Patriarch Minghu glanced at the people behind the bull-headed demon, and just sneered, "Skinny, like chicken ribs, it's tasteless to eat, and it's a pity to throw it away."

Hearing the ancestor Minghuo's words, those few breathed a sigh of relief, but before the breath was exhausted, they just felt that the sky was spinning and the flames were burning!

It was at this time that the ancestor Minghuo made a move.

"Help! Patriarch!"

"Old Ancestor, we don't eat well! We are skinny!"

"Old Ancestor, forgive me!"

But the ancestor of Minghuo didn't pay any attention to their wailing, just watched them burnt clean by the flames!

"Don't worry, I won't eat you." Minghuo Patriarch said to himself, "Just looking at you is really annoying, so I have to ask you to die."

These few can't hear the words of the ancestor Minghuo, because they have already turned into fly ash.

In fact, the reason why Patriarch Minghuo was so angry was because of the minotaur, but he didn't attack the minotaur.

One reason is that the strength of the Minotaur is not considered weak. Although it can be taken down if it is shot, it will definitely take some twists and turns.

Now the ancestor Minghuo doesn't want any twists and turns.

The second reason is that the identity of the Minotaur is not simple.

In Xichi country, as long as it is a bull-headed monster, it is more or less related to the king.

Who made the king a green bull spirit?

"Your technique is really beautiful!" the Tauren clapped his hands, "I want to learn it too, and I don't need you to do it, I can make barbecue myself."

Seeing his subordinates being burned to death by Minghuo Patriarch, the Tauren wasn't sad or angry at all, but found it amusing.

Those who were said to be his subordinates were actually his rations, and the Minotaur could eat them at will.

In the eyes of the Tauren, it is nothing more than a few rations being eaten by the Minghuo Patriarch and ruining a few. It's no big deal, just go back to Xichi Country and replenish it.

Naturally, there will be no opinions.

The Patriarch Minghuo glanced at the Tauren, and without saying a word, flew directly in the direction of Xichi Country!

The two of them turned into two beams of light and disappeared into the sky, leaving only the fly ash of those monsters floating with the sea breeze.

On Pagoda Island not far away, the fluctuations emanating from it seemed to have disappeared, and the surroundings regained a piece of calm.

There were seabirds circling and finally stopped on the spire of Pagoda Island, but nothing happened.

It's like this pagoda island is an ordinary island, nothing special.

But in the interior of Pagoda Island, it is a different scene at this moment.

When Daoist Baiyu and Madoka were sucked into the pagoda, they subconsciously felt that it was not good, so they did everything they could, whether it was defense or attack, as long as they could be tried.

But the result is obviously useless.

The two were still unstoppably sucked directly into the pagoda.

Baiyu Daoist's consciousness went out for a moment, and then he became sober again!

When he woke up, he subconsciously looked around.

But I found that I seemed to have come to a place of nothingness. I didn't know where it was, where it was, where it was, where it was, where it was, where it was, and where it was, and where it was.

It's like being in a universe of nothingness.

Daoist Baiyu was terrified, and quickly used spells.


The spell seemed to be ineffective here, and none of the formulas and skills he was familiar with had any effect here.

Here, it seems to be a piece of existence that can imprison all mana.

Lord Baiyu once again experienced the feelings of ordinary people, more of the powerlessness of ordinary people.

He wanted to shout loudly, but no sound came out after he opened his mouth.

It's not that he can't speak, but that even sound cannot be transmitted in this emptiness!


Senior where are you! ?

This is the only thought left in Daoist Baiyu's mind.

Now that he can't use mana, he is almost desperate. He feels that he can't get out of here anyway, but Chuhe is much stronger than him. Maybe there is something Chuhe can do?

Since Chuhe has also been sucked into this space, is he thinking of a way out of his predicament somewhere?

And maybe, he already thought of a way out of trouble?

With this thought in mind, Daoist Baiyu began to call for help silently, regardless of whether his voice could be heard or not.

He began to regret in his heart, regretting why he was so impulsive that he really traveled with Chuhe.

This world has become different from before. If it was the previous world, even he himself would be sure to travel the whole world without encountering any danger.

But now, the worlds that do not want to communicate with each other after the fragmentation of the Great Desolate are being connected together. Some worlds may be because they were relatively large fragments of the Great Desolate Continent before, so the cultivation base and strength of the people above them are much stronger.

Then what is his little strength in this world?

The more Baiyudao Lord thinks about it, the more regretful he feels, but there is nothing he can do now, in this void, even if he wants to die, it is very difficult to do...

Just thinking about it, he started to fall asleep.

No!Absolutely can't sleep!

Maybe after falling asleep, I can never wake up again!

Baiyu Daoist kept resisting, but his eyelids became heavier and heavier, until finally he couldn't hold on any longer, and his eyes snapped shut.

The last thought before closing his eyes, Baiyu Daoist was thinking how good it would be if he didn't come here with Chuhe?

In this reshuffled world, as long as you stay steady, opportunities will always come your way, why should this be the case?

His thoughts gradually disappeared, but the sense of touch on his body began to emerge again.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

A voice came into Baiyu Daojun's ears.

It looks looks like Madoka?

Baiyu Daoist's mind was not very clear, and he opened his eyes in a daze.

Before he could speak, everything in front of him made him scream out in shock.


Chapter 378 Changes

The leader of Tongtian religion founded Jiejiao, teaching without discrimination, and recruiting disciples widely.

But there are only four direct disciples.

The eldest disciple is Daoist Duobao.

And the second disciple is the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit is ranked second, but she is known as the number one female fairy in the prehistoric world!

It can be said that the status is extremely respected.

At the beginning, Jiejiao and Chanjiao set up a formation, and Jiejiao even set up the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation to fight to the death with Chanjiao.

Taoist Duobao invited the sword of Master Tongtian, and set up the Zhuxian formation.

And the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, which has trapped countless people from Chanjiao, is presided over by the Virgin of the Golden Spirit.

It can be said that if it wasn't for Ran Deng's sneak attack with Dinghai beads, it would be hard to say who would win.

The Holy Mother of Jinling was also beaten to death after being attacked by everyone. After her death, she was invited to the list of gods, known as Doumu Yuanjun.

The status is also extremely respected.

In Chuhe's mind, he thought about the deeds about the prehistoric deification that he could remember in his previous life, which confirmed his current situation one by one.

If those are all true, now that the Four Elephants Pagoda appears in this place, doesn't it mean that this is probably the place where Jiejiao set up the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation to fight against Zhou Dynasty Chanjiao people?

If so, there must be some other omission here.

You must know that the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation was the highlight of the prehistoric apotheosis of the gods, and it was also the place where the decisive battle between the Zhou Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty was held.

This battle is full of high-end combat power.

Even at the end, Sanqing made an appearance, and Daozu Hongjun was revealed.

The result is also, after this battle, Jiejiao failed, Zhou Dynasty pushed all the way, and finally the list of gods was successful, and all the immortals of Jiejiao were on the list of gods.

Chuhe can be regarded as a monk now, and his cultivation base is considered top-notch, but as long as he thinks of the scuffle of that scale at that time, he still can't help but sigh.

That was the prehistoric era when great powers emerged in large numbers!

But still, many top monks eventually fell.

For example, if the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit had not been involved in this kind of karma, how could she have fallen because of this?

In the end, only the physical body was destroyed, and the soul was listed on the list of gods. Although the title Doumu Yuanjun seemed to be in the limelight, it was actually ruined.

Compared with Tongtian's direct disciple, the number one female fairy in the world, being on the list of gods is a bad luck for eight lifetimes.

Baiyu Taoist looked at the silent Chuhe, and wanted to continue to listen to Chuhe's explanation of the reasons, but Chuhe stopped talking, which really made him anxious.

But he couldn't urge Chuhe, so he could only stand there scratching his head.

Madoka didn't have that much thought, she just sighed, "During the prehistoric times, my memory is not complete, and I also know that it was a magnificent era. , and it is not enough to practice for thousands of years and only have this level of cultivation."

Baiyu Daojun didn't know what to say for a while.

This Madoka looks like a teenage loli, but in fact her lifespan is unpredictable.

Turtle monsters are known for their longevity, not to mention that Madoka is a prehistoric alien species, and the legendary turtle's lifespan can be called endless.

She didn't have a form before, and she could suppress the Dragon Palace just by instinct. Now that she has a self-awareness after the form, her strength is far above that of Baiyu Daojun.

"There are indeed many secrets about Honghuang. Even if I don't say it now, you will know it later." Chuhe shook his head and was unwilling to say any more.

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