Chapter 365 See for yourself

A series of questions were shot like cannonballs.

If this were the case before, a leader like this would definitely ignore it and would never explain it.

But it's different now.

He suddenly thought of the things he had experienced and encountered before, and couldn't help shivering.

Facing so many cameras, he knew that there must be an unknown number of people watching the live broadcast at this moment.

He felt that the world should be told what kind of powerful enemy they were facing.

"Huh..." He took a deep breath, and then said slowly, "Incomplete statistics, the loss of warships exceeds 40.00% five, the loss of personnel exceeds 30.00%, and the loss of aircraft exceeds half..."

He said the battle damage with a little trembling.

These reporters were taken aback, and the scene was completely silent.

And those who stood in front of the screen and waited for the latest results were also taken aback by this number.

At that time, when the royal family of Tang Dynasty confronted Xichi Kingdom and Dragon Palace, they were also watching the live broadcast, but when the strange flames wrapped around Chuhe and Tongtian Yuan also began to go berserk.

The prince of the Tang Dynasty directly asked everyone to shut down the live broadcast.

The signal was also disconnected at that time, so these people have no idea what happened in the end.

They wanted to know the result as eagerly as a cat scratching, otherwise they would not have been waiting for the latest news.

"The fleet has lost so much?! Did it suffer some kind of attack?"

"Isn't it? Even if we are attacked, we shouldn't suffer such a heavy loss, right? Even if those monsters are powerful, there is still Datang on our side!"

"Besides, if all the missiles carried by these fleets are launched, they can directly blow up a small country!"

"With so much loss, a fierce battle must have erupted. Maybe those monsters suffered even greater losses!"

"Now I am concerned about whether Chuhe is dead or not!"

So far, Chuhe seems to have become their obsession, and almost everyone wants Chuhe to die.

Because in fact, they all knew that it seemed unfair to treat Chuhe before, but now it has been like this, so they have to make mistakes again and again.

They will not feel at ease if Chuhe is not dead.

And only the death of Chuhe can prove their "correctness".

"Sir! Why...why did you lose so much!?" A reporter at the scene asked directly, "Did you suffer from some kind of monster? The loss is so heavy, the result must be very big, right?"

After finishing speaking, the cameras were all aimed at the fleet leader again.

Everyone also showed expectant eyes, and a close-up of the officer appeared on the screen.

The corners of his eyes twitched a few times, his lips pursed, and then Ou bowed his head and took a deep breath.

It didn't look like he had won a battle.

" is true that we have encountered some things, and it is because of these things that we have suffered heavy losses."

"As for the monsters... all the monsters are dead."

"Long live!" After the officer said that all the monsters were dead, everyone cheered in unison.

Everything seems to have verified their guesses.

And it's even better than they thought!

The monsters were all killed! ?

No matter how heavy the loss is, it is worth it!

Although they knew in their hearts that the Tang royal family must have contributed a lot during this process, the human fleet must have played an indispensable role in this process.

The barrage that was watching the live broadcast also began to flash, all of which were powerful and invincible of the human race.

They are really excited!

From the changes in the world to the present, bad news came almost every moment, and the human race retreated again and again, it seemed that there was no way to retreat, and it reached a limit.

And the bad news also desensitizes people.

But this time, it is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for people!

He actually wiped out the army of monsters in Xichi Kingdom!

And it's a good thing that they got a powerful ally like Datang.

"Where's Chuhe!? Is the devil Chuhe dead!?"

A reporter pushed the microphone forward desperately, his expression was full of excitement.

Facing the excitement of the crowd, the officer was still frowning, even more gloomy.

"Chuhe... I don't know if he is dead or not..."

He shook his head, "I really don't know..."

"Huh? I don't know? Why don't you know? Aren't you always on the battlefield?"

"Could it be that Chuhe escaped?"

"Or, after being seriously injured, it fell into the sea and was not salvaged?"

Everyone's guesses were asked one after another, but the chief shook his head.

"It's not that, it's not that, what is that?"

Everyone was a little confused. Although they were happy in their hearts, they always felt weird without definite news from Chuhe.

But he saw that the officer was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth and said, "I don't know the whereabouts of Chuhe, because I fled the battlefield early in the morning."

"What!?" Everyone was shocked!

They noticed that the word used by the officer was to flee, not to disengage, nor to retreat.

"Escape...escape from the battlefield?"

"Then... how did the fleet lose so much?"

The officer didn't pay attention to these words, but continued, "It is true that all the monsters in Xichi Kingdom are dead, and they died under the strange flame spewed by a strange creature."

"The strange creature looks like a bird. It's too far away to see clearly, but it's not the same as the flames wrapped around Chuhe's body before."


After hearing this, everyone was stunned again.

What do you mean?

A strange bird directly killed all the monsters in Xichi Kingdom?

This... just how powerful is this bird? !

"So I'm not sure whether Chuhe is dead or not. After all, Chuhe was also entangled by that almost destructive flame..."

These people also watched the live broadcast before, knowing how powerful the monsters in Xichi Kingdom were at that time, and they could even besiege the Dragon Palace while fighting against Datang.

It can be said that one against two, and the powerful Tongtian Turtle, in the end, he forced the Tang prince to feel ashamed and shut down the live broadcast.

But these monsters from the Xichi Kingdom all died under the flames cast by a strange bird?

This... this is a bit unbelievable.

But when they thought that the Chu River was also ignited by the flame released by this strange bird, they felt relieved again.

No matter how powerful Chuhe is, can he still compare to those monsters in Xichi country?

Even those monsters were burned to death by the flames without any resistance, so what's the point of Chuhe?

"If the Chu River is burned, it will definitely die!"

"I remember that when I was watching the live broadcast, Chuhe seemed to have been covered with a layer of divine fire. I guess he would not be able to hold on at that time?"

"Now the Chu River may have turned into fly ash!"

"Regardless of whether our human fleet wiped out those monsters, in short, those monsters are indeed dead. It's good to die. It's a good thing for us to die!"

"But...but since the fleet has already fled and all those monsters are dead, who caused the loss of the fleet?"

Everyone's eyes once again fell on the captain of the fleet.

I saw a flash of fear in his eyes, and then he waved to the people next to him.

The man immediately took out a tablet.

"I know you're curious... I don't want to hide it from you, because it's a secret for all of us."

"Don't you want to know what happened? The camera on the ship took some pictures, you can see for yourself..."

Chapter 366 Thrilling

Everyone hurriedly gathered around, almost fighting for a better location to shoot.

And these people who were watching the live broadcast also sat down and stretched their heads. Regarding this kind of thing, they also wanted to know what was going on.

As the person turned on the tablet, the video inside also started to play.

At the beginning, it was a normal surveillance screen, and the video quality was not too high, and it could even be said to be very low, which made people who are used to watching high-definition videos frown.

It's the 21st century, and the surveillance video on the ship is still so blurry?

The camera should be at the tail of the ship, and the ship should have fled the battlefield at this moment.

It can be seen that there are many ships following behind, and there are also many planes circling in mid-air.

In the distance, the Tang treasure ship can still be seen, but not so clearly.

Everything looks normal.

But at this moment, the screen suddenly started to shake, and even went black for a short time.

When the picture appeared again, the video quality was blurrier than before.

I only saw that the video screen at this moment is completely different from the previous one.

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