But he is a dragon, dragons are prostitutes, they have a lot of offspring, and they don't have much affection for some offspring that they don't like. If Ao Bai really angered him before, he would feel sorry for Ao Bai without hesitation. Under the killer!

This is the way of getting along with the dragon clan. If you forcefully use the ethics and morals of the human race to restrain it, it will only feel very weird.

"Li Daoyou, what I want to say is that although the Tang Dynasty has fallen, other places are still full of vitality!"

Ao Si approached Li Qingming and said, "The place where the Good Fortune Shrine is located is a world called Earth, which is adjacent to the Tang Dynasty. Now the two worlds have almost merged, and you can come and go as you like."

"What do you want to say?" Li Qingming still asked in a deep voice, "Could it be that you want me...to go directly to that earth and make another king?"

"That's exactly what I mean!" Ao Si knew that Li Qingming must know what was going on, but he still explained, "The place where the Good Fortune Shrine is located is within the earth world, if you can become The Human Sovereign of the Earth, you can use the name of the Lord of the Earth to request to meet the Palace Master of the Good Fortune Shrine."

"Presumably at that time, the Palace Master of the Good Fortune Shrine will definitely not turn a blind eye to you. After all, the monks in the Good Fortune Shrine are probably relics from the prehistoric times."

"It is rumored that the monks of the Great Desolation pay attention to following the way of heaven, and will never go against the trend. Since you are the master of the earth, you should also be able to grasp a share of the power of the earth's rules."

"Besides, it is rumored that the monks of the Great Desolation have a lot of care for the human race, and you, as a human emperor, ask the owner of the Palace of Good Fortune to kill the demons. Presumably, the owner of the Palace of Good Fortune will definitely not refuse."

This strategy sounds ridiculous, but it also has its own logic, and it can even be said to be promising.

"Actually, I have thought about this too." Li Qingming said in a low voice, "However, you should also be aware of the risks involved."

"What if the Palace Master of Good Fortune Shrine ignores me?"

Ao Si smiled and said, "Even if the Palace Master of Good Fortune Shrine ignores you, you have obtained the position of Human Emperor of Earth. Although it is not as good as Datang, at least you are still Human Emperor."

Li Qingming shook his head, "Then what if the Palace Master of Good Fortune Shrine is moody and kills me directly?"

"Absolutely impossible!" Ao Si resolutely said, "If this is the case for the Palace Master of the Good Fortune Shrine, how could he allow so many monks to stay around the Good Fortune Shrine?"

"There is even a mist around the Shrine of Creation, just to avoid harming those who come to seek immortals. The owner of the Shrine of Creation must be benevolent. Otherwise, the team would just take some people and kill them directly. Why bother?" ?”

Li Qingming just laughed, but asked backhandedly, "Ao Si, let me ask you again, I will do all of this, so what's the point of joining forces with you? Why should I join hands with you?"

Ao Si also knew that Li Qingming would ask such a question, so he replied unhurriedly, "You want to be the Emperor on Earth, how can it be so easy? You need to set up formations in some places on Earth to spread enlightenment, isn't it Are these things you can do alone?"

"Now you are a loner, and I am almost the same. If you alone want to sit on the position of emperor and get the recognition of that side of the world, it is not impossible, but how long will it take?"

"I, can help you speed up the process!"

Ao Si said to himself, "After all, I am also the Lord of the Dragon Palace. With the position of Dragon King in my hand, I can gather the monster clan to do things, and within a short period of time, I can help you achieve the position of Human Emperor!"

"At that time, just don't forget to take back the Dragon Palace and return it to me."

"Hehe." Li Qingming finally felt relieved, "Don't worry, since you and I are still in such a field, then naturally there is no need to say more. After the matter is completed, you will still be your Dragon King, and I will hand over the entire East China Sea to you." you!"

"Of course I believe you." Ao Si grinned and said, "However, it's better for us to make a covenant."

Li Qingming was silent for a while, narrowed his eyes slightly, and then suddenly smiled, "Hahaha, why not?"

After finishing speaking, he directly put three fingers in place, "Sanqing is above, I, Li Qingming, am willing to swear that when the matter is completed, I will hand over the East China Sea to Aosi's control, and help him regain the position of the Lord of the Dragon Palace..."

These three fingers represent Sanqing.

The Dragon King also stretched out three fingers and said, "Sanqing is above, I, Aosi, swear to help Li Qingming achieve the position of emperor in the earth world..."

After both of them finished speaking, there was a little bit of a vague feeling of being involved in their hearts.

This kind of oath may not be a big deal to those with low cultivation bases.

But for top experts like Li Qingming and Dragon King Aosi, they have a very strong restraint ability.

Just because if you break the oath, you will have to bear karma and demons.

At the same time, the Chu River, which was heading towards the direction of Xichi Country, also stopped suddenly, as if it had sensed something...

Chapter 364 Cancellation

After Chuhe heard this, Baiyu Daojun and Minghuo Patriarch stopped quickly.

They didn't know why Chuhe stopped, but they didn't dare to ask.

I saw Chuhe just stopped and turned his head, then smiled, and then continued to set off.

Daoist Baiyu's heart was like a cat's paw, he wanted to know what happened just now, but he endured it all the time, this feeling was very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Chuhe spoke, "I just felt some very interesting breaths."

Daoist Baiyu hurriedly answered, "A very interesting aura?"

"That's right, it's a feeling... as if being swept away by someone's divine sense." Chuhe silently recalled the feeling just now.

He didn't feel the conspiracy between Ao Si and Li Qingming, but felt a vast force sweeping across his body.

It's like being watched by someone's eyes.

A more specific explanation is that it seems to have been scanned by radar.

"Why... why didn't I feel it?" Bai Yudao asked subconsciously, but after asking, he began to regret it.

Why else?

It's simply not strong enough.

Chuhe didn't answer Baiyu Taoist's question, but asked Minghuo Patriarch, "It should be Xichi Kingdom not far ahead."

At this moment, the ancestor of Minghuo is already docile like a mouse, the kind of mouse that has been overly frightened and even has no strength to resist.


Patriarch Minghuo looked up, only to see a burst of ocean in front of him, but still could not see any trace of land.

"It should be coming soon." The ancestor Minghuo was seriously injured at the moment and couldn't accurately perceive it. "Before entering the Xichi Kingdom, you will first encounter an island. This island has a special shape, like a pagoda shape, so it is called Pagoda Island. , saw this pagoda island and came to Xichi country..."

The ancestor Minghuo explained, and looked at Chuhe quietly, shrinking even more, especially when it came to Baota Island.

Chuhe knew that the pagoda island must not be that simple, but he didn't explore this issue too much, but continued to move forward.

At this moment, it is one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the Chu River.

The gully that separated the sea, which was cut by Chuhe with the tiger soul demon knife before, is slowly merging at the moment.

Finally, those human fleets separated by this gully were able to turn around.

Regardless of the battery life of the fuel, they all increased their horsepower and headed for the nearest human port.

At this moment, the morale of the Terran fleet no longer had the kind of morale it had when it first set off.

It was replaced by a thick, almost indissoluble gloomy and dead air.

When they came, there were hundreds of battleships in the Terran United Fleet, but now only half of them have returned.

Fighter planes that can still take off are rare.

Different from the kind of battlefield knowledge they had learned in the past, their hearts were severely damaged by this encounter.

Until now, what flashed in their minds was still the scene just now.

Monster clan, human clan, dragon clan... Huge turtle monsters, powerful energy that can overwhelm rivers and seas, as well as that weird flame, and that shocking slash!

Everything entangled them tightly like a nightmare.


The leading ship let out a somewhat desolate siren sound, which spread far above the vast ocean.

The ship soldiers behind all raised their heads suddenly, and then joy appeared in their eyes.

Today, the communication facilities on their ships are basically destroyed, leaving only the original means of communication.

The sound of the siren just now was the signal of the discovery of the port.

After going through what seemed like a nightmare, they can finally dock!

As the ship moved, the coast of the mainland gradually became clear.

The port was crowded with people at the moment.

The reporters and those passers-by who didn't know what to do all pointed their guns and short cannons at the sea.

There are also people dancing with hands and feet and live broadcasting to their mobile phones.

"Look, everyone, the shadows of ships have appeared on the sea! They are back!"

"In my opinion, those monsters look scary, but they are definitely not our opponents of modern technology." The man pushed his eyes and carefully looked at the barrage on the phone screen.

"There is nothing that one nuclear bomb can't solve. If there is, then two. I don't believe those monsters can resist nuclear bombs? Don't be kidding!"

In fact, there are not a few people who hold this idea.

The sudden appearance of monsters has indeed brought chaos to the world, and it is true that many people have died because of it, causing incomparably huge losses.

But there are still some people who feel that this is only temporary. Even if they have heard about the great changes today, it is very likely that what is said in those myths and legends may be true.

But they still don't think that the human race will be mermaid from now on.

The initial chaos in the world was nothing more than the sudden attack of those monsters. After the armed forces of the human race reacted, the final victory must be the human race!

"...The one who said that an outbreak of zombies can destroy the world, are you stupid watching a movie?" The man with live glasses sneered at the screen, "As for the zombies in the movie, in front of modern weapons, the farts are even worse." no!"

"Give me an ak47 with unlimited bullets, I can kill all the zombies directly, do you believe it?"

"It's useless to talk to me. You have to talk about science. No matter how powerful those monsters are, can they destroy the world with one move? Look at those ships. Just one missile on them can pierce a ten-meter steel plate, and they won't die A monster of flesh and blood?"

He pointed to the ships that got closer and closer, and the closer the distance, the more he could feel the almost invincible aura of the steel warship.

Human beings are so insignificant in front of this kind of creation, the white waves of the waves glow with a stern light, and the waves seem to be unable to push this huge ship at all.

Who would have thought that on the surface of the sea just now, this huge ship was swaying like a paper boat, and was even directly swallowed by the huge waves?

Without comparison, it is impossible to know how terrifying that violent power is.

The people on the shore thought that the strongest force of the human race was invincible, but the people on the ship knew their own insignificance.

As the ships docked one by one, the people on the shore gradually cheered, as if they were celebrating the return of these human heroes.

And it wasn't until these human "heroes" frowned down that they realized something was wrong.

"What's going on? Didn't you win? Why is there such an expression? Could it be that there are other accidents?"

"The original press conference is cancelled."

The fleet leader said these words directly after disembarking.

"The press conference was cancelled? What does this mean? Why was it suddenly canceled? Did something happen to you on the surface of the sea?"

"Why was the live broadcast signal suddenly interrupted? Did something happen in the middle?"

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