But these two seniors are talking and chatting here, how can they talk?

Perhaps seeing the anxiety of these people, Li Qingming said slowly, "Since you and I want to go together, there is nothing to hide."

Ao Qing and the others stretched their ears.

But I heard Li Qingming continue, "That's right... Although this is a solution, it's still a bit difficult in the end. If nothing else, how do we get in the Good Fortune Shrine?"

Good Fortune Shrine?

When Ao Qing heard these words, she was taken aback for a moment, and then instantly understood what was going on!


Good Fortune Shrine!It is the Good Fortune Shrine!Why didn't I think of it! ?

The method Ao Si and Li Qingming came up with is actually not unusual. Their logic is, since I can't deal with Chuhe, then I will find someone who can deal with Chuhe.

Then who can deal with Chuhe?

No one they know can deal with Chuhe, so they can only find it from those unknown people.

Then, they all thought of the same place by coincidence.

That was the birth of the Good Fortune Shrine that shocked several big worlds around it some time ago!

If the seniors in Good Fortune Shrine are willing to sell, maybe they can subdue Chuhe directly!

And all this is not impossible!

Chapter 362 Negotiation

"I once sent Ao Qing to investigate the Good Fortune Shrine, and I know that it's not that there are no masters in the Good Fortune Shrine, but there are masters who don't want to see guests."

Ao Si opened his mouth to answer Li Qingming's question, "At that time, Ao Qing went to visit the owner of the Good Fortune Shrine with my will, but he missed it. But according to Ao Qing, in the depths of the mountain, there are indeed Some people once went to the interior of the Good Fortune Shrine by chance and saw a few fairies."

Li Qingming turned his eyes and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything, but continued to look at Ao Si, waiting for Ao Si's next words.

But saw Ao Si continue to say, "Li Daoyou, I think you must have sent someone to check, right?"

Li Qingming nodded, "How could I be at ease when there was such a big news about the birth of the Good Fortune Shrine? After all, I am the emperor of the Tang Dynasty..."

When he said the word emperor, Li Qingming's voice sank immediately, and then he took a deep breath and continued, "After all, as the emperor of the Great Tang, my strength can be multiplied within the territory of the Great Tang. The sensory ability is also extremely sharp.”

"The moment I was born in the Good Fortune Shrine, I became inductive."

As Li Qingming said, he closed his eyes and recalled that day.

That day, as usual, he practiced in seclusion in the deep palace.

As the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, in fact, the most important thing for him every day is not to go to court to deal with government affairs, but to practice and practice day after day, and practice non-stop!

That day seemed to be no different. Li Qingming used the power of faith and the bonus in the Tang Dynasty to directly explore the vast power of rules.

Search for traces of Tao.

It was at that moment that he suddenly felt a palpitation.

Then there seemed to be a rumbling sound in my ears!

As such a top powerhouse, any abnormality in the body should not be underestimated, it is very likely that the body is giving them an early warning!

He was about to wake up from this fugue state, so he opened his eyes suddenly.

What can be seen is not the Tang Palace, but nothingness.

There are dots of stars in this nothingness, like a starry sky. Endless nebulae and stars of various colors shine in this starry sky, making everything full of an unreal sense of illusion.

But after this unreality, an almost absurd real experience was revealed.

Li Qingming felt that he could breathe the energy of these nebulae, and felt that he could even absorb the mighty power emanating from these stars.

Even as long as you want, you can get up and fly directly towards those stars.

But Li Qingming endured everything, because he was worried, worried that after he left the place, he would never come back, and he would never be able to return to Datang and the real world.

He is well-informed, and he doesn't know what state he is in now, so he can only respond to changes with the same, and wait carefully.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly felt a burst of dazzling in front of him.

People who are in a daze can't open their eyes!

After the dazzling light that almost brought tears to his eyes, Li Qingming finally vaguely saw what was in front of him.

That's...a palace!

It is a palace that is constantly suppressed with countless nebulae!

Those twinkling stars in the void seem to have become the decoration of this palace at this moment.

In the originally silent space, a kind of celestial music suddenly rang out, chanting incessantly in the ears, not only that, but also countless fairies and cranes flew in the mid-air, scattering petals below.

It's like a fairyland!

A series of golden lotuses bloomed beside Li Qingming, and each golden lotus seemed to contain a law of the great way, which could be obtained by touching it.

And the one at the front seems to be very close, but it also seems to be very far away. On the unpredictable main hall, there are a few big characters shining brightly - Good Fortune Shrine!

These four words were directly imprinted in Li Qingming's heart, allowing him to wake up from that state directly.

Open your eyes suddenly!


The hall where Li Qingming practiced in closed-door training was directly turned into fly ash, and was directly crushed into fine powder by Li Qingming's aura!

Li Qingming's eyes were blank, and it took a long time before he came back to his senses.

He looked at the sun that was exposed without the protection of the hall, and then counted the time, only to realize that just a moment had passed.

It seems to be an illusion.

Could it be that he has lost his temper?

Is it because of thinking too much and touching some incomprehensible things?

But everything just now was so real.

Li Qingming stood up and looked to the west.

That kind of insensitivity strikes again, letting him know that all this is not just an illusion, but a real existence!

The real God of Creation Shrine!

That must be a supreme place called Good Fortune Shrine reappearing on the earth, that's why it caused such a big commotion!

Li Qingming understood everything, and his heart almost trembled with excitement.

So immediately secretly sent people to investigate...

This is what happened in the Datang Palace that day. Ao Si in the Dragon Palace was almost the same as Li Qingming, but the feeling was not as deep as Li Qingming.

After all, within the Imperial City of the Tang Dynasty, Li Qingming's strength far exceeds Ao Si's, so what he perceives is also far beyond Ao Si's.

Ao Si only vaguely felt that something extraordinary was born there, but he didn't know that it was so powerful, so he thought about asking Ao Qing to deliver the invitation, but he didn't go in.

It was also after hearing Ao Qing's description that Ao Si knew that that place was absolutely extraordinary.

Now hearing Li Qingming talk about his experience again, Ao Si was even more stunned, and couldn't help but whisper, "It seems that the Good Fortune Shrine is far more powerful than I thought!"

Li Qingming thought so deeply, "Otherwise, how would you dare to use the Good Fortune Shrine to name it?"

In the world of comprehension, everything is particular, just like the seat is particular, so the name is naturally particular.

It's not a big deal to call it the Good Fortune Shrine, but as long as you call it this name, you must bear the consequences of this name.

To put it simply, this name is too big, not everyone can afford it. If the cultivation base is not strong enough, it will be implicated by this name sooner or later.

But the Shrine of Good Fortune has been able to survive from ancient times to the present, that is to say, even in the prehistoric era, the Shrine of Good Fortune was also well-received, otherwise, how could it survive to this day?

"Li Daoyou, I have a way about how to enter the Good Fortune Shrine..."

Ao Si suddenly said, "I just don't know if it's feasible or not."

They are still discussing how to enter the Good Fortune Shrine, and ask the owner of the Good Fortune Shrine to kill Chuhe.

But they don't know that Chu He created the Good Fortune Shrine early in the morning, and even the owner of the Good Fortune Shrine is also Chu He...

Chapter 363 Swear

"What method?" Li Qingming said to Ao Si, "But it's okay, as long as there is still a chance, with our current situation, we have to make [-] efforts to try."

"Otherwise, wouldn't we be the laughing stock of the whole world?"

They all knew that the world of great contention was coming, and they originally thought that when this time of great contention came, they could flourish and achieve great things, but who would have thought that one of them would be dropped, and the first trial would not be accepted? The situation of dying first?

If this matter is not resolved, then they will be no different from death.

His reputation was rotten, and his Dao heart was broken.

From then on, it is impossible to improve by one point.

It can only be this realm for a lifetime.

Although this realm can still be regarded as a top expert, but after a while, who can say whether he will be surpassed?

Will people be left far behind?

In this unprecedented big change, everything that has a small probability of happening will happen with a high probability.

And once you fall behind, you will only face the situation of death and dao disappearance.

"Li Daoyou, why don't I know what you said?" Ao Si narrowed his eyes and said, "However, this matter still needs your help, and you may have to contribute a lot."

"Oh? What do you say?"

Li Qingming's eyes flickered, and he probably guessed what Ao Si was going to say.

I saw Ao Si smiled at Li Qingming, and then said in a deep voice, "Li Daoyou, what you practice is the way of faith, or the way of the emperor, isn't that right?"

"Of course that is the case." Li Qingming said with a sullen face, "It's just that the throne of the Tang Dynasty has been stolen by a foreign race...Hmph!"

"Why am I not like this?" Ao Si also said, "The Dragon King of the Dragon Palace was actually stolen by a half-breed bastard!"

He directly scolded Ao Bai as a half-breed, without even thinking about it, Ao Bai still has some of his blood in him, if Ao Bai is a bastard, what is he?

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