Li Qingming suppressed the discomfort in his heart, and smiled at the black bear spirit, "Since you are the emperor of the Tang Dynasty from now on, please set off and return to the Tang Dynasty immediately. One day without a king..."

"Hey!" Black Bear Spirit straightened his back, pinched his waist with one hand and said, "Yes, yes, yes, the country cannot live without a king, so I will go back here."

After finishing speaking, he took a step ahead and came directly to the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty.

The monks on the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty looked at each other in dismay, and then they all bowed down to salute this black bear spirit with restraint.

What a shame!

This is a great disgrace to the entire Tang Dynasty!

Li Qingming was trembling with anger, only felt that he was about to explode, but there was nothing wrong on his face.

But in his heart, he has already begun to plan how to deal with Chuhe.

Faced with such a strong oppressive force and terrifying power of Chuhe, he was also a little helpless for a while.

But suddenly a flash of light flashed in his mind...


that one!

That one can definitely deal with Chuhe!

Chapter 361 Not Impossible

The treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty took the monks on their way back, but Li Qingming stayed behind.

The black bear spirit is a stingy character, and he doesn't care at all.

He only thought about the good wine, and when he got back, he would show his prestige to his disciples and grandchildren.

There is no conspiracy in his heart at all, and he doesn't have any great ambitions to be the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he just wants to have fun and prestige.

Of course, the most important thing is that he once heard that the emperor's palace had the best wine in the entire Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, the Qingfeng Mountain where the Black Bear Spirit was located at the beginning also produced a special kind of good wine. This kind of good wine was a tribute wine. Every year, all, almost all of the tribute wine was dedicated to the Emperor of Tang Dynasty.

As the earth king of Qingfeng Mountain, he, Black Bear Spirit, has not drunk many times. This time, he only thinks that he must drink up all the tribute wine after returning to the palace.

When will you finish drinking all the fine wine in the palace, and when will you quit.

If you don't have good wine to be an emperor, how can you still be an emperor with a hammer?

As for Ao Bai, he thought much more than the Black Bear Spirit.

In the Dragon Palace, as a mixed blood, he has always been bullied and discriminated against, but who would have thought that he has now become the Dragon King of the Dragon Palace?

This kind of thing had only appeared in his dreams before, and it was the kind of fleeting dream, as long as he had a dream, he would doubt whether he was dreaming and then wake up immediately.

But now, this thing that can only happen in a dream has actually happened.

He also has ambitions in his heart, and he also wants to do something, and after knowing that this is a world of great controversy, his thoughts have changed.

You must stand out, you must have a place in this vast world!

Therefore, the first thing he did when he returned to the Dragon Palace was to go directly to the treasure house of the Dragon Palace. There are many things that can improve his cultivation level, and there are also many magic weapons that can indirectly improve his own strength.

In this world, everything is imaginary, only strength!

Only strength is eternal!

If it wasn't for this, if it wasn't for Chuhe's strength, which could overwhelm the Tang royal family and the Dragon Palace dragon clan, how could he have achieved this position?

Compared to the black bear spirit, Ao Bai's entry into the Dragon Palace actually did not have so much opposition.

Even though the monks in the Dragon Palace felt uncomfortable, they didn't feel ashamed or humiliated.

After all, Ao Bai is still a Dragon Clan.

Moreover, Ao Bai now has such a powerful backer as Chuhe, so it is only natural that he can sit on the position of Dragon King.

But those sons and grandsons of the dragon don't think so.

For example, Ao Si, such as Ao Si's child, that is, Ao Bai's brother.

At this moment, Dragon King Aosi, Aoqing, Aojin Aomu and other dragon clans are all on a small island in the East China Sea.

It's not just them who are on this small island, there is also the majestic Emperor Tang!

The island was very barren, and several people stood behind a huge boulder.

"Ao Si, you sent me a sound transmission, saying that there is a way to deal with that person, what is the way, tell me and listen."

Li Qingming said to Ao Si.

But he didn't dare to mention Chuhe's name at all.

After all, a monk like Chuhe is already extremely powerful. If he mentions his name rashly, it is very likely that he will be sensed by him. If Chuhe kills a carbine, it will be too late for them to regret it. !

It was originally a narrow escape, but now they can be said to be very cautious.

"Hehe." Ao Si looked at Li Qingming, and didn't say what he could do, but asked instead, "I think you should know that senior, I really have a way, but I'm with you like this Said, you actually stayed, maybe you have a way to deal with that person in your heart?"

They are all smart people, especially Ao Si and Li Qingming, one was the Dragon King and the other was the Emperor before, their cultivation has already reached the peak, and they have experienced countless things.

Naturally, the heart is like a bright mirror.

They competed secretly, and no one wanted to speak first.

On the contrary, Li Qingming couldn't bear it.

In the final analysis, it was Chuhe who shocked him too much, and the humiliation brought to him by the black bear being the emperor.

"In this case, let's transmit the sound separately." Li Qingming said, "I understand that you don't want to reveal the way to deal with such a strongman, but it is different now, we are not enemies, but comrades. When will that shame be washed away?"

"Li Daoyou, what you say makes sense!"

After Ao Si finished speaking, a golden light flashed between his brows, and a blue light flashed in Li Qingming's eyes.

In this vast sea, nothing seems to happen.

Immediately, Ao Si and Li Qingming both returned to normal, and then looked at each other with intriguing expressions on their faces.

The next moment, both of them burst out laughing.

"Unexpectedly, the methods we all thought of are the same?" Ao Si smiled, "I thought you would have other methods, Li Daoyou."

The corners of Li Qingming's mouth also curled up, "Like that kind of strong man, his strength is unfathomable. There are very few ways to deal with him in this world. What's so strange about us thinking of going together?"

Ao Si stroked his beard and nodded repeatedly, "That's true."

Aoqing, Aojin, Aomu and other dragon clans on one side looked anxiously, eager to know what it was.

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